Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoonist, author,white ,christian, unmarried woman who was born in state of Georgia,USA] a/k/a gloriapoole ;Republic MO. This tapestry illustates the Creation of light by GOD HIMSELF as writen in Genesis 1:1-4, KJV.

I drew this trying to design a new symbol. Watercolor on paper. I also singe it, put date and my town's name. Republic is a town of about 17,000 in southern Missouri. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; Copyright.

I also drew this and signed it, put date and my town's name of Republic MO on it. Copyright. Gloria poole/gloriapoole; Republic MO

I also drew this pencil drawing and signed it put date and "Republic MO" on it. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic mO

I am alive and well though the enemies of human life went to great lengths to try to annihilate me. They hacked 4 smartphones of mine, damaged my previous keyboard, sim-jacked via that unglodly 'eSIM" fraud gotcha of criminals 2 other tel numbers of mine, and stole my U S outgoing mail and incoming mail twice in past year. BUT for GOD I would be dead.

I am absolutely positively 100% opposed to the premeditated slaughter of human beings in the wombs of their mothers. It is genocide, it is a sin against GOD who wrote in His own hand the original Commandments to give to Moses including "thou shalt not kill" as written in Exodus 20:13, KJV. Abortion is premeditated murder and it has to be illegal in these "United" States for a parent to kill her or his own offspring. I am convinced from reading the Holy Bible that GOD will end abortion as a "right" since it is a WRONG in HIS law. What I don't know is will that require a Civil War in US Because the cause of saving the human race from premeditate annihilation is every rightous person's cause and it is NOT going away until it is resolved legally to stop the killing centers in the U S and to punish in the law those who murder human babies [or sick, elderly, handicapped, "elderly"]. I stand by GOD's word on this topic and will never change my mind.

I have other blogs and each is unique, not ike any other, since I create them one by one, including:,,

Also, for the record, I lived in Springfield Missouri 5 years before moving to Republic MO, and before that I lived in Columbia Missouri for 9 or 10 years before moving to Springfield. The "about me" page showing on the right side is from another profile of mine that Google attached to this blog because it has a photo of me when I graduated GA Baptist College of Nursing many years ago but which A I altered to change my air color. I do not live in Springfield MO since July 31, 2023 when I moved my housheold [me only and everything I own] to my new apartment in Republic MIssouri. I tried twice today to alter the "Springfield MO " in its header, but the "about me" pages for this blog of mine is different than the one actually appearing on the right side of post, but both are from profiles of mine; and both involve my info as it is or as it was then. To clarify. I do NOT use A I nor do I think it is likely to improve the mental capabilities of the human race. It appears to be forced upon us humans by BIG TECHNOLOGY.

#art ; #Farmers ; #Nurses ; #watercolor; #drawings #ink #Gloria ; @UGA; @Mercer ; #RepMO; ; I, Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole posted this today 19 Sept 2024 at 6:06 am since it was the first time I could manage all and overcome infected hand after something put in my glove bit me, and my hand got severely compromised and has required 2 trips to E R, and one to Primary Care and antibiotics and buying new keyboard and wrangling with telco over phone nums I have had since 2010 and 2015; and praying constantly for GOD to fight against those who fight aginst me. 19Sept2024; 6:09am from my apartment in Republic Missouri using my own equipment my own private isp and my own art I crated and my own I T skills.

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoo...