Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'll take this hat please sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia

I, Gloria Poole, drew, painted, signed, photographed and uploaded this sketch I drew today and named "I'll take this hat please", of a woman trying on hats at upscale department store. This person/ woman buying hat in this sketch does not exist. This is acrylics on 8 x 11 paper in my sketch book, photographed on my portable drawing board.

I have drawn and painted sketches and oil paintings of redheads several times. I always wished I'd had hair that flaming red because I had an aunt who did and I was always fascinated by her hair. Another of the redheads I drew and painted is this one in oils on canvas for the ethnic series of paintings I have been painting on since yr 2006 beginning in Colorado. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 and moved the art I had at that time with me, and have continued to paint on that series. This oil painting I painted I named "Irish student" and it is pretend person entirely. This "person" does not exist anywhere --entirely created by me with a paint brush. :

Also, I put several of the redhead sketches and paintings I created on another blog of mine as a set and I think it's on one of these blogs of mine:

Also, I have several online albums of art I created on the web. Two of those are:

I also have flickr albums and live albums with art I created in them.

Also, I updated my previous post for the @FBI with two more names and emails of those who are trying to use my name in such a way as to try to ruin me. So, see that update.

Also, for the record: I do not have a fax machine and never had a fax machine and never request that faxes be sent to me. IF you readers try to send faxes, phone rings as phone, not fax. I do know that criminals in Colorado who stole my I.D. often try to get companies to fax MY INFO of accounts to them. Do not ever fax my info to anybody! Faxes are NOT secure and no one should ever fax confidential information with them. I do NOT have family or friends or business partners or agents of any sort in Colorado. NEVER fax my info to Colorado [unless to law enforcement in Arapahoe County Colorado [if you are trying to help send DBP to prison].

Copyright notice: this blog and all content of it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in the state of Georgia, and I own all rights to it. This blog and or its individual posts may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be downloaded, nor saved to disk, nor copied, nor photo-copied, nor republished, nor printed at remote. This blog and all art, words, photos on it was created entirely by me, signed by me, written by me, photographed by me and uploaded by me Gloria Poole, and is intellectual property covered by U S Copyright law.

For the record: I am a white, Southern Baptist Christian woman and the natural mother of only 2 children who are grown daughters who are married and their names are Jennifer and Leigh. I am also an artist in all mediums, a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri, a poet, author, blogger, prolife activist, personhood amendment promoter, a citizen journo, a photographer, republican as defined by U S Constitution, U S citizen born in state of Georgia.

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / Gloria.Poole / artist-gloriapoole / Gloria Poole,RN, artist / gloria0817 / gpoole817 / artist-gloriapoole / gloriapoole.RN / @gloriapoole /@prolifeNurse / @Tartan_Bliss / @gloria_poole / @personhood1 /@tweetie0817 / Ms. Gloria Poole / Poole.Gloria / photo-by-gloriapoole / cartooning-by-gloriapoole/ gloriapooleRN at yahoo, and other variations of my real, born with name of Gloria Poole with or without the R.N. of professional status; and my twitter accounts, at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone [meaning no one is authorized to login to any acct of mine but me]; 23 July 2014 at 9:54am.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...