Darrell Issa's remarks about Obama:
'In an interview with Rush Limbaugh in October, Issa dubbed President
Barack Obama "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times."And this
"Rep. Darrell Issa of Vista [Calif] will have the power to investigate and
subpoena the Obama administration, which he has pledged to do."
Quote in The Mercury News today 11:10 AM 12/26/2010
And I want to discuss what I call Obama's Destroy America Plan:
1) turn US miltary into social experiment to give homosexuals a springboard to
government paid pensions and benefits ;and reduce effectiveness of fighting forces.
2) make Medicare a " feeder fund" for abortionists and Planned Parenrhood;
and the Medicare beneciariesfodder for hospice killing organizations.
Read http://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com for
entry for 26/Dec/2010 more on topic that was in NY Times labeled 'end-of-life-plan
of Obama'
3) funnel all income through the federal government one way or the other to get
control of it. Reduce all private sector jobs by taking over industries and tranferring the
wealth of private corporations to public government of US.
4) Write an executive order [despot's decree since no authority for any such activity in
the true laws of the US which is the US Constitution] relabeling preborn humans
as 'research material' for 'scientists' so they get billion dollar grants from NIH to kill
preborn humans and call it research. Similar to gassing the jews by first labeling them as 'non-Aryan'
in order to turn the nation agains them to get their wealth in the
Nazi regime.
5) Saddle every man.woman and child in America with millions of dollars of debt created
by Obama plans but do not include illegal emigrants in the debt since the plan is to help
them overthrow the government via anarchy.
6) Send/transfer all military equipment to Russia/Iran/China through the Afghanistan
corridor in exchange for opium and hard drugs to narcotize the nation with.
7) Set up secretive 'drug plans' via Medicare/Medicaid to pay for the aforementioned drugs.
8) Persecute all christians by spying on them, censoring their First Amendment liberties,
intercepting their emails, confiscating their hosting of websites,taking down Christian
content without due process and thus violating their civil liberties.
9) using the U S federal government ' agencies of NIH,CMMS,DHS to spy on.control,regulate
communications of the poor and needy to keep them [they think] docile and subservient to
"Big Brother government'.
10) to use student loans as a weapon,giving children of the so-called politically correct
[always demoncrats] grant money and giving children of poor republicans loans, and requiring
payback of loans selectively, acting as loan sharks in some cases, refusing to even verify some
people graduated college until they pay back their student loans but they can't pay back their student
loans with no proof of graduation[ withheld by Dept of Ed; and ruined credit also on purpose
by the Dept of Propaganda aka Education]. And refusing to report to credit bureaus when
payments are made to Dept of Ed in attempt to forever control the credit report of prolifers
and republicans. { I know this first-hand as I have paid back $5600 to Dept of Ed for a $2500
student loan and they have NEVER reported it as paid back though paid ,monthly for nearly 3 years.]
The Department o Education is sort of like that Nigerian email scam only with them their propanganda is
'get a student loan,get a college degree' but what they don't tell you is they have so much
absolute power over your life via credit reports since they only update them for those who kill
on demand,[abortionists/killer groups] and for those who kiss Obama's behind or nether parts daily.
Gloria Poole; in Missouri; 11:50am;26/Dec/2010
I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist. I am also a graduate of University of Georgia and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. I moved to Republic MO on 31Jul 2023. I am a white,unmarried,Christian, woman.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Plan to Improve Meds against Malaria
I read an article this morning in the BBC news for Africa [I read all news,all countries,generally speaking or headelines only sometimes,] about a plan being developed to provide a way for people in Niger and Ghana to know for certain if medicines they bought for malaria,are authentic. The real ones would have a scratch-off code printed on the prescription label that could be texted to the pharmaceutical company-maker and they would reply back if real medicine or placebo sold as real medicine. This is close to home to me since my youngest daughter
Leigh served in one of the West African nations in the Peace Corps and had to take anti-malarials while there for two years. Once when I talked to her via telephone, she said that fake medicines were a big problem there and that what is called a clinic there in certain areas is not remotely what Americans envision when we hear that word. And that she was worried ,and then of course, I was very worried too.
Before she went to there years before in fact, when I lived in Falls Church Virginia, and was told by the Episcopal Church there that they were sending 'medical volunteers' to dispense medicines and to take medicines to Africa, and I asked how that is possible since volunteers are not allowed to dispense medicines in the US [requires licensure of some sort: MD,RN,RPh] their reply was that it was allowed because a mission/charity. I was appalled that there would be a total removal of standards of care simply because a mission effort was funding it, and said so. Of course, that put me in disfavor with the Episcopal Church there. Nevertheless, it is still my concern that Africa needs a HIGHER standard of care than America in all cases because of the AIDS/HIV prevalent there, the malaria risks, the endemic poverty,the emaciation of many of their people which leads to many problems including how the liver detoxifies medicines, and the immune system.
The article in the BBC today shows some companies are combatting some of the problems of mercenaries and charlatans in Africa.
Also, speaking of charlatans, I fear that is also happening in the US' Social Security System. I am anti-drug generally speaking,meaning I do not believe in pain medicines that knock a person out except DURING general anesthesia, nor do I believe in mind-altering drugs. I have avoided those like the bubonic plague. I cannot get caught up in addicting substances or have my ability to think controlled by chemicals. I am supposed to take anti-seizure meds however and because of that, I considered signing up for the disability drug plan through Social Security. The reason I am telling you the public this is because that drug plan seems to be secretive. I have gone through several steps to find the information about it-- about the premiun for it, and what it covers. I asked at the Soc Security office who told me to call a number and I called the number and got a recording., left message, and 'volunteer' called me back wanting my SSN, and I said no way. I was told then the premium depended upon what zip code I live in, and that I would have to wait on another volunteer to call me back. I decided if the premium is secretive and or rigged so that some people [depending maybe on political party you are in??] pay more than others I would not sign up for such a suspicious program. I want to stay alive and I want to have honest people who work for Social Security to answer my questions and not unknown 'volunteers' calling me from 800 number asking for my SSN.
I am always anxious about any medicine since I have had some very bad adverse reactions to prescription medicines in the past, but to put my information and or medical history and or future medical needs into the hands of a volunteer sounds like voodoo medicine to me--some of that version of ObamaCare from Indonesia's witch doctors. I do not want Obama controlling my medicines nor his spies.
I want real doctors who promote life and real Pharmacists when I need medicines.
Gloria Poole,RN;7:32am;21/Dec/2010
Leigh served in one of the West African nations in the Peace Corps and had to take anti-malarials while there for two years. Once when I talked to her via telephone, she said that fake medicines were a big problem there and that what is called a clinic there in certain areas is not remotely what Americans envision when we hear that word. And that she was worried ,and then of course, I was very worried too.
Before she went to there years before in fact, when I lived in Falls Church Virginia, and was told by the Episcopal Church there that they were sending 'medical volunteers' to dispense medicines and to take medicines to Africa, and I asked how that is possible since volunteers are not allowed to dispense medicines in the US [requires licensure of some sort: MD,RN,RPh] their reply was that it was allowed because a mission/charity. I was appalled that there would be a total removal of standards of care simply because a mission effort was funding it, and said so. Of course, that put me in disfavor with the Episcopal Church there. Nevertheless, it is still my concern that Africa needs a HIGHER standard of care than America in all cases because of the AIDS/HIV prevalent there, the malaria risks, the endemic poverty,the emaciation of many of their people which leads to many problems including how the liver detoxifies medicines, and the immune system.
The article in the BBC today shows some companies are combatting some of the problems of mercenaries and charlatans in Africa.
Also, speaking of charlatans, I fear that is also happening in the US' Social Security System. I am anti-drug generally speaking,meaning I do not believe in pain medicines that knock a person out except DURING general anesthesia, nor do I believe in mind-altering drugs. I have avoided those like the bubonic plague. I cannot get caught up in addicting substances or have my ability to think controlled by chemicals. I am supposed to take anti-seizure meds however and because of that, I considered signing up for the disability drug plan through Social Security. The reason I am telling you the public this is because that drug plan seems to be secretive. I have gone through several steps to find the information about it-- about the premiun for it, and what it covers. I asked at the Soc Security office who told me to call a number and I called the number and got a recording., left message, and 'volunteer' called me back wanting my SSN, and I said no way. I was told then the premium depended upon what zip code I live in, and that I would have to wait on another volunteer to call me back. I decided if the premium is secretive and or rigged so that some people [depending maybe on political party you are in??] pay more than others I would not sign up for such a suspicious program. I want to stay alive and I want to have honest people who work for Social Security to answer my questions and not unknown 'volunteers' calling me from 800 number asking for my SSN.
I am always anxious about any medicine since I have had some very bad adverse reactions to prescription medicines in the past, but to put my information and or medical history and or future medical needs into the hands of a volunteer sounds like voodoo medicine to me--some of that version of ObamaCare from Indonesia's witch doctors. I do not want Obama controlling my medicines nor his spies.
I want real doctors who promote life and real Pharmacists when I need medicines.
Gloria Poole,RN;7:32am;21/Dec/2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Senate: NO to Obama's plan to divide US;Warn wicked
Senate: this is my open letter asking you to remember that the plan of Obama to divide and conquer the US Military by turning them against each other so that homosexuals are fighting heterosexuals instead of the enemies of the US, will destroy America. The divide and conquer scheme is the devil's oldest tactic. The first recorded time he used it was when he hissed to Eve in the Garden of Eden that she could defy GOD and live. What the devil-serpent did not tell her was that by defying GOD and eating from the tree GOD told her not to eat from she introduced sin into the Garden and she introduced death physically and death of the soul [in hell] and death as a generational curse [since one of her sons killed another of her sons also being disobedient to GOD].
GOD told Moses to tell the men that having sex with men is abomination to GOD. The exact words are in Leviticus 18:22, King James Holy Bible.And in Romans chapter one of same Bible beginning with verse 18 [summed up] it says the wrath of GOD is revealed against those who worship the created human more than The Creator GOD. Those in Congress who are wanting to throw away America to appease an element that is not one percent of the population are not only fools but evil fools who think "they can" defy GOD and get away with it. But in the last verse of Romans chapter one it says the end result of those is death. I encourage you to read those scriptures for yourself because some people don't believe anything they read in a blog. Read Romans 1: 18-32 King James Holy Bible. And also read Galatians 6:7 which is written, 'be not deceived. GOD is not mocked."
I beleive the Word of GOD as written in The Holy Bible to be true and because of that, I believe if the US Senate legalizes sodomy as a 'right' trying to defy and mock GOD, it will destroy the US Senate and the nation of the United States by the deeds of GOD HIMSELF.
The Bible says to warn the wicked and this is my attempt to do that. Senate, do not legalize sodomy or homsexuality in any form, or wording or trick method. You will collectively and individually answer to GOD if you do.
Gloria Poole.in Missouri;8:55am;18/Dec/2010
Update @ 9:21am;
i logged back in to add this info. I know for certain that homosexaul/bisexual men are terrorists and are reprobate in their minds because I unwittingly married a seond time a man who was bisexual. I did not know he was bisexual and he moved more to being totally homosexual after marrying. It seemed the marriage was merely a ruse by him to gain financially. I am divorced from him now since Oct 2007 and thank GOD and resumed my maiden name via court order in Arapahoe Count Colorado, and moved to Missouri in Oct 2009. My point is homosexual men,[ and I have no experience with homosexual women and thank GOD, but the Bible says they are the same reprobates in Romans chapter one verses 26-30 as referenced above], are not like heterosexual men at all. Sodomite men and homosexual women are described in verses 29 -31 as "being without natural affection" , "implacable","full of envy" murderous,unrighteous,unmerciful--not the sort of persons you want to find yourself in close encounters with--they are sort of like the devil. I barely survived my encounter with the devil and but for GOD, I'd be dead. Do not unleash that evil on the military that is supposed to defend the nation.
GOD told Moses to tell the men that having sex with men is abomination to GOD. The exact words are in Leviticus 18:22, King James Holy Bible.And in Romans chapter one of same Bible beginning with verse 18 [summed up] it says the wrath of GOD is revealed against those who worship the created human more than The Creator GOD. Those in Congress who are wanting to throw away America to appease an element that is not one percent of the population are not only fools but evil fools who think "they can" defy GOD and get away with it. But in the last verse of Romans chapter one it says the end result of those is death. I encourage you to read those scriptures for yourself because some people don't believe anything they read in a blog. Read Romans 1: 18-32 King James Holy Bible. And also read Galatians 6:7 which is written, 'be not deceived. GOD is not mocked."
I beleive the Word of GOD as written in The Holy Bible to be true and because of that, I believe if the US Senate legalizes sodomy as a 'right' trying to defy and mock GOD, it will destroy the US Senate and the nation of the United States by the deeds of GOD HIMSELF.
The Bible says to warn the wicked and this is my attempt to do that. Senate, do not legalize sodomy or homsexuality in any form, or wording or trick method. You will collectively and individually answer to GOD if you do.
Gloria Poole.in Missouri;8:55am;18/Dec/2010
Update @ 9:21am;
i logged back in to add this info. I know for certain that homosexaul/bisexual men are terrorists and are reprobate in their minds because I unwittingly married a seond time a man who was bisexual. I did not know he was bisexual and he moved more to being totally homosexual after marrying. It seemed the marriage was merely a ruse by him to gain financially. I am divorced from him now since Oct 2007 and thank GOD and resumed my maiden name via court order in Arapahoe Count Colorado, and moved to Missouri in Oct 2009. My point is homosexual men,[ and I have no experience with homosexual women and thank GOD, but the Bible says they are the same reprobates in Romans chapter one verses 26-30 as referenced above], are not like heterosexual men at all. Sodomite men and homosexual women are described in verses 29 -31 as "being without natural affection" , "implacable","full of envy" murderous,unrighteous,unmerciful--not the sort of persons you want to find yourself in close encounters with--they are sort of like the devil. I barely survived my encounter with the devil and but for GOD, I'd be dead. Do not unleash that evil on the military that is supposed to defend the nation.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Learn about cholera
This lesson is about cholera since it is the news as being in Haiti.
Cholera is an acute infection of the gastrointestinal tract. It is caused by vibrio comma [V.cholerae] which is a gram negative, short,curved bacillus [bacteria] with a terminal flagellum. It is aerobic meaning it needs air to thrive, and is mobile,grows on ordinary culture mediums, and exists in favorable condtions for a few days but dies out in the bowel movement in 1-2 days. Cholera is acquired by ingestion [eating,swallowing] food or drink contaminated with feces which conatins the v.Chloerae bacteria. Which is why you should always wash your hands before eating,before handling food,after touching your shoes,or being in areas where feces might be on handles,seats,etc [public btahrooms, or in rural remote areas those places designated as 'outhouses',or outdoor bathrooms.
History of disease
Cholera is always present in the lower Ganges River in India, because of the contaminated water of that river where animals and humans bathe [and probably defecate]. It spread to China in the 17th century. A number of pandemics [defined by WHO] occurred in the US during the 19th and 20th centuries but was practically eradicated at the seaports after 1873. During and after World War I, there were epidemics in Europe. Also during WWII there were epidemics in the "Far East" and "Near East' but at that time they did not reach the Americas or Europe.
Improved sanitation and enforcement of the International Sanitary Regulations has resulted in cholera being mostly in lower Ganges River now and in areas where flooding,and sanitation merged [sewers ran over, and cesspools did, and contaminated flooding with feces happened] .
Subclinical disease may be present in some communities.Sub-clinical means that symptoms have not appeared yet. The most likely sources of the bacteria are those people in the incubation stage or with mild symptoms. Contaminated water is the most often method of the disease spreading. [Which is why if you are in areas where flooding occurred,or known cholera disease reported,or known fecal contamination
you shoud boil your water before drinking or bathing. Flies also spread the disease bacteria. The conditions which cause it to rapidly spread are high tempaerature, high relative humidity,and intermittent rains[monsoons,flooding]. It is possible for it to spread rapidly but everyone who comes into contact with it does not necessarily contract it.
Symptoms,signs,and morbid anatomy
It is characterized by diarrhea,vomiting,dehydration, which is severe in most cases. Striking changes to the person's appearance occur because of the extreme dehydration. After death of cholera-infected persons,the rigor mortis is unusually marked. Dryness and shrinkage of person's flesh/bulk is apparent everywhere. Inflammatory changes are not usually present. The person's blood is thick and scanty. The walls of the intestines are bluish looking and congested. The membranes look like
ground glass and are sticky. The lumen of the bowel contains gray opalescent liquid not feces.
Large areas of mucosa may be gone but ulceration is not present. The lymphoid tisse of the ileum may be prominent. The kidneys show marked congestion.
The cholera vibrio is primarily found in the ileum,but may be also in small numbers in the lungs and other organs of the body. They are seldom found in the blood stream. The bacteria does not produce an exotoxin,but does produce a powerful endotoxin. The usual first effect of infection is loss of large amounts of fluid and salt as a result of profuse vomiting and diarrhea.
That affects the acid-base balance of the body. The extraction of massive amounts of fluid from the cells,tissues,spaces,in a short period of time,is rarely found in any other disease except infant diarrhea,and hemorrhage of blood. The blood quickly becomes concentrated with specific gravity of 1.070;20 gms hemoglobin per 100 cc of blood,and 75 for erythrocite volume percentage,and 7,000,000
per cu mm for erythrocyte count. The concentration of plasma proteins is also inreased,and the circulation of blood throughout the body is greatly effected. The blood pressure falls,and the cardiac output [blood pumped by heart] is much decreased [shock]. Because of these systemic problems,the
renal function is greatly compromised and impaired unto death. [When enough blood does not get to to the brain,heart and kidneys, the person dies.] The sodium lost from the infected bowel results in a shift of the acid-base balance of sodium and chloride and is accentuated by the acid which is
retained when the kidneys start failing. Values as low as 7.1 were noted in some people for pH,and 138 milliequivalents per liter for the total base in the blood. Urea and nitrogen are retained because of renal failure. If a person dies in the early stages of cholera it is usually because of dehydration.
But in the later stages death is usually from renal failure.
Having cholera and surviving it does not prevent another infection later i.e. it does not cause the person to build antibodies against it.
Incubation and physiology
The incubation period is 1-5 days, with sudden onset usually. It might be preceded by depression, malaise,and simple diarrhea. Cholera infection is manifested by volumes of watery stools,copious vomiting,and being unable to get up. The speed with which it becomes overwhelming to the body is striking. Stools are so frequent that soon lose any fecal content and start sloughing off the inside of the bowel, but no blood or pus is noted. The absence of tenesmus is often noted.
Vomiting may occur without nausea or retching [projectile and sudden]. Great thirst occurs but fluids or food are vomited up. The person becomes gaunt, and pinched looking with sunken eyes.
The skins becomes bluish [cyanotic] and shriveled. The voice becomes thick and feeble.
Marked tachycardia [fast racing pulse] occurs and pulse may be barely perceptible. The blood pressure may fall below 60 mm mercury for systolic. Urine may cease [a particularly important sign of approaching death] and uremia may result. The body temperature falls.
Diagnosing cholera
Patient history is very important. If the person lives in an area where cholera reported, or conditions ripe for it to flourish,it should be suspected in cases of extreme vomiting and diarrhea.
Other condtions which give similar symptoms are bacillary desentery, food poisoning,heat exhaustion,some forms of malaria, and other conditions associated with shock secondary to diarrhea. It is very important that the accurate diagnosis be made as quickly as possbile as the implications for the household and community are enormous when misdiagnosed.
The specific diagnosis is made by testing the stools passed, by agglutination of V cholerae. Cultures have be done on fresh stool, and examined under microscope for the bacillus.
The outcome depends on how quickly cholera was diagnosed and treated, and how good the person's health was before contracting cholera. The course of the disease averages 3-5 days but death could occur in hours, and after many days also. If not treated quickly, the mortality rate is about 60 percent. With quick and appropriate treatment,the death rate is about 5 percent.
Strict Isolation of infected or exposed persons.
Boil clothing of infected persons and drinking,eating utensils.
Disinfect as for typhoid standards.
Keep person warm.
Give fliuds but usually cannot retain those by mouth,so give intravenously.
Do not give sedatives,pain medicines, because likely to mask or worsen situation.
Give electrolytes by IV and or by mouth when better.
Do not give blood or blood products [blood already concentrated].
Start physiological saline intravenously as soon as diagnosis is made-critical to survival of patient.
Dextrose 5 % solutions IV ar rate so as not to exceed 50 gm of dextrose per hour after saline.
Patients with cholera need rehydration faster than almost any other disease but it is possible to overload their circulatory system if too fast.
The best indicator of improvement is the specific
gravity of the blood. As as the specific gravity approaches its normal [1.056-1058] for the blood, IV fluids should be slowed.
As a general rule, two liters of Normal Saline are needed in first 2 hours,
and more afterwards at slower rate so that 4-8 liters is often required to bring blood viscosity to normal.
In some cases the loss of alkali will have to be replaced. The acidosis of cholera is different from the acidosis of diabetes or nephritis. Ketone is not present in cholera patients' urine. Alkali replacement may be IV sodium bicarbonate with 18 gm sodium bicarb and 6 gm sodium chloride to one liter of sterile distilled water. It is not unusual for cholera patients to need 500 cc of alkali replacement fluids
Also potassium and phosphate have to be replaced via IV.
Handwashing after toileting,after handling shoes,after being in area known for cholera present,after touching sick person,or handling food trays/paltes.utensils.
Proper disposal of stool contaminated items used by infected patients .
Blood and body precautions for medical personnel.
Quarantine infected persons.
Eradicate flies.
Strict control of water supply,with boil water command for community issued at diagnosis first case.
Disposal of food touched by infected persons.
Do not allow eating of raw foods,[vegetables,fruits,cheeses,etc] when cholera in community.
Close supervision of food handlers to ensure proper hand-washing,and disposal.
There is a cholera vaccine and it is recommended for those traveling or living in places known to harbor cholera bacillus.
References used
A Textbook of Medicine by Cecil & Loeb, with all put into laymen's terminology and simple words
to avoid jargon and reach more people.
Gloria Poole,RN; 7:18 PM 12/4/2010;
licensed in Missouri, and resident of Missouri
Cholera is an acute infection of the gastrointestinal tract. It is caused by vibrio comma [V.cholerae] which is a gram negative, short,curved bacillus [bacteria] with a terminal flagellum. It is aerobic meaning it needs air to thrive, and is mobile,grows on ordinary culture mediums, and exists in favorable condtions for a few days but dies out in the bowel movement in 1-2 days. Cholera is acquired by ingestion [eating,swallowing] food or drink contaminated with feces which conatins the v.Chloerae bacteria. Which is why you should always wash your hands before eating,before handling food,after touching your shoes,or being in areas where feces might be on handles,seats,etc [public btahrooms, or in rural remote areas those places designated as 'outhouses',or outdoor bathrooms.
History of disease
Cholera is always present in the lower Ganges River in India, because of the contaminated water of that river where animals and humans bathe [and probably defecate]. It spread to China in the 17th century. A number of pandemics [defined by WHO] occurred in the US during the 19th and 20th centuries but was practically eradicated at the seaports after 1873. During and after World War I, there were epidemics in Europe. Also during WWII there were epidemics in the "Far East" and "Near East' but at that time they did not reach the Americas or Europe.
Improved sanitation and enforcement of the International Sanitary Regulations has resulted in cholera being mostly in lower Ganges River now and in areas where flooding,and sanitation merged [sewers ran over, and cesspools did, and contaminated flooding with feces happened] .
Subclinical disease may be present in some communities.Sub-clinical means that symptoms have not appeared yet. The most likely sources of the bacteria are those people in the incubation stage or with mild symptoms. Contaminated water is the most often method of the disease spreading. [Which is why if you are in areas where flooding occurred,or known cholera disease reported,or known fecal contamination
you shoud boil your water before drinking or bathing. Flies also spread the disease bacteria. The conditions which cause it to rapidly spread are high tempaerature, high relative humidity,and intermittent rains[monsoons,flooding]. It is possible for it to spread rapidly but everyone who comes into contact with it does not necessarily contract it.
Symptoms,signs,and morbid anatomy
It is characterized by diarrhea,vomiting,dehydration, which is severe in most cases. Striking changes to the person's appearance occur because of the extreme dehydration. After death of cholera-infected persons,the rigor mortis is unusually marked. Dryness and shrinkage of person's flesh/bulk is apparent everywhere. Inflammatory changes are not usually present. The person's blood is thick and scanty. The walls of the intestines are bluish looking and congested. The membranes look like
ground glass and are sticky. The lumen of the bowel contains gray opalescent liquid not feces.
Large areas of mucosa may be gone but ulceration is not present. The lymphoid tisse of the ileum may be prominent. The kidneys show marked congestion.
The cholera vibrio is primarily found in the ileum,but may be also in small numbers in the lungs and other organs of the body. They are seldom found in the blood stream. The bacteria does not produce an exotoxin,but does produce a powerful endotoxin. The usual first effect of infection is loss of large amounts of fluid and salt as a result of profuse vomiting and diarrhea.
That affects the acid-base balance of the body. The extraction of massive amounts of fluid from the cells,tissues,spaces,in a short period of time,is rarely found in any other disease except infant diarrhea,and hemorrhage of blood. The blood quickly becomes concentrated with specific gravity of 1.070;20 gms hemoglobin per 100 cc of blood,and 75 for erythrocite volume percentage,and 7,000,000
per cu mm for erythrocyte count. The concentration of plasma proteins is also inreased,and the circulation of blood throughout the body is greatly effected. The blood pressure falls,and the cardiac output [blood pumped by heart] is much decreased [shock]. Because of these systemic problems,the
renal function is greatly compromised and impaired unto death. [When enough blood does not get to to the brain,heart and kidneys, the person dies.] The sodium lost from the infected bowel results in a shift of the acid-base balance of sodium and chloride and is accentuated by the acid which is
retained when the kidneys start failing. Values as low as 7.1 were noted in some people for pH,and 138 milliequivalents per liter for the total base in the blood. Urea and nitrogen are retained because of renal failure. If a person dies in the early stages of cholera it is usually because of dehydration.
But in the later stages death is usually from renal failure.
Having cholera and surviving it does not prevent another infection later i.e. it does not cause the person to build antibodies against it.
Incubation and physiology
The incubation period is 1-5 days, with sudden onset usually. It might be preceded by depression, malaise,and simple diarrhea. Cholera infection is manifested by volumes of watery stools,copious vomiting,and being unable to get up. The speed with which it becomes overwhelming to the body is striking. Stools are so frequent that soon lose any fecal content and start sloughing off the inside of the bowel, but no blood or pus is noted. The absence of tenesmus is often noted.
Vomiting may occur without nausea or retching [projectile and sudden]. Great thirst occurs but fluids or food are vomited up. The person becomes gaunt, and pinched looking with sunken eyes.
The skins becomes bluish [cyanotic] and shriveled. The voice becomes thick and feeble.
Marked tachycardia [fast racing pulse] occurs and pulse may be barely perceptible. The blood pressure may fall below 60 mm mercury for systolic. Urine may cease [a particularly important sign of approaching death] and uremia may result. The body temperature falls.
Diagnosing cholera
Patient history is very important. If the person lives in an area where cholera reported, or conditions ripe for it to flourish,it should be suspected in cases of extreme vomiting and diarrhea.
Other condtions which give similar symptoms are bacillary desentery, food poisoning,heat exhaustion,some forms of malaria, and other conditions associated with shock secondary to diarrhea. It is very important that the accurate diagnosis be made as quickly as possbile as the implications for the household and community are enormous when misdiagnosed.
The specific diagnosis is made by testing the stools passed, by agglutination of V cholerae. Cultures have be done on fresh stool, and examined under microscope for the bacillus.
The outcome depends on how quickly cholera was diagnosed and treated, and how good the person's health was before contracting cholera. The course of the disease averages 3-5 days but death could occur in hours, and after many days also. If not treated quickly, the mortality rate is about 60 percent. With quick and appropriate treatment,the death rate is about 5 percent.
Strict Isolation of infected or exposed persons.
Boil clothing of infected persons and drinking,eating utensils.
Disinfect as for typhoid standards.
Keep person warm.
Give fliuds but usually cannot retain those by mouth,so give intravenously.
Do not give sedatives,pain medicines, because likely to mask or worsen situation.
Give electrolytes by IV and or by mouth when better.
Do not give blood or blood products [blood already concentrated].
Start physiological saline intravenously as soon as diagnosis is made-critical to survival of patient.
Dextrose 5 % solutions IV ar rate so as not to exceed 50 gm of dextrose per hour after saline.
Patients with cholera need rehydration faster than almost any other disease but it is possible to overload their circulatory system if too fast.
The best indicator of improvement is the specific
gravity of the blood. As as the specific gravity approaches its normal [1.056-1058] for the blood, IV fluids should be slowed.
As a general rule, two liters of Normal Saline are needed in first 2 hours,
and more afterwards at slower rate so that 4-8 liters is often required to bring blood viscosity to normal.
In some cases the loss of alkali will have to be replaced. The acidosis of cholera is different from the acidosis of diabetes or nephritis. Ketone is not present in cholera patients' urine. Alkali replacement may be IV sodium bicarbonate with 18 gm sodium bicarb and 6 gm sodium chloride to one liter of sterile distilled water. It is not unusual for cholera patients to need 500 cc of alkali replacement fluids
Also potassium and phosphate have to be replaced via IV.
Handwashing after toileting,after handling shoes,after being in area known for cholera present,after touching sick person,or handling food trays/paltes.utensils.
Proper disposal of stool contaminated items used by infected patients .
Blood and body precautions for medical personnel.
Quarantine infected persons.
Eradicate flies.
Strict control of water supply,with boil water command for community issued at diagnosis first case.
Disposal of food touched by infected persons.
Do not allow eating of raw foods,[vegetables,fruits,cheeses,etc] when cholera in community.
Close supervision of food handlers to ensure proper hand-washing,and disposal.
There is a cholera vaccine and it is recommended for those traveling or living in places known to harbor cholera bacillus.
References used
A Textbook of Medicine by Cecil & Loeb, with all put into laymen's terminology and simple words
to avoid jargon and reach more people.
