The first sketch is of Flight Lt William Wales, RAF, {Prince William; from BBC news] that I drew/ painted:
The second sketch is the preliminary sketch I drew/created for the oil painting The Scotsman. Obviously you see I modified it quite a bit from the sketch to the painting. But that is the purpose of a sketch--to start to firm up in artist's mind how she wants painting to look.
Third sketch is " a patriot returns home from war":
Fourth sketch is "Capt Moussa" of the continent of Africa that I saw in the news and tried to paint:
Fifth sketch is a Canadian Soldier:
The sixth sketch is an Asian Officer in Navy:
This took me several tries to get right because someone tried to break into my acct from remote, my isp intercepted it, and I had to start again on this entry, which made me anxious that stalker was lurking in my acct from remote. I have never given any password of mine to anybody!
Copyright: I Gloria Poole own all rights to the art I created or do create in the future. I do not have any agents represneting me and have never signed away my copyrights as a blanket waiver. I have these actual sketches I created that are on paper, and own all rights to them, and to all art I create.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri; 11-Nov-2013 @ 1:17pm; I am also known on art I create as Gloria signed by me in paint on oil paintings and often as Gloria Poole in acrylic, watercolor, ink, or pen on sketches; and on web as gloriapoole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria.poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; G-L-O-R-I-A; and other variations of my real born with name of Gloria Poole. I am white, Christian, single, heterosexual woman and I was born in Ga but live in Missouri since Oct 2009;Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri; 11-Nov-2013 @ 1:17pm