Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoonist, author,white ,christian, unmarried woman who was born in state of Georgia,USA] a/k/a gloriapoole ;Republic MO. This tapestry illustates the Creation of light by GOD HIMSELF as writen in Genesis 1:1-4, KJV.

I drew this trying to design a new symbol. Watercolor on paper. I also singe it, put date and my town's name. Republic is a town of about 17,000 in southern Missouri. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; Copyright.

I also drew this and signed it, put date and my town's name of Republic MO on it. Copyright. Gloria poole/gloriapoole; Republic MO

I also drew this pencil drawing and signed it put date and "Republic MO" on it. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic mO

I am alive and well though the enemies of human life went to great lengths to try to annihilate me. They hacked 4 smartphones of mine, damaged my previous keyboard, sim-jacked via that unglodly 'eSIM" fraud gotcha of criminals 2 other tel numbers of mine, and stole my U S outgoing mail and incoming mail twice in past year. BUT for GOD I would be dead.

I am absolutely positively 100% opposed to the premeditated slaughter of human beings in the wombs of their mothers. It is genocide, it is a sin against GOD who wrote in His own hand the original Commandments to give to Moses including "thou shalt not kill" as written in Exodus 20:13, KJV. Abortion is premeditated murder and it has to be illegal in these "United" States for a parent to kill her or his own offspring. I am convinced from reading the Holy Bible that GOD will end abortion as a "right" since it is a WRONG in HIS law. What I don't know is will that require a Civil War in US Because the cause of saving the human race from premeditate annihilation is every rightous person's cause and it is NOT going away until it is resolved legally to stop the killing centers in the U S and to punish in the law those who murder human babies [or sick, elderly, handicapped, "elderly"]. I stand by GOD's word on this topic and will never change my mind.

I have other blogs and each is unique, not ike any other, since I create them one by one, including:,,

Also, for the record, I lived in Springfield Missouri 5 years before moving to Republic MO, and before that I lived in Columbia Missouri for 9 or 10 years before moving to Springfield. The "about me" page showing on the right side is from another profile of mine that Google attached to this blog because it has a photo of me when I graduated GA Baptist College of Nursing many years ago but which A I altered to change my air color. I do not live in Springfield MO since July 31, 2023 when I moved my housheold [me only and everything I own] to my new apartment in Republic MIssouri. I tried twice today to alter the "Springfield MO " in its header, but the "about me" pages for this blog of mine is different than the one actually appearing on the right side of post, but both are from profiles of mine; and both involve my info as it is or as it was then. To clarify. I do NOT use A I nor do I think it is likely to improve the mental capabilities of the human race. It appears to be forced upon us humans by BIG TECHNOLOGY.

#art ; #Farmers ; #Nurses ; #watercolor; #drawings #ink #Gloria ; @UGA; @Mercer ; #RepMO; ; I, Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole posted this today 19 Sept 2024 at 6:06 am since it was the first time I could manage all and overcome infected hand after something put in my glove bit me, and my hand got severely compromised and has required 2 trips to E R, and one to Primary Care and antibiotics and buying new keyboard and wrangling with telco over phone nums I have had since 2010 and 2015; and praying constantly for GOD to fight against those who fight aginst me. 19Sept2024; 6:09am from my apartment in Republic Missouri using my own equipment my own private isp and my own art I crated and my own I T skills.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Independence Celebration photo-by-gloriapoole #Gloria

I photographed this on 4th July 2024 at a private party with fireworks [legal in Missouri] and several other photos also. Copyright. Gloria Poole #gloriapoole #Gloria #photo-by-gloriapoole; All rights to all content I create are reserved to me Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole of Republic Missouri #RepMO. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole, Republic MO from my apartment that is not shared with my equipment and my internet I pay for. 6Jul2024;7:14am

Drawing with #watercolor that I drew, painted, signed, put year, photographed, and uploaded. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole ; Republic Missouri

#art #watercolor #drawings #flowers

#July4th #IndependenceDay #America #fireworks #photography #photos #Missouri #farmers #Nurses #RegisteredNurses #Country #Prolife #StopMurdersOfChildren #StopAbortion #Independence #gloriapoole #Gloria "photo-by-gloriapoole";

I photographed this in the back yard of my apartment building . Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; #RepMO

Selfie of me Gloria Poole, at my daughters house added today because selfie was stolen from this account twice this morning by cyberthugs as I was adding it. So I am putting another selfie with my hair down. This was in 2022 .Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; #RepMO; 6Jul2024;7:45am

#Selfie Gloria Poole /gloriapoole 2023 to remind world that the obituary with my name on it was a con, a fraud, perpetrated by an evil man who tried 4 times before to kill me. I am alive and as well as I can be with multiple injuries that are permanent because of his attack on me in 2006.

My hand-written Copyright notice. Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 7Jul2024; 7:20am

Also for documentation for law enforcement: Last week I endured a cyberattack on me in which 4 smartphones I bought as upgrades in 2021,2022,2023, for numbers I have had more than 10 years, were hacked by cyber-thugs in an attempt to wipe out my selfies, signatures, copyrights, photos, art I created and my influence on web. So I put my SIM cards fom those hacked to destroy smartphones I bought into previous versions of smartphones I bought in 2018 to prevent slamming of my numbers. The enemies of GOD are who make up the Biden administration use illegal censorship of U S citizens, cyber-attacks, thefts from prepaid phones, 24/7 surveillance of U S citizens to control and manipulate America. Vote them out of office. Defeat EVIL people who kill human babies or publicly say it is a "right" when it is a WRONG according to Exodus 20:13, KJV as written' thou shalt not kill".

Posted by me Gloria Poole /gloriapoole of Republic, Missouri today 6th July 2024 at 7:18am . I am a U S citizen by birth born in state of GA, a white unmarried since 2007 woman, a mother of 2 grown daughters, and an artist, cartoonist, author, write, blogger, and woman with a handicap caused to me on purpose by an evil man I was married too at the time, in his effort to kill me to prevent me from talking to law enforcement. I am divorced from evil DBP since 2007 in Araphaoe County Colorado. I have lived in Missouri since 2009 in 3 cities: Columbia MO, Springfield MO, and now Republic MO. All telephones, computers, laptops, smartphones , all everything in this apartment in #Republic Missouri belongs only to me for the record.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

#Cartoon #Sea #Turtle by Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create belong to me solely since I have never assigned my copyright to anyone in any manner at any time. I have created art since I was in high school and in many places where I lived and I display much of it to the public. Whether or not I display it, I own all rights to my content whether I create it with pens,pencils,paint brushes, keyboards [words] , drawing tools, paints, graphics, inks, graphite on any medium of canvas, sketch books, paper, bristol board, digital ink, cardboard, wood, masonite, or watercolor paper specifically. A criminal broke into my apartment and stole some of my sketch books and I recently discovered it. He or she is not authorized to have possession of anything of mine nor to sell my created works not to represent himself or herself as in any way representing me. I have no agent, am not married since 2007 nor do I have any "guardian" and the man who pretends to be my "guardian" is a common thief/con-man. Eventually there will be justice for #Republicans also. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/ gloriapoole.RN/gpoole817/gloria0817/"Ms Gloria Poole"/"Poole,Gloria"/#Gloria; Republic Missouri; 19Jun2024;6:47am

Also I thank the good people who have followed me on line since about 2004 and I especially thank the 6000+ viewers last month.

I Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, posted this today 19Jun2024; 6:48am from my own unshared apartment in Republic Missouri with my own computer, my own private isp and my own created, drawing/painting/ #cartoon I drew 2 days ago and painted and signed and photographed and sent to myself in various ways. I have two cartoon sites and my reason for posting this to this particular blog today is to make the connection in people's minds to the agents who publish, write, report,interview,display created content, associate ME with my own created content. This particular image is one I photographed with the "AI" on the flash signal of camera so it is darker than the other photographs for that reason. I photographed it with several smartphones of mine and sent it to upload. The sketch book I drew it in very quickly when bored is not watercolor paper. The criminal who broke in stole about 5 new, unused sketch books also that I bought that included bristol board, watercolor, all media, and there is no #art #supply store in #RepublicMissouri. So I drew on what I had that day. The enemy who breaks into my apartment uses a variety of disguises and fake i.d.s I think, to trick the people who own the apartment complex I live in, but for certain the person is my enemy. All believers in THE LIVING LORD please pray that the enemy of mine who has harmed me greatly many many times gets arrested and locked away forever since he tried to kill me four times in the past and caused me massive, permanent, physical injuries.