Gloria Poole,RN; 7:18 PM 12/4/2010;
licensed in Missouri, and resident of Missouri
Monday, November 29, 2010
Stop genetically modifying humans
In the news.yahoo.com today at 6:30 am is an Associated Press [AP] article entitled "Scientists' trick..." that tells of the genetically modified humans scheme of some scientists. They use embryonic stem cells but call them IPS cells [after they modify them ] and inject chemicals into the cells to 'trick' the genes that are built into the cells by the blueprint of GOD HIMSELF to cause the cells to mutate to something other than what GOD intended. [ An aside: According to David Prentice an expert in this field,that is why those macabre experiments have only produced tumours in the humans they were injected into.]
Altering the built-in plan of GOD with chemicals cannot cause anything good. Cannabalizing tiny human embroyes to get BIG BUCKS from NIH* for research that violates the Nuremberg Code of International law adopted by almost all nations after Hitler and his evil medical team/scientists were tried for crimes against humanity,is evil. It violates that set of protections against inhumane and macabre experimentation on humans because those tiny human embryoes did not consent to be slaughtered or ripped from their mothers' wombs, nor did they consent to be cannibalized, nor did they consent to violent death at hands of womb-assassin, nor did they consent to be torn apart,decapitated and ground up,nor did they consent to be made into products to sell to so-called biotech industries. Therefore that research is illegal by international law. And labeling such evil as 'medical research' is morally equivalent to Hitler saying he gassed the jews to death to give them the 'best treatment available to them.' It is deliberate propaganga with euphemisms to attempt to make acceptable what is morally repugnant. Read Nazi Doctors by medical doctor Robert J Lifton for more on this.
That wicked experimentation has to end, and so does abortion-on-demand. It is the most awful evil that ever existed, and it cannot be sugar-coated to make it acceptable to those who know there is a GOD, and HE does not live in the White House or the NIH in Bethesda Maryland. All of you who believe in GOD, pray that GOD does something to stop the evil experimentation on tiny humans and to stop abortion and quickly for the sake of the human race and in particular the US before it is bombed out of existence by the nation GOD raises up to do that.
*footnote; NIH is abbreviation for National Institute of Health in Maryland,which is the US version of Hitler's research methods to kill humans then make them into products for sale. It does not treat any patients nor have real medical doctors doing research but highly programmed [brain-washed] do-as-you-are-told-evil-scientists.
Gloria Poole,RN;6:52am;29/Nov/2010;at home in Missouri
Altering the built-in plan of GOD with chemicals cannot cause anything good. Cannabalizing tiny human embroyes to get BIG BUCKS from NIH* for research that violates the Nuremberg Code of International law adopted by almost all nations after Hitler and his evil medical team/scientists were tried for crimes against humanity,is evil. It violates that set of protections against inhumane and macabre experimentation on humans because those tiny human embryoes did not consent to be slaughtered or ripped from their mothers' wombs, nor did they consent to be cannibalized, nor did they consent to violent death at hands of womb-assassin, nor did they consent to be torn apart,decapitated and ground up,nor did they consent to be made into products to sell to so-called biotech industries. Therefore that research is illegal by international law. And labeling such evil as 'medical research' is morally equivalent to Hitler saying he gassed the jews to death to give them the 'best treatment available to them.' It is deliberate propaganga with euphemisms to attempt to make acceptable what is morally repugnant. Read Nazi Doctors by medical doctor Robert J Lifton for more on this.
That wicked experimentation has to end, and so does abortion-on-demand. It is the most awful evil that ever existed, and it cannot be sugar-coated to make it acceptable to those who know there is a GOD, and HE does not live in the White House or the NIH in Bethesda Maryland. All of you who believe in GOD, pray that GOD does something to stop the evil experimentation on tiny humans and to stop abortion and quickly for the sake of the human race and in particular the US before it is bombed out of existence by the nation GOD raises up to do that.
*footnote; NIH is abbreviation for National Institute of Health in Maryland,which is the US version of Hitler's research methods to kill humans then make them into products for sale. It does not treat any patients nor have real medical doctors doing research but highly programmed [brain-washed] do-as-you-are-told-evil-scientists.
Gloria Poole,RN;6:52am;29/Nov/2010;at home in Missouri
Thursday, November 25, 2010
BBC article today makes known Pres's kill-internet
In the BBC news today on Thanksgiving * is aan article in the US & Canada section of the news entitled " Should Obama's internet-kill-switch power be curbed". And it makes the point that the President of US has had the power to force shutdown of all computers or select systems for decades. I know for certain that power has been abused because for the past 3 Presidential elections and the past 19 yrs of politics in the US, there was an absolute block- forced shutdown of my privately owned computers for opposing first B.Clinton then H Clinton, then Obama in elections. Entire hosting accounts of mine were manipulated/blocked by those in Senate [H Clinton,Arlen Specter, Barney Frank,T. Kennedy] for writing against them.
My reply in open letter format is YES Congress should absolutely remove that power from the President. If that had done that before he took office there would have been no financial meltdown because he would not have controlled banks and Wall Street by manipulating,turning off their internet access at crucial times to cause losses to them to gain control of them and wield power over the nation.
BBC thank you for publishing this article. Please keep it in the news until next week so those traveling for holiday will also see it and read it. Not one US paper raised this question or made any effort to notify the public about this. You have served the world well today by making known the power of the US President to interfere in all internet events by simply 'killing' a hosting company's servers or a particular person's access to the services they pay for. I paid for services for months that evil Obama blocked me from using in his effort to control manipulate US economy,elections and his press coverage. Obama is nor aat all above totally destroying privately bought and privately owned/used computers for political gain. And neither is that jezebel Hillary Clinton.
*footnote- Timed for today's publication no doubt so they hope no one in US reads it because of holiday of Thanksgiving. The usual tactics of the Press when they are trying to make excuses for abuse of power.
Gloria Poole, 6:54am;25-Nov-2010; at my apt in Missouri
My reply in open letter format is YES Congress should absolutely remove that power from the President. If that had done that before he took office there would have been no financial meltdown because he would not have controlled banks and Wall Street by manipulating,turning off their internet access at crucial times to cause losses to them to gain control of them and wield power over the nation.
BBC thank you for publishing this article. Please keep it in the news until next week so those traveling for holiday will also see it and read it. Not one US paper raised this question or made any effort to notify the public about this. You have served the world well today by making known the power of the US President to interfere in all internet events by simply 'killing' a hosting company's servers or a particular person's access to the services they pay for. I paid for services for months that evil Obama blocked me from using in his effort to control manipulate US economy,elections and his press coverage. Obama is nor aat all above totally destroying privately bought and privately owned/used computers for political gain. And neither is that jezebel Hillary Clinton.
*footnote- Timed for today's publication no doubt so they hope no one in US reads it because of holiday of Thanksgiving. The usual tactics of the Press when they are trying to make excuses for abuse of power.
Gloria Poole, 6:54am;25-Nov-2010; at my apt in Missouri
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Reid of Nevada illegally invaded my blog
Before the election, I wrote on another blog of mine at gloriapoolepappas.blogspot.com [that began during second marriage but now divorced and resumed maiden name but kept that blog], about the Angle-Reid contest in Nevada. I also wrote how harry Reid's staff smeared Angle for being Southern Baptist.
Since then Reid has abused his Senate powers, invaded that blog [his cybercriminal staff], and blocked it so I cannot log into it.
i make a point of publicly recording when my civil liberties are suppressed by members of Congress and or President, or news agencies; so this documentation of that.
Also Sharon Angle said Reid was strong-arming the gambling casinos in his state to force their employees to vote for him.Why was that not investigated by Dept of Justice since it violates the RICO Act of buying elections/rigging elections? Was his payback to the indian controlled gamblinmg casinos,the long awaited billions in payments to the Indian tribes of Nevada? Could you spell c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n? as in the Senate office of Reid?
Also, was publicist Ronni Chasen either Reid's PR person or Obama's? I think so.
Sudden death seems to follow losses in the Democratic party.And what about Obama transporting his 8 ton armored tank disguised as a limo to UK then to Portugal, to show off, while their leaders arrived in more reasonable vehicles and electric cars?
Obama IS the problem with the US--he is a profligate spender of taxpayer's money, and that certainly proves it. Airlifting his limo across the Atlantic to show off shows his character or lack of. He thinks himself too good to ride in European limos, provided for visiting dignataries .
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri;6:55am;20-Nov-2010
Since then Reid has abused his Senate powers, invaded that blog [his cybercriminal staff], and blocked it so I cannot log into it.
i make a point of publicly recording when my civil liberties are suppressed by members of Congress and or President, or news agencies; so this documentation of that.
Also Sharon Angle said Reid was strong-arming the gambling casinos in his state to force their employees to vote for him.Why was that not investigated by Dept of Justice since it violates the RICO Act of buying elections/rigging elections? Was his payback to the indian controlled gamblinmg casinos,the long awaited billions in payments to the Indian tribes of Nevada? Could you spell c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n? as in the Senate office of Reid?
Also, was publicist Ronni Chasen either Reid's PR person or Obama's? I think so.
Sudden death seems to follow losses in the Democratic party.And what about Obama transporting his 8 ton armored tank disguised as a limo to UK then to Portugal, to show off, while their leaders arrived in more reasonable vehicles and electric cars?
Obama IS the problem with the US--he is a profligate spender of taxpayer's money, and that certainly proves it. Airlifting his limo across the Atlantic to show off shows his character or lack of. He thinks himself too good to ride in European limos, provided for visiting dignataries .
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri;6:55am;20-Nov-2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Open Request for Press Enquiry into Twitter censors
I am posting here the press request I sent while signed into my Twitter acct a few minutes ago. I tried twice to tweet and then changed my password and tried again but tweet was blocked. I said in the tweet they blocked three times these words:
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
Open Request for Press Enquiry into Twitter censors
I am posting here the press request I sent while signed into my Twitter acct a few minutes ago. I tried twice to tweet and then changed my password and tried again but tweet was blocked. I said in the tweet they blocked three times these words:
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
Open Request for Press Enquiry into Twitter censors
I am posting here the press request I sent while signed into my Twitter acct a few minutes ago. I tried twice to tweet and then changed my password and tried again but tweet was blocked. I said in the tweet they blocked three times these words:
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
never ever vote democrats because they plan to depopulate America. read more http;//prolife-nurse.blogspot.com".
So then I sent a press request to ask for enquiry into how Twitter is controlled by democrats Here is the exact message sent to field marked "Press" while signed into my twitter account:
Twitter routinely censors {exercises prior restraint against me} which is illegal under Us Constitution First Amendment. Political speech is absolutely protected by First Amendment but when I write tweet opposing dems they refuse to post it--block it. That could cause them triple penalties at law if I sue them for violating my civil liberties. Would you investigate please? My current RN license is is moved to Missouri now and in my real name obviously [Gloria Poole,RN].
Don't vote for strong-arm tactics of socialists-communists who control the presses and the rights of citizens to debate,discuss,publish their opinions including political and religious.
Gloria Poole;RN [my license is in Missouri now] @ home in Missouri;12:05PM;1-nov-2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
"Can you really afford another 2 yrs of democrats?"
I read the title only of an inflammatory article in the msn.com 'news' [Public relations page/propaganda for Planned Parenthood-Democratic Party sponsored by Microsoft and NBC] that asked the pretend question of if you could afford to have a second child. If you do not see the blatant screaming against life intent of that article then you are brainwashed to the max! And should go to a desert island for about 7 years far from the madding crowds and clear your mind.
That article TITLE made me so mad I decided I would write in my blog about it. HOW DARE they write such evil? The US is depopulating! The United States will become the United States of the Saudi Emirates and or the Iranians and or the Latinos from South America if those blockheads from Washington DC have their way.
Do not ever ever ever ever vote democrat. Those people are from hell.
Their agenda for the nation is killing off the unborn children in massive slaughters reminiscent of the days of Herod in the Bible. The current administration should be tried for treason against the nation NOT reelected to any thing. Treason because depopulation destroys the nation.
Vote prolife and that means do not vote democrat. There is no such policy as prolife in the democratic socialist party of the US which is in control of the current US Congress. Read what the democrats stand for: the 'choice' to kill human babies whent they are tiniest in the womb, and chop them, shred them, dice them, make a 'jam' of their cells and smear them on agar plates to study under a microscope to get billions from the wicked in high places. A better idea is to kick out the wicked from high places from office and begin by voting these listed from office :
Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania
Barbara Boxer in California
Obama from White House
H Clinton from any position
Robin Carnahan from Missouri
Charles Schumer from NY
Charles Lewis from GA
Nancy Pelosi from California
These names are some of the most RADICAl against human life that has ever been in any elected position since Hitler held office in Germany. Vote them out of office!
Gloria Poole,RN; Missouri; 11:54AM; 29-Oct-2010
That article TITLE made me so mad I decided I would write in my blog about it. HOW DARE they write such evil? The US is depopulating! The United States will become the United States of the Saudi Emirates and or the Iranians and or the Latinos from South America if those blockheads from Washington DC have their way.
Do not ever ever ever ever vote democrat. Those people are from hell.
Their agenda for the nation is killing off the unborn children in massive slaughters reminiscent of the days of Herod in the Bible. The current administration should be tried for treason against the nation NOT reelected to any thing. Treason because depopulation destroys the nation.
Vote prolife and that means do not vote democrat. There is no such policy as prolife in the democratic socialist party of the US which is in control of the current US Congress. Read what the democrats stand for: the 'choice' to kill human babies whent they are tiniest in the womb, and chop them, shred them, dice them, make a 'jam' of their cells and smear them on agar plates to study under a microscope to get billions from the wicked in high places. A better idea is to kick out the wicked from high places from office and begin by voting these listed from office :
Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania
Barbara Boxer in California
Obama from White House
H Clinton from any position
Robin Carnahan from Missouri
Charles Schumer from NY
Charles Lewis from GA
Nancy Pelosi from California
These names are some of the most RADICAl against human life that has ever been in any elected position since Hitler held office in Germany. Vote them out of office!
Gloria Poole,RN; Missouri; 11:54AM; 29-Oct-2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Voter Information to help you vote Prolife
The National Prolife Alliance sent me information today that is very relevant to this
upcoming election for all elections across the nation. They regularly conduct a survey
asking wannabe candidates for office for their responses to a set of questions. For the
public record, these are the questions:
1) Will you support federal legislation giving parents the right to stop any abortion
being performed on their minor daughter except to prevent the death of the mother?
2) Will you support requiring a 48 hour cooling off period and mandatory counseling on
the risks and consequences of abortion for persons who believe that they may want to
have an abortion? [This common sense informed consent is required for virtually every
other form of invasive procedure that is not an emergency life-saving event.]
3) Will you support federl legislation giving spouses the right to be notified and
intervene before any abortion is performed on the couple's baby?
4) Will you support legislation to outlaw so-called 'sex selection' abortions?
5) Would you vote to prohibit the US government from granting any public funds to
groups that recommend or perform abortions in the United States or abroad?
6) Should the federal government bar the distribution of 'home abortion drugs" like
7) Will you support nominees to the United States Supreme Court and the lower federal
courts who will uphold the constitutional right to life of every person born and unborn?
8) Will you support legislation which under Article III, Section 2 of the United States
Constitution would remove from the federal courts jurisdiction over the question of
9) Would you support and cosponsor a Life at Conception Act defining that life begins
at the moment of conception [fertilization when human male sperm enters human female
egg], thereby resolving for all time, as stated by the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade,
'the difficult question of when life begins"? {It is not medically difficult since it
was detemined medically when that event happens decades ago.]
10). Will you support an Amendment to the US Constitution banning abortion except
to prevent death of the mother?
In the case of Missouri, Robin Carnahan refused to answer any of these questions.
And Hon Roy Blunt answered YES to all ten questions.
Ask your state candidates how they answered this questionaire and ask your newspaper
to publish their answers. It matters. Human life has to matter as much to this planet
as the environment and as the seals and the frogs and the insects. Remember that it is
written, "so GOD created man in HIS own image; in the image of GOD created HE him;
male and female created HE them; and GOD blessed them, and GOD said unto them: be
fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth,and subdue it and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:27-28,King James Holy Bible.
Gloria Poole,RN; at home in Missouri; 4:35PM;13-Oct-2010
upcoming election for all elections across the nation. They regularly conduct a survey
asking wannabe candidates for office for their responses to a set of questions. For the
public record, these are the questions:
1) Will you support federal legislation giving parents the right to stop any abortion
being performed on their minor daughter except to prevent the death of the mother?
2) Will you support requiring a 48 hour cooling off period and mandatory counseling on
the risks and consequences of abortion for persons who believe that they may want to
have an abortion? [This common sense informed consent is required for virtually every
other form of invasive procedure that is not an emergency life-saving event.]
3) Will you support federl legislation giving spouses the right to be notified and
intervene before any abortion is performed on the couple's baby?
4) Will you support legislation to outlaw so-called 'sex selection' abortions?
5) Would you vote to prohibit the US government from granting any public funds to
groups that recommend or perform abortions in the United States or abroad?
6) Should the federal government bar the distribution of 'home abortion drugs" like
7) Will you support nominees to the United States Supreme Court and the lower federal
courts who will uphold the constitutional right to life of every person born and unborn?
8) Will you support legislation which under Article III, Section 2 of the United States
Constitution would remove from the federal courts jurisdiction over the question of
9) Would you support and cosponsor a Life at Conception Act defining that life begins
at the moment of conception [fertilization when human male sperm enters human female
egg], thereby resolving for all time, as stated by the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade,
'the difficult question of when life begins"? {It is not medically difficult since it
was detemined medically when that event happens decades ago.]
10). Will you support an Amendment to the US Constitution banning abortion except
to prevent death of the mother?
In the case of Missouri, Robin Carnahan refused to answer any of these questions.
And Hon Roy Blunt answered YES to all ten questions.
Ask your state candidates how they answered this questionaire and ask your newspaper
to publish their answers. It matters. Human life has to matter as much to this planet
as the environment and as the seals and the frogs and the insects. Remember that it is
written, "so GOD created man in HIS own image; in the image of GOD created HE him;
male and female created HE them; and GOD blessed them, and GOD said unto them: be
fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth,and subdue it and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:27-28,King James Holy Bible.
Gloria Poole,RN; at home in Missouri; 4:35PM;13-Oct-2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
How to avoid breast cancer--its not wearing pink
I read the usual annual marketing ploy of wearing pink and donating money to fake ngos collecting money that goes to planned parenthood [ do your homework]. I want to tell you women how to really avoid breast cancer, and it is simple.Do what GOD intended with your female bodies and that is have living babies and feed them naturally. In other words produce living babies and breast feed them. And do not use artificial estrogen or progesterone replacement so-called therapies that are powerful steroids used the wrong way at the wrong time and from wrong sources. Your own body produces those steroids when they are needed to produce new human beings and that is the proper time for those steroids, and not when you are post-menopausal.
And of course do not smoke or use any form of tobacco.
That is much hype in the news but much of it is a fund-raising hype to get people to run for money to support causes that have nothing to do with curing breast cancer. If there was a cure for it, it would be suppressed from the public because then the NIH would go out of business and those phony scientists would be unemployed and unemployable. They feed off the misery off those with cancer.
I believe that cancer is a form of the body literally digesting itself by the rapid multiplication of cells of that were thwarted in some way from doing what they were intended to do and went rogue, wild. And I think that if there is to be a real cure it will begin with recognizing that cancer begins within a human body not from outside it. JESUS said it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him but what comes out of it. The thoughts and spirit of man that are defiled are the starting points of cancer, I believe. But I also believe it has a physical turning point in the body when the cells intended to produce living human babies such as in a pregnancy aborted that run rampant and keep on producing and multiplying that produce tumors instead of living babies when the baby was killed by the mother when the baby was in the womb. And perhaps in men for example prostate cancer in men when the sperm is blocked as in vasectomies and the sperm is absorbed by the men into his bloodstream instead of producing new humans as GOD intended.
Gloria Poole, RN,; at home in Missouri; 7:01PM;7-Oct-2010
And of course do not smoke or use any form of tobacco.
That is much hype in the news but much of it is a fund-raising hype to get people to run for money to support causes that have nothing to do with curing breast cancer. If there was a cure for it, it would be suppressed from the public because then the NIH would go out of business and those phony scientists would be unemployed and unemployable. They feed off the misery off those with cancer.
I believe that cancer is a form of the body literally digesting itself by the rapid multiplication of cells of that were thwarted in some way from doing what they were intended to do and went rogue, wild. And I think that if there is to be a real cure it will begin with recognizing that cancer begins within a human body not from outside it. JESUS said it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him but what comes out of it. The thoughts and spirit of man that are defiled are the starting points of cancer, I believe. But I also believe it has a physical turning point in the body when the cells intended to produce living human babies such as in a pregnancy aborted that run rampant and keep on producing and multiplying that produce tumors instead of living babies when the baby was killed by the mother when the baby was in the womb. And perhaps in men for example prostate cancer in men when the sperm is blocked as in vasectomies and the sperm is absorbed by the men into his bloodstream instead of producing new humans as GOD intended.
Gloria Poole, RN,; at home in Missouri; 7:01PM;7-Oct-2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I Agree w/ Montana GOP:no homosexuality
I read an article this am about the Montana GOP having a platform that homosexuality should be illegal. And it asked if anyone agreed with that policy. I want to go on record as writing that I AGREE that homosexuality should be illegal in all nations and in all cities, and in all ordinances and that it should be enforced. I believe this because of the written Scriptures in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, and Romans chapter one in the King James Holy Bible. And also because when any behaviour is so-called legal which is a much lower standard than JESUS applied, it is taught in public schools as a so-called 'right'. If you are a true born again believer you could not accept as truth or public law any act/deed that defiles the Word of GOD or that is in direct opposition to the word of GOD. Lukewarm christians have the word from JESUS in Revelation that HE will spue them out of HIS mouth.
And because true born again believers must strive to please GOD and not humans, you must also not allow abortion to be a so-called right in your household or life. It is also abomination as are homosexuals. The commandments of GOD in Exodus chapter 20 are very clear on this topic. If you don't know the commandments you should learn them. Being ignorant of them will not absolve you of responsibility for them on GOD's Judgement day when the wicked are sent to hell.
The prohibition against killing [Exodus 20:13,KJV] also includes not killing the innocent tiny human embryoes for any reason but especially at government orders [NIH] and paid for by taxpayers and for the reason of benefitting the Old Folks Home of Congress like N Pelosi, and Biden, and Clintons, and the majority there who are over 70 yrs old and who have voted to kill innocents for 40 yrs, in order to get government grant money and kickbacks from Planned Parenthood and 'dividends' from abortuaries [the gas ovens of 21st century]..
Also read Revelation to see what events will happen on GOD's judgement day when the physical world ends, when JESUS comes back to the earth, to gather to heaven the righteous believers and to send to hell those who reject GOD.
Gloria Poole;at my apt in Missouri; 1:10PM;18-Sept-2010
And because true born again believers must strive to please GOD and not humans, you must also not allow abortion to be a so-called right in your household or life. It is also abomination as are homosexuals. The commandments of GOD in Exodus chapter 20 are very clear on this topic. If you don't know the commandments you should learn them. Being ignorant of them will not absolve you of responsibility for them on GOD's Judgement day when the wicked are sent to hell.
The prohibition against killing [Exodus 20:13,KJV] also includes not killing the innocent tiny human embryoes for any reason but especially at government orders [NIH] and paid for by taxpayers and for the reason of benefitting the Old Folks Home of Congress like N Pelosi, and Biden, and Clintons, and the majority there who are over 70 yrs old and who have voted to kill innocents for 40 yrs, in order to get government grant money and kickbacks from Planned Parenthood and 'dividends' from abortuaries [the gas ovens of 21st century]..
Also read Revelation to see what events will happen on GOD's judgement day when the physical world ends, when JESUS comes back to the earth, to gather to heaven the righteous believers and to send to hell those who reject GOD.
Gloria Poole;at my apt in Missouri; 1:10PM;18-Sept-2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Judge Lamberth hold fast to stopping slaughter of innocents.
I am absolutely opposed to the so-called research on human embryoes that were forcefully removed from the womb by assassins and chopped into pieces and then smashed/ground up like hamburger to smear their cells on agar plates. It is cannabalism, it is inhumane and it is disgusting. I am sure that those who kill with premeditation and deliberate intent will go to hell and I say the sooner the better for the human race.
And I am glad, very glad that Judge Lamberth has knowledge of the true laws and I am glad he is bold enough to make the fake scientists retreat and stop the slaughter of innocents. And I am praying that GOD HIMSELF emboldens him and holds him up to withstand the onslaught by the wicked and the ngos that kill for money.
And I think as a Registered Nurse of many years, that if any person would swallow any drug made from killed humans that they deserve hell too.
And here are opinions of other Christians:
",,, the ruling [by Judge Lamberth that embryonic stem cell research violates the public law ] drew praise from the Alliance Defense Fund, a group of Christian attorneys who helped with the lawsuit filed by two researchers against the administration rules.
"The American people should not be forced to pay for experiments — prohibited by federal law — that destroy human life," said Steven H. Aden, the group's senior legal counsel. "The court is simply enforcing an existing law passed by Congress that prevents Americans from paying another penny for needless research on human embryos."
Also, I ask you to research the Nuremberg Code of International law regarding research on humans, that was accepted by all nations [as far as I know] after the trials that brought the killers of the Nazi regime to justice. And ask yourself these questions in regard to those laws:
1) how could a tiny, defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force [abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from], give informed consent to be slaughtered?
2) How could a tiny defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force, do what is necessary to halt destructive 'research' on the self?
3) How could a tiny, defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force [abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from], raise their hands against the assassins of abortionists and so-called [but phony] scientists who kill for the millions they get in federal research money?
4) How could a tiny defenseless human in them womb or removed from it by force,[via abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from] lobby
in Congress to stop the premeditated slaughter by the millions of the class of humans known collectively as embryoes and fetuses?
And then remind yourself it is UP TO YOU to stand in the gap, to make your protest loud and clear, to fight against those who are determined to destroy the human race from off the planet and those who think that animals should inherit the earth and humans be destroyed! IT IS UP TO YOU to make a difference.
Gloria Poole,RN licensed in Colorado but living in Missouri; 7:45AM, 25-Aug-2010; at my aprt in Missouri;
Updated on 5-Sept-2010 at my apt in Missouri to re-add this info:
has medical photos of tiny humans in amniotic sacs [bag of waters as it is commonly called.]
Also see:
Update on 8-Sept-2010 at 5:08 PM with the news that the evil Obama administration is
trying to force the destruction of human embryoes by filing an appeal after Judge Lamberth refused to allow funding of destruction of human embryoes. The case info is:
"The case is Sherley v. Sebelius, 09-cv-1575, U.S. District Court,
District of Columbia, and 10-5287,
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Washington)."
The Obama administration filed an appeal to try to force the destruction of
human embryoes in the fake name of research.Obama does not think of himself as President but as a false god apparently. He is a false god because there is only one GOD and it is not him, and THE GOD wrote in stone, "thou shalt not kill' and that is recorded in Exodus 20:13. Remember how stubborn Pharoah
was when the Jews were in Egypt?
Obama has to be defeated.
5:02 PM 9/8/2010
And I am glad, very glad that Judge Lamberth has knowledge of the true laws and I am glad he is bold enough to make the fake scientists retreat and stop the slaughter of innocents. And I am praying that GOD HIMSELF emboldens him and holds him up to withstand the onslaught by the wicked and the ngos that kill for money.
And I think as a Registered Nurse of many years, that if any person would swallow any drug made from killed humans that they deserve hell too.
And here are opinions of other Christians:
",,, the ruling [by Judge Lamberth that embryonic stem cell research violates the public law ] drew praise from the Alliance Defense Fund, a group of Christian attorneys who helped with the lawsuit filed by two researchers against the administration rules.
"The American people should not be forced to pay for experiments — prohibited by federal law — that destroy human life," said Steven H. Aden, the group's senior legal counsel. "The court is simply enforcing an existing law passed by Congress that prevents Americans from paying another penny for needless research on human embryos."
Also, I ask you to research the Nuremberg Code of International law regarding research on humans, that was accepted by all nations [as far as I know] after the trials that brought the killers of the Nazi regime to justice. And ask yourself these questions in regard to those laws:
1) how could a tiny, defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force [abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from], give informed consent to be slaughtered?
2) How could a tiny defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force, do what is necessary to halt destructive 'research' on the self?
3) How could a tiny, defenseless human in the womb or removed from it by force [abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from], raise their hands against the assassins of abortionists and so-called [but phony] scientists who kill for the millions they get in federal research money?
4) How could a tiny defenseless human in them womb or removed from it by force,[via abortions where they get all the human pieces to 'extract' DNA from] lobby
in Congress to stop the premeditated slaughter by the millions of the class of humans known collectively as embryoes and fetuses?
And then remind yourself it is UP TO YOU to stand in the gap, to make your protest loud and clear, to fight against those who are determined to destroy the human race from off the planet and those who think that animals should inherit the earth and humans be destroyed! IT IS UP TO YOU to make a difference.
Gloria Poole,RN licensed in Colorado but living in Missouri; 7:45AM, 25-Aug-2010; at my aprt in Missouri;
Updated on 5-Sept-2010 at my apt in Missouri to re-add this info:
has medical photos of tiny humans in amniotic sacs [bag of waters as it is commonly called.]
Also see:
Update on 8-Sept-2010 at 5:08 PM with the news that the evil Obama administration is
trying to force the destruction of human embryoes by filing an appeal after Judge Lamberth refused to allow funding of destruction of human embryoes. The case info is:
"The case is Sherley v. Sebelius, 09-cv-1575, U.S. District Court,
District of Columbia, and 10-5287,
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Washington)."
The Obama administration filed an appeal to try to force the destruction of
human embryoes in the fake name of research.Obama does not think of himself as President but as a false god apparently. He is a false god because there is only one GOD and it is not him, and THE GOD wrote in stone, "thou shalt not kill' and that is recorded in Exodus 20:13. Remember how stubborn Pharoah
was when the Jews were in Egypt?
Obama has to be defeated.
5:02 PM 9/8/2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
About the Muslim Entertainment ctr planned for 9/11 lots
I have purposely not written on this topic before because I wanted time to think it through but I have read up on it some and thought on it for days now and here are my thoughts on it [the Park51 Muslim entertainment center 2 blocks from Twin Towers take-down].
1) It is the equivalent of bombing a place and then planting a victory flag over it.
2) It is not about religious freedom since it is not a mosque to pray in but a place to party in.
