Thursday, December 26, 2019

Merry Christmas y'all from Springfield,Missouri

This is a photo of something I own and a reproduction of something I sent to some people. I am adding it here on 26th December 2019 because I forgot too yesterday!
Wishing all a Merry Christmas season and reminding all that Christmas is about Jesus.

You can follow me on Twitter at any or all of my twitter accounts if you do not intend to harm me or my 2 grown daughters & their families:

Also I recently updated these blogs of mine with art I created:

Posted by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, cartoonist at times, author, blogger, tweeter; Springfield, Missouri

Monday, November 18, 2019

Me Gloria with Santa on Polar Express

This is me Gloria Poole with Santa on the Polar Express Christmas train day trip; and that is my son-in-law Matt who is married to my youngest daughter Leigh in the right background. I sign my name simply Gloria on art I create,and am also known as gloriapoole , gloria.poole, gloria-poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; Ms Gloria Poole; Poole,Gloria; and on twitter as @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @glorias_writing; @gpoole817; @tweetie0817; @tartan_Bliss; @ProlifeNurse, @personhood1; @GloriaP49210854; and on several Google blogs , a couple of wordpress blogs, and I have mch art I created/painted/drew/sketched on web and many words I wrote including the children's story I wrote and illustrated and named "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that give picnics" on the web at:

You can see art I recently created and posted to other blogs of mine on these sites:
And read about events in my life and words I wrote on these blogs of mine:
And read about prolife & personhood news on this blog of mine:

If you are not trying to harm me or my 2 grown daughters & their families, you can follow me on twitter at these accounts of mine:

Copyright. All rights reserved to me Gloria Poole for this entire blog. Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, author, cartoonist , illustrator, blogger, tweeter, mother, and g-mama. Springfield, Missouri; 18 Nov 2019 at 7:44am. Updated post by me Gloria from my own aprt in Springfield Missouri on 9th Dec 2019 at 9:47am.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Green leaves drawing by me Gloria Poole

I drew this, signed it and dated it. Copyright notice: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME GLORIA POOLE aka Gloria; gloriapoole; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; Ms Gloria Poole; Poole,Gloria; FOR ALL ART I CREATE, ALL WORDS I WRITE, ALL PHOTOGRAPHS I SHOOT ON ANY METHOD, CAMERA, MEDIUM, TOOL, DEVICE WHETHER OR NOT I UPLOAD THEM ANYWHERE. Gloria Poole,RN, artist, writer/author; Springfield, Missouri; 31 Oct 2019 at 8:27am

I am updating this w/ a drawing I did. As usual Microsoft laptop stabbed me in the back by allowing criminal stalker to rip off hundreds of my photographs I photographed and uploaded to this laptop of mine I bought in Springfield Missouri this year; and also prevented me from uploading today photos I photographed on a memory card on a smartphone of mine. Microsoft is NOT the friend of any republican, prolife white woman!

I always know when a federal election is coming up. The evil democrats leave no stone unturned in attempting to silence me on the web. They cannot read. They don't know the First amendment which gives US citizens freedom of Press, speech, religion and political beliefs.

Vote prolife please. Defy evil.

You can follow me on Twitter if your intentions are not to harm me. All of these twitter accounts are mine and each is unique with different audiences but all are international: @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @glorias_writing; @gpoole817; @tartan_Bliss; @gloriaP49210854; @ProlifeNurse, @tweetie0817.

Other blogs of mine I recently updated are:

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer/artist; Springfield, Missouri

Friday, October 4, 2019

Photo-by-gloriapoole-Springfield Missouri in Sept 2019

This is a photo I photographed in September this year near my apartment. I took thousands photos that day and probably hundreds of those geese! I periodically take my big digital camera with me on walkabout and shoot many photos. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME GLORIA POOLE. All content on this BLOG/ account/ laptop/ any computer of mine that I upload, photograph, draw, sketch, paint, write, create with any method, technique or medium is copyrighted content and
I, Gloria Poole, or Springfield Missouri own all rights to it. Other people may not download it, copy it, reproduce it, make prints of it, sell it, or identify their faces with my art without my express written permission.
Today is 4th Oct 2019 at 7:26am central time.

