Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bullying laws raising fraidy cats; School Spying Update

I read some news articles today as I always do, and there are some that presented together are a portrayal of what is happening in the US. The article about bullying laws in NJ instantly made me remember what my daddy said to me when I was a child probably of age to be in what was then called jr. high school. He said if a bad man got hold of me, fight him like a tiger and make him turn loose, let him know he had a tiger by the tail and there was teeth on the other end. My daddy did not raise me to fear anybody but him and GOD. I heard him say to a trespassor on Poole land once, 'get off my land before I shoot you". But the US current administration in it's efforts to shift all responsibility and all income, and all wealth and all privilege to the federal government is increasingly teaching boys and girls who should grow up to be adults, to seek protection from some law enforcement person instead of defending their own family & households. A nation of fraidy cats is the only possible outcome of the 'bullying " laws. And more on that topic: there is a trend in the US ' news [Press] and politicians to speak of words as assault weapons. A word is only a word, an idea--it is not an assault weapon. When they write that so and so politician 'assaulted' a rival they belittle the real meaning of a physical assault, unless of course he or she was using fists, or force. My mother always said to remember this rhyme when people said unkind things and that people are often unkind, even children, unwittingly innocently; or maliciously, but to remind myself of this: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me". In other words in a physical assault fight back with everything in you especially when your life depends on it; and when words are hurled at you that hurt you ask yourself if there is any truth in them, and if not "consider the source". My grandmother always said that "consider the source". She would also say things like 'what do you care what they think--they are poor white trash." Or "that person is as ignorant as any person could be--why does his [or her] opinion matter to you?" In other words, when someone who is not someone you respect naturally hurls hateful words at you [ a common event if you truly live by the words of Jesus] then let them roll off you like water a duck's back [a duck's back has oil on it from within to protect if from water-logging]. And of course JESUS say to pray for your enemies.
Now, to change topics, here's some news every person who has an internet connections should be aware of:
More fraudulent certificates of secure websites on DigiNotar a Dutch company:
with quote:
"It's happened again. This time, Dutch certificate authority DigiNotar has issued a fraudulent certificate for and all subdomains. As before, Gmail appears to be the target. The perpetrator also appears to be Iranian, with reports that the certificate has been used in the wild for man-in-the-middle attacks in that country. The certificate was issued on July 10th, and so could have been in use for several weeks prior to its discovery."
+ this one:
"The ECPA statute prohibits intercepting or disclosing the contents of someone’s wire or other electronic communications without their knowledge."
Read article about public schools spying your bed: with quote:
:The plaintiffs allege that the police violated their Fourth Amendment rights, and that Absolute violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Communications Act and intentionally invaded their privacy."
This case is about a school issued laptop that was stolen from the school, and sold to an unsuspecting person and then the school activated its remote spyware to intercept ALL communications on it including email and including the bedroom.
I am opposed to the entire concept of "Big Brother" government and I am opposed to those who murder innocents in the womb [abortionist-assassins] and their legal protections from the feds the way the SS troops guarded the murdering gas ovens in the reign of terror in Germany in the 1940's as history records. And I am opposed to those who intend to pervert the nation's children by teaching false doctrine in public schools of sin/ vice/ destruction of one's self with an assortment of methods as a so-called 'right'.
Gloria Poole, RN; @my apt in Missouri; 7:39am;31-Aug-2011;
Update to remind the public not to do business with earthlink:
I have had an earthlink acct since 2002 or 2003, though it moved several times with me. The email most US press agencies would recognize in that acct is gloria-poole at> though there are others in that acct that belong to me also. Earthlink billed me double every month for 23 months for it,[ since I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009], and has it seems finally admitted in a roundabout way that they have been scamming me. I have been paying the bill since 2003 because I have Christian content on my websites. Also the domain of and the website AND all content of it belongs to me. I am the gloriapoole that the whois information has documented. Earthlink has been providing secret services to persons unknown to me [or possibly my second exhusband who is a violent cocaine-addict-felon-evil-man]. I changed my passwords to try to lock out the unknown to me person [earthlink does not tell me who else is using my service but I know what email was stolen from my acct and that is that had a website of Bible scriptures from the book of John in the Bible with it] that the cybercriminals used as a 'backdoor' into my other accounts. Then the criminal-hacker was furious, & notified earthlink using info from the US mail sent to me that they stole via/ because the US post office in Denver Colorado forwarded my mail while I was injured by then-husband to his place to help him steal from me] to access my acct, and demand that earthlink give access to the criminal who hurt me [and tried several times to kill me] and who broke into my earthlink and other accts. Earthlink locked my paid up acct for the past 28 days to prevent me from accessing my email in Missouri and apparently because I won't allow the criminal in Colorado to access my acct. So , the moral of the story is that earthlink has no loyalty to their paying customers but only to the catholic church. My second exhusband is a fake catholic, [or fake christian, or fake jew,but probably a real muslim] whatever serves his purpose that day] and earthlink is outsourced to the Phillippines and they were scamming me big time. I am not calling up earthlink to tell them my passwords so their catholic brotherhood could get them to my exhusband so he could stalk me online. So I am not sure what will happen but I know I do not want anyone in Colorado accessing my earthlink or any other acct;
and I do not want my second exhusband stalking me online or in person; and
I am not willing to provide internet services and emails to violent cocaine-addicts-dealers-felons; and
I am not willing to provide internet services to anyone who does not live in my apt { I am divorced and live alone]; and
I am not willing to pay double for an internet service simply because I oppose idolatry , abortion, and sodomy [the main reason the perverts destined for hell are trying to prevent me from having internet service or websites.]
So If you have any of my earthlink emails in your records, you may contact me via gloriapoole at gmail; or gloriapoole at or at my isp email in Missouri as listed in certain places. Criminals are not going to control my future. And I realize I cannot make earthlink do what is right. I probably could by suing them but their service is not worth the aggravation of that most likely. [not worth fighting for, in other words]. But I can control what I pay for.
FYI/ Gloria Poole, owner of words that WORK when it began in state of Georgia in 1992 or 1993, and moved to Colorado for 7 yrs as LLP, and moved with me to Missouri. And yes, I know 10 people on Facebook stole content of mine including trying to steal my very name of Gloria Poole; and Facebook is part of the identity crisis problem in the US.
Update 1-Sept-2011 with more on the govt spying via ALL phone carriers, and all telecommunications & all emails:
Article entitled : "Feds, EFF Clash in Appeals Court Hearing on NSA Spying" located on web at: w quote:
"The lawsuit alleges the carriers’ alleged complicity in the electronic spying had breached federal wiretapping laws and even their own terms of service agreements with customers. Another round of litigation, brought by the EFF and others, targets the government, accusing federal officials of violating the Fourth Amendment rights of anybody who so-much as sent an e-mail in the years following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
And I have these comments to make. I have been spied on for opposing the democrats since at least 2005 when the HP company was spying via HP computers to gather and give info to the democrats; and during the past 2 federal elections, my computers I owned then were destroyed by malware generated by the democrats in office who were trying to control what was written about them, and by that ungodly woman I call a jezebel [using the book of Revelations as my authority] who is named Hillary Clinton, who has sold out the US at every turn, and helped depopulate it to ruin it. The current spies-for-government are telephone providers, Apple computers, Microsoft computers, skype, school-issued-laptops at virtually every big school system and University in the US, the search-your-body-parts-illegally-at-airports-TSA, and did I forget any organized arm of the communist-party-octupus-of-spy-networks-of-ordinary-citizens-routinely?
IF the Congress does not stop the Obama regime, this nation's citizens will become subjects instead of citizens.
Gloria Poole; @my apt in Missouri, 9:10am;1-Sept-2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Apple Computers is ruined for Christians

I have read this morning an article in Ars Technica about the sexuality of the new CEO Tim Cook [homosexual, per reports] and it makes a HUGE difference to me. And here's why: in Leviticus 18:22 it is written "thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination." We, humans, know GOD was addressing that to men because in Genesis chapter one verse 27-28 it is written, "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. And God blessed them and said unto them,' be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it..:" Two men cannot reproduce humans and it is abomination to God. And in book of Romans chapter one is the explanation of the cause of it [idolatry of oneself and of Lucifer] and the end result of it [death], and calls those who do such things "reprobate".The word abomination is defined in dictionary as "morally offensive". And the word "reprobate"is defined as " to forsake beyond all redemption [from hell] by God; to foreordain to eternal damnation'; 'wholly given over to sin". Now then, how are born again believers supposed to respond to that? Not by enriching the sinner by buying his products or attending his seminars or listening to anything he has to say. Do not ever knowingly take advice from someone God has called 'reprobate' because that person will lead you to the pit of hell literally. So Apple's exiting to Chairman of the Board Steve Jobs' has sort of thrown down a gauntlet to true Christians to either forsake the words of GOD, or forsake buying Apple products in order not to promote/enrich/glorify a grievous sinner [Tim Cook].
If you think I am making statements from the air so to speak, you would be wrong. In the news also this morning is an article that Tim Cook has already been given more than $300 million of Apple stock [Yahoo article says that equals 1 million shares]. So when you as consumer buy Apple products you enrich a reprobate man directly because as the stocks go up, so does his income and wealth. So it is a 'choose ye this day whom ye will serve" sort of deliberate in-the-face-of-Christians-decision by Steve Jobs to create a spiritual dilemma.
Also, I have to ask: is Tim Cook the person behind the pedophile-predator app on ITunes to help him find unsuspecting,innocent boys to sodomize? He and all perverts [reprobates, abominations] disgust me. I had wanted to buy an iPad but I won't now. So world, computer manufacturers can you, would you create a unix based tablet better than iPad and at reasonable cost & that has married heterosexual in charge of the company so Christians could buy it?
Gloria Poole; @my apt in Missouri; 10:18am;28-Aug-2011;
I logged back in to add that these scriptures also affect Jews, and Muslims. Jews' Torah is the Old Testament that Christians also have in their Bible. Muslims honor the patriarch Abraham and the Abrahamic law which includes Leviticus, so Jews and Muslims should also forsake buying Apple or iTunes products or services in order to stay right with THE ONE GOD. Christians also believe there is ONE GOD because JESUS said so in John 10:10]. All scripture from King James Holy Bible.
Update2: if you need a practical reason for not buying Apple or iTunes, read the cnn article today in tech section that says that apple hired a man known to be a criminal-as-defined-by-federal-law for breaking into iphones, as an intern. They have flaunted federal law about cybercrime by doing that. Article at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Photo of Me & Unuthorized persons breaking into my acct AGAIN

This photo is of me Gloria Poole of Missouri.
I am reposting the post that unauthorized persons on my acct are trying to prevent me from posting; and yes, that is me in the photo above. I am the ONLY person authorized on this computer that I own and the only person authorized on my dsl acct and the only person authorized on this blog to log in to it. Repeat for emphasis: That photo above is me about a month ago in my front alcove of my apartment in Missouri with some of the paintings I painted in my "ethnic paintings" that are NOT real people but made up people, on display behind me. [ I painted about 20 in that series so far].
I think this post is more relevant because it is obvious the cybercriminals are trying to hide it from the public, so I am reposting it here again. I had to change the template because the criminal who breaks into my account is most likely my second exhusband who I mentioned in the following posts, and who seriously hurt me in 2006; and whom I want to send to prison for those crimes, tried to make the text disappear by changing the font color on the old template. Also I have an about me page on this blog with my photo from abut 2003 when I lived in Denver Colorado and was a TV producer [but I moved from there in Oct 2009 to Missouri], but it seems it was stolen because cybercriminals broke into my blog apparently. I do have a profile page however.

I am praying that the FBI finds those [including him] who break into my accounts & prosecutes them . Here's the entry they were trying to prevent the public from seeing by changing the font to invisible on the former template I had:

"so it's been great to connect with co-workers and hear" quote about Listening Room,,MuMu Player,, and youtube-fueled listening parties; Media Net [At & T's online service for cell phones] & Sound Exchange that offer service to login , listen, chat in article today @ 9:33am;22-Aug-2011
In today tech section " wired " article entitled "Group Listening Rooms..."
I KNEW that there was a away that people were listening in on my cell phones if play music or radio, and on my ipod touch if play music or radio. I KNEW because I overheard a man's voice listening in on my cell phone one day last week, when he spoke outloud, and I was not on a phone call, but his voice came through my cell phone while it was in idle or whatever you call that when on but not on call. And I KNOW someone else is using my data plan for my AT & T cell phone and also on my T-Mobile cell phone because I can track the usage but cannot actually use the web I pay for on either so-called plan myself [though both belong to me and though I bought both phones and though I pay for the 'plan' minutes on each]. The data plan portion of each is stolen every month by criminals breaking into my cell phones. On AT & T it is stolen from me through that crappy service "media net" that is worthless as far as security goes; and on T-Mobile it is stolen from me through the connection T-Mobile had through Radio Shack corridor to Mexico [though I never had a WILLING part in that it seems my cell phone does because I bought the SIM card from Radio Shack]. I did not know how it was being done but the article today in Wired seems to offer the how explanation as I do play music on all handheld devices I own [several]. I started swapping around my phones [sort of cell phone of the hour] since I realized someone was listening in and I am afraid of being stalked by a violent psychopath man who has hurt me before and whom I believe may have killed 3 people in Colorado. I MOVED from Colorado for several reasons but to put much distance between me and that psychopath-felon-addict-violent-man is the main reason. Yesterday, I realized they could also listen in on my landline phone because I took my phone off-hook to dial, forgot what I needed , left it off hook longer than usual, heard the listener hang up, about a minute before telephone company recording came on.
I want to state the obvious. IF these apps mentioned above allow a person, any person to sign up to "listen in " on employees when they have music playing in background or not, then they could listen in any time to anyone , correct? Does that not constitute a HUGE violation of civil liberties of American citizens to not be spied on without a court order and a cause as determined by a bona-fide Judge of a court of law as written? [4th Amendment]. And is it not illegal???
Think about the enormous implications of this news. Do you ever turn on music in background while working, or doing tasks for your self? Like ordering products over phone and calling out your bank card number? Or verifying info for some order over telephone or mouthing your password as you enter it, or talking about confidential business with peers, investors, business partners, staff? IF persons unknown to you can invade your office or home with these techniques of :listening in, chat, services of "listening rooms" do you have any security at all anywhere?
This is intended to be a public warning that these services exist, that they are multiplying, and free apps in some cases , and that they are likely to be used for wrong purposes by criminals looking for a chance to steal info, exploit, blackmail, steal money and identities.
Thanks to Wired and CNN for publicizing the news to begin with.
Gloria Poole; @my apt in Missouri; 9:59am;22-Aug-2011
Update 9:18am;24-Aug-2011 with more on the tech fiasco of the internet:
Two more observations this am as I was booting up my big Apple computer:
1) it seems to have some secretive connection to criminals somewhere and possibly to Microsoft os on a different computer, even though there is no actual network connections between them [airport turned off; no Peer connection, no usb connection, no firewire connection, no wifi]; and
2) on my small computer that has a Microsoft OS [unfortunately, stupid me for buying it]; and while trying since Feb of this yr to remove the "worm" from Sony & Pioneer and the 'mutex' from the State Dept; & to remove the 20 "remote" connections that were accessing it,& that I wrote the connections of, down on paper]; to get a version [upgrade,patched hundreds of times] that works, and endures longer than 1 day, and to disable the hot keys from hell, that seem to be remote controlled and allowing unauthorized persons logging in from other states or other countries [maybe even the prisons of Colorado] to attempt to control what, when ,how I use my computer. I discovered it is set to not upgrade the java or javascript or the windows version from xp or NT, EVEN THOUGH those were not the os system that came preinstalled on it when I bought it or the sticker on it. And it is also set to delete the user name and to boot into a different os than came installed on it. I am asking tech people who know IT security if this combo is from the 12 monkeys malware from the Pentagon? Or the State Dept that is used to destroy computers on airplanes, other governments, private corporations, private persons who oppose Obama and or H Clinton? That evil duo of Obama -Clinton is intent on destroying America, and they seem to be excellent at it as the nation is in decline,turmoil, destruction from wrath of GOD, depopulation and bankruptcy.
I had to reboot 3 times, add in my password 3 times, block about 10 'new' wifi connections trying to connect to my computer, and reboot again to get to this point today. It is odd to me that the same government that locks people up [some anyway, those with a who cares attorney] also gives them internet access to wreak havoc on the world from prison.
Gloria Poole,@my apt in Missouri;9:33am;24-Aug-2011;
Update 2 @ 6:58pm; 25-Aug-2011:
I am updating this because the malicious attack against me and my iMac computer continues. I think the best way to fight back is to post the experiences on the web to help the GOOD I.T. people resolve the issues. A few minutes ago I tried to login to another paid account of mine [mail plus on Yahoo/ rocketmail] and was blocked from doing so because I would not let it configure my computer. And this is some of the information from the source code for the page that was trying to configure my computer:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Listening Room + other spies invading:Update2

"so it's been great to connect with co-workers and hear" quote about Listening Room,,MuMu Player,, and youtube-fueled listening parties; Media Net [At & T's online service for cell phones] & Sound Exchange that offer service to login , listen, chat in article today @ 9:33am;22-Aug-2011
In today tech section " wired " article entitled "Group Listening Rooms..."
I KNEW that there was a away that people were listening in on my cell phones if play music or radio, and on my ipod touch if play music or radio. I KNEW because I overheard a man's voice listening in on my cell phone one day last week, when he spoke outloud, and I was not on a phone call, but his voice came through my cell phone while it was in idle or whatever you call that when on but not on call. And I KNOW someone else is using my data plan for my AT & T cell phone and also on my T-Mobile cell phone because I can track the usage but cannot actually use the web I pay for on either so-called plan myself [though both belong to me and though I bought both phones and though I pay for the 'plan' minutes on each]. The data plan portion of each is stolen every month by criminals breaking into my cell phones. On AT & T it is stolen from me through that crappy service "media net" that is worthless as far as security goes; and on T-Mobile it is stolen from me through the connection T-Mobile had through Radio Shack corridor to Mexico [though I never had a WILLING part in that it seems my cell phone does because I bought the SIM card from Radio Shack]. I did not know how it was being done but the article today in Wired seems to offer the how explanation as I do play music on all handheld devices I own [several]. I started swapping around my phones [sort of cell phone of the hour] since I realized someone was listening in and I am afraid of being stalked by a violent psychopath man who has hurt me before and whom I believe may have killed 3 people in Colorado. I MOVED from Colorado for several reasons but to put much distance between me and that psychopath-felon-addict-violent-man is the main reason. Yesterday, I realized they could also listen in on my landline phone because I took my phone off-hook to dial, forgot what I needed , left it off hook longer than usual, heard the listener hang up, about a minute before telephone company recording came on.
I want to state the obvious. IF these apps mentioned above allow a person, any person to sign up to "listen in " on employees when they have music playing in background or not, then they could listen in any time to anyone , correct? Does that not constitute a HUGE violation of civil liberties of American citizens to not be spied on without a court order and a cause as determined by a bona-fide Judge of a court of law as written? [4th Amendment]. And is it not illegal???
Think about the enormous implications of this news. Do you ever turn on music in background while working, or doing tasks for your self? Like ordering products over phone and calling out your bank card number? Or verifying info for some order over telephone or mouthing your password as you enter it, or talking about confidential business with peers, investors, business partners, staff? IF persons unknown to you can invade your office or home with these techniques of :listening in, chat, services of "listening rooms" do you have any security at all anywhere?
This is intended to be a public warning that these services exist, that they are multiplying, and free apps in some cases , and that they are likely to be used for wrong purposes by criminals looking for a chance to steal info, exploit, blackmail, steal money and identities.
Thanks to Wired and CNN for publicizing the news to begin with.
Gloria Poole; @my apt in Missouri; 9:59am;22-Aug-2011
Update 9:18am;24-Aug-2011 with more on the tech fiasco of the internet:
Two more observations this am as I was booting up my big Apple computer:
1) it seems to have some secretive connection to criminals somewhere and possibly to Microsoft os on a different computer, even though there is no actual network connections between them [airport turned off; no Peer connection, no usb connection, no firewire connection, no wifi]; and
2) on my small computer that has a Microsoft OS [unfortunately, stupid me for buying it]; and while trying since Feb of this yr to remove the "worm" from Sony & Pioneer and the 'mutex' from the State Dept; & to remove the 20 "remote" connections that were accessing it,& that I wrote the connections of, down on paper]; to get a version [upgrade,patched hundreds of times] that works, and endures longer than 1 day, and to disable the hot keys from hell, that seem to be remote controlled and allowing unauthorized persons logging in from other states or other countries [maybe even the prisons of Colorado] to attempt to control what, when ,how I use my computer. I discovered it is set to not upgrade the java or javascript or the windows version from xp or NT, EVEN THOUGH those were not the os system that came preinstalled on it when I bought it or the sticker on it. And it is also set to delete the user name and to boot into a different os than came installed on it. I am asking tech people who know IT security if this combo is from the 12 monkeys malware from the Pentagon? Or the State Dept that is used to destroy computers on airplanes, other governments, private corporations, private persons who oppose Obama and or H Clinton? That evil duo of Obama -Clinton is intent on destroying America, and they seem to be excellent at it as the nation is in decline,turmoil, destruction from wrath of GOD, depopulation and bankruptcy.
I had to reboot 3 times, add in my password 3 times, block about 10 'new' wifi connections trying to connect to my computer, and reboot again to get to this point today. It is odd to me that the same government that locks people up [some anyway, those with a who cares attorney] also gives them internet access to wreak havoc on the world from prison.
Gloria Poole,@my apt in Missouri;9:33am;24-Aug-2011;
Update 2 @ 6:58pm; 25-Aug-2011:
I am updating this because the malicious attack against me and my iMac computer continues. I think the best way to fight back is to post the experiences on the web to help the GOOD I.T. people resolve the issues. A few minutes ago I tried to login to another paid account of mine [mail plus on Yahoo/ rocketmail] and was blocked from doing so because I would not let it configure my computer. And this is some of the information from the source code for the page that was trying to configure my computer:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Earthlink: I am not giving criminals in Colorado my pw

Earthlink knows my acct is my acct because I sent with the payment a copy of my paper bill they mail to me. But they have locked me out of my acct and out of my admin acct for my domain because they are :

!) stupid;
2) evil;
3) have no clue about the laws of the U S concerning fraud, and theft of money and names;
4) trying to prevent me from using my acct so criminals can use it.
5) trying to sell my domain out from under me via their fraud,theft my online info, and locking me out of my paid up acct so I cannot use my emails . Bad hosting companies have perfected that scam.
Take your pick as to the reason or it could be all of the above.
I am sure my second exhusband [Dana Ben Pappas who is a cocaine addict-felon, violent, dangerous man according to the Arapahoe County District Attorney's office in May 2006] is having a hissy fit to get my passwords. [ I changed them and he does not know them now], so he called up earthlink , pretending to be married to me, and asked them to lock them until I call them up and tell them the new passwords, so they can tell them to him; because he does not know my current bank acct info [and NEVER will if I can help it]; so he cannot use my accounts. But if he gets my passwords then he can log in and get my online acct bank info which is what he is after. But it's not going to work that way this time. I finally have realized how earthlink does that trick thing of scamming me, and I am not playing along this time.
Oh well. I am reasonably sure from the 4 yrs and 10 months I was married to that creep, that he will never pay them a cent because he never did. He's a con-man on the scale of Bernie Madoff always making off with other folks' money. In fact, the only expertise he has is scamming and hurting people.
It won't work earthlink. You know my landline number --it's on my acct in Missouri. You know the payments since Oct 2009 came from me in Missouri [since I moved to Missouri that month]; and from bank in Missouri. You know the truth. Your scheme to defraud me won't work this time. If earthlink is crooked I don't want to do business with them anyway and it will save me a small fortune,and earthlink will lose a customer they have since 2002 [me].
Gloria Poole;@my apt in Missouri ; 11:20am;19-Aug-2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update "A walking radio station" if you have RFID cards/phones

I received some info into my inbox this am from the All Clear folks who are helping to monitor my online presence and helping clear up the many ID problems of several people using my REAL name as if it was theirs. I think it is informative and that everyone should know it so I am sharing it here for public education of dangers of wifi. Quoting:
" Do RFID credit cards put you at risk for identity theft or fraud? Bo Holland, founder and CEO of AllClear ID, says yes. In a recent television interview, he said having a smart card on you turns you into a walking radio station. Because it's broadcasting frequency or your information all the time, thieves can steal your information. "With 100 dollars worth of equipment and a little bit of knowledge that you can get off of the Internet, you can actually read these cards,” said Holland.

If you’re concerned, there are some easy steps you can take to “lower the frequency” on your RFID cards and keep your data more secure:
• Leave your RFID credit card at home, and use it only for online purchases. Pay for brick-and-mortar purchases with cash or regular credit cards.
• Consider buying a “credit card shield” for more protection. There are a number of companies that make card shields and wallets made out of aluminum or stainless steel to block’ RFID-reading scanners.
• Take notice if someone gets way too close to you on a busy street or in a crowded mall – they might be wielding a scanner.
• Monitor your credit card statements regularly for errors or odd charges." [end quotes All Clear Identity}
Sent to me today to my email: today 17-Aug-2011@7:00am.
Also, I follow the political candidates for two reasons:
1) to know which are PROLIFE and which aren't so I can vote prolife and encourage others too also; and
2) to know by comparing what they speak about/write about if they are believers in GOD [and HIS Name when on earth=JESUS] so I know who to vote for and pray for and who to pray against .
It seems to me that the PROLIFE candidates are also the believers and they are Rick Perry, present Gov of Texas, and Michelle Bachman, presently a Representative in Congress.
I urge you to listen to what each candidate says, and to pray for wisdom, and to vote prolife. It matters.
Gloria Poole. @my apt in Missouri; 7:19am;17-Aug-2011
Update 18-Aug-2011@7:44am to add information for public & I T developers.
Notice to I T Developers: "If you’re in the business, and your mobile app fails to identify and comply with laws regarding privacy and disclosure requirements, your company might find itself defending an investigation by the FTC. Not only does that situation involve heavy cost, but an investigation will put your business and its reputation at risk.
Furthermore, if your app either intentionally targets or is attractive to kids, the FTC is even more likely to scrutinize." Quote about FTC monitoring apps that target children and continue quote about their ruling about "Emily's Apps" because "violates the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) because the personal information of children under age 13 was collected without parental consent".:
Specifically about the Federal Trade Commission [FTC] investigating company W3 Innovations,LLC makers of "Broken thumb apps" aka Emily's apps in the 'Games-kids ' section of Apple app stores, that collect children's info including photos of themselves and allowed minor children to post content on line to "Emily's blog".

Parents, watch what your minor children do online like a hawk. There is so much bad stuff online that I think for the sake of your children's innocence and protection and enjoyment of childhood, they should not be online. Period. Apple iTunes has a predator app that encourages perverts to entice boys, and it has an app that teaches s-e-xu-al positions. {word hyphenated on purpose--I am not trying to elicit the wrong sort of attention.] Minor children do not need to know that,
Gloria Poole [RN]; @my apt in Missouri; 7:49am;18-Aug-2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Did Starbucks' con-man start the money-laundering?
tells about money-laundering scheme and that a script to do it was published online.
The article has this quote:
"And here’s the twist: for the last week I (and others) have been using this script to transfer donated money off Jonathan’s card and onto our own Starbucks gift cards. It’s easy: just head to your local starbucks, pop open your computer, run this script, and when the music plays, cash in."

I am writing this as a public warning to unsuspecting people. I try /have to maintain my own computers. I am not particularly good at it, I admit. It's a learn as I go with technical books,online documentation, prayer, and repeated efforts & close observation of every event that happens on my computers. I wrote that to get to this: I KNEW there was a script somewhere that was shall we say "redirecting" the money from bank cards,prepaid and or gift cards to places other than where it was intended; and I knew it had something to do with either music in general or iTunes. What I didn't know was where it began, and that it was published on the internet so any criminal mind could use it to steal funds. I want to remind the public that such a scheme has a name in the law: money-laundering which means passing it through a legitimate source to a crook/criminal who is stealing it. And it is illegal and it has prison time for those caught. I think Starbucks, to keep its reputation intact, will have to prosecute the man who devised the script to steal the money from the charitable card "Jonathans-card" and who openly bragged about it and published it on web to teach others how to steal.

Remember theft of what belongs to others including when the "others' is a charity or not-for-profit, is a crime. And money-laundering is a federal crime that will send you to prison.
This is intended to b e a public notice: NOT to use the script published online to steal money from bank,gift,prepaid cards. Those can be tracked by the issuers and you will be caught and prosecuted.
Gloria Poole; @my apt in Missouri;13-Aug-2011;7:54am

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beating Obama ought to be EASY! He's an Idiot.

I am still in favor of Texas Gov Rick Perry for the next US President. And I think it ought to be very easy to beat Obama. Obama adds math as 1 + 1= 14 TRILLION, meaning 1 socialized medicine plan to pay abortion-assassins [his fake reform of health care that was a radical rewrite of U S Constitution], and 1 added war for Libya to a bulging at seams federal budget= 14 trillion and adding up by the second.
Also I am Republican ever since I studied the U S Constitution in a Poli-Sci course at Univ of Georgia for a degree. I had a great Professor who explained the real world effects of each component of it, and it stuck like glue with me. But if the Republicans ever forsake the prolife cause they will lose millions of their base including me. I am 100% prolife meaning it is never a right to kill an innocent in the womb. But always a wrong since GOD HIMSELF wrote in stone the commandment "thou shalt not kill".[Exodus 20:13,KJV]
Also, FYI, my earthlink acct is still my account but whether it should be is a huge question in my mind. They have an ungodly alliance with a company known to be proabort and known to donate MILLIONS to the cause of killing innocents in the womb {Sprint cell phone carrier who is big buddy of Planned Parenthood killing org]. I am not happy with much they do and I have tried to make that clear to them. There is a pushback from them at me for writing that no one should buy hosting [because they scammed me big time]; and earthlink trying to be neutral. I guess. But here's what I want to remind earthlink: your HQ is in the deep south of Atlanta Georgia, where MOST people are prolife. I want to publicly say you should seriously rethink your business partners or your goals and or your location. I am not quitting my earthlink account for time being, but I might sue them if they scam me! Public Notice of that for all the world to read.
Gloria Poole,[Reg Nurse licensed in Missouri, and artist in oils, writer on prolife cause] @my apt in Missouri; 11:09am;10-Aug-2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tx Gov Perry : the US needs U as next Pres

First, I want to ask Texas Gov Perry to run for President in 2012, and win! This nation needs a Christian President more than it needs anything else. The Muslim King-mindset Obama has nearly destroyed this nation with his cyberattacks against every bank,business, corporation and government in the world; and his planned massacre of millions in the womb via his using federal taxpayer money to pay abortion-assassins; and his promotion of sodomy which GOD called abomination in Leviticus 18:22, and warned about in Romans ch 1 of King James Holy Bible, as having the end result of 'death".

Also, Obama campaign HQ is attacking Google because Google allows prolife bloggers; and is pro-first amendment/liberty. They tried to used a denial of service attack against one of my computers earlier today, trying to 'punish' me for praising the Republican of Virginia Eric Cantor who said Obama's policies are the cause of the financial crisis. [See online yesterday]. Of course political censorship is as old as time isn't it? Didn't the Hitler propaganda machinery perfect it but doesn't every African King use it still? Isn't that what the Arabic revolution everywhere is about? I agree with House Majority Leader Cantor: Obama is the cause of the financial meltdown,the plaques from GOD because Obama is trying to defy The GOD who said sodomy is abomination and 'thou shalt not kill". {See Leviticus 18:22,KJV; and Exodus 20:13] Obama is from hell--a fake Christian who probably does not know one scripture except from Qu'ran he studied in Indonesia. And the sooner he goes back to hell the better this nation will be.
Gloria Poole; ?@my apt in Missouri; 10:03am;7-Aug-2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warning to Criminals hacking into my earthlink acct

In Ezekial chapter 33 of The King James Holy Bible, it says to warn the wicked ,so this is my warning to the wicked people who are breaking into my earthlink account. You are going to be caught because hosting companies log ip addresses and they know who logs in and from where. And you are going to be prosecuted and go to prison. And I am going to supply the written on paper documentation from several sources if need be, to the FBI to prosecute you. So take my advice and get off my account and stop breaking in because your days for doing that are numbered.
Gloria Poole; in Missouri and resident of Missouri and no family or business partners in Colorado, and owner of the earthlink acct that is mentioned in yesterday's post. 4-August, 2011;11:12am

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Voodoo Krewe from DC blocking my email now

I am writing to tell you don't ever sign up for Century Telephone services. They are the world's worst email service; and worst than that a whole lot of their employees seem to not only sell illegal drugs but also break into the email accounts of their customers. I reported that to the Dept of Justice not long ago, then got a "secure" site for my email finally after complaining to them for nearly 2 yrs about emails like a sieve on their 'service'. But today after complaining yesterday of PS 3 accessing my computer illegally; -and me blocking about 20 wifi connections trying to access my cell phone and my computer including public school 3 for breaking into my computer via wifi, the Dept of Education-Voodoo is trying to block my access to my somewhat expensive isp that is paid up, and because I complained about the public school breaking the federal laws about cybercrime! Go figure. It's an example of the sort of lack-of-justice-of-the-Harvard-voodoo-controlled-establishment-of-Obama-and-Holder. It's that "kill-the-bearer-of-bad-news"-method that the socialists have used for centuries; only in this case, they try to black out from the internet those who tell on them.It's called censorship.

Also, I have updated some of my websites. I am sure those who defrauded me and broke into my accounts are having a hissy fit as the South would say, but it can't be helped. The cover-of-anonymity has to be thrown back and they have to be exposed as the criminals they are, and they have to be caught and prosecuted for fraud,identity theft, and cybercrime, and one of them has to be prosecuted for breaking my bones and threatening to kill me.

You could read the websuites they are trying desperately to censor at;;;;
and also;;;
And visit the links pages on each site. Each site is unique and owned by me but criminals hack into them often; and I post a notice when they do. Also, follow me on twitter @gloriapoole.
Gloria Poole:@my apt in Missouri; 3-August-2011;11:57am
I logged back in few minutes later [12:13pm] same day because I forgot to add this relevant piece help for those who do I.T. security: the method for today that the cybercriminals are using is AOL on Yahoo 's link to Microsoft's operating systems that are about like spaghetti strainers as far as "security" goes, is killing Yahoo.

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...