Monday, October 21, 2013

Original sketches by Gloria Poole also known as Gloria on paintings

I am putting here one of the sketches I did for the ethnic series and three of my sketches trying to learn portraiture painting. I forgot I had drawn sketches of real people from the news until I was rephotographing the originals. [It's been a hard five years from 2007- present on me physically, secondary to trauma.] These sketches are:

Prince Charles that I drew from the BBC news and painted with powdered pastels. This was about the fifth time I had tried to paint his likeness.

The second sketch is my attempt to draw/ paint the Canadian prime Minister Stephen Harper from the news.

The third sketch is one I named Asian Leader [but I think now it was a photo in news of Chinese Leader because he is in news much now.]

The fourth sketch is one for the ethnic series that I drew and painted and named "Aramaic man" in watercolors.

Also, see the previous post for the link I put in t to the Picasa album I began over week-end for my ethnic paintings and sketches that I have been creating since about 2006.

Gloria Poole; also known as Gloria on sketches & paintings; and sometimes as Gloria Poole signed on sketches and drawings; and also as gloriapoole; gpoole817; gloria0817; gloria.poole. gloria_poole; gloria-poole; gloriapoole.RN; Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; and other variations of my real born with name. I am divorced twice and each time I resumed my maiden surname of Poole.Copyright: I own all rights to the art I create in any place, at any time, with any method, on any surface. Also, I am white, Christian, single, woman , mother of two grown daughters. [Ms] Gloria Poole, RN and artist; at my apt in Missouri; 21-Oct-2013 at 12:25pm.

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...