3) It is not a coincidence at all but a carefully planned manuever to rub the noses of all America in the victory of the muslims who destroyed the twin towers. And it was a victory because the men who destroyed it were not in any way brought to justice and they are considered martyrs [the ones who died]. The nation that those men were from [Saudi Arabia] is still considered essential to America's 'success' since they hold the purse strings to the oil that America wants so much.
And my deciding to post this is directly in response to this quote from the Canada Press today at http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/26762. I
"Despite the plentiful amount of information developed by independent
researchers, bloggers, and commentators that
has been published about the questionable associations of project front
man ABDUL-RAUF over the last few weeks, he continues to travel to the
Middle East as an emissary of America at the behest of the
Obama/Clinton State Department. Ostensibly, his purpose is to
“discuss Muslim life in America and religious tolerance” with
Islamic leaders in Muslim countries. Despite his questionable
associations, the U.S. State Department is steadfast in their
support of his goodwill tour.
U.S. State Department invoking an unprecedented shroud of secrecy
Not only is the U.S. State Department unwavering in their support
in spite of such controversy, they are invoking an unprecedented
shroud of secrecy over the trip."
Read entire article "Report of Investigation Park 51" written
by Doug Hagmann Saturday, August 21, 2010
in the Canada Press today:8:07 AM 8/22/2010
Anything Obama-Clintons are involved in is evil as their hearts are evil
and they have destroyed millions of innocents in the womb in the US and abroad.
And I am fully convinced that the reason the Chelsea wedding was
so secreted away was because the enemies of America as perceived by
most Americans and as defined by the US Constitution as intending to
destroy the U.S. were at that wedding schmoozing with the Clintons
to undermine America.
Gloria Poole; 8:20AM,22-Aug-2010; at my apt in Missouri
1) It is the equivalent of bombing a place and then planting a victory flag over it.
2) It is not about religious freedom since it is not a mosque to pray in but a place to party in.
3) It is not a coincidence at all but a carefully planned manuever to rub the noses of all America in the victory of the muslims who destroyed the twin towers. And it was a victory because the men who destroyed it were not in any way brought to justice and they are considered martyrs [the ones who died]. The nation that those men were from [Saudi Arabia] is still considered essential to America's 'success' since they hold the purse strings to the oil that America wants so much.
And my deciding to post this is directly in response to this quote from the Canada Press today at http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/26762. I
"Despite the plentiful amount of information developed by independent
researchers, bloggers, and commentators that
has been published about the questionable associations of project front
man ABDUL-RAUF over the last few weeks, he continues to travel to the
Middle East as an emissary of America at the behest of the
Obama/Clinton State Department. Ostensibly, his purpose is to
“discuss Muslim life in America and religious tolerance” with
Islamic leaders in Muslim countries. Despite his questionable
associations, the U.S. State Department is steadfast in their
support of his goodwill tour.
U.S. State Department invoking an unprecedented shroud of secrecy
Not only is the U.S. State Department unwavering in their support
in spite of such controversy, they are invoking an unprecedented
shroud of secrecy over the trip."
Read entire article "Report of Investigation Park 51" written
by Doug Hagmann Saturday, August 21, 2010
in the Canada Press today:8:07 AM 8/22/2010
Anything Obama-Clintons are involved in is evil as their hearts are evil
and they have destroyed millions of innocents in the womb in the US and abroad.
And I am fully convinced that the reason the Chelsea wedding was
so secreted away was because the enemies of America as perceived by
most Americans and as defined by the US Constitution as intending to
destroy the U.S. were at that wedding schmoozing with the Clintons
to undermine America.
Gloria Poole; 8:20AM,22-Aug-2010; at my apt in Missouri
Monday, August 16, 2010
Never get an Olympus digital camera-allows theft ur photos
I was given an Olympus camera as a gift for Christmas of 2008. But I did not know it had a back door to criminals as part of the camera. Every time I transfer my original photos from my camera to my PC, photos are stolen by criminals at a remote location who are not authorized on any thing of mine, and not authorized to log in to my computer from anywhere. Today an entire album was stolen from my PC as I was transferring them from the 'storage' portion of the camera to my PC. This is a public notice/warning that most of the originals are still on my camera and are also on my repository site at http://gloriapoole.com/photography/. So if you try to sell them, you will be caught and prosecuted.
Gloria Poole; at my aprt in Missouri; 8:54PM,16-Aug-2010;
Updated next am after realizing that I should have added more about this:
my sketches I sketch are also on my repository sites
and the main one is http://gloriapoole.com/my-sketches/
and my pen/inks, pencil drawings are on my repository site at:
and my paintings I paint are on several sites of mine but my main repository site is:
and on other repository sites and websites, and blogs also with a list of some of them on my main site at http://gloriapoole.com and also on my name site at http://gloriapoole.name.
And my grown daughters {Jennifer and Leigh] and their families' photos are stored in other places also.
And I have the original sketches, drawings and paintings I created, and I have my photos backed up to a physical disc in my possession in secure place. The point is, I could prove that the photos represent my own photographing and my own family and my own originals I create. So stealing them will not help you and it would probably land you in a prison for cybercrime, theft of children's photos, theft of intellectual properties, theft of photos of my 'career' as such as an artist's body of work spanning decades,theft of identities.
And I called the FBI,and submitted a written complaint to them, just so you know. I am not devious.
Gloria Poole,at my aprt in Missouri, 7:13AM, 17-Aug-2010
Update again with more info since the photos involve my flesh and blood daughters [Jennifer and Leigh] and their families and also my photography websites' integrity.
You may see documentation of my photography on my main site at http://gloriapoole.com. And you may see the actual photos at these sites that are specific genre sorted photos:
and I have also added them to some of my spaces blogs including:
and maybe other sites/blogs also.
This is well-known about me and I began photographing when I worked as a stringer for the St Simons Island Georgia Newspaper.Then I continued it as a hobby, and to paint from the photos but thought the public might enjoy seeing them also. But I own the photographs and my paintings, sketches, drawings, and my images of me and I own the copyrights to them also. It is also well known about me that I paint as an artist in oils, acrylics, watercolors, tempera,goauche, powdered pastels,and create sketches with pen/inks, pencils, charcoals, oil pastels. I have also created a few computer-generated graphics on my computer and they are on another website of mine at: http://gloriapoole.me.uk/clip-art. They are quite different from the paintings, sketches, and drawings that I do by hand, as you will see if you compare the sites.
It is also well-known about me that I am a registered nurse for as many years as I am an artist. Actually I began the art work before nursing because I took mechanical drawing in high school years ago.
This is not about vanity or ego but about protecting the integrity of my name and my created works that belong to me and that I own the copyright of, and that were created by me for me [the photos on my websites/blogs were not ever as any sort of paid work for anyone but belong to me exclusively.] I like sharing my created works but that is not permission to steal them. Copyrighted intellectual properties have legal protection around the world. FYI.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri; 8:38AM, 17-Aug-2010
Gloria Poole; at my aprt in Missouri; 8:54PM,16-Aug-2010;
Updated next am after realizing that I should have added more about this:
my sketches I sketch are also on my repository sites
and the main one is http://gloriapoole.com/my-sketches/
and my pen/inks, pencil drawings are on my repository site at:
and my paintings I paint are on several sites of mine but my main repository site is:
and on other repository sites and websites, and blogs also with a list of some of them on my main site at http://gloriapoole.com and also on my name site at http://gloriapoole.name.
And my grown daughters {Jennifer and Leigh] and their families' photos are stored in other places also.
And I have the original sketches, drawings and paintings I created, and I have my photos backed up to a physical disc in my possession in secure place. The point is, I could prove that the photos represent my own photographing and my own family and my own originals I create. So stealing them will not help you and it would probably land you in a prison for cybercrime, theft of children's photos, theft of intellectual properties, theft of photos of my 'career' as such as an artist's body of work spanning decades,theft of identities.
And I called the FBI,and submitted a written complaint to them, just so you know. I am not devious.
Gloria Poole,at my aprt in Missouri, 7:13AM, 17-Aug-2010
Update again with more info since the photos involve my flesh and blood daughters [Jennifer and Leigh] and their families and also my photography websites' integrity.
You may see documentation of my photography on my main site at http://gloriapoole.com. And you may see the actual photos at these sites that are specific genre sorted photos:
and I have also added them to some of my spaces blogs including:
and maybe other sites/blogs also.
This is well-known about me and I began photographing when I worked as a stringer for the St Simons Island Georgia Newspaper.Then I continued it as a hobby, and to paint from the photos but thought the public might enjoy seeing them also. But I own the photographs and my paintings, sketches, drawings, and my images of me and I own the copyrights to them also. It is also well known about me that I paint as an artist in oils, acrylics, watercolors, tempera,goauche, powdered pastels,and create sketches with pen/inks, pencils, charcoals, oil pastels. I have also created a few computer-generated graphics on my computer and they are on another website of mine at: http://gloriapoole.me.uk/clip-art. They are quite different from the paintings, sketches, and drawings that I do by hand, as you will see if you compare the sites.
It is also well-known about me that I am a registered nurse for as many years as I am an artist. Actually I began the art work before nursing because I took mechanical drawing in high school years ago.
This is not about vanity or ego but about protecting the integrity of my name and my created works that belong to me and that I own the copyright of, and that were created by me for me [the photos on my websites/blogs were not ever as any sort of paid work for anyone but belong to me exclusively.] I like sharing my created works but that is not permission to steal them. Copyrighted intellectual properties have legal protection around the world. FYI.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri; 8:38AM, 17-Aug-2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Thank GOD for good Judge Henry Hudson of VA
Today I read this article written by Betsy McCaughey in the Wall St Journal :
about the lawsuit filed by the State of Virginia against the ObamaCare usurpation of authority of the true written law of the U S and that is the Constitution.
I quote from that article:
"Judge Hudson ruled that the court must do what Congress failed to do—apply the Constitution." And again:
"On Monday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson got serious. He denied Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the state of Virginia challenging the new health law. His ruling stated that it is far from certain Congress has the authority to compel Americans to buy insurance and penalize those who don't. " [end quote]
This ruling means the case of the state of Virginia will move forward possibly and probably to the Supreme Court, to decide the issue of whether there is any Constitutional authority for Congress to force citizens to buy anything. [There is not --it would require a Constitutional Amendment and that ObamaFakeCare bill did not amend the Constitution and was not ratified by the people themselves which is what is required to amend the Constitution. Read the Constitution!
The Constitution is not similar to that phony bill of Obama-Pelosi-Clinton socialists in the fact that it is about 10 pages long and the fake reform bill [it was intended to reform the type of government the US has from a republic to a socialist nation] is about 2300 pages give or take a few pages [last news report of it]. The provisions of it were not made public until after it was voted on, and there was a whole lot of arm-twisting, deal-making, corruption, bought votes going on to get it to Obama's desk for his signature.
I am so glad there is a US District Court Judge in Virginia that knows the Constitution. What a miracle for the nation. PRAY he has the wisdom of GOD to do what is right for this nation and not what is right for the wicked in power in Congress who were only serving themselves when they wrote that bill and strong-armed it into public law. I pray every lawsuit against the Socialist rewrite of the nation goes forward and that the Constitution prevails and that is protects the citizens and not the dividends from abortuaries and 'investments' into killing innocents of career politicians.
Also the good state of Missouri voted against ObamaCare.
See article at http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2010/aug/03/ap-voters-reject-key-provision-health-care-law/
I quote from that article:
"Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a key provision
of President Barack Obama's health care law.." and also
"Missouri's law prohibits the government from requiring people to have
health insurance or from penalizing them from paying for their own
health care. That would conflict with a federal requirement that
most people have health insurance or face penalties starting in 2014."
To change topic but on the topic of Judges and I think Kagan would be a horrible Judge--ruinous to the nation.
And about Kagan, just vote NO to her. She is bad for the nation for these reasons:
1) she is against the tiniest most defenseless humans in the womb;
2) she wrote the policy that upheld that evil of infanticide euphemistically labeled by her as 'partial birth abortion' killing for a long time and she was the legal defense of that ungodly B Clinton including probably for his sexual harassment case involving Monica Lewinsky. That should have caused him to be removed from office but she wheeled and dealed to try to cover his crimes.
3) She is against the second amendment of the Constitution that allows citizens to own guns and protect themselves from invasion by unauthorized agents of governments invading one's home place and or from criminals breaking into one's home. The NRA also vehemently opposes her for that reason.
4) She is a cohort of Obama aka Berry --enough said about that. His activities speak for his belief systems or lack of.
5) She is in the pocket --the puppet of Planned Parenthood and Center for Reproductive [killing] evil so-called 'rights."
6) Her agenda for the nation is ruinous.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 7:22 AM, 3-Aug-2010
Update at 9:05AM after reading more of the news and discovering that there is not anything in the NY Times about the decision by Judge Henry Hudson to allow the challenge to Obama to go forward. It is not a real surprise to me however since the NY Times is very much controlled by The District of Columbia [Washington DC] politics and gerry-mandering ,and election rigging,and vote buying.
Also to add this because it is a very ominous sign of the way the current administration is headed and trying to do that secretly since this is from the BBC News and not from any newspaper in the USA:
There is a particularly troubling bit of news in the BBC today about
whether the US government has the authority to put a US citizen's name
on a list to 'capture or kill' without due process for the person so
accused. It seems the citizen is accused of crimes and I am not excusing that
but there is a process to follow and listing them on a 'capture or kill"
directive and bypassing all forms of due process is wrong. The article is at:
I quote from the article about the goals of the lawsuit in this situation
that is brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. I do not agree
with them on much but on the amendments collectively called due process,
I do agree that U S citizens have those rights. Citizens charged with crimes have the Constitutional 'right' to "due process" including the right to face and question their accusers, to defend themselves and state
their side of the story, to present evidence in their case that proves
their situation, to have witnesses testify on their behalf, and to appeals.
These rights are in what is called the bill of rights--amendments to
the US Constitution so read them there. I summarized them.
The quote from that article in BBC about the purpose of the ACLU lawsuit
against the government:
"..but rather to have the CIA "articulate the legal standard under which the government
can target Americans for killing without trial, charge, or conviction".
9:04 AM 8/4/2010
Update at 10:11 after I tried to add my comments to what was apparently was a tracking trick of NBC [I did not know that until they tried to lock down my computer and prevent me from posting my prolife comments to their fake forum that apparently is intended to steal info from private computers. The fake forum to steal your info so avoid it, is at : world-news.polls.newsvine.com on msnbc.com It is clearly a trick. Be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing the Bible says. I am telling you it is not a legitimate site.
And here are the comments that they censored that I am adding here since I document every time a major news station or newspapers censors me for being prolife.
My comments exactly to the article about 34 billionaires giving away half their fortunes are:
I know of this because it was on Charlie Rose. I think IF it is given to good causes, it is a marvelous thing. IF however it is giving to those fake charities that kill tiny humans it is a bad thing and would have the potential to annihilate the human race.
Also, I know that most of the world's major battles were not won with tons of money, but with a few absolutely committed-to-the-cause humans who would never relent under any duress, persecution, or impoverishment. Think of Gandhi's methods of freeing India. Think of the American Revolution won by George Washington with a handful of ragged, desperately poor and hungry men absolutely committed to the cause of liberty for the colonies. The sort of money of 34 billionaires giving to select causes is mind-boggling. I pray it is for good causes and not evil, and that the groups selected to receive that money are not in the killing industries in any way.
Gloria Poole, RN of Missouri. 10:20AM,3-Aug-2010
about the lawsuit filed by the State of Virginia against the ObamaCare usurpation of authority of the true written law of the U S and that is the Constitution.
I quote from that article:
"Judge Hudson ruled that the court must do what Congress failed to do—apply the Constitution." And again:
"On Monday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson got serious. He denied Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the state of Virginia challenging the new health law. His ruling stated that it is far from certain Congress has the authority to compel Americans to buy insurance and penalize those who don't. " [end quote]
This ruling means the case of the state of Virginia will move forward possibly and probably to the Supreme Court, to decide the issue of whether there is any Constitutional authority for Congress to force citizens to buy anything. [There is not --it would require a Constitutional Amendment and that ObamaFakeCare bill did not amend the Constitution and was not ratified by the people themselves which is what is required to amend the Constitution. Read the Constitution!
The Constitution is not similar to that phony bill of Obama-Pelosi-Clinton socialists in the fact that it is about 10 pages long and the fake reform bill [it was intended to reform the type of government the US has from a republic to a socialist nation] is about 2300 pages give or take a few pages [last news report of it]. The provisions of it were not made public until after it was voted on, and there was a whole lot of arm-twisting, deal-making, corruption, bought votes going on to get it to Obama's desk for his signature.
I am so glad there is a US District Court Judge in Virginia that knows the Constitution. What a miracle for the nation. PRAY he has the wisdom of GOD to do what is right for this nation and not what is right for the wicked in power in Congress who were only serving themselves when they wrote that bill and strong-armed it into public law. I pray every lawsuit against the Socialist rewrite of the nation goes forward and that the Constitution prevails and that is protects the citizens and not the dividends from abortuaries and 'investments' into killing innocents of career politicians.
Also the good state of Missouri voted against ObamaCare.
See article at http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2010/aug/03/ap-voters-reject-key-provision-health-care-law/
I quote from that article:
"Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a key provision
of President Barack Obama's health care law.." and also
"Missouri's law prohibits the government from requiring people to have
health insurance or from penalizing them from paying for their own
health care. That would conflict with a federal requirement that
most people have health insurance or face penalties starting in 2014."
To change topic but on the topic of Judges and I think Kagan would be a horrible Judge--ruinous to the nation.
And about Kagan, just vote NO to her. She is bad for the nation for these reasons:
1) she is against the tiniest most defenseless humans in the womb;
2) she wrote the policy that upheld that evil of infanticide euphemistically labeled by her as 'partial birth abortion' killing for a long time and she was the legal defense of that ungodly B Clinton including probably for his sexual harassment case involving Monica Lewinsky. That should have caused him to be removed from office but she wheeled and dealed to try to cover his crimes.
3) She is against the second amendment of the Constitution that allows citizens to own guns and protect themselves from invasion by unauthorized agents of governments invading one's home place and or from criminals breaking into one's home. The NRA also vehemently opposes her for that reason.
4) She is a cohort of Obama aka Berry --enough said about that. His activities speak for his belief systems or lack of.
5) She is in the pocket --the puppet of Planned Parenthood and Center for Reproductive [killing] evil so-called 'rights."
6) Her agenda for the nation is ruinous.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 7:22 AM, 3-Aug-2010
Update at 9:05AM after reading more of the news and discovering that there is not anything in the NY Times about the decision by Judge Henry Hudson to allow the challenge to Obama to go forward. It is not a real surprise to me however since the NY Times is very much controlled by The District of Columbia [Washington DC] politics and gerry-mandering ,and election rigging,and vote buying.
Also to add this because it is a very ominous sign of the way the current administration is headed and trying to do that secretly since this is from the BBC News and not from any newspaper in the USA:
There is a particularly troubling bit of news in the BBC today about
whether the US government has the authority to put a US citizen's name
on a list to 'capture or kill' without due process for the person so
accused. It seems the citizen is accused of crimes and I am not excusing that
but there is a process to follow and listing them on a 'capture or kill"
directive and bypassing all forms of due process is wrong. The article is at:
I quote from the article about the goals of the lawsuit in this situation
that is brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. I do not agree
with them on much but on the amendments collectively called due process,
I do agree that U S citizens have those rights. Citizens charged with crimes have the Constitutional 'right' to "due process" including the right to face and question their accusers, to defend themselves and state
their side of the story, to present evidence in their case that proves
their situation, to have witnesses testify on their behalf, and to appeals.
These rights are in what is called the bill of rights--amendments to
the US Constitution so read them there. I summarized them.
The quote from that article in BBC about the purpose of the ACLU lawsuit
against the government:
"..but rather to have the CIA "articulate the legal standard under which the government
can target Americans for killing without trial, charge, or conviction".
9:04 AM 8/4/2010
Update at 10:11 after I tried to add my comments to what was apparently was a tracking trick of NBC [I did not know that until they tried to lock down my computer and prevent me from posting my prolife comments to their fake forum that apparently is intended to steal info from private computers. The fake forum to steal your info so avoid it, is at : world-news.polls.newsvine.com on msnbc.com It is clearly a trick. Be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing the Bible says. I am telling you it is not a legitimate site.
And here are the comments that they censored that I am adding here since I document every time a major news station or newspapers censors me for being prolife.
My comments exactly to the article about 34 billionaires giving away half their fortunes are:
I know of this because it was on Charlie Rose. I think IF it is given to good causes, it is a marvelous thing. IF however it is giving to those fake charities that kill tiny humans it is a bad thing and would have the potential to annihilate the human race.
Also, I know that most of the world's major battles were not won with tons of money, but with a few absolutely committed-to-the-cause humans who would never relent under any duress, persecution, or impoverishment. Think of Gandhi's methods of freeing India. Think of the American Revolution won by George Washington with a handful of ragged, desperately poor and hungry men absolutely committed to the cause of liberty for the colonies. The sort of money of 34 billionaires giving to select causes is mind-boggling. I pray it is for good causes and not evil, and that the groups selected to receive that money are not in the killing industries in any way.
Gloria Poole, RN of Missouri. 10:20AM,3-Aug-2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A Real Game-Changer for Internet
In the Reuter's news this afternoon is a report written by Grant McCool about US Federal Judge Denny Chin of the Southern District of NY, allowing the Baidu case to go forward. That case is Baidu v Register.com and is No 10-444 on the Southern District of NY Court docket. Baidu alleges that register.com allowed an intruder/impersonator to get their confidential information and use it to vandalize the Baidu files and computers. They are as far as I know the first company to be able to sue for failure of a registrar to implement the usual standard of protection of client's information, and secure methods of protecting their clients from cybercrime which I define as breaking into accounts and vandalism [theft] of records and files, and in some cases money and names/identities.
I am glad to read this news. I think it is time for such legal proceedings in the US since dozens if not hundreds of companies have been vandalized, looted, ruined by such tactics by registrars. I am one of those since my 1and1.com accts were hijacked last year in similar ways, and also my Network Solutions were also hijacked this year in the same method as Baidu described in their lawsuit. Whether the same people hijacked my accounts I am not sure, but the same method was utilized, and money was looted from me,and also websites,and intellectual properties [my original paintings, sketches, drawings, and genre photograph, and original poems, essays, articles written by me, painted by me, sketched by me,drawn by me, and photographed by me, were all stolen from me]. And I am certain that 1and1.com and Network Solutions staff helped the cybercriminals steal my accounts.
So I am glad to see that Baidu is bringing a challenge to dishonest registrars on the internet. I will be watching to see what happens in their case. I am praying that they win and that they set a precedence for those who were ruined by cybercriminals breaking into internet accounts to be able to sue at the law and recover monetary damages sufficient enough to restart their companies and regain what they lost.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 2:24 PM, 22-July-2010
I am glad to read this news. I think it is time for such legal proceedings in the US since dozens if not hundreds of companies have been vandalized, looted, ruined by such tactics by registrars. I am one of those since my 1and1.com accts were hijacked last year in similar ways, and also my Network Solutions were also hijacked this year in the same method as Baidu described in their lawsuit. Whether the same people hijacked my accounts I am not sure, but the same method was utilized, and money was looted from me,and also websites,and intellectual properties [my original paintings, sketches, drawings, and genre photograph, and original poems, essays, articles written by me, painted by me, sketched by me,drawn by me, and photographed by me, were all stolen from me]. And I am certain that 1and1.com and Network Solutions staff helped the cybercriminals steal my accounts.
So I am glad to see that Baidu is bringing a challenge to dishonest registrars on the internet. I will be watching to see what happens in their case. I am praying that they win and that they set a precedence for those who were ruined by cybercriminals breaking into internet accounts to be able to sue at the law and recover monetary damages sufficient enough to restart their companies and regain what they lost.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 2:24 PM, 22-July-2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Liars,Thieves & Reprobates stealing passwords -CAUTION
I have had to reset my password this afternoon after criminals tried to steal my Google acct AGAIN. I wonder often if computers and the internet are viable entities considering that even companies like Microsoft,Apple,Google, AT & T cannot prevent being hacked. I am not an expert programmer by any stretch of imagination but I am not novice either. So I don't know how they think the average citizen could prevent cybercrime or prevent hackers if their team of paid experts cannot. But every time my password is stolen by thieves breaking into/hacking into my computer without authority it makes me mad. Unfortunately, I am reasonably sure that the criminals breaking into all those companies,work for the Pentagon and follow that cyber-hacker Obama's orders. He got into office by breaking into computers and tries to maintain control and suppress speech that opposes him by hacking into/breaking into computers.
He is the problem. But he is not the only cyber-hacker. H Clinton had a team of Hillary's hackers way before he was on the password stealing scene. Unfortunately the cybercriminals way outnumber the good guys it seems to me. The cybercriminals are caught or a few of them are, and then they spend a day or two in prison and then they are at it again. In some cases some of them spent a year or two but did not stop or alter their criminal behaviour and as soon as they were out, they were breaking into computers again.
I put the title for a reason. I also think much of the cyber-hacking by criminals unauthorized on private computers has to do with the concerted effort by those groups the Bible calls reprobate and abominations [and I call perverts] who are trying to take over America. They have a stranglehold on Congress via Barney Frank pervert from Massachusetts and his 'boyfriends' working in his office with enormous power. Until he and those like him are voted out of office, the citizens in this nation who do not accept sodomy and or lesbianism as a evil 'right' have to be very very wary. The Bible names the deeds that that group does in Romans chapter one and it makes the point that their degenerate minds deteriorate into depravity and evil until they are 'worthy of death', [verse 31, ch1 Romans, KJV] .
The best way to fight back against them is vote them out of office,and stop contributing to their causes. Don't buy Cover Girl products that puts ads flamboyantly flaunting perverted women on their sponsored TV and websites. And don't buy any product that puts an ad featuring a known homosexual on it. Those companies only respect $$$-- so take it away from them. They are without GOD or they would not sponsor sin as their product.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 3:27 PM; 16th-July-2010
He is the problem. But he is not the only cyber-hacker. H Clinton had a team of Hillary's hackers way before he was on the password stealing scene. Unfortunately the cybercriminals way outnumber the good guys it seems to me. The cybercriminals are caught or a few of them are, and then they spend a day or two in prison and then they are at it again. In some cases some of them spent a year or two but did not stop or alter their criminal behaviour and as soon as they were out, they were breaking into computers again.
I put the title for a reason. I also think much of the cyber-hacking by criminals unauthorized on private computers has to do with the concerted effort by those groups the Bible calls reprobate and abominations [and I call perverts] who are trying to take over America. They have a stranglehold on Congress via Barney Frank pervert from Massachusetts and his 'boyfriends' working in his office with enormous power. Until he and those like him are voted out of office, the citizens in this nation who do not accept sodomy and or lesbianism as a evil 'right' have to be very very wary. The Bible names the deeds that that group does in Romans chapter one and it makes the point that their degenerate minds deteriorate into depravity and evil until they are 'worthy of death', [verse 31, ch1 Romans, KJV] .
The best way to fight back against them is vote them out of office,and stop contributing to their causes. Don't buy Cover Girl products that puts ads flamboyantly flaunting perverted women on their sponsored TV and websites. And don't buy any product that puts an ad featuring a known homosexual on it. Those companies only respect $$$-- so take it away from them. They are without GOD or they would not sponsor sin as their product.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 3:27 PM; 16th-July-2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Attend Free Webinar on how to save human race from destruction
Tomorrow beginning at 10 AM, East Coast time but 9 :00 am central time etc, there is a free webinar to educate the public on the issues involved in saving the human race from destruction. It is important that you sign up today to have a space to 'attend' via internet. Sign up and read more at http://endingabortion.com/ .
It is sponsored by 30 prolife organizations that are well-know activists for the rights of humans to be born alive. The sign up asks for name and email and then confirms it by sending notice to the email you registered with.
I think it is very important that as many as possible listen and watch the sessions to educate yourself on what you could do and should do, to end abortion as a so-called right. Abortion is a horrible, heinous, grievous sin against GOD and the human race. It is genocide of the worst sort.
I ask you to become prolife in all ways. Vote only prolife. Do not ever vote for democrats because they are against human life. Some of them in Congress have voted against innocent human life more than 75-100 times. Those are evil people who are as my daddy would have said, 'hell bent for destruction". Do not follow them anywhere.
And remember that the democrats are the party of DEATH, not life. Everything they do is designed to encourage and promote death not life. Do not ever vote for a democrat!
Please attend the webinar and educate yourself in every way possible. See the medically correct photos of tiny humans [photos I took of paper photos to digitize them] at:
And read these blogs of mine also on how humans develop in the womb:
http://onlineeducator.biz/ and scroll to the entry about the transition from embryo to fetus, and also see my medical sketches there of some of the stages of development.
And also http://onlineeducator.bravehost.com/
and http://www.sites.google.com/site/wordslife/
and http://www.sites.google.com/site/wordslife2/
Each of the sites listed here are sites owned by me and created by me and each is different, unique content. And they will each educate you on the issues involving saving the human race from destruction.
Gloria Poole, RN; at my home in Missouri; 9th-July-2010; 12:03 PM
It is sponsored by 30 prolife organizations that are well-know activists for the rights of humans to be born alive. The sign up asks for name and email and then confirms it by sending notice to the email you registered with.
I think it is very important that as many as possible listen and watch the sessions to educate yourself on what you could do and should do, to end abortion as a so-called right. Abortion is a horrible, heinous, grievous sin against GOD and the human race. It is genocide of the worst sort.
I ask you to become prolife in all ways. Vote only prolife. Do not ever vote for democrats because they are against human life. Some of them in Congress have voted against innocent human life more than 75-100 times. Those are evil people who are as my daddy would have said, 'hell bent for destruction". Do not follow them anywhere.
And remember that the democrats are the party of DEATH, not life. Everything they do is designed to encourage and promote death not life. Do not ever vote for a democrat!
Please attend the webinar and educate yourself in every way possible. See the medically correct photos of tiny humans [photos I took of paper photos to digitize them] at:
And read these blogs of mine also on how humans develop in the womb:
http://onlineeducator.biz/ and scroll to the entry about the transition from embryo to fetus, and also see my medical sketches there of some of the stages of development.
And also http://onlineeducator.bravehost.com/
and http://www.sites.google.com/site/wordslife/
and http://www.sites.google.com/site/wordslife2/
Each of the sites listed here are sites owned by me and created by me and each is different, unique content. And they will each educate you on the issues involving saving the human race from destruction.
Gloria Poole, RN; at my home in Missouri; 9th-July-2010; 12:03 PM
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ignore False report from Marie Stopes killing org re:no fetal pain
The Uk doctors who were bought by the Marie Stopes killing organization to produce a fake report to deceive the world ought to be ashamed of themselves, and they ought to have to disclose how much Marie Stopes and Planned Parenthood both killing organizations paid them for that fake report of no fetal pain when babies slaughtered.And the Associated Press should hire some reputable medical reporters and not get their news from those organizations' PR sheets and or from the Guttmacher killing connection either.
There is not one shred of truth in the report about a fetus not feeling fetal pain when slaughtered, or their false statement that the human brain of babies is not formed enough to feel pain when murdered in abortion. Babies in the womb move, suck their thumbs, kick, respond to stimuli all way before the 24 weeks of gestation, and all of those activities involve the brain and its connections [via neurons] to the muscles, tendons, nerves. In addition the baby's heart begins beating in the womb at ten days after fertilization which requires active involvement of the brain.
I bet if you researched those so-called UK doctors in that report that they were or are nothing but abortionists, and abortionists on the payroll of Marie Stopes' killing centres and or Planned Parenthood/Guttmacher killing centres.
Do not be deceived by their propaganda and bought 'medical reports' producing lies. Here's what i learned about medical studies after 26+ years as a Registered Nurse licensed in several states in serial fashion depending upon where I lived: if you toss a few million at any so-called 'scientist" and then toss at them the results you want them to produce and say 'you get the millions if you produce a study 'proving' what we want proved, they produce for you a polished glitzy looking totally false report to get your money. Paid for studies are almost worthless because of that. And what is most alarming to me is that the US citizens are smart enough to know that megabucks influence and have a tendency to rig elections [think of how Obama bought votes with his offer to give $500 to those who voted for him via twitter] but fail to connect the dots that megabucks also tarnish, disqualify, negate medical studies also.
UK doctors, if you are really medical doctors with active and actual licenses and in some practice other than killing, you ought to be ashamed for participating in such a scam. And for you that are abortionists, you better repent because judgement day is coming and you are going to hell if you don't repent, according to scripture.
Gloria Poole, at my home in Missouri; 2: 41 PM, 25-June-2010
There is not one shred of truth in the report about a fetus not feeling fetal pain when slaughtered, or their false statement that the human brain of babies is not formed enough to feel pain when murdered in abortion. Babies in the womb move, suck their thumbs, kick, respond to stimuli all way before the 24 weeks of gestation, and all of those activities involve the brain and its connections [via neurons] to the muscles, tendons, nerves. In addition the baby's heart begins beating in the womb at ten days after fertilization which requires active involvement of the brain.
I bet if you researched those so-called UK doctors in that report that they were or are nothing but abortionists, and abortionists on the payroll of Marie Stopes' killing centres and or Planned Parenthood/Guttmacher killing centres.
Do not be deceived by their propaganda and bought 'medical reports' producing lies. Here's what i learned about medical studies after 26+ years as a Registered Nurse licensed in several states in serial fashion depending upon where I lived: if you toss a few million at any so-called 'scientist" and then toss at them the results you want them to produce and say 'you get the millions if you produce a study 'proving' what we want proved, they produce for you a polished glitzy looking totally false report to get your money. Paid for studies are almost worthless because of that. And what is most alarming to me is that the US citizens are smart enough to know that megabucks influence and have a tendency to rig elections [think of how Obama bought votes with his offer to give $500 to those who voted for him via twitter] but fail to connect the dots that megabucks also tarnish, disqualify, negate medical studies also.
UK doctors, if you are really medical doctors with active and actual licenses and in some practice other than killing, you ought to be ashamed for participating in such a scam. And for you that are abortionists, you better repent because judgement day is coming and you are going to hell if you don't repent, according to scripture.
Gloria Poole, at my home in Missouri; 2: 41 PM, 25-June-2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Senate: Vote NO to Kagan & to Judge C who justifies serial murders
About Kagan the nominee of Obama's that is the party politick of the communist manifesto. Here are the values I have summed up that she represents, remembering the that the Bible says that whatever or whoever you sell yourself too, is the enactment of what you believe. She defended infanticide, and molestation of an insubordinate that is called sexual harassment in situations where the employer is not the federal government, and she lives the lifestyle of the ??? lesbian and is obviously in the prodeath camp believing women are only 'emancipated' when they have killed their offspring. She is the enemy of the US Military. She'd fit in well with the Hitler kill the Jews political decisions of yesteryear since she believes in killing the preborn/unborn jews when they are the most defenseless and vulnerable. She has no conscience as is true of most lawyers educated by the propaganda machinery of law schools in the US who are taught to defend the most vile and reprehensible evil people in the nation. Just vote no to Kagan. Find a better candidate who believes there is a GOD and it is not her.
Also, I read in the news that the Calif Judge is looking for a reason to make his decision.How about these reasons to vote against sodomites and lesbians marrying?
1) The people/citizens/voters voted against it. What right does a judge have to overturn the will /voted on decision of the people of California?
2) What 'right' does a judge have to declare himself the sole Legislative body for any state and thus essentially voiding out/cancelling out the decision by the people who voted against homosexuals being allowed to marry?
3) What does the state legislature say about how a bill becomes law in California? Is it ever by Judicial fiat? or decree? NOT!
4) How about avoiding the tyranny of a single self appointed tyrant overturning the entire state and its legislature all by himself? Is California the next red China?
5) How about not forcing sin as a lifestyle on the MAJORITY of the state in a judicial effort to appease the few wicked there that want to ramrod the parts of them down the throats and behinds of others?
6) How about wanting the blessings of GOD and not the curses?
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 7:47 PM, 16-June-2010
And readded previous entry to keep it in this discussion:
I read in the news about the sodomites suing in California to force the nation to tolerate sin. I am opposed to any revision of any law that would enable or empower that sin of sodomy and abomination, based upon the words of GOD ALMIGHTY. GOD told Moses to tell the men, 'thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22
And in the Old Testament, it says clearly that GOD rained fire and brimstone from heaven to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha because the men there demanded the right to sodomize the messengers of GOD. Read the Bible and know what the curse for California will be if Judges try to force sodomy on the state as a false and evil 'right'. When something becomes law, it is taught in schools. When sin is taught as a "right" by state authorized teachers, then the state will be destroyed according to scripture. It is written, '..whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Woe unto the world because of offences! Woe to that man by whom the offence cometh." Matthew 18:6-7 . When you teach children to sin, you bring woe on yourself or on your state/nation.
Be not deceived by the devil. It is the devil who wants to legitimize sodomy and sin. Do not be fooled by him. He will lead you and California to hell. And quickly if you give him so much as an inch of 'tolerance'.
Readding info from previous post to keep it in the public eye:
Update at 6:01 PM same day after reading some of CNN news that thankfully the FDA is not controlled by politics but science and voted no to blood from homosexuals:
"Health statistics show that men who have sex with men have a
higher rate of diseases including HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.
Gay men who would be likely to donate have an HIV prevalence that
is over 15 times higher than that of the general population,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
A quote from article about the FDA upholding the ban on blood donations
by homosexuals.And also this quote: "The blood donations go through HIV
antigen screening (to detect antibodies produced by the body in
response to the virus) and nucleic acid testing. However, there is
a "window period" for about two weeks after an individual becomes infected
with HIV when these tests cannot detect the virus. Read the article in CNN news today: 5:57 PM 6/14/2010
It is written,'for the wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,who hold the truth in
unrighteousness.Because that which may be known of GOD is manifest
in them; for GOD hath shewed it to them. For the invisible things of
Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made, even HIS eternal power and GODHEAD; so
they are without excuse. Because that, when they knew GOD, they
glorified HIM not as GOD, neither were thankful but became vain in
their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the glory of
THE uncorruptible GOD into an image made like to corruptible man and
to birds and fourfooted beasts; and creeping things. Wherefore GOD
also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.Who changed the truth
of GOD into a lie and worshipped and served the creature [humans, animals]
more than THE CREATOR, who is blessed forever.Amen. And likewise,
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their
lust one toward another;men with men working that which is unseemly
and recieving in themselves that recompense of their error [sin] that
which was meet [due them,the consequences of sin and unnatural affections
such as HIV and AIDS, and torn body parts].
And even as they did not like to retain GOD in their knowledge, GOD
gave them over to a reprobate [footnote says debased, degenerate, incapble of
being redeemed from hell] mind, to do those things which are
not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness; fornication;
wickedness; covetousness; maliciousness; full of envy; murder; debate;
deceit; malignity; whisperers; backbiters; haters of GOD; boasters;
inventors of evil things; disobedient to parents; without understanding;
covenant-breakers; without natural affection; implacable; unmerciful;
who knowing the Judgement of GOD that they which commit such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them
that do them." Romans 1: 18-32,King James Holy Bible
"Nevertheless to avoid fornication,let every man have his own wife,
and every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the
wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband, and likewise
the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye
not [do not withhold sex from each other] except it be with consent
for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and
come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency [
abstainence of marital sex].
' I Corinthians 7:2-5;KJV
Adding to some of my blogs again today:Gloria Poole, @ 9:32AM, 22-June-2010; at my home in Missouri
Also, I read in the news that the Calif Judge is looking for a reason to make his decision.How about these reasons to vote against sodomites and lesbians marrying?
1) The people/citizens/voters voted against it. What right does a judge have to overturn the will /voted on decision of the people of California?
2) What 'right' does a judge have to declare himself the sole Legislative body for any state and thus essentially voiding out/cancelling out the decision by the people who voted against homosexuals being allowed to marry?
3) What does the state legislature say about how a bill becomes law in California? Is it ever by Judicial fiat? or decree? NOT!
4) How about avoiding the tyranny of a single self appointed tyrant overturning the entire state and its legislature all by himself? Is California the next red China?
5) How about not forcing sin as a lifestyle on the MAJORITY of the state in a judicial effort to appease the few wicked there that want to ramrod the parts of them down the throats and behinds of others?
6) How about wanting the blessings of GOD and not the curses?
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 7:47 PM, 16-June-2010
And readded previous entry to keep it in this discussion:
I read in the news about the sodomites suing in California to force the nation to tolerate sin. I am opposed to any revision of any law that would enable or empower that sin of sodomy and abomination, based upon the words of GOD ALMIGHTY. GOD told Moses to tell the men, 'thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22
And in the Old Testament, it says clearly that GOD rained fire and brimstone from heaven to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha because the men there demanded the right to sodomize the messengers of GOD. Read the Bible and know what the curse for California will be if Judges try to force sodomy on the state as a false and evil 'right'. When something becomes law, it is taught in schools. When sin is taught as a "right" by state authorized teachers, then the state will be destroyed according to scripture. It is written, '..whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Woe unto the world because of offences! Woe to that man by whom the offence cometh." Matthew 18:6-7 . When you teach children to sin, you bring woe on yourself or on your state/nation.
Be not deceived by the devil. It is the devil who wants to legitimize sodomy and sin. Do not be fooled by him. He will lead you and California to hell. And quickly if you give him so much as an inch of 'tolerance'.
Readding info from previous post to keep it in the public eye:
Update at 6:01 PM same day after reading some of CNN news that thankfully the FDA is not controlled by politics but science and voted no to blood from homosexuals:
"Health statistics show that men who have sex with men have a
higher rate of diseases including HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.
Gay men who would be likely to donate have an HIV prevalence that
is over 15 times higher than that of the general population,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
A quote from article about the FDA upholding the ban on blood donations
by homosexuals.And also this quote: "The blood donations go through HIV
antigen screening (to detect antibodies produced by the body in
response to the virus) and nucleic acid testing. However, there is
a "window period" for about two weeks after an individual becomes infected
with HIV when these tests cannot detect the virus. Read the article in CNN news today: 5:57 PM 6/14/2010
It is written,'for the wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,who hold the truth in
unrighteousness.Because that which may be known of GOD is manifest
in them; for GOD hath shewed it to them. For the invisible things of
Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made, even HIS eternal power and GODHEAD; so
they are without excuse. Because that, when they knew GOD, they
glorified HIM not as GOD, neither were thankful but became vain in
their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the glory of
THE uncorruptible GOD into an image made like to corruptible man and
to birds and fourfooted beasts; and creeping things. Wherefore GOD
also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.Who changed the truth
of GOD into a lie and worshipped and served the creature [humans, animals]
more than THE CREATOR, who is blessed forever.Amen. And likewise,
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their
lust one toward another;men with men working that which is unseemly
and recieving in themselves that recompense of their error [sin] that
which was meet [due them,the consequences of sin and unnatural affections
such as HIV and AIDS, and torn body parts].
And even as they did not like to retain GOD in their knowledge, GOD
gave them over to a reprobate [footnote says debased, degenerate, incapble of
being redeemed from hell] mind, to do those things which are
not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness; fornication;
wickedness; covetousness; maliciousness; full of envy; murder; debate;
deceit; malignity; whisperers; backbiters; haters of GOD; boasters;
inventors of evil things; disobedient to parents; without understanding;
covenant-breakers; without natural affection; implacable; unmerciful;
who knowing the Judgement of GOD that they which commit such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them
that do them." Romans 1: 18-32,King James Holy Bible
"Nevertheless to avoid fornication,let every man have his own wife,
and every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the
wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband, and likewise
the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye
not [do not withhold sex from each other] except it be with consent
for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and
come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency [
abstainence of marital sex].
' I Corinthians 7:2-5;KJV
Adding to some of my blogs again today:Gloria Poole, @ 9:32AM, 22-June-2010; at my home in Missouri
Monday, June 7, 2010
Basic Midwifery: 101 ; with my painting entitled "Midwife"

/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist @ 8:42PM, 8-Sept-2009
Update with more info that I meant to include:
If you ever have to deliver a baby here's what you have to know:
1) do not push or pull the baby in most cases; there are a few situations where that might be necessary but if so, see if you could get trained professional help immediately. The mother's contractions are something to behold in most cases -- a powerful force to push the baby out. If the mother becomes too exhausted to push that is when you should seek medical attention immediately, or if the bottom of the baby presents first instead of the head.
2) wash the woman's private parts with soap and water and towel dry IF you have time to do that. In many situations the baby is delivered so fast that you literally are catching her [or him] with the hands you have at the moment such as the man who pulled over the side of road to deliver his baby and baby was whoosh and there!
3) Catch the baby with a good grip--they are covered in water and blood and they are slippery. Grab hold in sort of a football grip of one hand on their behind and the other supporting their head and neck as you see in this painting.
4) Remember the umbilical cord will be born also and then after it stops pulsating you clamp it if you have some sort of clamps, or tie it with the cleanest string or shoelaces or torn cloth strips in TWO places and then cut it between the ties, or clamps with a clean pair of scissors; and if you have time to boil those first, all the better. If not, get the cleanest you have and wash them with soap and water and wash your hands too, time permitting. Cutting the cord is not the first thing you have to do by any means as it is attached to the placenta and the mother will push placenta and cord all the way just as she did push the baby out with her contractions. So if you are skittish about that AND REMEMBER you have to have something to clamp that cord with BEFORE you cut it, or tie it off in two places with the cleanest cord you have, because it has blood vessels that are huge and that run directly into the baby, and the mother too if the placenta is not expelled yet. It is attached to the lining of the uterus and usually within 5 -30 minutes after baby is born the placenta detaches [no longer needed] and is expelled also. Don't pull on it either --you don't want to tear it apart and causing massive bleeding.
