This is a public notice that an apple app for USA Today in the 'celebrity' Photos is showing a photo of radical proabort woman Gloria Steinem with MY domain name of G-L-O-R-I-A and the word 'activist" with her photo with MY domain name. I own the domain of, and also and I also have a blog G-L-O-R-I-A on and also on my earthlink acct at The domain websites have my photos of my original sketches I drew free hand, then painted with powdered pastels. watercolors, acrylics, pen/inks. I have the original sketches and my original photos of them also.
this is a public notice that I might sue the companies USA Today because I notified them last evening at 10:51pm by telephone to their emergency number that their photo/app on Apple is infringing my domain,and my websites I have displayed for YEARS, and my life. And I might also sue Apple Computers, HBO who according to that app plans to do a documentary on that horrible woman Gloria Steinem using MY domain of G-L-O-R-I-A. And I probably will sue Gloria Steinem for stealing my copyrighted intellectual property, and trying to steal my fame I built up with domain G-L-O-R-I-A, and attempting to defame me precisely because I oppose the premeditated murders of innocents in the womb and Steinem and her financiers of Planned Parenthood make their living killing tiny humans. That Apple app also raises the question was it Steinem and or Planned Parenthood who broke into my Apple computer and Apple ipod touch to steal my info, and to steal my heywire app. and to steal my emails where I wrote the webmaster of my fav hosting company about my domains? Did Steinem break into my computer via my Sony PSP I bought in Jan 2011 in Missouri?
I am thinking the RICO Act against organized crime might fit this situation of Steinem, Planned Parenthood, HBO, USA Today and Apple Computers conspiring in a racket to defame me for being prolife and opposing them with words, photos and deeds? Also see my website at to see why Steinem and her employer Planned Parenthood are trying to defame me by stealing my intellectual properties of domains and websites. And I have the word activist i my website of that Steinem tried to usurp by trying to steal my domain name of my real name as spelled on my blogs and websites.
Also see my Wall St Journal profile and my google profiles and other websites of mine including;;; http://;;; and my blogs on wordpress and or Microsoft;Live Journal,and my blog on xanag at; and my repository sites of;;;and other sites.blogs for YEARS since 2002.
Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and artist in oils, acrylics, watercolors, pen/inks, pencils, goauche, tempera,
and genre photographer also. I own the copyright and all rights to my created works and words and always have. I have never assigned them to anyone, given them to anyone nor sold them in all the years I have painted,sketched, drawn free-hand [since I was in high schools decades ago]. I have had interviews on TV and in the newspapers about my paintings and my life as artist.
Updated 31-July-2011@10:48am after updating some of my earthlink websites. Please reread these sites as they had been been broken into and are corrected today:; and
I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist. I am also a graduate of University of Georgia and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. I moved to Republic MO on 31Jul 2023. I am a white,unmarried,Christian, woman.
Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria
I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...
; Hey y'all farmers, poets, authors, artists, prolife people, good people of the world! I am reminding citizens and visitors to America ...
I drew and painted this on the 18th of Jan 2016, and I signed it, photographed it and uploaded it today 3 Feb 2016 at 7:20am to this blog of...
This is a reminder to the public that I Gloria Poole, RN artist, in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, am always and forever PROLIFE!. I...