Monday, March 25, 2019

Hey Google, my accounts still belong to me and only me. Stop thieves.

Hey Google,

Unless your entire platform has totally tanked or moved to India, all of the blogs and accounts I set up years ago still belong to me. Criminal thugs in other cities states or nations do not live in my apt in Springfield, Missouri with me. Why would you be trying to help the man who tried four times to murder me steal my content? What happened to the Google motto do no evil?

Can you spell d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n against white, Christian, heterosexual single [divorced twice] women who are naturally born US citizens?

If I were you google I'd quit harassing women who are U S citizens.

Also and and every google account I linked on this blogs are still my accounts . There is NO CenturyLINK account in Columbia Missouri anymore that has my name on it. I moved to Springfield Missouri on 22 Sept 2018 via a moving truck and I cancelled my CenturyLINK internet acct and ported my landline number to cell phone which I have with me in Springfield, Missouri. Whoever might have moved into my previous apt in Columbia Missouri is NOT authorized on any account of mine nor on any bank or financial account of mine nor on any USPS account of mine . I do not know whoever moved into the apt I moved out of but I know my content is MY CONTENT and I have the original art I created in most cases.

I know there are people reading my content who have the power to make life miserable for Google since copyright infringement is something I can sue Google for. And so is identity theft, fraud and theft of money from my accounts. So stop putting bits of my SSN and bank account numbers into the so-called login code you send to me. Being arrested for money-laundering will not help your executives nor your business.

Gloria Poole,RN, artist, S;pringfield, Missouri

Happy Thanksgiving y'all & Congrats to Pres Trump from me #Gloria

Copyright Notice: all rights reserved for all words/#paintings/sketches/#drawings/#cartoons/articles/op-eds/essays/ that I create or h...