Sunday, February 10, 2013

A sketch from Gardens; words that WORK

This is one of my sketches I painted in watercolors, from previous year. I noticed after uploading it, it was not as sharp an image as I would like. Maybe I was standing when I photographed it. I am sort of wobbly and usually balance camera on something, sit, or use tripod, or use image stabilizer [anti-motion features when using big camera]. But it will do for now. I am sort of low on energy today. I updated a couple of my blogs yesterday and I am exhausted. I am calling this "Garden chair" for the time being.I think the blooming trees behind that are called Japanese Maple in some parts of country; but they might be cherry blossoms--not sure. I think the bright pink blooms are azaleas, very common to The South.I just liked it when I saw it, tried to sketch it. Hope you like it. I think it is a good sketch for the spring that it is on its way. The winter wind is howling at this moment, like a blizzard blowing in--AAAAAAAAAGH! I am not doing much walkabouts in snow & ice, believe me when I tell you.

Also, the blogs of mine that I updated yesterday are:; which was a total redo- almost except I kept the posts as they were [in archives, etc]

The blog platform suits me so well; and I tweet on several accounts, while resting, "time-out" from everything usually-- I usually unplug and turn off phones at those times; and just be. The frenzied pace of most people in US is overwhelming to me now.

Look at the words that WORK blog. I think everyone who saw it in past year will be pleasantly surprised. words that WORK, written that way to emphasize action intent is a phrase I made up in about yr 1991 in State of Georgia, and though it is not grammatically correct, it worked for the intended purpose. It means as always "words that WORK [achieve results, accomplish what was intended] for the glory of GOD". I added some art I created to it from time to time, as a way of reclaiming it after cyber-criminals tried to steal it. But the main focus of it, is not art, but words that define, encourage, teach, illuminate, point others to the gospel and the blessings of GOD as promised in Deuteronomy chapter 28 [where the curses of GOD are also recorded]. There are several of my photographs of the paintings and sketches I created in the archives.

I have drawn with pencils since I was in high school and took a year long mechanical drawing course. I was the only girl Mr Jack Abbott had ever taught to draw [at that time] and he was very patient with me. I have never forgotten when he said to me he "didn't know how to teach a GIRL" as if I were some alien being from another planet. Then he explained that he normally taught boys to draw farm equipment or carburators, or the sort of things teen-age boys would recognize, but a teen-age girl wouldn't. I really liked him and that class. It has served me so well my whole life from then to now. My oldest sister who was a teacher then a Vice Principal for many years,said he asked her at my mother's funeral { I think or my daddy's} if [as he pointed to me]... if I was the Gloria Poole he taught to draw ? And when she said yes, he was pleased. I was pleased when she told me that later. What ad is it that says some things in life are priceless?

And I have painted with oils since my aunt Hermina [my mother's sister] showed me how to mix paints to achieve the colors I wanted and how to use oil mediums like turpentine. If she only knew how that sparked in me a lifetime of learning to paint. When she took the time from her busy schedule to teach me the basics on an afternoon, when I was visiting her with my then-husband [my 1st husband, divorced about 1984], it gave me a hobby that literally saved my career at the time. I was working at the hospital as RN, very distraught with shift changing, work overload, stress, duties, patient load--was thinking about quitting. And I talked to her about it. She told me she liked to paint and that it relieved her stress, and that she would teach me what she knew. It was a turning point in my life, that GOD HIMSELF put there for me. It made my then-job tolerable, and I worked many years in nursing by painting when off work. I have learned one can paint all emotions and that it is a catharsis of the soul, sort of--dispenses with pent-up anger, rage, grief even. So I think I am saying a public thank you to Mr Jack Abbott; high school teacher, probably retired by now; and my aunt Hermina's family [because she is deceased]. My aunt Hermina's husband who remarried lives in W Palm Beach, Florida, but my cousins [their children] live in Virginia still, as far as I know. They own/run a construction business. I am not sure if they will ever see this but this "thank you to my aunt Hermina" , she will hear in heaven. Gloria Poole @ my apt in Missouri; 3:43pm; 10-Feb-2013

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...