The second sketch is my first attempt to replicate the blue iris design on a kimona in the Edo period art exhibit. Both of these are very rough sketches, as you see. The green background on this one is for the green leaves of iris flower. I will probably re-do these at some point in time.
The third is a selfie {PHOTO only] of my hand holding a purple iris. I photographed that last year on a walkabout. In this area of the country [midwest] I have only seen light purple irises, but I have photographed a deeper purple iris before and I posted it to web [think it was or is on my blog at And of course in my archives of approximately 44,000 photos that I photographed over past 7 years. But I thought maybe Japan has only blue irises? Didn't research, just drew it as it was the color of blue delft in the Met Museum exhibit.
The fourth is my photo I photographed that has much red in the cello. I really love this photo! I love some music and I love to sing but don't often anymore. Sad much of the time.
The fifth you see here is another sketch I created of my use of color red to draw and paint with. It is a Chinese Emperor or my rendition of one that I drew with dip pen and inks in yr 2007.
I put red paint art that I created this past week on eight blogs of mine in all. Each blog is different and I tend to categorize art in certain ways and post it to blogs for a reason. Those blogs with more of the my art I created in general, and the mini-exhibit of red paint art specifically are:
. This is my signature I photographed from my oil painting I painted and signed "Ocean and Pier":
Also, for the record, I am white, a woman, single again [divorced twice from men] ; and the natural mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh; and a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri but first in GA; and an an artist in all artists mediums; and a prolife republican Southern Baptist Christian. I was born in the state of Georgia and educated there and am a U S citizen. I am also a University of Georgia alum and a Georgia Baptist Hospital College of Nursing as it is named now when it became part of Mercer University, alum. This is NOT a shared apartment, not a shared blog, not a shared electronic, not a shared life since I live alone. No one should be logging into my accounts but me; and no one should be dialing into my computer/ isp but me. .
My copyright notice: I, Gloria Poole, RN artist currently residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, own this blog and all rights [copyrights] to all content of it: all words, lessons, photos I photographed [all on this blog] and all art I created and put on this blog [all that is on it]. I also own all rights to any art or words I create at any time, in any place, for any reason, with any tool or method, and whether or not I photograph it or publish it publicly. I am also known in real life and on art I paint , sketch or draw as Gloria and sign in paint or inks, pencils; and on the web as: Gloria Poole [and in real life also]; and as Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole; G-L-O-R-I-A; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloriapoole0817; artist Gloria; Ms. Gloria Poole; Poole,Gloria; and other variations of my real, born with and legal name of Gloria Poole,Copyright .25-Feb-2014 at 7:)& am in Missouri. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole.
Gloria Poole also known as Gloria ;at my apartment in Missouri; 24-February -2014 at 7:36am.