I drew this in archival ink and signed it and copyright it. I drew about 10 various ink drawings in a few days trying to ratchet up my creative mode and make my brain shift from the scientific way of thinking to the creative way. I will post some of the others on other blogs of mine assuming I can login to those and not hindered by i.d. thieves. Copyright as above. Gloria Poole/ gloriapooleI drew this in archival ink also and signed it as I usually do when I consider it completed. Copyright Notice as above. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic MO; 24Oct2024; 7:14am
I have other blogs to and I create them one by one and you can see /read/view all of them. All blogs of mine are moral, and may be viewed by anyone in any country. There are no tricks, traps, or disguises in my efforts, as I serve The LIVING LORD JESUS and answer to HIM. Also I am a PROLIFE advocate from the get-go and stand by that claim for eternity , as The Word of GOD HIMSELF is "thou shalt not kill" in Exodus 20:13, KJV and in Genesis 9:6 KJV it says paraphrased that those who shed innocent blood will have their blood shed by GOD. Please vote Prolife because it is every citizen's job number one to save the human race from premeditated annihilation and to save the U S A from depopulation.
My other blogs are:
I have telephones and if I have given you the number and if your intentions are good, not harmful to me and if you identify yourself when you call, I answer the phones at times but if I am in my art studio room that is dedicated to that purpose I might not answer because it distracts me .
#art #paintings #watercolor #ink #drawings #Cardinals #farmers #Nurses #Christians #Baptists @TodaysFarmer @UGA #physicians #business #UGA #RegisteredNurses #Gloria #gloriapoole
My question today for the internet powers that be: why is "Facebook, "Face.Book" allowed to put sticky fake notices into gmail accounts of people who have NO facebook account such as me? Can illegal monopoly of Facebook be stopped? PLEASE?
Posted today 24 Oct2024 at 7:26am by me Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, of Republic Missouri; from my own apartment with my own isp that I pay for, with my own desktop computer and my own #art I created and my I.T. skills such as they are. For the record I also have a business degree from The University of Georgia at Athens, GA.