Monday, November 21, 2011

What I am Thankful For

In a few days Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving, which is intended to be a day of giving thanks to The Creator who is GOD for life. I am thinking already of all I have to be thanful for. I did this a few years ago also and created a website "Life is Good" at IF it is still up, you might enjoy reading it. I say IF because the internet is loaded with cybercriminals trying to steal anything they can; and so many domains and websites have been stolen from me since 2007, that it is hard to predict the results of anything on web with any degree of certainty. Buying anything via online is similar to throwing a dice.
Now back on task: here are blessings given to me by GOD HIMSELF:
1) I survived catastrophic events on several occasions because GOD HIMSELF was there in The Spirit with me and intervened supernaturally to save me.
2) I have two lovely grown daughters from my first marriage, who married and who have children. I am convinced grand-children are absolutely the best part of life! They are blessings as GOD defined in Scriptures, and they continue a family into the future. I adore my grandchildren who are all young minor children. And I pray they grow to adulthood and become all that GOD intends them to be.
3) I have a nice enough place to live, a great place to sleep, warmth in several methods when the weather is cold.
4) I have computers, handheld devices, cell & landline phones to communicate.
5) I have lived long enough to gain some "wisdom" from having endured, but not as long as I plan too.
6) I have learned who my true friends are and who they aren't.
7) I was blessed by GOD with creativity, and it is truly one of my greatest enjoyments.
8) I have digital equipment to record events in several ways.
9) I am well educated thanks to GOD's provision to me in my late teens when I went to college the first time, and again when I went to university a second time for a different degree after first divorce.
I0) And most of all I am grateful for the LOVE of GOD!
Gloria Poole; At my apt in Missouri; 8:08am;21-Nov-2011

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...