If you are not trying to kill me you can follow me on twitter at any or all of these accounts of mine which are not shared accounts:
@gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @glorias_writing; @tartan_Bliss, @tweetie0817, @gpoole817; @ProlifeNurse, @personhood1, @GloriaP49210854.

By the way, I would change my header profile on this blog IF Google would stop criminal intruders who desparately try to prevent me from updating my selfies because they tell people falsely that I died, to serve their evil purposes.

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist; writer, author, cartoonist at times, publisher at times, tweeter, white, Christian, divorced twice, single-again woman , mother and g-mama.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Gloria is a wonderful name

I, Gloria Poole aka Gloria am posting today some of the news that Google alerted me about via emails of mine, that are about "Gloria" which is my real name which I sign on art I create and on my writings, poems, books, cartoons, along with my real surname of Poole. I think y'all might enjoy reading this news too:

About the "Gloria cup" presented in "Gloria Sports Arena" in Antalya [Russia??] posted by Inside the Games :

who won Gloria's cup:;
Perfect setting for Gloria's cup:

w/ quote:"Reigning world 200 metres champion Ramil Guliyev said he is using the Gloria Cup athletics meeting here as preparation for the International Association of Athletics Federations World Athletics Championships in Doha which begin later this month."

Art exhibit titled "Gloria" in Australia has my name as exhibit title and says its about trauma & injury and the art in that "Gloria" exhibit was created by artist Virginia Leonard which is in Sydney's Martin Browne Contemporary Museum:

I am purposely not linking this to try prevent hackers gaining a toehold. Use your web browser and enter the url address into it to see photos and read articles.

Also, I posted a pic from a Google alert today about "Villa Gloria" to another blog of mine at

Today is 20th Sept 2019 at 8:30am, central time.
Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, author, cartoonist, white woman, divorced twice; mother; Springfield, Missouri

Friday, July 12, 2019

Photo of me Gloria taken today by my daughter Leigh

This is a photo of me today today 12th July 2019 at about 3pm. My daughter Leigh took this photo of me and sent it to me. There was a reason for the dressy hat. I haven't posted a photo of me like that ever before because I hate to admit I have to walk with a cane! But I decided I might as well accept that as reality.

Also, my hair is in a pony tail and is still long and still brown.

Today is 12th July 2019 at 5:51pm.

Update on 11 August 2019 at 4:23pm: today I wrote a poem such as it is, and named it "Sunday Morning" and posted it to another blog of mine at

COPYRIGHT NOTICE : All art, words, blogs, tweets of mine are COPYRIGHTED and I own the copyrights. Google has alerted me at least 20 times about a fraudulent domain that steals /downloads from web my content and posts it to their fraud domain. I have alerted FBI about that and also Twitter. No one has permission to use my name nor my created content but me.

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist in all mediums, Springfield, Missouri

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hummingbird oil painting I painted 2019 in Springfield, Missouri

This is one of my photos of the oil painting I painted this year [about January] and I photographed it on my easel in my apartment. I have drawn dozens of sketches this year but only painted with oils once so far. I took the time to upload some of my photos so I could find them today.

This painting is oil paint on canvas 20x24 inches { I think} but I didn't measure it w/ ruler.

Copyright Notice: Me Gloria Poole of Springfield, Missouri created all content on this computer and I own this computer and all content and all copyrights to all content on it or in it. /s/ Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, Springfield, Missouri ; 30 June 2019

I am creating art bit by bit but have been undecided whether to add it to the web in any way since so much of my art was stolen off the web by ID thieves in past 13 years. But posting it helps document my name, my identity, my location and my efforts. Microsoft computers thought it was so funny to permanently affix a black man icon to MY NAME knowing full well that I am a white woman, not married since 2nd divorce in Oct 2007, and that I bought this computer in Springfield Missouri, since I bought it with a bank-issued-to-me-and-only-me-card! Criminal hackers still run the internet unfortunately which is why I vacillate between not using internet and using it. I do not personally know any black men and I live alone in this apartment in Springfield, Missouri. When I tried to delete the black man icon applied to my name folder the only option was to delete entire folder, which is how I knew malware had been injected into my 3 month old Microsoft o.s. computer that I bought in Springfield.

