Remember that in January 2010 the Congress still has to reconcile the two different bills [one from the Senate and one from the House] and vote collectively as a unit on whether it becomes law. Keep this info in mind and pray as you have never prayed before, because I believe that IF the US government legalizes and forces taxpayers to fund abortion that this nation will be destroyed by THE HAND OF GOD HIMSELF, as promised in the Bible that GOD HIMSELF avenges innocent blood. It is very different when individuals sin against GOD and destroy their offspring, because of their own evil heart, but when the nation collectively gives permission via a legal status to evil and sin, then the nation is in direct opposition to GOD. Here is the info that was quoted that reveals the evil plan in the fake health care bill that is nothing but a way to codify the grievous sin of abortion. It must absolutely be defeated in January! Also read the scriptures about truth on this website:
From that article in Life News that reveals the situation of the so-called health care bill pending before Congress :
In Dec 2009 an article in Life News makes it clear that the compromise of Ben Nelson of Nebraska was a trick to get federal funding for Medicaid for Nebraska, and did not prevent abortion being declared health care. The prolifers in Nebraska and everywhere are mad! I quote from that article:
"Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, issued a statement blasting the Nelson-Reid proposal.
“No back room deal can change the fact that this is a fatally flawed bill. Make no mistake about it, the Reid bill will allow federal tax dollars to be used to fund abortions," he said in a statement sent to"
And this quote from article about Medical Doctor Tom Coburn, :
"Sen. Tom Coburn, a pro-life doctor and Republican, agrees.
He said it is “absolutely fictitious” that the Nelson-Reid language bans abortion funding.
“The negotiations, whoever did them, threw unborn babies under the bus,” Coburn said, according to a report in The Hill."
Read article at:
And on another topic near and dear to my heart is the situation in the world of Christian missionaries. I include this info, and my request to North Korea:
North Korea please release Robert Park. Proclaiming the love of GOD is not reason for arrest, and missionaries have to be free to cross borders. A quote from the BBC article: "They said he walked across the border shouting: "I am an American citizen. I brought God's love. God loves you and God bless you."
Please read article in BBC news today at:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 8:02:45 AM
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri;
I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist. I am also a graduate of University of Georgia and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. I moved to Republic MO on 31Jul 2023. I am a white,unmarried,Christian, woman.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
What Christmas Celebrations are About: JESUS
It is written, "and it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was Governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth, into Ju-dae-a unto the City of David, which is called Beth-le-hem; [because he was of the house and lineage of David] to be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo! The Angel of THE LORD came upon them, and the glory of THE LORD shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel of THE LORD said unto them, 'fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you, is born this day in the City of David, a SAVIOUR, which is Christ THE LORD. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly, there was with the Angel a multitude of heavenly host, praising GOD and saying, "glory to GOD in the Highest; peace, good will toward men.' And it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them unto heaven, the shepherds said one to another, 'let us now go even unto Beth-le-hem, and see this thing which THE LORD hath made known unto us.' And they came with haste, and found Mary,and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things, which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying GOD and praising GOD for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcision of the child, His Name was called JESUS, which was so named of the Angel before he was conceived in the womb*." Luke chapter 2: 1-21, King James Holy Bible.
* footnote, the angel told Mary of this in Luke chapter 1: 26-33;
Remember that The Angel of THE LORD [GOD] in heaven, foretold this event and it is written, "And in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from GOD unto a city of
Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the
house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. And The Angel came in unto her, and said,'hail, thou that are highly favoured; THE LORD is with thee; blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be? And The Angel said unto her, 'fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favour with GOD. And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call HIS Name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called The Son of THE HIGHEST; and THE LORD GOD shall give unto Him, the
throne of his father David. And HE shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of HIS kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary, 'how shall this be? Seeing I know not a man?" And The Angel answered and said unto her, "THE HOLY GHOST [spirit, life-force of GOD, breath of GOD] shall come upon thee, and the power of THE HIGHEST shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing [seed ] which shall be born of thee shall be called THE SON of GOD. And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with GOD nothing shall be impossible." And Mary said, 'behold the handmaid of THE LORD; be it unto me according to Thy Word." And The Angel of THE LORD departed from her." Luke chapter 1: 26-38
Remember that the Christmas celebration though often imperfect is a celebration of the birth on the earth of THE MESSIAH, who came to earth in the flesh, as THE GODHEAD
with a mission of enduring human life, experiencing it firsthand as a divine human,
created by the force of GOD and not via a man's human seed, and who took to the Cross with HIM, the sins of the human race, and conquered death, and rose again on the third day [which we Christians celebrate as Easter or Resurrection ] into heaven, where HE IS ALIVE forevermore, and where HE will gather the believers unto HIMSELF on the last trumpet call from earth in the final Judgement of the earth, as written in the book of Revelation.
Christmas gift giving, and appeals to children through elaborate gift giving methods and feasting, and joyous, brightly colored to lighten up the winter, events are intended to be reminders that it is truly a miracle of how and why THE GOD would do for us humans what we could not do for ourselves and that is save ourselves from eternal damnation and the pit of hell [sheol, hades, other names ]; and live eternal ly with THE GOD in heaven after we leave this earth.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri. Today's date is 23-Dec-2009 @ 7:57 AM.
The events in Congress are badly timed and they are not forgotten, but I am sure that they are timed that way because the wicked think that the righteous will forget the debates but I am asking GOD to intervene to protect the innocent creations of GOD in the wombs of women, from the evil plan the U S Senate is scheming to kill the coming generations like that wicked Herod of the Bible.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 07:22:03 AM .
* footnote, the angel told Mary of this in Luke chapter 1: 26-33;
Remember that The Angel of THE LORD [GOD] in heaven, foretold this event and it is written, "And in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from GOD unto a city of
Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the
house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. And The Angel came in unto her, and said,'hail, thou that are highly favoured; THE LORD is with thee; blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be? And The Angel said unto her, 'fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favour with GOD. And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call HIS Name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called The Son of THE HIGHEST; and THE LORD GOD shall give unto Him, the
throne of his father David. And HE shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of HIS kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary, 'how shall this be? Seeing I know not a man?" And The Angel answered and said unto her, "THE HOLY GHOST [spirit, life-force of GOD, breath of GOD] shall come upon thee, and the power of THE HIGHEST shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing [seed ] which shall be born of thee shall be called THE SON of GOD. And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with GOD nothing shall be impossible." And Mary said, 'behold the handmaid of THE LORD; be it unto me according to Thy Word." And The Angel of THE LORD departed from her." Luke chapter 1: 26-38
Remember that the Christmas celebration though often imperfect is a celebration of the birth on the earth of THE MESSIAH, who came to earth in the flesh, as THE GODHEAD
with a mission of enduring human life, experiencing it firsthand as a divine human,
created by the force of GOD and not via a man's human seed, and who took to the Cross with HIM, the sins of the human race, and conquered death, and rose again on the third day [which we Christians celebrate as Easter or Resurrection ] into heaven, where HE IS ALIVE forevermore, and where HE will gather the believers unto HIMSELF on the last trumpet call from earth in the final Judgement of the earth, as written in the book of Revelation.
Christmas gift giving, and appeals to children through elaborate gift giving methods and feasting, and joyous, brightly colored to lighten up the winter, events are intended to be reminders that it is truly a miracle of how and why THE GOD would do for us humans what we could not do for ourselves and that is save ourselves from eternal damnation and the pit of hell [sheol, hades, other names ]; and live eternal ly with THE GOD in heaven after we leave this earth.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri. Today's date is 23-Dec-2009 @ 7:57 AM.
The events in Congress are badly timed and they are not forgotten, but I am sure that they are timed that way because the wicked think that the righteous will forget the debates but I am asking GOD to intervene to protect the innocent creations of GOD in the wombs of women, from the evil plan the U S Senate is scheming to kill the coming generations like that wicked Herod of the Bible.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 07:22:03 AM .
Monday, November 23, 2009
Nazi schools next on agenda for 'reform' health.
There is an article about a very troublesome 'sneak attack' on parenting in the news from Missouri today. It tells of something that was deliberately omitted from nearly every report on the so-called reform of health care financing. The sneak attack on parenting comes in the form of Nazi schools commandeering captive school children and separating them from their parents all in one fell swoop in the form of so-called 'school-based clinics". Read into that the secretive abortion mills expanding to even primary schools through indoctrination, brain-washing, posters on walls, brochures in backpacks, etc. The Senate version of the bill does not exclude those so-called clinics [that are abortion centers in disguise] from carrying out premeditated destruction of innocents in the womb on school property.
Prolifers and/or good parents have always opposed the concept of takeover of young minds and beliefs by indoctrination via 'free' healthcare [almost always a trap of some sort sort of like that apple Eve was offered by the serpent-devil]. Good parents want to know what their children are involved in, where they spend their time, and with whom, and what they do there, and what is injected into them. School based Sebelius from hell clinics will no doubt have their 'choice' of methods of killing there--RU killer drugs that kill those in womb and out of it, and surgical sterilization via horrors of abortion, and /or killing of wombs with IUDs and or killing of ovaries with depo-provera and a various assortment of other ungodly evil 'treatments' to eliminate the human race.
I am glad one newspaper has reported on this since the NY Times purposely omitted it and so did other news sources. Remember this about Nazi medicine: they made every effort to 'capture' the nation at the youngest level, and the methods of propaganda and brain-washing were fine-tuned by Hitler and his evil accomplices, who believed that they knew more than GOD HIMSELF, and who tried to undo every righteous truth that ever existed via repeating lies often and from prominent platforms. I challenge you to do a study for yourself on the methods of brainwashing and then visit a local school and ask these questions:
1) how often does a 'random' search of school childrens' lockers occur?
2) What method is used by the school lunchroom to control speech and sound?
3) What method is used to 'punish' students that do not comply with the anti-GOD teaching of public schools?
4) What is the official school policy about humans reproducing themselves?
5) What method is used to 'teach' such topics of conception, abortion and by whom and how many subject text books does the teaching appear in?
6) What questions are asked of students about their home life?
7) What is the official school policy about children attending 'clinics' based on site?
8) Are parents called when a child appears at the so-called 'clinic' for treatment?
9) Are parents allowed to opt out their children from such clinics?
10) What drugs are on hand in the so-called clinic?
11) What are the credentials of the staff of the so-called clinic?
12) What resusitation equipment is on hand at the so-called clinic?
