Monday, July 28, 2014

Sketches by this farm girl Gloria Poole of Georgia and Missouri

I, Gloria Poole, drew, painted signed photographed & uploaded these farm scenes to this blog of mine. Copyrighted. Read labels & copyright.

This first sketch is of the dirt road that still exists on some of the Poole land in Georgia. My daddy did grow sorghum but I just drew and tried to paint generic grain. I loved walking down the dirt road to the the acreage that had a cold water spring on it. This is acrylics on 8 x 11 paper and I named it 'the dirt road" sketch only. That is my left hand holding the bottom edge of the sketch.

This second sketch is also a grain field and the farmer is beginning to cut the grain. The farmer in this sketch is a pretend person but he is dressed as farmers dress. I named this sketch "amber waves of grain" and it is also on another blog of mine that I posted the day I completed it.

This third sketch is "inspecting the crops" looking at the pickup driving down the rows as farmer 'inspects" the crops to see if growing, if need irrigating? It is also acrylics on paper.

P> This 4th sketch is one I named "tomatoes and pepper" and that is because I LOVE those : home grown sun ripened non-GMO tomatoes and bell peppers. I have drawn and painted very few sketches of food of any sort. This is acrylics on paper also.

This 5th sketch is one I named "Sunshiney" because for crops to grow, they must have sunlight. It is also on another blog of mine that I posted too, on the day I completed this sketch.

For the record: I am white, Southern Baptist single again twice-divorced woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh; and a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri;and an artist in all mediums, a republican, prolife activist, personhood promoter; author, poet and photographer, cartoonist, illustrator, writer, blogger; and U S citizen by birth.

Copyright notice: this blog and all content on it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole of Missouri [but I was born in state of Georgia] and it may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be downloaded, nor saved to disk, nor copied, nor printed at remote, nor re-published by anyone. I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist,residing in Missouri but born in the state of Georgia in the U S, own all rights to this blog and its content. This blog and all content of it is covered by U S copyright law as intellectual property since all content on it was created by me, and al art on it was signed by me, and photographed by me [with variety of phones and cameras] and uploaded by me and is original content. I have the originals in tangible form and I have the oil paintings I painted also.

Over the weekend I also updated my official blog for words that WORK at , and also, with a sketch "ride em cowgirl" and also updated my with another sketch of "American ball player " for ethnic series I have been creating since yr 2006. Also, I wrote about States' rights on my official blog for Tapestry of LIFE , yesterday because of attempts by a RADICAL Senator to end States' rights. You should read about that at, if you are U S citizen.

Also note to @FBI: I am still receiving suspicious emails that are appending my name written as "Gloria.Poole" to their long string of subject line s-p-am-trying to ruin my name and reputation on web. I am blocking them on filters of isp and computer browsers but want world to know that that those spoofers/scammers/id-thieves are not in any way associated with me. Please re-read paragraph in previous post intended for @FBI and law enforcement on this topic.

Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / Gloria / gloria0817 / gpoole817 / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / artist-gloriapoole / Gloria Poole, RN, artist / @gloriapoole / press.gloriapoole / gloriapoole.RN / Ms Gloria Poole / Poole.Gloria / gloria_poole /photo-by-gloriapoole / cartooning-by-gloriapoole ; and other variations of my real born with legal name of Gloria Poole, at my own private apt in Missouri that is not shared with anyone,[meaning there is no one authorized to login to my accounts but me] on 28 July 2014 at 9:35am.

Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria

I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...