All people beware the internet is no safer than walking down the side of the interstate at night. It's a dangerous, high risk activity especially for single women.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri; 30th June 2019 at 10:21am.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Photo-by-gloriapoole some of my drawing supplies

I draw a lot. Sometimes silly stuff like cartoons. Sometimes serious architectural drawings or sketches of ideas. I use a plethora of tools--pencils, ink pens, dip pens and ink, markers, graphite pencils, technical pens, archival pens. This is one of my photos I photographed of my pen holders and some of my dip pen nibs. I use that method when I want to create an all ink drawing using several inks that require dipping brush or pen nib into ink well.

This is just for fun blog of mine, most of the time. I write on serious topics on other blogs of mine generally, including my "Real Women Have Babies" blog at:

Also, I updated recently these blogs of mine:

And of course, I am still tweeting almost daily on one or more of my Twitter accounts including : @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @GloriaP49210854, @tweetie0817, @tartan_Bliss; @gpoole817 , @glorias_writing, @ProlifeNurse and @personhood1. Good people are welcome to follow me on those. Each is different with different audiences.

Today is 21st June 2019 at 9:00am.

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist in all mediums, writer, author, tweeter, mother, g-mama, white, christian, US citizen, UGA alum.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Canoe sketch drawn by me Gloria Poole of Springfield, Missouri

I drew this in 2017 . I am posting it here because Google/ Microsoft/ HP contrived to hide my 2019 sketches and art I created and photographed by unlabeling my labels on them and mixing them among about 6000 photos I uploaded a few weeks ago. They try desperately to prevent any PROLIFE images being posted by Registered Nurses, and their tactics are extensive, unlimited tricks and treachery to harass prolife citizens.

I still live in Springfield, Missouri and have a lease on my apartment here. I am aware that criminal ID thieves have broken into some accounts of mine to attempt to fool banks, webmasters, etc. Hell hath no fury like a prodeather scorned. BUT GOD is bigger than those who kill baby humans, and thank goodness.

I am drawing and painting and sketching as always and when I figure out the index method of cyber thugs that unlabels my name as I upload my own photos I shoot, and scatters them into multiple folders under multiple folders I will post some of my this year's art.

The prodeathers are having a hissy fit because Georgia, Alabama and Missouri have all banned abortions when the baby's heartbeat is heard, and I helped that cause every chance I got. So, I am thankful to GOD that the heinous sin against GOD of abortion is being tackled by some tough as nails legislators.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri; posted by me on 24th May 2019 at 7:34pm.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Stained glass windwo drawing drawn by me Gloria Poole of Springfield, Missouri

Copyright. Gloria Poole aka gloriapoole of Springfield, Missouri, 15 May 2019 at 5:32pm.

I'm still drawing and sketching. I haven't painted an oil painting since January 2019 but I have blank [clean] canvases when I want too.

I am also still tweeting on several twitter accounts of mine and if you are not a bad person trying to murder me you can follow me on any or all of these twitter accounts of mine: @gloriapoole, @gloria_poole, @GloriaP49210854, @ProlifeNurse, @personhood1, @tweetie0817, @tartan_Bliss, @gpoole817; and @glorias_writing. They are not conformed to each other. That means each one has different content Occasionally if I need to document that an account is mine I will forward a tweet I wrote to myself and then retweet it to prove it is also mine. That may not make sense to y'all but it's necessary at times. I started the twitter @GloriaP49210854 from a new smartphone I bought last Sept and twitter assigned the twitter name on it. I was off line at that time, so could not access my "regular" twitter accounts I have had for years so I didn't want to mess up those accounts by logging in from unknown to twitter phone. So, see, it makes sense.

I am still unmarried but wish I was married. But having lived through the worst husband in the world for four years, [and divorced from him since 2007] I don't trust my own judgement much.

That is most of my news.

The date and time is 15th May 2019 at 5:42pm in case the date and time shows wrong on here that was automatically put by Google.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist, Springfield, Missouri

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Google my real name is Gloria Poole & it is NOT shared with others!

Google why are you continuing to persecute me? I logged in and reclaimed this account which was ALWAYS MINE! I have had this account for many years. The fact that criminals tried to hijack my name art I created and my entire on web content in Sept 2017 by sending a fake technician to my then-aprt in Columbia , Missouri does NOT "undo" the name I was born with and is mine legally in every way possible. I WAS BORN WITH IT and the proof of that is in the state of Georgia, USA, archives.

Stop trying to forward my login to ID thieves! Stop trying to create a pass-through for murderers! I am a white woman, Christian, divorced twice and still unmarried, and a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri but before that licensed for many years in the state of Georgia.

Today when I logged into this account it was for the purpose of accomplishing an update of a different sort which I still intend to do. But as soon as I clicked on an email in my gmail account, Google "dropped" the signal on purpose, then asked me if I wanted to "recover the page?". They do that EVERY TIME I LOGIN--IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. Then when I am forced to click "recover page" they allow the murderer into my account! Male Dana Pappas whatever name he uses or bought recently is NOT authorized on this account, is my second exhusband [male Dana Pappas aka Dana Papas aka Dena Papas but he has probably bought ID at least a dozen times since divorce from him in Oct 2007 in Arapahoe County Colorado] who tried to kill me four times from 2003-2006, who has a mandatory order of protection against him which means all law enforcement is to protect me from him; & he does not live in this aprt and never lived in my apt in Columbia Missouri either, and he is my worst enemy who made many many threats to kill me. Stop allowing him to bypass my login credentials. He is THE ENEMY of me and my 2 daughters and my family. I am divorced from male DBP since Oct 2007 and I removed the Pappas surname from my name by Court order and resumed my full maiden name in Oct 2007 by Court order also.

And Google stop the tricks. I do NOT want you to download or install any malware. I do NOT want you to link my account to murderers. I do NOT want Facebook ID thieves to read my gmail. I do NOT want murderer Dana Pappas by any alias, nor his accomplices, to access anything or mine nor use my name in any way. He is my ENEMY who tried to kill me FOUR TIMES! I would kill him on site if he breaks into my aprt and I have the legal authority of Missouri to stand my ground and use lethal force if necessary to defend my life and my property. This is MY APARTMENT in Springfield, Missouri, where I live 24/7/365 and I live here alone. I do NOT want you google to create a bypass for criminals into any account of mine! Ever.

And one more thing Google: I intend to continue this account. I know Google hates women, especially white, cheeky women who hate being slammed around like a rag doll and strangled, and broken bones and concussions, and shoved outa moving vehicles, and poisoned, and chased in parking lots by murderers and assaulted. And I know Google hates Christians but this is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and I have FIRST AMENDMENT liberties and all civil liberties to worship GOD as I see fit and you cannot stop by your tactics to harass and persecute me. IF Google cannot abide by US law, they should fire their CEO or move their entire business to China or India and get outa the United States. I am a US citizen with legal rights!

I had to write that because it enables law enforcement to prove who I am and where I am and the status here.

Change of topic to purpose I logged in to accomplish:

I updated my investing news blog at

And I also updated other blogs since my most recent login to this blog.

I updated my

And one of my flickr accounts at: with art I created and photos I photographed. And I updated my w/ news of entertainment events that are family friendly.

And I updated my "Tapestry of my Life blog" at

I am not linking this on purpose. [So Google does not link those accounts to this one] .

Today is 5th April 2019 at 10:05am central time in Springfield, Missouri.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist, Springfield, Missouri

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter everyone from me Gloria in Springfield, Missouri, USA

Happy Easter celebration to all Christians everywhere and to all people who want to know Jesus as their Messiah Redeemer. If you don't know the meaning of Easter, you can read it in the Holy Bible in Luke chapter 22 verse one all the way through to Luke chapter 24 verse 53. I prefer the King James Holy Bible but there are other versions in more casual language also.

I am posting this painting I painted, signed, photographed, uploaded, and saved in other places, in 2017 to this blog so Google recognizes me. I have updated some of my blogs in the past month one by one and each is different. You can see and or read them at:

Today is 20th April 2019 at 1:12pm. In case Google has undone the automated time and date function of my account to harass me.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Acrylic painting I painted "Old Savannah Trolley" by Gloria Poole

Hey world, this is an acrylic painting I painted in 2004 and photographed several times. I am trying to catch up and login to my accounts one by one. I am adding this because Google should recognize it and therefore recognize me as same woman who has always owned this account and other accounts such as
and other blogs and twitter accounts also.

This is quick update to stay in the search engines until I can get caught up enough I can start painting again.

Today is 14th April 2019 at 2:25pm. Also, I have updated those blogs I listed above recently.

Gloria Poole, RN, artist, Springfield, Missouri

Monday, March 25, 2019

Hey Google, my accounts still belong to me and only me. Stop thieves.

Hey Google,

Unless your entire platform has totally tanked or moved to India, all of the blogs and accounts I set up years ago still belong to me. Criminal thugs in other cities states or nations do not live in my apt in Springfield, Missouri with me. Why would you be trying to help the man who tried four times to murder me steal my content? What happened to the Google motto do no evil?

Can you spell d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n against white, Christian, heterosexual single [divorced twice] women who are naturally born US citizens?

If I were you google I'd quit harassing women who are U S citizens.

Also and and every google account I linked on this blogs are still my accounts . There is NO CenturyLINK account in Columbia Missouri anymore that has my name on it. I moved to Springfield Missouri on 22 Sept 2018 via a moving truck and I cancelled my CenturyLINK internet acct and ported my landline number to cell phone which I have with me in Springfield, Missouri. Whoever might have moved into my previous apt in Columbia Missouri is NOT authorized on any account of mine nor on any bank or financial account of mine nor on any USPS account of mine . I do not know whoever moved into the apt I moved out of but I know my content is MY CONTENT and I have the original art I created in most cases.

I know there are people reading my content who have the power to make life miserable for Google since copyright infringement is something I can sue Google for. And so is identity theft, fraud and theft of money from my accounts. So stop putting bits of my SSN and bank account numbers into the so-called login code you send to me. Being arrested for money-laundering will not help your executives nor your business.

Gloria Poole,RN, artist, S;pringfield, Missouri

Friday, March 15, 2019

I moved last year, and had to buy new equipment

Hey y'all! I moved last Sept 2018 to Springfield Missouri to my own apartment. It was my own apt I moved FROM also though criminals looted my belongings as I was moving that day.

I had to buy some new phones, port my main number to a cell phone and buy new computer, new internet equipment and decide if being on internet is worthwhile. I am not sure about if being on the internet is worthwhile. I know criminals love it but do honest people? I had so much of my content I created stolen via the web and they used my logins before to know my plans [which was how the parking lot thieves stole from me the day the movers were at my apt in Columbia Missouri to move me here to Springfield Missouri.]

I began a new Twitter account and hope I can still login to all my accounts on web. My newest Twitter account is @GloriaP49210854, which is a handle that Twitter selected for me. As far as I know I still have the other twitter accounts of mine also but I did not login to any internet account of mine from the time I moved to Springfield on 22nd Sept 2018 until today 15 March 2019.My CenturyLink account from Oct 2009 until Sept 2017 was stolen via fraud and identity theft in Sept 2017 by a fake repairman who knew of my plans to upgrade my modem and tricked me.

I still have the phones I had for years and I added some new numbers also. I was bombarded by criminal callers calling my new numbers trying to terrorize me so I don't know if I will keep the new numbers or try again with some not published to the dark web by criminal thugs. When you sign up with a carrier they never ask you IF it is ok to publish your number and all of your info. They just sell your info like you are a sack of fruit. For the record, you should ask carrier to OPT OUT of selling your info to thugs.

I still look pretty much the same with long brown hair and I am still white though some people tried to pretend I was black and another batch of criminal ID thieves tried to pretend I was Mexican. I am WHITE woman divorced twice and the mother of 2 grown daughters and a wannabee artist but I have not created much art since moving to Springfield. I am also a US citizen by birth and I know that infuriates some people for me to write that. Too bad. I am proud to be a BORN IN THE USA Registered Nurse/artist/woman/Christian/good citizen.

My CenturyLink account for internet ended when it was stolen by a criminal pretending to be a CenturyLink repairman in Sept 2017. I do not have CenturyLINK anything now. I tried to port all 3 of my CenturyLINK numbers I had for YEARS, two different times but the ID thief used stolen ID and stolen personal items and art I created to trick the retail office in Columbia. I did port my number that was in the telephone directory for nine years to a cell phone and I have it with me. I changed my home phone however and supposedly it is private.

Today is 15 March 2019 at 5:29pm since I do not know what time will be stamped on this blog since I didn't login for a year.

/s/ Gloria Poole,RN,artist, Missouri

Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria

I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...