13) Who is the medical director of the so-called clinic, what is his or her name and what is the speciality?
14) What questions are asked on the 'intake' form for students who go to the so-called 'clinic"?
15) What age limits are set on dispensing contraceptives?
16) What disclaimers are given for administration of drugs that are hormones such as depo-provera and contraceptives?
17) Are students receiving depo-provera or Norplant implants at school?
18) In ref question 17 are they informed of long term risk of those including permanent dryingup of ovaries?
This is some of the starter questions parents should be asking about that evil plan to take the control of children away from the parents by tricking them into 'free' health care at what is euphemistically labeled 'clinics' that are nothing more than Planned Parenthood branches.
Obviously I am opposed to school-based clinics having had the unfortunate experience of seeing as a Registered Nurse the guidelines of some of them, having experienced the words 'live virus' on some of the ampuls that I was expected as a nurse to inject children with [but refused] ; and having seen how loosely applied medical standards were in them. I am also opposed to them because their intent/mission is brainwashing and death.
You may read the article that prompted this entry at:
Incidentally, I am moved to Missouri and am moving all of my missions activities, LLPs, and of course my paintings I paint, everything to Missouri. You could contact me by google phone [google it] and or by email. I am not publishing my physical location for several reasons --the main one being to protect myself from an evil man who threatened several times to kill me if I testified against him and I did.
(s) Gloria Poole, in Missouri, 22_Nov-2009 @9:12AM, C.T.
I edited this after posting it because I forgot the old address in Denver was in many places. I moved on Nov 3, 2009 to Missouri and that is a permanent move away from Colorado which was a demonic place.
Prolifers and/or good parents have always opposed the concept of takeover of young minds and beliefs by indoctrination via 'free' healthcare [almost always a trap of some sort sort of like that apple Eve was offered by the serpent-devil]. Good parents want to know what their children are involved in, where they spend their time, and with whom, and what they do there, and what is injected into them. School based Sebelius from hell clinics will no doubt have their 'choice' of methods of killing there--RU killer drugs that kill those in womb and out of it, and surgical sterilization via horrors of abortion, and /or killing of wombs with IUDs and or killing of ovaries with depo-provera and a various assortment of other ungodly evil 'treatments' to eliminate the human race.
I am glad one newspaper has reported on this since the NY Times purposely omitted it and so did other news sources. Remember this about Nazi medicine: they made every effort to 'capture' the nation at the youngest level, and the methods of propaganda and brain-washing were fine-tuned by Hitler and his evil accomplices, who believed that they knew more than GOD HIMSELF, and who tried to undo every righteous truth that ever existed via repeating lies often and from prominent platforms. I challenge you to do a study for yourself on the methods of brainwashing and then visit a local school and ask these questions:
1) how often does a 'random' search of school childrens' lockers occur?
2) What method is used by the school lunchroom to control speech and sound?
3) What method is used to 'punish' students that do not comply with the anti-GOD teaching of public schools?
4) What is the official school policy about humans reproducing themselves?
5) What method is used to 'teach' such topics of conception, abortion and by whom and how many subject text books does the teaching appear in?
6) What questions are asked of students about their home life?
7) What is the official school policy about children attending 'clinics' based on site?
8) Are parents called when a child appears at the so-called 'clinic' for treatment?
9) Are parents allowed to opt out their children from such clinics?
10) What drugs are on hand in the so-called clinic?
11) What are the credentials of the staff of the so-called clinic?
12) What resusitation equipment is on hand at the so-called clinic?
13) Who is the medical director of the so-called clinic, what is his or her name and what is the speciality?
14) What questions are asked on the 'intake' form for students who go to the so-called 'clinic"?
15) What age limits are set on dispensing contraceptives?
16) What disclaimers are given for administration of drugs that are hormones such as depo-provera and contraceptives?
17) Are students receiving depo-provera or Norplant implants at school?
18) In ref question 17 are they informed of long term risk of those including permanent dryingup of ovaries?
This is some of the starter questions parents should be asking about that evil plan to take the control of children away from the parents by tricking them into 'free' health care at what is euphemistically labeled 'clinics' that are nothing more than Planned Parenthood branches.
Obviously I am opposed to school-based clinics having had the unfortunate experience of seeing as a Registered Nurse the guidelines of some of them, having experienced the words 'live virus' on some of the ampuls that I was expected as a nurse to inject children with [but refused] ; and having seen how loosely applied medical standards were in them. I am also opposed to them because their intent/mission is brainwashing and death.
You may read the article that prompted this entry at:
Incidentally, I am moved to Missouri and am moving all of my missions activities, LLPs, and of course my paintings I paint, everything to Missouri. You could contact me by google phone [google it] and or by email. I am not publishing my physical location for several reasons --the main one being to protect myself from an evil man who threatened several times to kill me if I testified against him and I did.
(s) Gloria Poole, in Missouri, 22_Nov-2009 @9:12AM, C.T.
I edited this after posting it because I forgot the old address in Denver was in many places. I moved on Nov 3, 2009 to Missouri and that is a permanent move away from Colorado which was a demonic place.
Friday, September 18, 2009
First Amendment Wins to protest government!
"The First Amendment, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, protects the right of individual citizens to spend unlimited amounts to express their views about policy issues and candidates for office," Kavanaugh wrote. "Similarly, the First Amendment, as the Court has construed it, safeguards the right of citizens to band together and pool their resources as an unincorporated group or non-profit organization in order to express their views about policy issues and candidates for public office." Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the decision today in Washington DC in the US Court of Appeals. And here is my protest:
1st photo is obviously a human being in the amniotic sac of the womb,and the second photo is the maternal placenta that attaches the umbilical cord for nutrients [food dissolved] and oxygen to the developing human being in the amniotic sac.
I am 'pooling' my resources with Google's in this blog and thank GOD for google,a great champion of First Amendment liberties to protest the government. And I pool my resources with the sources GOD provides to me which have certainly kept me dependent upon prayer and the provision of GOD since the devil's power in Colorado is yet to be broken by the power of GOD ALMIGHTY. And I seek the power of GOD ALMIGHTY to defeat the devil and end the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb of human women.
Also I am protesting the evil plan of Obama to kill innocents in the womb and depopulate the nation. For more on that topic read another blog of mine in my former name at for the entries today and the two previous entries also.
These are my photos from my digital camera . For more of them please visit my website at:
and also for the 16000 medical doctors suing the NIH to make them stop killing human embryoes.
And also: /
and also for article how an embryo becomes a fetus.
/s/ Gloria Poole R.N.. and artist, photographer, writer, missionary for LIFE, at home, Denver Colorado 80203/80206 @ 11:11 AM -18-Sept-2009
Update after thinking on it some more.
I am living proof that GOD is able to take care of you. HE is also able to take care of humans in the womb. Because I am a known prolifer since 1991 the government has tried in many ways to ruin me. When the first devil_President Clinton was in power he stopped the hiring of prolife nurses [I am a Registered Nurse] and for years I subsisted because federal abuse of power prevented hiring of prolife nurses who would not kill on demand [it was subtle but it was there]. Then I came to Colorado, found a RN job in 2002 or early 2003, and was working and the devil's own [but I did not know that at the time remember that] sort of conned me into getting married. Then he tried his best to destroy me and steal even my very name. Then the state of Colorado tried to help him advance his cause of killing me off by not sending him to prison for three episodes of domestic violence against me, by not making him abide by the plea bargain he made to stay out of prison and that was to pay me an income for injuries he caused to me, and by molly-coddling him in court and feeling sorry because he's a cocaine addict. Then the state of Colorado took away my TANF funds [someone stole them after I entered them on Court documents when I was summoned to testify] and the same thing happened to my food stamp allotment [remember I had serious injuries when those were awarded to me but I was supposed to get them for a year and they vanished after five months, in precisely the same month I wrote my sources on Court documents when summoned again to testify. Then the same thieves stole my 'supplemental income' that those who never worked get ["because" [they said] "I was a U S Citizen" that they took that away]. And then when I managed to survive they demanded my bank statement to see where I was getting any money. But before that they demanded my medical records to see if I deserve the help of American taxpayers since after all I paid taxes into the American 'system' for 26 years. Then they hacked my computer, tried to steal my internet account, plundered and looted my tiny aprt about 6 times since i moved here in June 2007. And they did all of that to try to prevent me from protesting the devil's plan to kill off all the unborn children of the world. BUT I AM STILL ALIVE AND I AM STILL PROTESTING!
All of you who think federal programs are great don't know what you are talking about. If you want to receive a notice that you have to give a government bureaucrat your bank statement with acct number on it,and/ or your medical records, or both, or face the consequences by being denied government provisions you earned [in my case the income I have is one I paid into a system for 26 years to get--it is not welfare.] You will not love the invasion of your privacy, the plundering and looting of your bank acct ,the not-payment of amounts you sent to vendors but that BIG BROTHER government doesn''t think you should spend that way and tried to block the payments. You will not love the intrusion into your life, your dwelling, your bank account(s) , your medical records, your day-to-day activities when a government bureaucrat shows up at your door demanding entrance to see what you are doing. I am not talking about law -enforcement when I write this-- I am not guilty of or accused of any crimes and I always talk to them when they come to ask my questions about my exhusband. I am talking about the people who are supposed to be 'helping' you and they consider a loud knock on your door with no warning whatsoever with a comcomitant demand for entrance into your place as somehow 'helping' you. It is the same reason the colonists rebelled against quartering troops in private homes and went to war to oppose it. You won't love the plan of Obama!
I wrote all of that to say this: I am going to protest the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, whatever my resources and whereever I live. And I am grateful the Court of Appeals says citizens have First Amendment liberties and not just journalists ! I am not quitting the protesting of abortion, and not quitting the protesting of sodomy either; and the devil is not winning. By the way if your interested the devil lives in Colorado over there in Highlands Park,FYI.
/s/ Gloria Poole
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Basic Midwifery 101 per oil painting by Gloria Poole

/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist , Denver Colorado 80203 @ 8:42PM, 8-Sept-2009
Update with more info that I meant to include:
If you ever have to deliver a baby here's what you have to know:
1) do not push or pull the baby in most cases; there are a few situations where that might be necessary but if so, see if you could get trained professional help immediately. The mother's contractions are something to behold in most cases -- a powerful force to push the baby out. If the mother becomes too exhausted to push that is when you should seek medical attention immediately, or if the bottom of the baby presents first instead of the head.