Also I have updated other blogs of mine recently including these:,,

And other blogs of mine which I have had for years but not updated in past month are:, contains the childrenss story I wrote and illustrated years ago for my little grandchildren and put on web so all children could read it/ see it on tablets entitled, "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that give picnics" and copyrighted it with the Library of Congress at the time on paper., where I write my opinions, ideas, articles, and suggestions for these United States, where I also write including my ideas for ending mass murders in public schools.

Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 19June2024;7:20am

#art #TapestryofLIFE #wordsthatWORK #watercolor #Cartoons #Cartooning #cartoonist #farmers #farming #publishing #Gloria #gloriapoole #gloria_poole #turtle #sea #oceans #sketches #artist #Missouri #RepMO #VoteProlife #EndRoeVWadeForeverEverywhere

Gloria Poole,gloriapoole, Registered Nurse, artist, Republic Missouri; 19Jun2024;6:55am from my own not shared apartment. I am the only lease-holder and the only occupant of this entire apartment. I am unmarried since 2007 and I do not "share" willingly my apartment with liars, thieves and reprobates. When a nation has no respect for GOD it is difficult for honest, righteous people . When murderers are promoted in video games, on TV, in public office, and given a wink-wink by law enforcment the nation descends into chaos and anarchy and of course we citizens of the U S are seeing that almost daily as there are constant skirmishes in the civil war of mass marueders on civilians. A nation that demands the fake "right" to kill one's own offspring is a corrupt and dying civilization and the U S will come to an end IF that situation is not corrected legally by Congress. /s/ Gloria Poole,RN,artist; Republic MO; 19June2024 at 7:26am to add that last paragraph as my testimony to do what I can stop the premeditated murders of innocent preborn humans,

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Painting by me #Gloria of Republic Missouri

I drew, painted, signed, put date and my town of Republic Missouri on it, photographed it, and Copyright it, and sent it to upload to this blog of mine, this image of 1s and 0s that represent the binary system of computers. Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create by any method, technique, with any tool, brush, medium, surface, paint, pen,pencil,graphics in any genre, for any reason, in any place I have ever lived or lve at the present, whether or not I publicly display belongs solely to me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/gloriapoole.RN/gpoole817/gloria0817/"Poole,Gloria"/"Ms Gloria Poole" of Republic Missouri. 30May2024; 5:23am.

Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Registered Nurse, artist, Republic Missouri, 30May2024; 5:33am

#Gloria ; #gloriapoole; #gloria0817; #gpoole817 ; #art; #painting #acrylics #RepMO

I have also recently other blogs that are different and you may enjoy those also. They are located :; medical photos of human beings in amniotic sac, and of umbilical cord attached and of placenta for teaching purposes to end the premeditated killing of tiny defenseless humans.; with quotes of #Celebrities who stated that #motherhood is best thing that ever happened to them; with #Bible #scriptures about #heaven entitled "Heaven is The Kingdom of GOD" with news and events of the prolife generation, with #sketch I drew of mama chicken and her babies for Easter to represent trditionally a rebirth

And other blogs I have updated but not in past 2 weeks are:, with #art I created also, with #art I created also, different on each blog; w/ #art I created too.; also w/ #art I created,,; needs updating but all previous posts contained info far into the future so may have this summer's info on previous posts; ; about #family #entertainment as a #publicservice, my #cartoon story "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that Give Picnics" that I wrote, illustrated and copyrighted in Library of #Congress years ago and put online so all children of all ages in any country everywhere could read/ see it.,; where I write poems, my opinions, articles etc, and sometimes pst #art I create, where I post words, comments, essays, poems, articles I write

Also, a public THANK YOU to all who read and view my blogs. My numbers that are tracked by blog platform are increasing on every blog. Republic Missouri [a/k/a #RepMO according to banks here] is a very pleasant, friendly place and I like it very much. It's a very small town and that has many advantages.

#art #painting #sketches #acrylics @watercolors #oilpaintings #photography #Gloria #gloriapoole #gpoole817 #gloria0817 #prolife #personhood #Savethebabyhumans #tapestryofLIFE #wordsthatWORK #publishing #cartoons #cartooning #Ladybugsthatgivepicnics #photography #Farmers #farming #Nurse #RegisteredNurse #RepMO #Republic @Missouri;

You may contact me by telephone except not Google voice numbers which were all stolen FROM me. I have most of the numbers I have had for more than ten years with various area codes from places I have lived plus a home telephone which is not a smartphone. Or by email to or other emails of mine including some on #Yahoo #Live #iCloud #Gmail. I LOVE @Google who has always been so good to me. You may also contact me by U S mail to my aprtment in Republic Missouri where I have lived since 31July 2023.

Posted today 30May2024 at 5:28am by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist, Republic Missouri, from my own apartment using my own internet i pay for, and my own equipment and #art I created and my own skills, as usual.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sailboat, Neon #watercolor art I created #gloriapoole of #RepMO

I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, drew and painted with watercolor these two sketches on paper, and I signed them, photographed them, copyright them and sent them to myself to add to this post today. Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create with any method,tool,technique,medium, belongs solely to me Gloria Poole,RN,artist,writer,blogger of Republic Missouri; and I am also known on web as gloriapoole, gloria0817, gpoole817, gloriapoole.RN, "Poole,Gloria", "Prolife Nurse" and other variations of my real born with name and my real Professional title. See my hand-written copyright notice below.

Copyright . Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri, 18May2024; 7:35am
I, Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, wrote this Copyright notice on paper then photographed it and add it as an additional proof that I created all content on this blog from the beginning. <> I am a white, unmarried but twice married/twice divorced, christian woman and mother, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, author,blogger, prolife advocate.

THANK YOU TO THE 6100 VIEWERS/READERS of this blog last month! I love y'all!!

Also, for the record, I create other blogs one by one for a variety of purposes all legal and moral and the purposes are displaying #art I create, promoting the #righttolife and #savethebabyhumans and #realwomenhavebabies ; and #publishing #publichealth info as #RegisteredNurse including my opinion as #nurse that worked 26 years in acute care hospitals in a variety of positions; and publishing the gospel on a blog also, and publishing a public service of a family oriented entertainment blog. You may see my other blogs at these sites:; "#Celebrities who..." post most recent,P>, my #cartoon story I wrote and illustrated and put on web so all children [and adults too] could read it and enjoy it, and I also copyrighted it at Library of Congress. <>

Posted today 18May2024 at 7:37am by me Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole, or Republic Missouri.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 27April2024; 8:02pm

I wrote, signed, put date and my town of Republic Missouri on this hand-written copyright. I own all rights to all content I create. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 27Apr2024;8:04pm

I am updating my blogs one by one as always and each is unique, some with art I create, some with words or professional opinions I write; some with #cartoons I created and copyrighted. Some with #publichealth info I write as a #RegisteredNurse.

My other blogs that all are welcome to view/read are:,,; Note: I tried to update this recently by a bad person tried to steal the phone number of mine that is associated with it and so I will have to make some changes and try again. I have learned that the Biden administration is atheist basically and tries to prevent religious [Bible ] words on web. Vote for people who believe in the LIVING GOD and not wooden statues! For the record I have several phones for a reason and on different telcos. But some carriers are reliable and some are not.

Also, thank you to the almost 11,000 viewers I had last month! Y'all are great! <> You can email me at gloriapoole at gmail but I never conduct business by email becauser it is not safe to do that. Or call me if you identify yourself and are not trying to scam me or kill me.

