See some of my most recent additions to my paintings, sketches, and genre photographry by visiting these Microsoft spaces blogs belonging to me:
has some of my original photos of goldfish, mountains, skies etc;
has my most recent painting I painted of "Thoroughbreds' in oils
; has my original sketch I painted
before I painted the idea into oils;
has some more of my original genre photography of iconic type of images
but that I photographed as I walked about;
has one of my original photos that I photographed when I lived
at Denver Co 80203 but that I have added to that site because of the
purple sky. I moved from Colorado on Oct 31,2009. Remember that I own the copyright to my photography and to my paintings, sketches and drawings so do not download them or save them to a disk.
I do not ever intend to move back to Colorado--it is a lawless state
and has no protection whatsoever for women abused by men [the man who
was my husband fractured my leg in 2006 and the courts sent him to
a weekly brag-about-it session as his 'punishment. I am divorced from that
evil man now and thank GOD! But that is why I would never live in that
state again--it has a contempt for women.
9:24 AM 4/6/2010
Also my original intent for this entry was to remind you that if you own
a domain on the internet, learn from my experience about that. Don't assume
that just because you ordered it with your info and paid for it with your card
that you still own it. The theft of domains is very common on the internet.Criminals lurk everywhere it seems.
Your website might not have changed so that is not the clue. And you might as
I have done have signed into your account and verified your info but the
hosting companies have secretive files [they call it protecting your privacy
] but usually what they are protecting is the fact that they tried to auction
off your domain while it belonged to you to the highest bidder. Hosting companies
are sadly not with much integrity in the US because of the illegal spying by
the Obama adminstration who considers any prolifer an enemy of his. i am a prolifer
from the get-go and the illegal wire-tapping of my phone and the spying on my
computer and the repeated attempts by the Obama administration and that woman
from hell named H Clinton to abuse their powers to try to fry my personal and
private computer are numerous. I could write a book on that subject.
Pay attention to your domains and write internic if you find that they were hijacked!
Gloria Poole; Missouri; time is9:30AM, 6-April-2010
I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist. I am also a graduate of University of Georgia and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. I moved to Republic MO on 31Jul 2023. I am a white,unmarried,Christian, woman.
Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria
I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...
; Hey y'all farmers, poets, authors, artists, prolife people, good people of the world! I am reminding citizens and visitors to America ...
I drew and painted this on the 18th of Jan 2016, and I signed it, photographed it and uploaded it today 3 Feb 2016 at 7:20am to this blog of...
This is a reminder to the public that I Gloria Poole, RN artist, in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, am always and forever PROLIFE!. I...