Then, had another inspiration in the wee hours of Sunday morning {Mother's Day} and sat down and another poem just flowed from me onto paper. I didn't post it yesterday because I had a Mother's Day celebration with my youngest daughter Leigh and her family, and wanted a time-out from creating art and computers. So, I am posting the second poem I wrote that is a tribute to all mothers everywhere here and now:
Also, before you start reading, notice that mater is Latin, mutter is German, madre is Italian and mere with backward accent on first e is French for mother.
by Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia
M is for mother,
The one who brought us
into the world;
who endured the agony
of childbirth,
to bring us to the
light of day,
from the inner sanctum
of her womb.
The one who
wiped our bottoms;
and our noses;
and got up at 2 am
for nightly feedings.
And watched over us
like a hawk
watches a chicken,
ready to swoop in,
at break-neck speed
if need be
to rescue her darlings
from brink of disaster.
A synonym for self-sacrifice;
for never putting one's self,
first on the list
for needs fulfillment;
but instead, in
last position.
The last one to bed at night,
the last one to eat,
the last one to receive anything,
when the budget
cannot be stretched
another cent.
The woman who conceived us,
birthed us,
bathed us,
fed us,
cried with us,
and for us.
The woman who sewed
clothes for us,
because she couldn't
afford to buy them.
And cut our hair,
and permed it.
And made us
wear our "Sunday clothes"
to worship THE LORD,
and brush our hair,
and our teeth,
And 'sit up straight".
The woman who said,
"do you want your face
to freeze like that?"
when I stuck-out my tongue
at my brother.
the woman who,
when she was
really, really, REALLY,
at something we'd done.
would tell us,
"go to the tree
and get a switch."
And then she'd
strike our legs and bottoms,
with it,
a few firm swats,
And then she'd say,
"the next time I tell
to behave,
remember this."
My mother MJBP died
four years ago.
And as I arrived,
at her house in Georgia
where my siblings
were gathered,
one of her best friends
in life,
called on telephone
and asked to speak
to me.
And said,
"Gloria. You have lost
the best friend
you ever had.
Your mother
prayed for you.
And asked me
to pray for you
And I did.
I wanted you to
to know this."
The shock
one feels,
when one's mother
passes away,
often cannot be
put into words.
The utter sense
of desolation,
feels bottomless,
for a long,
Endless grief,
endless sorrow,
The Bible says,
in Exodus 20:12,
that your days,
may be long,
on the earth.
Honor your mother,
for the most precious
gift of all,
the gift of life,
. she gave you.
If you had a poor
who could never give you
material things,
but birthed you,
fed you, bathed you,
that GOD requires
of women,
according to Genesis 3:16.
If she didn't
murder you
in the womb,
be grateful
to GOD;
that you lived
through the
womb time,
and honor your mother
that she chose life.
. To please GOD.
And be at peace.
with your self.
The unique You,
that GOD made.
and praise GOD,
for the mother
HE gave you.
Honor your mother,
with thanksgiving
and tributes,
and teach your children
to do the same. for Mothers Day to honor all mothers.