If you have nothing to clamp the cord with before you cut [clamp in two places like clamp --clamp and then cut between the clamps like where the -- are in that example, then take baby, with cord and placenta attached to the ER after the birth and let them do that for you. It has been done a lot of times that way.
5) The mother loses blood quickly but usually that stops spontaneously in a few minutes but you could gently massage the uterus until you feel it clamp down, by sort of kneading it until you feel it tighten up to stop the blood flow.The mother will know where it is, don't worry about that.
6) If the bleeding does not subside quickly, take her and baby to the Emergency Room quickly.
7 ) Wash up the mother and remove the blood as it is a source of bacteria if left there.
8 ) Wash up the baby and put her to the mother's breast and encourage her to suck to start the flow of milk in the mother. Wash thoroughly but gently.
9) Newborn babies look a little rough when they arrive, they have endured the mother's contractions and being pushed through a small space so don't be alarmed by that. But if they look sort of bluish as I painted this baby in the painting, turn the baby upside down and let the water flow from the mouth and nose of the baby to open the airways. The baby should start crying and breathing. If not, then start CPR on the baby.
After they take that first breath,they will look more normal and pink up, and look better after you wash them up.
After they take that first breath,they will look more normal and pink up, and look better after you wash them up.
I signed back in again because I forgot to tell you this:
a midwife is a licensed by the state occupation in the U S and they are usually RN's with more training but in other countries of the world,they may not have medical or nursing training as it exists in the U S but a lifetime of experience. Anytime you do something over and over again, you learn by doing and those midwives are often excellent. Also the Bible tells of midwives delivering Jewish and Arabic babies for centuries so it is not to be feared.
Also the bluish looking rope like cord you see attached to the baby's belly is the umbilical cord and that is sort of how it looks like reddish artery and bluish vein in it that is what nourishes the baby in utero. After the baby is born it will throb until the placenta detaches from the mother and that is when it is ok to cut it to detach it from the baby but YOU HAVE TO CLAMP IT close to the baby [about an inch from the belly] before you cut it, because those huge blood vessels flow right into the baby and out of baby also and you don't want the baby to lose blood either.
I wanted to clarify something. The massage done after the baby is born is done from the outside by pushing against the pear shaped uterus in the pelvis. Do not attempt to massage the uterus from inside the mother unless you have been trained because the uterus is boggy soft like a ripe pear and you don't want to destroy it by doing what you don't know how to do. So rub the mommy's tummy at the pelvis and you should feel the top edge of the uterus and massage it until it clamps down and feels more firm and the bleeding slacks up. The bleeding contines even if you do that but not it is not massive bleeding except immediately at the birth, in most cases. Occasionally that could happen and if so take the mother and baby to hospital or get medical help immediately if bleeding does not slack up. Losing too much blood is life-threatening and you don't want that to happen so if bleeding does not slack up, slow in a few minutes then massage the uterus as best you could until it clamps down and when it does that ,the blood vessels will be clamped and the bleeding will slow to more like a heavy menstrual period.
I know this is detailed and I intended it to be. No sense in being vague on this topic as one of my missions in life is to encourage living babies for women; and end the killing of them via that heinous sin of abortion.
And I pray that the devil is defeated in America and everywhere and no longer will human beings be killed in the womb instead of delivered alive.
Update Saturday 12-Sept-2009 after reading news article on home deliveries yesterday:
Remember you must not reuse razors in any situation. The reason not to reuse them in any situation is because they have blood on them in ways that you might not see except under a microscope. Blood is an excellent source for bad germs to grow on and you do not want to give germs to anyone or get germs from anyone in that way, since some very bad stuff grows in blood when it is left with infected blood on it. Those razors that come in home delivery kits in places like Africa or 'third world nations' are not meant to be reused. If you plan to reuse them and there is nothing else to use, you HAVE TO STERILIZE it first by boiling it five minutes in water.
And you could tie off the umbilical cord with string in two places like X -- X and cut the cord between the ties at the -- in the example where the Xs represent tied cord with string. If you anticipate having to deliver a baby at home get ready ahead of time and sterilize your equipment by boiling it and get a mask and gloves for the person who would be delivering the baby.
The reason to cover the woman as she is delivering is because she will lose blood and after the delivery and what is called her circulating blood volume will shift quickly, and she will need the additional warmth to maintain her body temperature at a safe level and prevent chills and shivering.
Update on 4-Oct-2009 after realizing that people might not know that some babies arrive into the world looking a little bit blue or not quite breathing. For any baby you deliver you should put the baby laying on one arm the long way, with your left hand supporting the neck and head and your right hand on the baby's back to sandwich baby between your arms, then turn baby upside down so that the water and blood would drain out of the baby's mouth and airway. Usually that clears the airway quickly and the baby will inhale and start to cry. I think I assumed everyone knows to do this in an emergency but then realized you might not know that. If the baby does not cry after you do that then with the heel of your hand, gently smack the baby on the baby between the shoulder blades to dislodge mucus or anything there. Then baby should inhale and cry. If that does not happen and if baby not breathing start breathing for baby by putting your mouth over the baby's mouth and nose and forcing gently air into the baby. Newborns need breaths faster than adults do, so breathe for baby in short quick frequent puffs. Call for help! Babies have smaller lungs and airways than adults and much bigger heads ---their heads are out of proportion to the rest of their bodies. You have to support that head and neck with one head whatever you do because when newborn a baby's head will weigh 1/3 of the total body weight approximately, and be 1/3 the length of the total body length.
Also I forgot to tell you that newborn babies have a sticky, whitish stuff covering them sort of like a tacky glue. That is on every newborn and washes off. But it is there when they are in the womb to protect their skin from the water of the amniotic sac. It makes them very slippery when they emerge. It is best to have some sort of towel [clean hopefully] or clean shirt or the mama's coattail or some fabric to grasp them when when they first emerge for that reason.
The baby I painted in this painting was intentionally a little blue around the head and face to show you what newborn babies sometimes look like. But they should breathe quickly, cry lustily and pink up quickly. Pink up meaning as in not blue around the mouth , lips and fingernails and toenails. That blue color called cyanosis is a very distinct sign that the baby is not getting enough oxygen, and actually it means the same thing in anyone. If you see a person who looks blue that person is not getting enough oxygen to the brain.
These teaching lessons are intended to be simple and easy for you to understand, not medical jargon or complicated with a lot to remember. I want you to remember the basics .
/s/ Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse; originally posted on 4-Oct-2009@2:48PM [this update] and reposted from my home in Missouri on 7-June-2010 @ 3:46 PM .Gloria Poole, RN.
Also added on 17th-June-2010 as public notice:
I have had about a dozen emails stolen from me by criminals who broke into my accounts using stolen credentials and then changed the passwords to try to lock me out of my accounts. Cybercrime unfortunately is what the internet is best at, so those of you who believe in GOD, pray. I listed the emails on another blog also but for the public to be aware that the stolen emails were stolen from me and are not authorized any longer in order that you are not deceived by identity thieves and criminals, I am listing those emails here.
The emails I paid for and or signed up for and created that were stolen from me by criminals in the past 3 years are:
gloria at gloriapoole.com
gloria at Poole-Family.net
gloria at gloria0871.net
gloria at lifemedia-publishing.com
gloria at gloriapoole.im
gloria at gloriapoole.pro
tapestry.of.life at gmail.com
gloria.poole at earthlink.net
gloria at gloriapoole-paintings.info
gloria at gloriapoole.name
And I think there are others on the other blog were I added them. I have also notified the FBI that these emails were stolen from me and that the persons who stole them were not at any time authorized on any domain or account of mine and were not authorized at any point in time. Do not be deceived by criminals and those who steal or buy identities from criminals. These emails on the paid domains were paid for by me but stolen from me with the help of accomplices in some hosting companies' office allowing people not authorized on my account to get my confidential information by merely asking for it, and by the use of stolen USPS mail that was sent to me,when my USPS mail was redirected by the criminal who was my then-second-husband who hurt me in July 2006,who forwarded my US mail to his address, while I was having surgery to repair the damage as much as possible that was done to me deliberately, in his effort to annihilate me, steal my property, my name and my life and annihilate me totally by stealing my name, postal mail, emails, accounts and possessions, and tried repeatedly to steal/slam my cell phone accounts. I testified against him in Denver County, Arapahoe county and federal court in Colorado; but he pays fat cat slick wicked lawyers big bucks to hide his crimes. So I want other women to know that he is not marriage material and that he is violent and dangerous, and that he would steal everything you ever worked for if you give him so much as a toe inside your doorway. Don't be deceived by him--he is evil.
Also I am adding to this because it is important for the public to know that 2G of my original photographs was stolen by mozy.com, and also my photos on inbox.com, and also another entire album of my original photographs that had sunsets, skies, mountains in it was stolen by the hosting company named 1and1.com of Pennsylvania;and my photo album [foneblog] on my TMobile phone; and my printshop.com account was hijacked and stolen also. Don't be deceived by criminals who steal for a living or who are of criminal mindsets thinking that they won't be caught. They will be caught and they will be prosecuted and some of them are going to be in prison for years. So don't be fooled by criminals.
Gloria Poole ; at my home in Missouri; 10:03 AM, 17_June-2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
US House,defeat Senate plan to turn military into abortionists
US House of Representatives, just vote no to the evil plan of the Senate to turn military base hospitals into abortion clinics. The Senate has proved itself to be the most evil part of the federal government over and over again. Do not go along with their wicked scheme. Veterans need real health care not killing by medical doctors! Do not let the focus of military base hospitals become killing. Do not pervert the purpose of the military away from the cause of saving lives and protecting the innocents to killing of innocents. Just vote NO to their evil plan.
And vote NO to every evil scheme that has the purpose of premeditated murders of innocents in the womb.
Remember GOD's Commandment of 'thou shalt not kill' in Exodus 20:13.
Also remember these scriptures :
"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of GOD, made HE man.' Genesis 9:6, KJV;
"Be not deceived. GOD is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7, KJV.
These verses were true for that mass murderer Tiller, and they will be true for the Senate killers also, according to scripture--GOD is not mocked by the Senate either. Do not follow in their footsteps.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri, 3:02 PM, 5-June-2010
And vote NO to every evil scheme that has the purpose of premeditated murders of innocents in the womb.
Remember GOD's Commandment of 'thou shalt not kill' in Exodus 20:13.
Also remember these scriptures :
"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of GOD, made HE man.' Genesis 9:6, KJV;
"Be not deceived. GOD is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7, KJV.
These verses were true for that mass murderer Tiller, and they will be true for the Senate killers also, according to scripture--GOD is not mocked by the Senate either. Do not follow in their footsteps.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri, 3:02 PM, 5-June-2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Obama Spent $10 Million US taxpayers USD Lobbying in Kenya
From Lifenews.com sent to me via email on 2-June-2010:
Quoting: "Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- New information obtained by a member
of Congress makes it appear the Obama administration has spent
$10 million potentially illegally promoting a pro-abortion constitution
in Kenya. Obama officials were thought to have spent $2 million but
Rep. Chris Smith says that figure could exceed $10 million.
Lobbying for or against abortion is prohibited under a provision
of federal law known as the Siljander Amendment annually included
in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.
The amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this
Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion,” and violations
are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency
Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341."
Smith, the leading Republican on the House Africa and Global Health
Subcommittee, and two other members of Congress have called for
a probe into the Obama administration's spending in support of
a campaign to get the pro-abortion constitution approved in Kenya
in August.
The three sent a May 6 letter to the Inspectors General at the
State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development
seeking a probe.
Today, Smith's office informed LifeNews.com that subsequent
information uncovered by investigators has revealed that actual U.S.
taxpayer expenditures in support of the pro-abortion constitution
are estimated to exceed $10 million.
“This week I learned that U.S. taxpayer expenditures in support
of the proposed constitution may exceed $10 million—five times
the level we original suspected," Smith said.
“This massive spending will undoubtedly be directed to those
entities that are pressing for ratification of the proposed
constitution. Such support will further enable passage of a constitution that is opposed by many pro-life leaders in Kenya, because it enshrines new rights to abortion. As such, the funding is a clear violation of federal law against use of U.S. taxpayer funds to lobby
for or against abortion,” Smith explained. Full story at LifeNews.com"[end quote,
quoting entire article as teaching purpose, not for financial gain. Subscribe to lifenews.com to receive emails into your inbox.]
Why should any US President spend taxpayer's dollars in Kenya at any time but much less lobbying for an evil cause? Why should any President spend US taxpayers monies in foreign nations influencing /rigging/bribing foreign goverrnments when such acivity it treason? Why should any President spend US taxpayers monies lobbying for the evil of abortion? Why should any US President spend US taxpayers monies to export killing of innocents in the womb as a right? Why should any US President lobby for any cause in another nation--is he just a pimp for planned Parenthood?
Gloria Poole [RN] at my home in Missouri; 8:57 AM, 2-June-2010
Quoting: "Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- New information obtained by a member
of Congress makes it appear the Obama administration has spent
$10 million potentially illegally promoting a pro-abortion constitution
in Kenya. Obama officials were thought to have spent $2 million but
Rep. Chris Smith says that figure could exceed $10 million.
Lobbying for or against abortion is prohibited under a provision
of federal law known as the Siljander Amendment annually included
in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.
The amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this
Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion,” and violations
are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency
Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341."
Smith, the leading Republican on the House Africa and Global Health
Subcommittee, and two other members of Congress have called for
a probe into the Obama administration's spending in support of
a campaign to get the pro-abortion constitution approved in Kenya
in August.
The three sent a May 6 letter to the Inspectors General at the
State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development
seeking a probe.
Today, Smith's office informed LifeNews.com that subsequent
information uncovered by investigators has revealed that actual U.S.
taxpayer expenditures in support of the pro-abortion constitution
are estimated to exceed $10 million.
“This week I learned that U.S. taxpayer expenditures in support
of the proposed constitution may exceed $10 million—five times
the level we original suspected," Smith said.
“This massive spending will undoubtedly be directed to those
entities that are pressing for ratification of the proposed
constitution. Such support will further enable passage of a constitution that is opposed by many pro-life leaders in Kenya, because it enshrines new rights to abortion. As such, the funding is a clear violation of federal law against use of U.S. taxpayer funds to lobby
for or against abortion,” Smith explained. Full story at LifeNews.com"[end quote,
quoting entire article as teaching purpose, not for financial gain. Subscribe to lifenews.com to receive emails into your inbox.]
Why should any US President spend taxpayer's dollars in Kenya at any time but much less lobbying for an evil cause? Why should any President spend US taxpayers monies in foreign nations influencing /rigging/bribing foreign goverrnments when such acivity it treason? Why should any President spend US taxpayers monies lobbying for the evil of abortion? Why should any US President spend US taxpayers monies to export killing of innocents in the womb as a right? Why should any US President lobby for any cause in another nation--is he just a pimp for planned Parenthood?
Gloria Poole [RN] at my home in Missouri; 8:57 AM, 2-June-2010
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