2) wash the woman's private parts with soap and water and towel dry IF you have time to do that. In many situations the baby is delivered so fast that you literally are catching her [or him] with the hands you have at the moment such as the man who pulled over the side of road to deliver his baby and baby was whoosh and there!
3) Catch the baby with a good grip--they are covered in water and blood and they are slippery. Grab hold in sort of a football grip of one hand on their behind and the other supporting their head and neck as you see in this painting.
4) Remember the umbilical cord will be born also and then after it stops pulsating you cut it with a clean pair of scissors and if you have time to boil those first, all the better. If not, get the cleanest you have and wash them with soap and water and wash your hands too, time permitting. Cutting the cord is not the first thing you have to do by any means as it is attached to the placenta and the mother will push placenta and cord all the way just as she did push the baby out with her contractions. So if you are skittish about that AND REMEMBER you have to have something to clamp that cord with BEFORE you cut it, or tie it off in two places with the cleanest cord you have, because it has blood vessels that are huge and that run directly into the baby, and the mother too if the placenta is not expelled yet. It is attached to the lining of the uterus and usually within 5 -30 minutes after baby is born the placenta detaches [no longer needed] and is expelled also. Don't pull on it either --you don't want to tear it apart and causing massive bleeding.
If you have nothing to clamp the cord with before you cut [clamp in two places like clamp --clamp and then cut between the clamps like where the -- are in that example, then take baby, with cord and placenta attached to the ER after the birth and let them do that for you. It has been done a lot of times that way.
5) The mother loses blood quickly but usually that stops spontaneously in a few minutes but you could gently massage the uterus until you feel it clamp down, by sort of kneading it until you feel it tighten up to stop the blood flow.The mother will know where it is, don't worry about that.
6) If the bleeding does not subside quickly, take her and baby to the Emergency Room quickly.
7 ) Wash up the mother and remove the blood as it is a source of bacteria if left there.
8 ) Wash up the baby and put her to the mother's breast and encourage her to suck to start the flow of milk in the mother. Wash thoroughly but gently.
9) Newborn babies look a little rough when they arrive, they have endured the mother's contractions and being pushed through a small space so don't be alarmed by that. But if they look sort of bluish as I painted this baby in the painting, turn the baby upside down and let the water flow from the mouth and nose of the baby to open the airways. The baby should start crying and breathing. If not, then start CPR on the baby.
After they take that first breath,they will look more normal and pink up, and look better after you wash them up.
After they take that first breath,they will look more normal and pink up, and look better after you wash them up.
I signed back in again because I forgot to tell you this:
a midwife is a licensed by the state occupation in the U S and they are usually RN's with more training but in other countries of the world,they may not have medical or nursing training as it exists in the U S but a lifetime of experience. Anytime you do something over and over again, you learn by doing and those midwives are often excellent. Also the Bible tells of midwives delivering Jewish and Arabic babies for centuries so it is not to be feared.
Also the bluish looking rope like cord you see attached to the baby's belly is the umbilical cord and that is sort of how it looks like reddish artery and bluish vein in it that is what nourishes the baby in utero. After the baby is born it will throb until the placenta detaches from the mother and that is when it is ok to cut it to detach it from the baby but YOU HAVE TO CLAMP IT close to the baby [about an inch from the belly] before you cut it, because those huge blood vessels flow right into the baby and out of baby also and you don't want the baby to lose blood either.
I wanted to clarify something. The massage done after the baby is born is done from the outside by pushing against the pear shaped uterus in the pelvis. Do not attempt to massage the uterus from inside the mother unless you have been trained because the uterus is boggy soft like a ripe pear and you don't want to destroy it by doing what you don't know how to do. So rub the mommy's tummy at the pelvis and you should feel the top edge of the uterus and massage it until it clamps down and feels more firm and the bleeding slacks up. The bleeding contines even if you do that but not it is not massive bleeding except immediately at the birth, in most cases. Occasionally that could happen and if so take the mother and baby to hospital or get medical help immediately if bleeding does not slack up. Losing too much blood is life-threatening and you don't want that to happen so if bleeding does not slack up, slow in a few minutes then massage the uterus as best you could until it clamps down and when it does that ,the blood vessels will be clamped and the bleeding will slow to more like a heavy menstrual period.
I know this is detailed and I intended it to be. No sense in being vague on this topic as one of my missions in life is to encourage living babies for women; and end the killing of them via that heinous sin of abortion.
And I pray that the devil is defeated in America and everywhere and no longer will human beings be killed in the womb instead of delivered alive.
Update Saturday 12-Sept-2009 after reading news article on home deliveries yesterday:
Remember you must not reuse razors in any situation. The reason not to reuse them in any situation is because they have blood on them in ways that you might not see except under a microscope. Blood is an excellent source for bad germs to grow on and you do not want to give germs to anyone or get germs from anyone in that way, since some very bad stuff grows in blood when it is left with infected blood on it. Those razors that come in home delivery kits in places like Africa or 'third world nations' are not meant to be reused. If you plan to reuse them and there is nothing else to use, you HAVE TO STERILIZE it first by boiling it five minutes in water.
And you could tie off the umbilical cord with string in two places like X -- X and cut the cord between the ties at the -- in the example where the Xs represent tied cord with string. If you anticipate having to deliver a baby at home get ready ahead of time and sterilize your equipment by boiling it and get a mask and gloves for the person who would be delivering the baby.
The reason to cover the woman as she is delivering is because she will lose blood and after the delivery and what is called her circulating blood volume will shift quickly, and she will need the additional warmth to maintain her body temperature at a safe level and prevent chills and shivering.
Update on 4-Oct-2009 after realizing that people might not know that some babies arrive into the world looking a little bit blue or not quite breathing. For any baby you deliver you should put the baby laying on one arm the long way, with your left hand supporting the neck and head and your right hand on the baby's back to sandwich baby between your arms, then turn baby upside down so that the water and blood would drain out of the baby's mouth and airway. Usually that clears the airway quickly and the baby will inhale and start to cry. I think I assumed everyone knows to do this in an emergency but then realized you might not know that. If the baby does not cry after you do that then with the heel of your hand, gently smack the baby on the baby between the shoulder blades to dislodge mucus or anything there. Then baby should inhale and cry. If that does not happen and if baby not breathing start breathing for baby by putting your mouth over the baby's mouth and nose and forcing gently air into the baby. Newborns need breaths faster than adults do, so breathe for baby in short quick frequent puffs. Call for help! Babies have smaller lungs and airways than adults and much bigger heads ---their heads are out of proportion to the rest of their bodies. You have to support that head and neck with one head whatever you do because when newborn a baby's head will weigh 1/3 of the total body weight approximately, and be 1/3 the length of the total body length.
Also I forgot to tell you that newborn babies have a sticky, whitish stuff covering them sort of like a tacky glue. That is on every newborn and washes off. But it is there when they are in the womb to protect their skin from the water of the amniotic sac. It makes them very slippery when they emerge. It is best to have some sort of towel [clean hopefully] or clean shirt or the mama's coattail or some fabric to grasp them when when they first emerge for that reason.
The baby I painted in this painting was intentionally a little blue around the head and face to show you what newborn babies sometimes look like. But they should breathe quickly, cry lustily and pink up quickly. Pink up meaning as in not blue around the mouth , lips and fingernails and toenails. That blue color called cyanosis is a very distinct sign that the baby is not getting enough oxygen, and actually it means the same thing in anyone. If you see a person who looks blue that person is not getting enough oxygen to the brain.
These teaching lessons are intended to be simple and easy for you to understand, not medical jargon or complicated with a lot to remember. I want you to remember the basics .
/s/ Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse @ Denver Colorado 80203; 4-Oct-2009@2:48PM [this update]
Monday, August 31, 2009
Humans in Womb must have protections of governments.
And to read more about them and see the photos in medical textbook, buy a copy of the medical book, "From Conception to Birth: The Drama of Life's Beginnings by medical doctors Roberts Rugh, and
Landrum B Shettles, M.D. with Richard N Einhorn contributing.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist, photographer, Denver Colorado 80203/80206; @ 8:37AM,
Monday, August 24, 2009
Personhood Amendment for all States! It's time!

From Embyro to Fetus in the womb : medical facts
by Gloria Poole,R.N.
There are several distinguishing features of the
transistion of an embryo to a fetus. Both of these words
are medical terms for a certain stage of development in
the womb. There is no abrupt change from the embryo to
the fetus. Instead there are cumulative changes that are
evolving day to day. The embryo changes from an
amorphous shape to more of a tiny human with all parts.
Also all of the major body organs have either appeared
or the precursor of them has developed. As the embryo
survives the second month in the womb, and is alive at
the beginning of the third month, the tiny human is less
vulnerable to the effects of disease in the mother, or
radiation of the mother, or medicines the mother may
have taken. Of course women who are pregnant should
never drink alcohol or use drugs! At any stage of the
pregnancy the baby in the womb is harmed by alcohol, and
many drugs have teratogenic effects. The term fetus is
appropriate after the major organs are either formed
entirely or the precursor of them is present e.g. for
the kidney. The fetus is still vulnerable but not as
much so, since the tiny human has a larger body and
therefore it would take larger doses of medicines
through the placenta to harm the tiny being, and the
tiny baby also has more developed organs to filter the
medicines that might pass to the baby through the
placenta. At the end of the first month after
fertilization the human embryo is about a quarter of an
inch in length from the top of the flat bulbous like
head to the end of the emerging legs that look at first
like a tail. Most of the organs are beginning to take
shape as the cells continuously divide and
differentiate. The tiny human develops by a 'blue print'
that is built into the chromosones and genes that the
tiny human received from the mother and from the father.
Twenty-three chromosones come from each parent in most
instances. In Down's syndrome the chromosones are
different. The baby's brain develops first since it is
needed first. The wisdom of GOD in creating humans is
obvious if you really study human anatomy and physiology
much. The outlines of eyes appear and a primitive mouth
and by 30 days after fertilization the three primary
parts of the brain are present , and the eyes, ears, and
nasal passages have begun to develop. The beginnings of
the backbone is present but that first month the tiny
embryo is sort of hunched together in a C shape. There
is no discernible arms or legs yet but the "tail" will
become legs. The heart will have started beating even
though it is not completely formed. The tiny human has
a closed circulatory system that includes the baby's own
blood vessels and also the umbilical cord and placenta
to the mother. The digestive tract opens from the mouth
downward for the first time on about the 28 th day
after fertilization by the male sperm. The liver appears
by about the 21 st day after fertilization. The thyroid
gland begins to form. The stomach, intestines,liver and
pancreas are there but there is no anus yet. The lungs
are not developed yet. Lung buds begin about day 27 and
the trachea [windpipe ] appears a few days after that.
By the time the tiny being would be called a fetus he or
she would have gained weight to one gram or about one-
thirtieth of an ounce, which is not as much as an
aspirin tablet but for the tiny human it is significant
progress since it means a 50-fold gain in body mass
gained during the second month over again what the tiny
human weighed at the end of four weeks after
fertilization. By day 31 muscles appear in the pelvis
and arms and legs begin to form and look sort of like a
bud on a tree in bloom.The valve separating the chambers
of the heart appear on day 31 or soon after. The germ
cells [sex determining] move along the mesoderm toward
the genital ridges and will form either ovaries or
testicles. By day 32 the caudal muscles appear [in what
becomes the baby's behind] and the last pair of gill-
like arches that will develop into lungs appears. By day
33 the cerebral cortex in the brain develops. By day 34
more of the muscles that will become the thighs and legs
develop and the stalk that separates the baby from the
yolk sac lengthens. By day 35 the primitive germ cells
have arrived in large numbers near the ridge that
develops into the kidney. And the olfactory part of the
brain that regulates small is present in the brain. By
the fifth week the tiny human is 8 millimeters or one-
third of an inch long from crown to rump and weighs
about 1/1000 of an ounce. The jaws are forming and the
face is beginning to look like a human face. The
umbilical cord is present and is the only part connected
to the placenta. The pituitary gland is forming in the
middle of the brain. The pharynx branches into the two
parts that will go to each lung. The membranes
[peritoneum] that separate the intestines form the chest
have formed and separate the lungs,heart and trachea
from the stomach and intestine. By day 36 the arm and
legs buds appear, and the 'tail' starts to shrink and
the baby may start moving about.
By day 37 the intestines have grown enough that they are
beginning to curve into their adult shape. The brain
stem that controls respiration is recognizable. By day
38 the jaws of upper and lower begin to look symmetrical
and with an mouth between them and the eye muscles have
begun to form in the orbits. Hands that look more like
paddles form and then when the fingers elongate they
look more like hands. The insides of the baby have grown
so fast that they sort of bulge and could be seen easily
through the almost transparent skin of the baby. By day
39 the nerve fibers are present to connect the sense of
smell of the olfactory nerves. By day 40 the pigment
[color] of the eyes could be seen through the
transparent skin also. The jaws are well formed and the
teeth, and facial muscles are forming also. The gill
arches disappear and the diaphragm appears that moves up
and down in respirations though the baby does not
breathe in the womb but later sort of practices that
effort. The liver starts producing red blood cells and
takes over from the yolk sac. By day 42 the reflexes
being and fingers and toes are more visible and the
beginnings of gonads are visible. By the sixth week the
fetus is 13 millimeters or half an inch long from crown
to rump. Cartilage that will become bone appears. The
head seems huge in relation to the rest of the body and
bends forward onto the chest since baby is still sort of
a C shape. Fingers appear. And the mammary glands begin.
The stomach and intestines rotate into position, muscles
lengthen and both cartilage and bone are visible in the
forming skeleton. The kidney has begun with the
pronephros the first but non-functioning kidneys. By day
44 the retinas of the eyes form, and also the palate of
the mouth and and the canals of the ear. By day 46 the
gonads are formed either ovaries or testicles so the sex
of the baby. Viola by day 48 after fertilization the
tiny human looks like a human! And is definitely a
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. with reference from medical
textbook "From Conception to Birth' by Roberts Rugh and
Landrum B Shettles MDs.
Years ago I wrote the medical facts of how humans develop on another website of mine at: .
And the sketches I drew of some of the stages of human development and wanted to add to this website but they vanished from uploader AGAIN; so I added them to this website of mine:
and look at the entry of yesterday 6-June-2009. They are a series of about 7 or 8 sketches in pencil and watercolor showing stages of development of human beings in the womb. Scroll and look at all of them and read the info I wrote on each sketch. I should have done those sketches in ink but I didn't and therefore you have to look close to study the details of them, and read the words on them. I was laying down, resting when I did those on my portable drawing board and dip pens and ink is not possible then. I hope you are able to see see the sketches and read the words on them.
Also the Scriptures about human life are on this website of mine:
And the reasons you should vote prolife are at this website of mine:
Also there are prolife sketches and prolife photos to encourage humans to reproduce themselves with children on these websites of mine: with my poem " A Tune and A Tear";
The prolife subdomain of is a repository site and that means that when you open it you will see an Index sort of like you would see a Table of Contents in a book or a shelf of books in a library. Each photo of my paintings /sketches/drawings/ or of my genre photography has either a name if I renamed file to help people know if interested in it, or it has the words 'photo-by-gloriapoole' in the description and usually my zip code of 80203, and usually the date in the format of 2009707 which means yr 2009, or what year goes there, and the date and then the month but there are some uploaders that seem to reverse the date code but you could figure it out still. Anyway, click the name or the description of the photo [digital photos on the web] and it should open to about a 5 x 7 size on your computer screen. My prolife subdomain there has a poem, a couple of quotes and a photo of a newborn baby, that is so sweet, and my sketch of the human being in the amniotic sac of waters,that is a watercolor sketch.
7:08 AM 6/11/2009 is date first added to some websites; repeating often to teach these facts.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist, Denver Colorado 80203/80206 8:17 AM 6/12/2009
Today's date is: 8:00 AM 24/Aug-2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Oil Painting I painted named The Schloss, w photo of Me


I also have other photos of me that are on other websites and you could see some of those at : And of course, that is me in the photo at the bottom of this website.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N.. and artist, Denver Colorado 80203; 16-Aug=2009 @ 4:39 PM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
VOTE NO SOTOMAYER:Protesting Gov't Killing Plan called 'reform" of health care

I read in the Yahoo News a few minutes ago an article stating plainly that one of the goals and I would say it is probably the primary goal of the so-called reform of health care is to force American taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb. I am opposed to that. Absolutely. Forever. And don't be deceived by the lies of those who kill for pay such as that abomination named NARAL. They are from hell. Most insurance companies do not pay for abortion now as I understand that from having worked in health care as a Registered Nurse and in the operating rooms of major hospitals and in Ambulatory Surgery Centers. Maybe the bad policies do but the good ones don't. Abortion is NOT health care. It is premeditated killing of an innocent human being. The trick of Obama to force the nation to accept killing as a so-called right is unveiled by that article in the Yahoo news beginning with the words 'Gov't Insurance"... I have a great idea--let the U S amend the Constitution and make the premeditated killing of Congress people a right and let us pay those who do that with taxpayers ' money and let us debate the how and where it is allowed stupidity that runs amok in Congress as they debate the where and how and when killing of innocents in the womb .
The 'problem' with America is that we as a nation have too many educated fools in power, too many educated into stupidity by so-called 'ivy league schools" of nonsense and evil', too many who think that killing is a 'right', too many who think that the citizenship does not know what is good for them, too many educated idiots like Obama, and the ungodly Clintons, and the ungodly Pelosi and Kennedy there. Let us a nation declare a 'right' to kill Senators and Congress-people as they have tried to declare a right to kill babies.
What say ye?
/s/ Gloria Poole @ Denver Colorado 80203; @ 11:23 AM 5-Aug-2009
Update at 11:36AM:
I forgot to ask you to read my entry in my blog that is in my former married name [now divorced but kept blog] at: about the Constitution and how that affects the debates about anything but especially the not-citizen-name-Sotomayer and the illegal and treasonous 'treaty' made by citizen Clinton.
Update on 6-Aug-2009 to oppose Sotomayer since she is not prolife. And because it would be unconstitutional to put a Puerto Rican on the High Court . See this info:
Update at 9:40 AM after researching more about Sotomayer and Puerto Rico. Quoting from a government document : "In arriving at the present condition, it might be helpful to remember that originally Puerto Rico became a part of the United States, as a territory under the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898. On April 12, 1900 the Foraker Law, the first organic law in Puerto Rico was approved by congress. This law allows a civil government and maintains the island as a territory of the United States. On March 2, 1917 the Jones Act was approved. Under this act, citizenship was granted to people born in Puerto Rico, a bill of rights was established, and many aspects of territorial nature continued including economic and fiscal controls. On July 3, 1950 congress approved law 600 (P.L. 81-600) which authorizes the Puerto Rican people to draw our own constitution. This act left unchanged all the articles under the Jones Act that regulated the relationships between Puerto Rico and the United States. These articles became part of the Federal Relations Act. On July 25, 1952 Puerto Rico inaugurated its own constitution under our existing commonwealth status." and also: "There is an irreconcilable constitutional conflict that prevents the establishment of a permanent, fixed commonwealth status for Puerto Rico. Only States have a permanent, constitutionally guaranteed status under the federal system, and without constitutional amendment, nothing done by this Congress can bind future Congresses in the treatment of Puerto Rico". The preceding statement is part of a letter to Hon. Don Young from Richard Thornburgh, former Attorney General of the United States, dated February 9, 1998." And also: This unilateral exercise of Territory Clause authority to define the citizenship status of persons born in Puerto Rico is consistent with Article IX of the Treaty of Paris. Clearly, the U.S. nationality and citizenship is not within the internal sovereignty exercised by the people of Puerto Rico under the Commonwealth structure of local self-government." That quote is from this article: Now ask yourself how Puerto Rico can be both independent of the US [their own constitution]and a territory of the US at the same time? ? Connect the dots on this one. 9:45 AM 8/6/2009
The article about Puerto Rico was pulled from Google by the Obamites who hack computers but it was there at the time I posted it to another blog of mine at: that also has more info about the Billary treason against the U S. See that blog for today also.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Let the Buyer beware of corrupt hosting
I am writing this because my account has been hacked into AGAIN for who knows how many times. They have a very loose if any standard of care for their customers and do not really care who steals your account and makes no effort whatsoever to protect you as a customer or your account. I paid for premium emails beginning about 2-3 years ago and renewed them [and paid for them] about 3 months ago and they promptly deleted all of my emails. That is the sort of service gives. Crooks, liars and reprobates work for them. I have also paid them for domains for years too and to "reward" loyalty they tried to ruin me.
And if you are unfortunate to have bought domains from them [I did not in the beginning--my domains were hijacked in about 2004 and I have spent from 2004 to the present trying to get control of them again since they have MY real NAME in them, and my real original writings and my real original photos of my real paintings I painted. Here is what you have to remember if you were decieved to buy a domain from them: you have to baby-sit your acct constantly. IF you turn your back on it for a month, they will resell your domains to the first crook that comes along. And if you are a woman as I am, PRAY. Because it seems that they absolutely hate women and they will do all in their power to destroy your name, reputation and EVERY thing you have done in your life by running ads to promote p-o-r-n, sale of s-e-x and every ungodly thing you could think of, using your name. And they will ASS-ume that if you are a woman, you could not possibly be capable of doing anything and they will allow criminals to call in on your account and they will help them hijack [steal ] your account, your email addresses, emails sent to you [they have a secret mobile email that you don't know about until your life is ruined]. They will allow a man, any man it seems, totally unrelated to you in any way to steal your account and they will give him your bank account into and your password and your call in PIN and anything else they could while they are bending over back ward to help con-men and crooks.
They seem to have no concept whatsoever of integrity or contract law. They are without apology when they cheat and swindle you. They send canned and stupid 'customer' service replies as a general rule. Do not ever ever ever put an email addess that you bought or set up on on anything as they will allow criminals to also use those to steal your accounts.
/s/ Gloria Poole,R.N.,and artist, and owner of this domain and this blog @ Denver Colorado 80203;
landline phone 3038371261#2707.
And if you are unfortunate to have bought domains from them [I did not in the beginning--my domains were hijacked in about 2004 and I have spent from 2004 to the present trying to get control of them again since they have MY real NAME in them, and my real original writings and my real original photos of my real paintings I painted. Here is what you have to remember if you were decieved to buy a domain from them: you have to baby-sit your acct constantly. IF you turn your back on it for a month, they will resell your domains to the first crook that comes along. And if you are a woman as I am, PRAY. Because it seems that they absolutely hate women and they will do all in their power to destroy your name, reputation and EVERY thing you have done in your life by running ads to promote p-o-r-n, sale of s-e-x and every ungodly thing you could think of, using your name. And they will ASS-ume that if you are a woman, you could not possibly be capable of doing anything and they will allow criminals to call in on your account and they will help them hijack [steal ] your account, your email addresses, emails sent to you [they have a secret mobile email that you don't know about until your life is ruined]. They will allow a man, any man it seems, totally unrelated to you in any way to steal your account and they will give him your bank account into and your password and your call in PIN and anything else they could while they are bending over back ward to help con-men and crooks.
They seem to have no concept whatsoever of integrity or contract law. They are without apology when they cheat and swindle you. They send canned and stupid 'customer' service replies as a general rule. Do not ever ever ever put an email addess that you bought or set up on on anything as they will allow criminals to also use those to steal your accounts.
/s/ Gloria Poole,R.N.,and artist, and owner of this domain and this blog @ Denver Colorado 80203;
landline phone 3038371261#2707.
My websites of
are MY websites and my sketches and paintings on them. I also own other domains on as well. This entry is written specifically about my emails that I have set-up over and over again on since about 2004 and every time I sign back in to read them they are deleted or 'pending set-up' or not working, and they were hijacked by cybercriminals and criminals apparently years ago but I did not know that for a long time, thinking that since MY name and my billing info and MY address have been corrected probably a hundred times they should have it right by now.But they hire either people who cannot read English or are prejudiced against women and/or English speaking women. Not sure why they tried to ruin me. But they did. But these domains and also are mine and also several others.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Federal Take-over, Insur Comp swindle but not healh care!
Quote from article in the U S News & World Report today: "Federal penalties. The commissioner of health choices would perform random and targeted audits of health plans across the country and fine or shut down any that flunk federal requirements. And American citizens found lacking in federally acceptable insurance would be fined 2.5 percent of their income for that period, up to the cost of the national average premium."
Read entire article by Dr Healy at:
about the many unwelcome changes to the nation in a
1000+ page bill that has thousands of topics instead of one as required. It is a massive shift of money from the insurers to the US Government and from the people to the insurance companies. Insurance companies are bankrupt because of act's of GOD in the past few years and they are trying to force everyone in the nation to HAVE to buy insurance or be taxed a fine of 2.5% of your INCOME for the year.
I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that the Obama plan has nothing whatsoever to do with health care delivery to the sick!
Thanks to Google for calling this to everyone's attention by an article in their news today:
12:17 PM 8/3/2009
There are a lot of phrases you could attach to the latest trick by Obama to socialize America and take control of all industries and wealth and some of them are:
federal take-over
socializing of America
insurance company recapitalizing
mandatory redistribution of wealth in accordance with communist manifesto
insurance company swindling America with puppet Obama
but you certainly could not call it a 'reform' of health care delivery.
The only people who will get any health care IF the Obama take-over occurs will be the 'fat' if the news could be trusted, or the healthy to 'prevent disease" that is Obama's slogan for not dispensing any life-giving help to the sick.
I am posting this here because it is my site and the reform of health care matters to all people in the U S, and the 1000+ pages to trick, deceive and intimidate are not accidental.The U S was founded with a document that is less than 20 pages long, a lot less than twenty pages, and yet one segment of the U S economy requires 1000+ pages to "reform' it ? What does that tell you? It tells me that they are trying to obfuscate [cloud the issues,create confusion] and then use the used-car salesman tactics to ramrod it on America.
Congress vote NO ! And vote NO to Sotomayer also for some of the same reasons.
/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203/80206 @ 12:26PM, 3-Aug-2009
FYI.For your info I started learning a graphics program on the computer that was a freebie to me when someone moved to Australia from my building. It is a pretty good program but it was confusing to me at first and I have problems with some of the features still. But I did succeed in creating what I call clip art on it,and I made a new subdomain and you could see the new clip-art at Also I have not abandoned painting with real oils and real acrylics or watercolors or powdered pastels. The graphics is a new way to be creative.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Congress; read this before voting on Sotomayer
I am writing this for two reasons:I read in the NY Times that Sotomayer gave evasive answers to some questions. That is reason enough to eliminate her. If a Judge trained in the law gives evasive questions it is for the purpose of misleading. Remember the infamous Bill Clinton saying it depends on the definition of a word rather than admitting guilt? My daddy always taught us [I have five siblings] to look him in the eye [make eye contact with all] and to answer straight-forwardly and truthfully. Sotomayer is not honest or she would answer the questions. If her colleague believes her to be proabort then there is a reason for that. People get their impressions from somewhere and if he worked alongside her [the definition of the word colleague] then he would know what cases she was involved. Evasive people are not trust-worthy. Also here's the questions that the Republicans should ask :1) what is Ms Sotomayer's connection to Planned Parenthood since the nation knows now that the Planned Parenthood paid many of Obama's fees and supporteed him in his run for the U S Senate and vice versa. And 2) what is Ms Sotomayer's relationship to the Center for Reproductive [killing] Rights in NYC?and 3) What contributions did she receive from Emily's List or Center for Reproductive [Killing] Rights or Planned Parenthood at any time? The U S has a right to know whose pocket the Judges are in. And regarding the title to this entry, I read in NY Times that Obama is eyeing the Medicare fund, planning to raid it. AS IF it had money in it. It was plundered long ago by crooks to pay for the Kennedy's and the Clintons and the Obamas to live as kings and queens. Obama is a liar, a con-man on the order of Bernie Madoff. It took my four yrs and 10 months married* to well-trained-by-catholics-swindler to recognize the signs of one but I think I have much better insight into them now. Maybe a white woman who was previously married to a hispanic con-man fraudster abuser of women could make much better decisions than a person who did not have that experience?? The Bernie Madoffs, and the Marc Driers, and the Barack Obamas, and the Sonia Sotomayers are the death bell for America because they with their socialist attitude of take whatever they can get away with, has put America in debt to every nation of the world, where even a few days ago the U S Treasurer was in the Arabic nations trying to find funding. The Obamas with their massive 'rewards programs' for swindlers, crooks, embezzlers, and self-seeking money managers has reduced every office of the federal government to puppets of other nations' money, and to begging for loans. It is a shame, a sham, and a disgrace. I put Dillinger on Barack's name to remind of John Dillinger the infamous public enemy number one decades ago and from his same money-laundering, corrupt politics, neck of the woods.
*Footnote now divorced second time from that devil and divorced since Oct 2007.
/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203 @ 9;27 AM -16-July-2009Update at 10:12 after reading op-ed piece in the Denver Post by Rosen entitled, "Yes they're Socialists" referring to Obama and his band of criminals.But I looked up the Commnist Manifesto since GOD put it into my heart in the early 90s to do that and I remembered some features of it and after quickly reading it again I disagree with Rosen and I say they are communists. Here are some of the main points of the Communist Manifesto and quotes have quotation marks on them: In the "Bourgeoisie and Proletariat" section are the words "class antagonism" created by taxing the rich to give to the poor, and is essentially redistribution of assets but not from family to family or generation to generation but from worker to government to those considered party-approved. In the US there is developing a hatred of the well-to-do, the rich, and the successful and I mean honest people. There should be a hatred of those who defraud, swindle and cheat at any level! And the words, 'bougeoisie [defined as those who are producers of income and wealth] caused 'naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation" . In the U S that translates into a hatred of the generous and the wealthy who prospered by obeying GOD's laws especially, but generally of anyone with any means to live well. Destroying the wealth and income and influence of good Medical Doctors is more the reason of Obamacare than dispensing of measures inducing life. It says the systems produces 'enormous cities' and it labels rural life as 'idiocy' . Is that not the precise attitude taught in the U S public schools about farmers and rural life? .It calls the proletariat [working for wages] people a 'dangerous class' and 'social scum' 'without property' and says of the Communist party : "their mission is to destroy all previous securities for and insurance of individual property'. Isn't that exactly what Obama and his communists have done? Used manipulation to destroy the entire Securities and wealth concept in the U S and redirected; channeled control of those to themselves? Has not Obama taken over the auto industry, the banking industry, the communications, the Press, the control of ALL money flowing into or out of the U S? Hasn't he through his series of frauds caused people everywhere to distrust the banks because he is nationalizing communizing them? "In the "Proletariat and Communist" section it says the aim of the Communists is to form a proletariat class to pit one class against other , to 'overthrow bourgeois" and 'conquest of political power by proletariat' and 'abolition of bourgeois property " . Remember the takeover of private property in Connecticut? And remember that Obamacare is intended to destroy all the wealthy except the Kennedys, Clintons and Obama communists. To be continued saving as precaution..It says, 'capital is a social power' and that 'capital is converted into common property', and 'the abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeouis independence, and bourgeouis freedom is undoubtedly aimed at" and 'communist abolition of buying and selling' and 'abolition of the family [Aufhebung] and 'the bourgeouis family will vanish" and 'rescue education from the influence of the ruling class', and "the bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child becomes all the more disgusting' and the 'real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women', and 'communism abolishes eternal truths [such as Freedom and Justice in previous paragraph], it abolishes all religion and all morality..." . Ask yourself what is the real effect of the so-called women's movement? Did it help women by creating a situation where they could not count on thier husbands for ANYTHING? Did it help women by making their offspring tools to be be bartered with in Congress? Did it help women to reduce them to beggars when they are pregnant and the laws no longer require husbands to support their wives or exwives they abandoned and mistreated? Is the nation better off because Obama and his band of communists used political power to take down my Christian websites for opposing Obama and the killers of innocents? Is a secular heathen godless nation better ? NOT ! Does any nation that wages war against the unborn preborn have a future? saving again as precaution, to be continued...Has it helped America to be 'changed' by Obama to a communist nation where all production is controlled by Obama? Has it helped the nation to have those ngos whose sole purpose is the destruction of human life and therefore family like Planned {un)Parenthood, Center for Reproductive Killing, U N Family depopulation plan called Millenium Plan, to be enriched with taxpayers money through dozens of secretive funds including the defense dept, the NIH budget, the Medicaid budget, the Medicare budget, and nearly EVERY federal budget whether directly or in disguise? Here is another quote from the Communist Manifesto: goal is to 'centralize all production in the hands of The State". Is that not the stated goal of Obama and his communists?If you want to educate yourself for the purpose of seeing the truth and how those principles are being sneakily forced on the nation then Google the words "communist manifesto' or read them at the website of If you did not understand that I am OPPOSED to socialism and its more leftist cousin communism, let me be perfectly clear. They will destroy the United States as clearly as they destroyed Russia and I am absolutely opposed to both forms of extremist governments! /s/ Gloria Poole @ 10:40 -16-July-2009 Denver Colorado 80203
*Footnote now divorced second time from that devil and divorced since Oct 2007.
/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203 @ 9;27 AM -16-July-2009Update at 10:12 after reading op-ed piece in the Denver Post by Rosen entitled, "Yes they're Socialists" referring to Obama and his band of criminals.But I looked up the Commnist Manifesto since GOD put it into my heart in the early 90s to do that and I remembered some features of it and after quickly reading it again I disagree with Rosen and I say they are communists. Here are some of the main points of the Communist Manifesto and quotes have quotation marks on them: In the "Bourgeoisie and Proletariat" section are the words "class antagonism" created by taxing the rich to give to the poor, and is essentially redistribution of assets but not from family to family or generation to generation but from worker to government to those considered party-approved. In the US there is developing a hatred of the well-to-do, the rich, and the successful and I mean honest people. There should be a hatred of those who defraud, swindle and cheat at any level! And the words, 'bougeoisie [defined as those who are producers of income and wealth] caused 'naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation" . In the U S that translates into a hatred of the generous and the wealthy who prospered by obeying GOD's laws especially, but generally of anyone with any means to live well. Destroying the wealth and income and influence of good Medical Doctors is more the reason of Obamacare than dispensing of measures inducing life. It says the systems produces 'enormous cities' and it labels rural life as 'idiocy' . Is that not the precise attitude taught in the U S public schools about farmers and rural life? .It calls the proletariat [working for wages] people a 'dangerous class' and 'social scum' 'without property' and says of the Communist party : "their mission is to destroy all previous securities for and insurance of individual property'. Isn't that exactly what Obama and his communists have done? Used manipulation to destroy the entire Securities and wealth concept in the U S and redirected; channeled control of those to themselves? Has not Obama taken over the auto industry, the banking industry, the communications, the Press, the control of ALL money flowing into or out of the U S? Hasn't he through his series of frauds caused people everywhere to distrust the banks because he is nationalizing communizing them? "In the "Proletariat and Communist" section it says the aim of the Communists is to form a proletariat class to pit one class against other , to 'overthrow bourgeois" and 'conquest of political power by proletariat' and 'abolition of bourgeois property " . Remember the takeover of private property in Connecticut? And remember that Obamacare is intended to destroy all the wealthy except the Kennedys, Clintons and Obama communists. To be continued saving as precaution..It says, 'capital is a social power' and that 'capital is converted into common property', and 'the abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeouis independence, and bourgeouis freedom is undoubtedly aimed at" and 'communist abolition of buying and selling' and 'abolition of the family [Aufhebung] and 'the bourgeouis family will vanish" and 'rescue education from the influence of the ruling class', and "the bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child becomes all the more disgusting' and the 'real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women', and 'communism abolishes eternal truths [such as Freedom and Justice in previous paragraph], it abolishes all religion and all morality..." . Ask yourself what is the real effect of the so-called women's movement? Did it help women by creating a situation where they could not count on thier husbands for ANYTHING? Did it help women by making their offspring tools to be be bartered with in Congress? Did it help women to reduce them to beggars when they are pregnant and the laws no longer require husbands to support their wives or exwives they abandoned and mistreated? Is the nation better off because Obama and his band of communists used political power to take down my Christian websites for opposing Obama and the killers of innocents? Is a secular heathen godless nation better ? NOT ! Does any nation that wages war against the unborn preborn have a future? saving again as precaution, to be continued...Has it helped America to be 'changed' by Obama to a communist nation where all production is controlled by Obama? Has it helped the nation to have those ngos whose sole purpose is the destruction of human life and therefore family like Planned {un)Parenthood, Center for Reproductive Killing, U N Family depopulation plan called Millenium Plan, to be enriched with taxpayers money through dozens of secretive funds including the defense dept, the NIH budget, the Medicaid budget, the Medicare budget, and nearly EVERY federal budget whether directly or in disguise? Here is another quote from the Communist Manifesto: goal is to 'centralize all production in the hands of The State". Is that not the stated goal of Obama and his communists?If you want to educate yourself for the purpose of seeing the truth and how those principles are being sneakily forced on the nation then Google the words "communist manifesto' or read them at the website of If you did not understand that I am OPPOSED to socialism and its more leftist cousin communism, let me be perfectly clear. They will destroy the United States as clearly as they destroyed Russia and I am absolutely opposed to both forms of extremist governments! /s/ Gloria Poole @ 10:40 -16-July-2009 Denver Colorado 80203
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My Newest Painting is "Goldfish" in Oils.

This painting is something I have done since 1971 when I first had become a Registered Nurse and found working in a hospital so stressful as to be overwhelming to me. So I began to paint to destress and to not fret about my patients or their prognosis or their futures. I especially found it hard to cope with the 'terminal' patients because I could not accept that word since it somehow seemed to negate my understanding of what heaven is, and how the believers in JESUS THE Lamb of GOD go there when they die.
Anyway, I know comparing the photograph of the 'shimmery fish' with my painting of it and you will see that painting a goldfish is more difficult to do than painting a person. Goldfishes have that extraordinary light on their scales and I admit I did not quite 'capture' that in the painting. Nevertheless, I hope you like it.
/s/ Gloria Poole, Denver Colorado 80203; 11-July-2009 @ 4:10PM, [aka gloriapoole®]
Update as of Monday am 13-July-2009:
I created a call me page and it started out to be for my two daughters and grandchildren but then I realized it might help me for others to call me. I found out that my phone with the extension number is often put on do not disturb by whom?? not sure but they know I paint here a lot for hours, days at the time, and they probably think they are helping me. And I found out that the 'confusion' over my name [after second divorce and resuming maiden name of guess what? Gloria Poole [with a middle name also but you don't need to know that] it created 'opportunities' for people totally unrelated to me to try to 'cash in' on my telephone numbers and slam my phones, but I am getting my accounts corrected with the help of services like Google and of course the FBI! [Theft of art works created by a person is a big deal so just don't do that !].
So anyway, the call me page is at:
PS Also after I added this entry the other day, my photo of the shimmery fish was stolen from my subdomain at so if you looked and it was not there, look again because I added it back again. How cybercriminals sign in /log in to my websites and rip pages right out of the website, I do not know--no one else is authorized to login to my accounts but me, and I did not ever give passwords to my internet hosting acccounts to anyone. It matters to me the condition of my websites and I want them to always be honorable and pleasing first of all to GOD and therefore I do not make images of GOD in keeping with the Commandments of GOD. If you do not know the Commandments of GOD you could read them here:
Friday, July 3, 2009
Personhood Amendment at Federal Level Also!

I read in the Denver Post* this am an article that the prolifers in Colorado are going to put forward another Amendment to define personhood. And I say yes! And thank GOD! And this time maybe if the propaganda forces of the killing machinery of Planned Unparenthood are not allowed to hijack the mainstream press of the Colorado newspapers, the people will vote for the right thing to do. The right thing to do is to define personhood as including all humans with human DNA and human cells and human tissues, and human brains, and human emotions, and human bodies or any stage of that development. If we as a nation say collectively to those evil voices demanding killing as a right "SHUT UP" and get out of this country and go back to hell where you belong, then maybe there would be hope for America. And I say now, 'shut up Monica McCafferty evil woman and puppet of killing machinery --shut up and go back to hell where you belong! We collectively as a nation do not want those who kill in power!
The medical facts about how humans develop in the womb were available to the U S Supreme Court when that evil infamous and deadly sin of Roe v Wade was forced upon the nation by the illegal usurpation of power by the U S Supreme Court. It is shameful to have to say that in America there is a trained ignorance on medical facts also known as brainwashing. Even those studying to be doctors are told nonsense and untruths in the eternal quest by the killing industries for the perfect assassin of innocents--the person licensed by the state and federal governments {medical doctors] and then twisted/perverted to dispense death. IS God mocked? The Bible says not in Galatians 6:7. Even Michael Jackson though not an innocent, was done in by a medical doctor most likely if the news reports are true since only medical doctors have DEA permits to get potentially deadly anesthestics. Now here's the facts: human beings when they reproduce, reproduce themselves and that would be HUMANS. Human only produce humans when they reproduce and that is also true of any other species and it is called the law of the species. And it is medical fact that a human gamete cell whether from an ovary or from a testicle is alive, and moves about, and ingests nutrients, and excretes waste across the cell membrane even when it's body 'mass' is one cell. There has been a massive brainwashing effort in the U S since that ungodly and evil Roe v Wade usurpation of the rights of the people to amend the U S Constitution and those who do not know the Scriptures or have a relationship with THE LIVING GOD are like sheep to slaughter -they are dumb as wooden planks about human anatomy and how life is created, IF they don't make conscious efforts to get the facts. The groups in the US that kill with deliberation and premeditation are Planned Unparenthood, Center for Reproductive [Killing] Rights, U N Family Planning, Sex Information and Education Propaganda Machinery of these others aka SIECUS; and these groups are the shadow government in Congress. They have tried to hijack the U S and that evil leader of theirs i.e. Obama is now trying to hijack the internet with his plan to 'protect" the U S so-called leadership from criticism by the citizens. The U S government is the most likely force around the world that is destroyiing computers of those they consider political enemies and their efforts suddenly to control the internet have more to do with their attempts to prevent First Amendment liberties of the citizens in order to try to block the nation from insisting on Personhood Amendments since those in Congress and the Obama Administration made their fortunes off the blood, cells, bones and tissues of the killed humans.
Listen up, it is the attitude in Congress by those in power for 40-50 years that ran this nation into the ground with their false rights to kill and sodomize, and their evil that is the enemy. The U S was begun with good motives but like that python in Florida the evil serpent in the Garden strangled the life out of the true government and bankrupted it by flaunting the laws of GOD in the face of GOD. This time get it right Colorado, Vote Prolife, rout the devil and send him back to hell where he belongs. Those who kill innocents in the womb or elsewhere are evil. And they have no right to government protection but should be hunted by the government and prosecuted and yes that includes women who kill their offspring. It is time for a personhood Amendment at the federal level and I am praying that GOD raises up a person with gumption and conviction of The Holy Spirit to keep on keeping on until that Amendment to protect innocent human life is public law./s/ Gloria Poole,R.N. and artist in oils, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 8:16 AM , 3-July-2009. Also see for medical facts of how humans develop in the womb and see for medical illustrations of that.
* I do not often read the Denver Post because it is not relevant to the real world and tends to be only about who killed who; but the news today that the Personhood good folks are still at it, is worth reading! I am adding this here for obvious reasons because I want the world to know that I am in favor of a good Personhood Amendment and to teach the world that all mammals are fertilized including humans when the male sperm enters the female egg. A human cell is human read the facts, and ignore or disobey brainwashing.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I LOVE Google! Back off Anti-Trust trick.
Open Letter to Google and to the U S Dept of Justice in their latest non-helpful to the U S citizens attack on Google:
Here is the 'defence" I provide for Google as they are being subjected to a 'take-over' effort by the U S government:
1) Google is not driving other companies out of business --the other companies ' high prices for domains, lack of reliable services, lack of integrity, and failure to perform when contracts were involved, is the very reason the U S and the world needs Google.
2) Google provides most of its services free to the public including excellent email [gmail] and excellent free web pages and trust-worthy service as far as I know and I have had gmail and googlepages accounts since they were offered, and those are free to me. Whereas I spent money to get emails on and they never worked properly in four years and were always 'unset' as soon as I logged out; and I spent money to get emails with domain names on and on a hare-brained scheme to try to force me to recant religious beliefs took down my Christian content websites that were pure and undefiled and blocked my emails for at least 2 months, in their effort to resell domain names of mine that I had built up and advertised and marketed some of them for SIX years. Google on the other hand has always behaved properly toward me and honored their contract, even when my google domain and gmail was hacked by criminals when I proved that I paid for it they restored it to me quickly. on the other hand, a company that may have a true monopoly and stronghold since they have cheated, swindled me of the fruit of six years of my labor and money I paid into them, and have refused to restore my websites even though they know they are paid up, and even though they know I paid for them, and even though they know they were honorable and that the most of them were for the purposes of spreading the gospel and prolife message. should be sued for anti-trust and please do, and use this entry to bring that about. But google is the friend of all people everywhere and we the people of the United States want them to endure and continue independent of government harassment and persecution or take-over by the feds.
3) Google provides a free and unregulated press to all, via its news on the website under 'news' tab, and it provides 'youtube' which allows anyone to upload their video of news events they witnessed. If I were to guess who is behind the effort to regulate google, I would guess it is the NY Times and the Washington Post whose so-called news is usually only the canned, scripted sort, paid for by paid op-ed writers to disguise it as news, and provided for them from the U S Capitol or US Senate or US House of Representatives from their Public Relations [PR] staff, and is not news at all but propaganda. Google provides very necessary services to a nation that has had canned and scripted propaganda since that evil Roe decision usurped the true law of the nation which is the U S Constitution.
4) The take-over of all free services by the U S government in order to force people to have to buy internet services and to have to pay subscription fees to get internet news, is unconstitutional on the face of it. The First Amendment gives every citizen the privilege of worshipping GOD and saying, writing their beliefs, and it gives all citizens' collectively the 'right' to a free unregulated press which does not exist except for Google and also Yahoo which offer news on their main websites.
5) The people of the U S do not want socialist take-over of all services and we collectively reject the Obama plan to socialize the nation.
6) We the people do not want to be forced to pay for services like email when we have gmail-an excellent email and many features with it including the ability to send and receive emails with photos of family events in them and to 'chat' by clicking their name [google talk, though I have not tried I understand that it is a wonderful feature enabling free communication for families around the world.] It is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to harass Google because they are providing free services to all but of course they should not provide p*rnography-- I absolutely agree that there is no collective need of the nation for p*rnography! But a better way to end that is as China has done and say no services allowed with p*nography on them and then the problem would be solved for all and in the US Christians would not have to worry about cybercriminals hijacking their websites for evil, and the companies would be forced to build, create, ways to provide decent and moral content without compromising the ways, methods for the people to communicate.
7) Google is entitled to make a living and the services they charge for are optional, and it is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to try to drive Google out of business because Microsoft does not compete. Microsoft is over-priced and they, whether intentionally or not, have defrauded honest customers via their products like VISTA that locked out the owner [me in this case] who had just purchased a computer from supposely reputable office supply place with supposedly factory installed Microsoft, but then Microsoft said it was not legitimate but did I have control of what software was installed on the computer I bought from a retail store and paid a lot of money for? And did Microsoft make it right for me? No, they did not. I called them and they made a record of it they said, and the store picked up my computer and reinstalled [they said] and supposedly with certified Microsoft [they said] but then the next time I tried to use that computer I received Microsoft message of not legitimate software installed AGAIN and on top of that the so-called repair place for the retail store kept the original disk but I kept the certified Microsoft seal that was in the box, and then I had to buy textbooks on computers,and disable the VISTA to be able to regain access to my own 'new' computer! That is why Google is beating Microsoft because Microsoft is not honorable in the way they treat their customers. And Microsoft cannot compete because they want money for everything and open source of Linux, and open office, and yes, Google services have made Microsoft have to tow the line, they have not driven Microsoft out of business but made it not so easy for Microsoft to dominate the field of services of computers. It is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to try to drive out of business a company that provides enormous amounts of services to anyone free. IF google is for good as is their motto, why is the U S government harassing them?
8) The fact that Google worldwide was hacked earlier this year is most likely due to the intentional efforts by Obama to control and dominate every aspect of any company that produces any content/words, videos about him. That is unconstitutional for him to do that and everyone in the world knows that. If Obama used the Pentagon 's ability to seek and destroy computer operated [airplanes, ships, trains, voting machines,etc] to hack into Google on a massive scale they should be brought to justice and Obama should be impeached for violating the First Amendment collectively for the nation.
9) Google provides services that connect people in any nation with any other nation and they provide search engines and content free. That is not violating the anti-trust laws because a monoply by definition involves commercial content and is based upon the premise that they drive others out of business.
10)There is no evidence that Microsoft is suffering any since their owner gave millions to the cause of aborting babies worldwide --a wicked cause absolutely--and that is why the U S Dept of Justice baby-killing-enforcement-SS-Troops are trying to force Google to knuckle under; because Google tends to be prolife and does not censor prolife messages. Google in its desire to provide free services to all so any person may communicate with any other person, and to provide prolifers also a way to post their content, thus 'offends' the baby-killing-Big-Brother-ungodly-administration that seems to be determined to annihilate the world especially those that do not believe that government is GOD. It is unconstitutional for the Obama Administration to use the U S Dept of Justice to attempt to regulate the only free press in America or the world and that is Google. We the people of the United States have the constitutional right to a free and unregulated, uncontrolled by government press.
11) Prolifers are also guaranteed First Amendment liberties; those of us who are citizens and I am. And google provides services to me the same as they provide them to those who think they have a so-called 'right' to kill innocents. Freedom of press and freedom of religion are the cornerstones of any republic and the U S is a republic not a democracy. And there is a difference in the two forms of government-radical, major differences. And I know for certain the founders of this nation intended this nation to be a republic since that is written into the US Constitution.
12) Google provides services that no other company provides, and they do it very well. Why are you harassing them for being successful? The entire Obama Administration has it backwards. They want to reward those who destroyed their companies while drawing million dollar paychecks, with big big fat paychecks from TARP and from 'stimulus' and they did that. And the Obamites want to reward those who never made any effort to compete with any company like GM and Microsoft, and it seems they want to strong arm those who do provide services for the nation at no cost in a time of depression into not providing free services because they want to control and regulate and use the full force and credit of the U S government to force citizens to have to pay for what they get free now in a time of depression. If the Obamites continue on their path we will have the United Socialist Republic of America by the next election.
13 ) Withdraw your scam [anti-trust trial against Google], U S Dept of Justice --it is not in the best interest of the citizens of this nation.
/s/ Gloria Poole, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 8:12 AM, 29-June-2009
Update at 10:40AM after reading in Yahoo News that the Supreme Court failed to decide whether a movie that is decidely anti-Clinton [the news said, I do not go see movies about Democrats] that was made for showing during the campaign in 2008 is a campaign contribution or not. And here are my reactions to that decision:
if an anti-Hillary movie might even be considered campaign regulated by FCC content,then why was the anti-Bush movie that appeared a few weeks before the election not considered campaign regulated content? Do you smell a skunk in that whole approach? If the anti-Clinton movie no doubt financed by the Obama campaign who no doubt also financed the anti-Bush movie that was intended to put the entire Republican Party and republicans in a bad light, is regulated by the FCC because it protest democrats, then why should those movies that deliberately portray republicans including the then President of the United States as ignorant buffoons as the George Bush movie did not be considered as campaign material regulated by the FCC? Does the decision to try to outlaw the anti-Hillary movie while not outlawing the anti-republican-party movie smack of partisan control of the FCC? Because that is how it seems to me. Either they are both illegal under FCC campaign regulatory laws or neither is. If criticizing the Republican President and all republicans as a party in the run up to the election with very negative stereotypes about Christians in general and the Republican President specifically is not campaign material then how is it that an anti-Clinton movie who is no longer an elected official and not likely to ever be again, to be considered illegal under FCC campaign laws? Get a grip on reality, FCC !
Could you spell c-e-n-s-o-r-s-h-i-p of anti-Demoncrat material by the very agency that is supposed to guarantee a level playing field for federal candidates?
And also on the topic of the Supreme Court , hurrah for the decision that the white firefighters who passed the city issued test to certify them and were in line for promotion should have been promoted based on qualifications and NOT not promoted because the city feared the minorities would howl a protest because they failed to pass the qualifying exams. It is in the best interest of everyone in every place in America to have qualified in their field people in all positions and not political appointments based on skin color or the contribution the applicant made to the democratic party candidate.
Here is the 'defence" I provide for Google as they are being subjected to a 'take-over' effort by the U S government:
1) Google is not driving other companies out of business --the other companies ' high prices for domains, lack of reliable services, lack of integrity, and failure to perform when contracts were involved, is the very reason the U S and the world needs Google.
2) Google provides most of its services free to the public including excellent email [gmail] and excellent free web pages and trust-worthy service as far as I know and I have had gmail and googlepages accounts since they were offered, and those are free to me. Whereas I spent money to get emails on and they never worked properly in four years and were always 'unset' as soon as I logged out; and I spent money to get emails with domain names on and on a hare-brained scheme to try to force me to recant religious beliefs took down my Christian content websites that were pure and undefiled and blocked my emails for at least 2 months, in their effort to resell domain names of mine that I had built up and advertised and marketed some of them for SIX years. Google on the other hand has always behaved properly toward me and honored their contract, even when my google domain and gmail was hacked by criminals when I proved that I paid for it they restored it to me quickly. on the other hand, a company that may have a true monopoly and stronghold since they have cheated, swindled me of the fruit of six years of my labor and money I paid into them, and have refused to restore my websites even though they know they are paid up, and even though they know I paid for them, and even though they know they were honorable and that the most of them were for the purposes of spreading the gospel and prolife message. should be sued for anti-trust and please do, and use this entry to bring that about. But google is the friend of all people everywhere and we the people of the United States want them to endure and continue independent of government harassment and persecution or take-over by the feds.
3) Google provides a free and unregulated press to all, via its news on the website under 'news' tab, and it provides 'youtube' which allows anyone to upload their video of news events they witnessed. If I were to guess who is behind the effort to regulate google, I would guess it is the NY Times and the Washington Post whose so-called news is usually only the canned, scripted sort, paid for by paid op-ed writers to disguise it as news, and provided for them from the U S Capitol or US Senate or US House of Representatives from their Public Relations [PR] staff, and is not news at all but propaganda. Google provides very necessary services to a nation that has had canned and scripted propaganda since that evil Roe decision usurped the true law of the nation which is the U S Constitution.
4) The take-over of all free services by the U S government in order to force people to have to buy internet services and to have to pay subscription fees to get internet news, is unconstitutional on the face of it. The First Amendment gives every citizen the privilege of worshipping GOD and saying, writing their beliefs, and it gives all citizens' collectively the 'right' to a free unregulated press which does not exist except for Google and also Yahoo which offer news on their main websites.
5) The people of the U S do not want socialist take-over of all services and we collectively reject the Obama plan to socialize the nation.
6) We the people do not want to be forced to pay for services like email when we have gmail-an excellent email and many features with it including the ability to send and receive emails with photos of family events in them and to 'chat' by clicking their name [google talk, though I have not tried I understand that it is a wonderful feature enabling free communication for families around the world.] It is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to harass Google because they are providing free services to all but of course they should not provide p*rnography-- I absolutely agree that there is no collective need of the nation for p*rnography! But a better way to end that is as China has done and say no services allowed with p*nography on them and then the problem would be solved for all and in the US Christians would not have to worry about cybercriminals hijacking their websites for evil, and the companies would be forced to build, create, ways to provide decent and moral content without compromising the ways, methods for the people to communicate.
7) Google is entitled to make a living and the services they charge for are optional, and it is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to try to drive Google out of business because Microsoft does not compete. Microsoft is over-priced and they, whether intentionally or not, have defrauded honest customers via their products like VISTA that locked out the owner [me in this case] who had just purchased a computer from supposely reputable office supply place with supposedly factory installed Microsoft, but then Microsoft said it was not legitimate but did I have control of what software was installed on the computer I bought from a retail store and paid a lot of money for? And did Microsoft make it right for me? No, they did not. I called them and they made a record of it they said, and the store picked up my computer and reinstalled [they said] and supposedly with certified Microsoft [they said] but then the next time I tried to use that computer I received Microsoft message of not legitimate software installed AGAIN and on top of that the so-called repair place for the retail store kept the original disk but I kept the certified Microsoft seal that was in the box, and then I had to buy textbooks on computers,and disable the VISTA to be able to regain access to my own 'new' computer! That is why Google is beating Microsoft because Microsoft is not honorable in the way they treat their customers. And Microsoft cannot compete because they want money for everything and open source of Linux, and open office, and yes, Google services have made Microsoft have to tow the line, they have not driven Microsoft out of business but made it not so easy for Microsoft to dominate the field of services of computers. It is unconstitutional for the U S Dept of Justice to try to drive out of business a company that provides enormous amounts of services to anyone free. IF google is for good as is their motto, why is the U S government harassing them?
8) The fact that Google worldwide was hacked earlier this year is most likely due to the intentional efforts by Obama to control and dominate every aspect of any company that produces any content/words, videos about him. That is unconstitutional for him to do that and everyone in the world knows that. If Obama used the Pentagon 's ability to seek and destroy computer operated [airplanes, ships, trains, voting machines,etc] to hack into Google on a massive scale they should be brought to justice and Obama should be impeached for violating the First Amendment collectively for the nation.
9) Google provides services that connect people in any nation with any other nation and they provide search engines and content free. That is not violating the anti-trust laws because a monoply by definition involves commercial content and is based upon the premise that they drive others out of business.
10)There is no evidence that Microsoft is suffering any since their owner gave millions to the cause of aborting babies worldwide --a wicked cause absolutely--and that is why the U S Dept of Justice baby-killing-enforcement-SS-Troops are trying to force Google to knuckle under; because Google tends to be prolife and does not censor prolife messages. Google in its desire to provide free services to all so any person may communicate with any other person, and to provide prolifers also a way to post their content, thus 'offends' the baby-killing-Big-Brother-ungodly-administration that seems to be determined to annihilate the world especially those that do not believe that government is GOD. It is unconstitutional for the Obama Administration to use the U S Dept of Justice to attempt to regulate the only free press in America or the world and that is Google. We the people of the United States have the constitutional right to a free and unregulated, uncontrolled by government press.
11) Prolifers are also guaranteed First Amendment liberties; those of us who are citizens and I am. And google provides services to me the same as they provide them to those who think they have a so-called 'right' to kill innocents. Freedom of press and freedom of religion are the cornerstones of any republic and the U S is a republic not a democracy. And there is a difference in the two forms of government-radical, major differences. And I know for certain the founders of this nation intended this nation to be a republic since that is written into the US Constitution.
12) Google provides services that no other company provides, and they do it very well. Why are you harassing them for being successful? The entire Obama Administration has it backwards. They want to reward those who destroyed their companies while drawing million dollar paychecks, with big big fat paychecks from TARP and from 'stimulus' and they did that. And the Obamites want to reward those who never made any effort to compete with any company like GM and Microsoft, and it seems they want to strong arm those who do provide services for the nation at no cost in a time of depression into not providing free services because they want to control and regulate and use the full force and credit of the U S government to force citizens to have to pay for what they get free now in a time of depression. If the Obamites continue on their path we will have the United Socialist Republic of America by the next election.
13 ) Withdraw your scam [anti-trust trial against Google], U S Dept of Justice --it is not in the best interest of the citizens of this nation.
/s/ Gloria Poole, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 8:12 AM, 29-June-2009
Update at 10:40AM after reading in Yahoo News that the Supreme Court failed to decide whether a movie that is decidely anti-Clinton [the news said, I do not go see movies about Democrats] that was made for showing during the campaign in 2008 is a campaign contribution or not. And here are my reactions to that decision:
if an anti-Hillary movie might even be considered campaign regulated by FCC content,then why was the anti-Bush movie that appeared a few weeks before the election not considered campaign regulated content? Do you smell a skunk in that whole approach? If the anti-Clinton movie no doubt financed by the Obama campaign who no doubt also financed the anti-Bush movie that was intended to put the entire Republican Party and republicans in a bad light, is regulated by the FCC because it protest democrats, then why should those movies that deliberately portray republicans including the then President of the United States as ignorant buffoons as the George Bush movie did not be considered as campaign material regulated by the FCC? Does the decision to try to outlaw the anti-Hillary movie while not outlawing the anti-republican-party movie smack of partisan control of the FCC? Because that is how it seems to me. Either they are both illegal under FCC campaign regulatory laws or neither is. If criticizing the Republican President and all republicans as a party in the run up to the election with very negative stereotypes about Christians in general and the Republican President specifically is not campaign material then how is it that an anti-Clinton movie who is no longer an elected official and not likely to ever be again, to be considered illegal under FCC campaign laws? Get a grip on reality, FCC !
Could you spell c-e-n-s-o-r-s-h-i-p of anti-Demoncrat material by the very agency that is supposed to guarantee a level playing field for federal candidates?
And also on the topic of the Supreme Court , hurrah for the decision that the white firefighters who passed the city issued test to certify them and were in line for promotion should have been promoted based on qualifications and NOT not promoted because the city feared the minorities would howl a protest because they failed to pass the qualifying exams. It is in the best interest of everyone in every place in America to have qualified in their field people in all positions and not political appointments based on skin color or the contribution the applicant made to the democratic party candidate.
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