Copyright Notice: This blog and account, and all words, all art and all photos on it belongs to me Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia. I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to it. It may not be republished, reprinted, published, downloaded or saved to anyone"s disk or computer, without my written on paper and notarized signature for a specific purpose. Additional info that may affect copyright enquiries:
Updated copyright since 17-April-2014: Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, own this blog and all rights to it. I created it to begin with, years ago [but modify it intermittently] , and have continued it after I moved to Missouri Oct 31, 2009. I own this blog and all rights to this blog and to all content of it. I created the art and signed it, and photographed it;and uploaded it to this blog. I have the original paintings and sketches. I also own all rights to any art, words, graphics I have created or do create in any place, for any reason or no reason, with any tool or method or brush on any surface, at any time. I have never assigned my copyrights to any one and I do not have an artist's rep or a literary agent at this time and have never had either [in the past]. I sign my name on art as Gloria, and on some sketches as Gloria Poole. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name since I resumed it legally after my 2nd divorce which was in Arapahoe County Colorado. I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore by order of District Court Judge at time of final decree of divorce from male DBP in Oct 2007 who lives in Colorado; and I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 with the paintings and sketches I created while in Colorado. . I am also known on the web as; gloriapoole; Gloria as on art such as this which I signed when I completed it; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo in which the RN means standard abbreviation for Registered Nurse; and as artist-gloria; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; Poole, Gloria; Ms. Gloria Poole; Gloria Poole creator of words that WORK and Tapestry of LIFE; and as other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole. And I am known as G-L-O-R-I-A on and I had three domains with much art I created with my name written that way, for about 6 yrs until they were stolen from me by cyberthugs. I also had many domains and many with my very name written as gloriapoole in them from years 2004-2011 when criminals broke into my web-hosting accounts and ripped my domains and content right out-of-admin-panel. I have not bought domains since , because there is no security on web-hosting 'packages" because they do not honor business law or contract laws or any laws that I can tell since web-hosting companies do not try to stop cyber-criminals.
For the record: I am white, single again [divorced twice], woman with brown hair, Great Commission /Southern Baptist Christian, and the mother of two grown "children" who are daughters named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and a prolife activist, republican, an artist in all artists' mediums; and a blogger, tweeter, poet, author of children's book, and citizen journo; and photographer. I was born in the state of Georgia and am a US citizen by birth so I have all Constitutional protections including the First Amendment right to publish, speak, write, protest and the right not to associate with ungodly in general and atheist perverts in particular, or with violent murderous people or with alcoholics or with d-r-ug-a-d-d-ic-t-s [spelled to try avoid being labeled as wrong sort of person by political censorship on the prowl].
Also, for the record [for purposes of copyright and law enforcement {because several facets of my identity such as state of Georgia issued ID were stolen from me more than once and they were in tangible form}], I am not an employee of anyone, and Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name {but I have a middle Christian, given name at birth also that I never write as part of my signature}; and I draw, paint, sketch, photograph, tweet, blog , write from my own private apartment in Missouri, which is NOT shared with anyone. I work for myself in other words from my home studio-office which is a dedicated room for that purpose. I think the criminal in Colorado who stole my GA ID and my Holy Bible with my name printed on it, cut my photo out of the ID and inserted his accomplice's photo which is how it was used to access bank and credit union accounts of mine that began in Colorado. I lived in Colorado only a few yrs and was married a second time there for only 4 yrs and ten months before final decree of divorce from male DBP there. Both divorces of mine are public record--one in Georgia and one in Colorado. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 to the same apt I am creating this blog from, which is my only residence.
I have NEVER had blond hair even as a tiny child. Both of my daughters were very blond up until college, but their hair is also darker more like mine now. But I know for certain that one of the accomplices of DBP who lives in Colorado dyes her hair a platinum [false looking] blond because she's old and gray- headed if hair not dyed blond. That is a statement of fact relevant to an on-going investigation into who is using my name and identity. I have been reported as blond yet I have NEVER been blond and NEVER dyed my hair. If you see my selfie from 15-March-2014 on about me page, you see the slight grey tendrils at my temples in my brown hair. I reason I earned them! And I'm keeping them.
Also, statement of fact: I am not subject to censorship or employer laws or ngo laws. I am a private US citizen by birth and draw, paint, photograph, blog, and tweet from my own private apartment. I always sign the art I create unless I have not finished it and plan to re-draw it or re-paint it. I do not have not for profit and never did. I never applied for not for profit status for any LLC or LLP I created, nor for my name or art. I intend some day to make a profit! No one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere, but me.
Gloria Poole /Gloria / gloriapoole / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / gloria_poole; @gloriapoole, at my apt in Missouri, which is not shared with anyone; 12-May-2014; at 10:15am