Second photo is bright flowers I saw on walkabout:
Third photo is a chapel in the gardens, near to me, that I walkabout in, some:
The next is pink magnolias I think. I am no flower expert but the blooms sort of look like magnolias only pink; so I called them that:
The next photo is a ruby red fish in a goldfish bowl.
The next photo here is a goldfish in an aquarium. I love to photograph and paint goldfish and tropical fish.
Gloria Poole; also known as Gloria on paintings, sketches, drawings; and as gloriapoole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria.poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; Gloria Poole, RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloria-poole; and other variations of my real born with name of Gloria Poole. I am white, single, woman, who is Christian and who was born in the state of Georgia and who is divorced twice; and who is a UGA alum and a Registered Nurse, and an artist in oils, acrylics, watercolors, inks, powdered pastels, tempera, goauche, and a photographer and a citizen journo. At my apt and only residence, which is in Missouri; 17-Oct-2013 @ 9:34am