Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sailboat, Neon #watercolor art I created #gloriapoole of #RepMO

I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, drew and painted with watercolor these two sketches on paper, and I signed them, photographed them, copyright them and sent them to myself to add to this post today. Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create with any method,tool,technique,medium, belongs solely to me Gloria Poole,RN,artist,writer,blogger of Republic Missouri; and I am also known on web as gloriapoole, gloria0817, gpoole817, gloriapoole.RN, "Poole,Gloria", "Prolife Nurse" and other variations of my real born with name and my real Professional title. See my hand-written copyright notice below.

Copyright . Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri, 18May2024; 7:35am
I, Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, wrote this Copyright notice on paper then photographed it and add it as an additional proof that I created all content on this blog from the beginning. <> I am a white, unmarried but twice married/twice divorced, christian woman and mother, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, author,blogger, prolife advocate.

THANK YOU TO THE 6100 VIEWERS/READERS of this blog last month! I love y'all!!

Also, for the record, I create other blogs one by one for a variety of purposes all legal and moral and the purposes are displaying #art I create, promoting the #righttolife and #savethebabyhumans and #realwomenhavebabies ; and #publishing #publichealth info as #RegisteredNurse including my opinion as #nurse that worked 26 years in acute care hospitals in a variety of positions; and publishing the gospel on a blog also, and publishing a public service of a family oriented entertainment blog. You may see my other blogs at these sites:; "#Celebrities who..." post most recent,P>, my #cartoon story I wrote and illustrated and put on web so all children [and adults too] could read it and enjoy it, and I also copyrighted it at Library of Congress. <>

Posted today 18May2024 at 7:37am by me Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole, or Republic Missouri.

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoo...