Sunday, April 14, 2013

March Winds Arrived in April: has Spring really sprung???

I have been busy all week "working" [for myself from my apt] at a snail's pace because of necessity to try push forward. But I briefly went walkabouts and I photographed the flowers around as they were being blown about by the wind. I am still learning how to do that. My oldest daughter {Jennifer Borelli} is a professional photographer & she instructs me on topics I ask for help with, but usually when I'm walking about I am so spur of the moment that it doesn't occur to me until I get back home that I should have done such & such [on camera settings]. So, the photo I had planned to add here, from walkabout was blurred, so decided to add the indoor in my apt photos I took of roses.

Here are some photos of roses that I took some time ago.

And another one:

And a bouquet to share with world:

I will have more sketches to add soon. But I am gradually thinking how to create a physical gallery and then I will probably quit putting the art I create on the web. These three photos are PHOTOS only--not painted or sketched. But I do paint, sketch, and draw often, using almost every artist's medium. And have for years. Some of my paintings are in the backgrounds behind me on some of my photos of me.

And some of my paintings, sketches & drawings are on a variety of blogs of mine including:

and possibly on other blogs of mine including my PROLIFE blogs of :

. So, Google my name, and I am the white, Christian, single [divorced twice] woman with two grown daughters named Jennifer & Leigh; and sorta young grandchildren. I think grandchildren are GOD's rewards for enduring life; along with sunrises, sunsets, flowers, oceans, trees.

Also, I am still writing on the PROLIFE cause, as since 1991, beginning in State of Georgia.

Gloria Poole,RN & artist, at my only residence that's in Missouri, 14-April-2013; 10:17am.

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...