Also for the record I am not on Facebook and never was because of their invasive, pervasive tracking of everyone. Also, for the record, I am unmarried now, but divorced twice, and a white woman with long brown hair.

Posted tonite 27 Apr 2024 at 8:06pm by me Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole, Republic MO in my own apartment with my own computer using my own photographs and words and skills.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with several smartphones of mine and sent it and uploaded it to this blog of mine. And Copyright it. Copyright notice: all rights to all content I create, draw,paint,sketch,photograph, write,create with any method, tool, technigue, anywhere for any reason, whether I publicly display it or not, are reserved to me alone. Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 10April2024;2:44am

My hand-written copyright with most of the ways I have signed my real name on the web included/ Copyright notice.

Also, I have other blogs which I create one by one and they are all different and many of them also have #art I created or #words I wrote on them and they are:' my #publichealth blog I write as Registered #Nurse and my work experience; and scroll past my large selfie on it to the #words.; my public service for family #entertainment effort; my #gospel sharing site


with my ideas how to stop school mass murders

htts://tapestry-of-life-LLP/ with #words I wrote on various topics, sometimes #art I created .

Also, thank you to my viewers, readers some who have followed my bogs for a long time. I see the stats and my readers/viewers are increasing and I am very glad about that. Thank you all very much!

Also, as any who have followed me will know I am a 100% prolife advocate for the tiny, preborn humans in the womb who deserve and must have the full faith and credit of the mighty U S government to protect them in the womb. A nation that methodically, systematically murders its upcoming generations has no future. The FBI, Dept of Justice, SCOTUS, all need to be nailing shut those killing centers across America ASAP and they should have no qualms about ending the premeditated murders of tiny, defenseless, innocent humans beings. I saved the address of a fascinating video I saw that shows how living beings develop in the womb and I will include it in next paragraph.

Baby Olivia teaching video :

Also, National Geographic photographer shows on video what happens in #IVF and all the dangers of it:

Quote : " That's a daunting challenge, and as the opening scene reveals, Varma's first attempt failed. "The Saran Wrap eggs are not doing very well at all," he tells the camera after working well into the wee hours. Environmental conditions have to be tightly controlled but overnight both the main humidifier stopped working and the backup humidifier didn't kick in. That made the embryos' environment 18° F hotter than it should have been. But Varma perseveres and eventually succeeds, commenting that a new growing embryo after 12 days resembles "a little velociraptor foot." The embryo is actually blinking inside its unshelled yolk." Location of video:;

16March2024; 1:38pm

Some quotes on the subject of being #prolife:

Quote : " “We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows;

in goodreads; 19March2024

Quote: " I’ve entered the best phase of my life: motherhood!” Diaz told Rolling Stone in July 2020....

She also told Jimmy Fallon during an appearance on “The Tonight Show” in 2020 that quarantine with her infant was “heaven.” “You get to have every moment — and it goes so fast,” she said.

“People have always said to me, ‘Really enjoy the time when they’re babies; it goes so fast.’ And literally, every single day, there’s leaps and bounds and these things that happen — she’s not the same baby she was yesterday.”;


1 more thing: here's my photo of a pie I made and decorated with crust, in my own kitchen of course while teaching myself to make pie crusts:

Posted 10April2024; at 2:45am by me Gloria Poole / #Gloria/ gloriapoole/ gpoole817/ gloria0817/ "Poole,Gloria"/ gloriapoole.RN/ gloriapoole-RN/ Ms Gloria Poole/ from my own apartment in Republic Missouri[ #RepMO] using my own computer, my own internet and my own art I created and my own skills such as they are.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Happy Easter #sketch by #Gloria and see Republic MO photos-by-gloriapoole

#Watercolor #sketch drawn and painted by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of Republic Missouri and I signed it and put the date and name of my town [#RepMO] and Copyright it. Copyright. All rights reserved to me Gloria Poole,RN,artist;Republic Missouri; 21March2024; 7:06pm. Also scroll down and see 2 of the photos I photographed with a smartphone of mine in a restaurant in #RepMO [Republic Missouri] about 2 weeks ago.

photo-by-gloriapoole; Copyright.

photo-by-gloriapoole in restaurant in Republic Missouri that has an amazing museum like environment which fascinated me. And the food was delicious. I am not telling which one so if y'all want to find it you will have to visit all restaurants in Republic Missouri. A rising tide floats all boats as they say in the deep South. Copyright. Gloria Poole, Republic Missouri; 21March2024; 7:09pm

Also, thank you too you wonderful #Farmers, #lawenforcement #nurses #doctors #physicians #Business folks; #artist, #Writers #poets who read /view my blogs over the years. I love all you GOOD people!

I also have updated other blogs of mine including these,,

And possibly others which are not on the tip of my tongue at the moment but which belong to me and I update them one by one as I update these also; for a variety of purposes all legal and moral. If you want to learn a little bit about a lot of topics read my blogs.

Copyright I wrote, signed,photographed for this purpose.

My selfie Gloria Poole/gloriapoole in my apartment in Republic MO 2023; Copyright. Missouri;,

Posted by me Gloria Poole,gloriapoole, RN,artist; Republic Missouri from my own apartment in #RepMO with my own computer, my own isp and my own photography and art sketch I drew and painted with watercolor pencils.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

National Agriculture Day is March 19th

; Hey y'all farmers, poets, authors, artists, prolife people, good people of the world! I am reminding citizens and visitors to America that National AgDay is March 19th. Ag of course is abbreviation for Agriculture Day. Lest you think that does not concern you, I remind you that ALL FOOD is grown by a farmer somewhere and all beef, chicken, and other meats are raised by ranchers and farmers who feed them guess what? Food grown by farmers! There is NO REPLACEMENT for farmers in any country of the world. So listen up!

March 19th is also the first day of spring this year so all can celebrate both events. Th theme of this years National Ag day is "Agriculture: growing a climate for tomorrow". The purpose of National #Ag day is basically so school children don't think their milk and lunch comes from the grocery store in bags and bottles and boxes, but is produced by a human most likely somewhere. Farms of course come in various sizes and many are family farms gojng back generations.

I encourage all to visit a working farm if you were not raised on a farm and ask your questions. Farmers are the salt of the earth and most are friendly and helpful to others. My daddy was a farmer and he died in 2004 and I miss him still. He was the rock of Gibraltar in my life, unwavering in his beliefs and a good disciplinarian who taught me among other things to always be law abiding.

For details of your local Ag Day visit website This info is from the Missouri Farmers Association magazine March 2024 issue which I might add is very helpful and includes recipes for locally grown foods.

Also, I am doing my part to grow the message of safety by including these reminders that will help all people:

Stay in your vehicle or on your euqipment if it comes in contact with a power line. Do NOT get out onto ground!

Look up to see if wires dangling or equipment is entangled in wires.

Keep ten feet of clearnce around live electrical wires remembering that even if you do not touch them, electricity can arc or jump.

Stay away from sagging or downed lnes and call 9-1-1 to ask dispatcher to send power company repair.

Use a spotter with a wide, broad vantage point when you are operating equipment in close proximity to power lines. ,

Teach the 10foot rule to anyone working with you and review with them where the power lines are located on your farm or land.

And as a Registered Nurse I am reminding you if anyone touches a live electrical wire BEFORE you can administer CPR you must lift the wire off them with a piece of wood or something which will NOT conduct electricity. You cannot save them if you yourself get electrocuted! THINK before you act.

Also, thank you all so very much for viewing and reading my blogs! I am grateful for loyal readers. GOD is so good to me!<> Also, I have other blogs which I create one by one for various purposes all legal and moral that may be viewed by anyone of any age in any country and those are :



Here are some of the #personhood news items of interest to me:<> Sen John Kennedy of La speaking up for preborn humans in U S Senate:

Quote: " Kennedy said that an aborted fetus would not receive any sort of justice, and would instead be put in a significant amount of pain. He pointed to an illustration of a 21-week-old fetus and described in detail a dilation and evacuation procedure.";

28Feb2024; 5pm Florida to have first personhood of preborn law?

Quote: "The “fetal personhood” bill had been gaining support amid Florida’s mostly Republican lawmakers. The legislation attempts to define a fetus as an “unborn child”, allowing parents to collect financial damages in the case of wrongful death, the Tampa Bay Times reported.";;


MoLeg planning to block fed money going to pay for abortions {Hyde amendment is supposed to guarantee that fed money is not used to pay for abortions}.

Quote :"JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri’s Republican lawmakers are once again trying to block federal health care dollars from going to the state’s Planned Parenthood clinics>>.";

28Feb2024; 2:20pm

Quote : " Fourteen states have passed near-total abortion bans since the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision in June 2022. Those states — including Texas, Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama — have seen the greatest decline in abortion volume.";


You may email me at gloriapoole at gmail but keep in mind I login in sporadically and that I do NOT do business by email or text message. This is NOT a business. This is simply my way of communicating with the world.

Posted today 9March 2024; at 1:39pm by me #Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist in Republic Missouri,@RepMO in my own apartment using my own equipment and internet.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Farmers are necessary says Gloria Poole,RN,artist,Republic MO

I,Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, drew this in graphite first then waited a while, then painted it with acrylic on canvas and photographed it on my easel. It is obviously lop sided and that is because after I had surgical repair on my leg after trauma, I stand lop-sided. And I signed it, photographed it several times with more than one camera, and sent it and am uploading it and copyrighting it. It is a simple reminder that almost all food comes from the earth and that farmers and their farms are essential to any country. Farmers must endure if the nation is to continue.
My copyright notice I wrote on drawing paper and signed and photographed.Also see Copyright notice below.

My daddy was a farmer in South Georgia and he loved his land and I loved to be allowed to tag along with him and walk te land as his crops grew. That didn't happen often but when he allowed me to ride in his pick-up truck to go see the crops, we would stop by the store on the way back home and get a soft drink. It is one of my favorite memories of my daddy. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This painting, whether photographed on easel or off it, is copyrighted and I,Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Republic Missouri #RepMO own all rights to all content I create by any method, technique, with any tool or medium, in any genre for any reason in any place I ever lived whether or not I publicly display it.

My profile page for this blog is : I create other blogs one by one also, for various reasons. You can see those at :; my #publichealth blog,; my public service blog to help promote family entertainment.,,

Thank you to the many viewers of this blog last month. I am very grateful to have loyal viewers of my content.

Also, I want to remind all U S citizens that there is a killing organization that gets taxpayer money, that methodically kills innocent, human beings , that is ungodly, deceitful and treacherous and that preys on women. I am sounding the alarm about Planned Parenthood which should be named planned killing. Here is info on the organization named Planned Parenthood so that the GOOD people of the U S can force them to close by removing their not for profit status and their Medicaid funding. KILLING IS NOT HEALTH CARE. I worked in health care in acute hospitals for 26 years as Registered Nurse and killing babies is not in job descriptions.

Quote Marjorie Dannenfelser of SBA Prolife: "While they claim to provide healthcare services to women no matter who they are or where they live, abortion can never be healthcare. Further, while they claim to provide numerous services to women, 97.2% of Planned Parenthood's pregnancy resolution services are devoted to abortions, the purposeful ending of an unborn baby's life.

Does 97.2% of cases brought to Planned Parenthood that end in the death of an innocent child sound like "care" to you?

Planned Parenthood cares only about the business. It preys on the vulnerable, thrives on women's fear, and fuels itself on greed.[end quote]"

Quote is words of Marjorie Dannenfelser of :

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.

PO Box 803

Arlington, VA, 22206

Also please #VoteProlife. The Republican Party has a prolife platform. The Democrats have a "killing allowed" platform. It's a no-brainer. IF you truly want to stop the mass murders in U S, stop the killing centers located on streets across America. nail them shut and prosecute the killers of human babies.

Posted today 18Feb2024 at 2:10pm by me Gloria Poole / gloriapoole/ gpoole817/gloria0817/Gloria/ from my own apartment in #RepMO [Republic Missouri] with my own equipment and my own skills and my own isp.

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoo...