Thursday, May 30, 2024

Painting by me #Gloria of Republic Missouri

I drew, painted, signed, put date and my town of Republic Missouri on it, photographed it, and Copyright it, and sent it to upload to this blog of mine, this image of 1s and 0s that represent the binary system of computers. Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create by any method, technique, with any tool, brush, medium, surface, paint, pen,pencil,graphics in any genre, for any reason, in any place I have ever lived or lve at the present, whether or not I publicly display belongs solely to me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/gloriapoole.RN/gpoole817/gloria0817/"Poole,Gloria"/"Ms Gloria Poole" of Republic Missouri. 30May2024; 5:23am.

Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Registered Nurse, artist, Republic Missouri, 30May2024; 5:33am

#Gloria ; #gloriapoole; #gloria0817; #gpoole817 ; #art; #painting #acrylics #RepMO

I have also recently other blogs that are different and you may enjoy those also. They are located :; medical photos of human beings in amniotic sac, and of umbilical cord attached and of placenta for teaching purposes to end the premeditated killing of tiny defenseless humans.; with quotes of #Celebrities who stated that #motherhood is best thing that ever happened to them; with #Bible #scriptures about #heaven entitled "Heaven is The Kingdom of GOD" with news and events of the prolife generation, with #sketch I drew of mama chicken and her babies for Easter to represent trditionally a rebirth

And other blogs I have updated but not in past 2 weeks are:, with #art I created also, with #art I created also, different on each blog; w/ #art I created too.; also w/ #art I created,,; needs updating but all previous posts contained info far into the future so may have this summer's info on previous posts; ; about #family #entertainment as a #publicservice, my #cartoon story "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that Give Picnics" that I wrote, illustrated and copyrighted in Library of #Congress years ago and put online so all children of all ages in any country everywhere could read/ see it.,; where I write poems, my opinions, articles etc, and sometimes pst #art I create, where I post words, comments, essays, poems, articles I write

Also, a public THANK YOU to all who read and view my blogs. My numbers that are tracked by blog platform are increasing on every blog. Republic Missouri [a/k/a #RepMO according to banks here] is a very pleasant, friendly place and I like it very much. It's a very small town and that has many advantages.

#art #painting #sketches #acrylics @watercolors #oilpaintings #photography #Gloria #gloriapoole #gpoole817 #gloria0817 #prolife #personhood #Savethebabyhumans #tapestryofLIFE #wordsthatWORK #publishing #cartoons #cartooning #Ladybugsthatgivepicnics #photography #Farmers #farming #Nurse #RegisteredNurse #RepMO #Republic @Missouri;

You may contact me by telephone except not Google voice numbers which were all stolen FROM me. I have most of the numbers I have had for more than ten years with various area codes from places I have lived plus a home telephone which is not a smartphone. Or by email to or other emails of mine including some on #Yahoo #Live #iCloud #Gmail. I LOVE @Google who has always been so good to me. You may also contact me by U S mail to my aprtment in Republic Missouri where I have lived since 31July 2023.

Posted today 30May2024 at 5:28am by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist, Republic Missouri, from my own apartment using my own internet i pay for, and my own equipment and #art I created and my own skills, as usual.

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoo...