Friday, May 2, 2014

Bird sketches by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia;Update

I , Gloria Poole,also known in real life and on these sketches as Gloria in my hand-written signature, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, am adding seven sketches of birds that I drew, painted, signed, photographed and uploaded . The time span of these sketches is from 2007 to today. I also put art I created today on another blog of mine at : These photos represent actual tangible art I created on paper and I have the sketches. This blog and all content of it, all words, all photos and all art is owned by me Gloria and copyrighted to me. Read the about me page on this blog for information about copyright because I have created art regularly since about 1993 and in different places and when I was married [with different legal name]. I draw, paint, sketch, write, blog, tweet from my own private apartment in Missouri as a U S citizen and have all Constitutional liberties INCLUDING the first amendment rights to say what I think, believe what I want, associate or not, with whomever I please. I am referring specifically to the shameful deeds of the NBA today that amount to a public lynching of a white man for not "liking" black people. The thought and speech Police are hijacking the United States and I stand opposed to that and to censorship of speech as prior restraint which is what the NBA is doing.

More on that topic later, because I am furious that evil Obama thinks he can overthrow the U S Constitution.

Enjoy these sketches then protest censorship. Be a PATRIOT and fight for freedom of speech.

The first sketch is named "trumpeter swan" and I drew and painted it this morning and of course, signed it, photographed it, and uploaded it to this blog, as I did all art on this blog and all photos on this blog. See the about me page for the copyright notice that includes full statement of facts that affect copyright enquiries. Copyright notice: This content and this entire blog and all facets of it including my Picasa albums of art and photos are copyrighted and I own the copyright. It may not be reproduced, reprinted, republished, downloaded by anyone without my written and notarized consent.

The second sketch I created I named "Bird on branch".

The third sketch I created is named cardinal in snow.

The fourth is an oil painting I painted and named Giant blue bird in forest:

The fifth sketch is I I drew with inks and I named it Golden Eagle.

The sixth sketch I created is bird in flight and it is on my drawing board that I also use as a sit-down easel, which explains all the paint splatters on it to the right of photo. I tried removing those paint splatters with solvents but it didn't work and I didn't want to destroy the surface by scraping so it is what it is. I have used that drawing board for 20 years and it has sentimental value to me. So cope with it.

The seventh sketch is dove in flight and I painted it with tempera years ago.

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole at my private apartment in Missouri which is not shared with anyone; 29-April-2014 at 5:05pm. Update on 2-May-2014 by me Gloria :

I also updated my blogs:

Also, for international prolife news : Quote: "Pro-life leaders from around the world will gather this weekend in Rome, Italy for an International Pro-Life Conference organized by LifeSiteNews in partnership with Human Life International, Family Life International New Zealand, and the organizers of the Italian National March for Life. The conference will take place on May 3, the day before Italy’s March for Life. All are welcome to attend the public session, which starts at 2:30 p.m. Rome time. Pre-registration is not required, and admission is free." From I am Southern Baptist and I am prolife and I try to alert the public of events they can attend to get involved. So, any viewers of mine in Italy, please attend, take notes and report to the world what happens there. Is the focus on ending abortion? or is it a ruse?

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole; 2- May-2014 at 9:15am

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...