Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Red in art created by Gloria Poole of Missouri

I, Gloria, LOVE the color of red and always have. I love red lipstick, red shoes, red hats, and I paint with red often. I am putting here a few of the sketches and paintings I have panted that I used red extensively to paint. I have many more than these, but these are a start. This is sort of a mini-exhibit of the color RED.

The first sketch I completed this morning and named it simply "Red". it is acrylics on paper, 14 x 17. I am not telling any more than that. use your imagination.

The second one is a painting on canvas board that I painted in about 2010, and named it but I forgot what precise name is. I think I wrote it on the back of it as I often do. But for the time being call it "Beach cottage".

The third is "Walkover Bridge2" which I painted last year. It is oil on canvas; and was the second time I painted that theme that I had seen somewhere. It is sitting lop-sided on one of my chairs, so the beige at bottom of painting is the chair not the painting. Oops!

The fourth is "The Cross" displayed on a field of blood to depict JESUS's crucifixation as told in The Bible when His hands, feet, and side were pierced with nails and a spear, and His life blood poured on the ground. I painted this in year 2007 and it is the smallest stand-alone oil painting I have done. It is about 5 x 7 inches. I used it as an icon on many of my words that WORK and or Life media & Publishing and or Tapestry of LIFE sites for years. It infuriated the enemies of GOD who set out to destroy me .

The fifth sketch is obviously red flowers intended to resemble roses, that I also painted after drawing from a live rose bush, in about year 2008. It is acrylic on paper and is on my portable drawing board. You see to the right of it an oil painting that I painted that is on my display wall.

The sixth sketch is an aloe plant in a terra-cotta planter. I drew this because I saw it it somewhere and loved the geometric design of the planter and the earthen stone planter juxtaposed with the green aloe plant.

Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, of Missouri since oct 31, 2009, but born in the state of Georgia, own all rights to this blog and to all content, words, texts, lessons, photos, and art on it. I registered this account to begin with years ago, and have blogged on it every since. I have the original art that I create in 99.9% of the cases, and I own the copy rights to all art I create, and all words, photos I photograph, and all medical lessons, poems, books, prose I write. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name and I resumed it by Court order after my 2nd divorce in Arapahoe County Colorado in Oct 2007, by order of District Court Judge at time of final decree [Oct 2007]. I,Gloria Poole, am also known as Gloria on oil paintings and in real life since I sign my paintings that way in script and in paint; and as Gloria Poole on some sketches which I sign that way. I am known on web as: Gloria; G-L-O-R-I-A [see]; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; @gloriapoole [twitter]; and also gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; Gloria Poole [RN] on forums; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; artist-Gloria; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings, and other variations of my real name of Gloria Poole with or without my middle inital of my given at birth middle name; and with or without numbers after my name.

For the record, I am white, a woman, Christian, single again [divorced twice]; and the natural mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri but licensed for many years in Georgia first. I am also a prolife activist, blogging, tweeting my opposition to abortion and the abomination of homosexuality [defined by GOD as abomination in Leviticus 18:22, KJV and also Romans 1:18-32,KJV]. I paint, draw, sketch, as an artist in all artist mediums including oils, acrylics, watercolors, tempera, goauche, inks, pencils, graphite, charcoals and have for most of my life since I studied mechanical drawing in high school.

Gloria Poole; at my apartment and only residence [for purposes of copyright]; 19-Feb-2014 at 8:25am.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all & Congrats to Pres Trump from me #Gloria

Copyright Notice: all rights reserved for all words/#paintings/sketches/#drawings/#cartoons/articles/op-eds/essays/ that I create or h...