Wednesday, June 19, 2024

#Cartoon #Sea #Turtle by Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Copyright Notice: all rights to all content I create belong to me solely since I have never assigned my copyright to anyone in any manner at any time. I have created art since I was in high school and in many places where I lived and I display much of it to the public. Whether or not I display it, I own all rights to my content whether I create it with pens,pencils,paint brushes, keyboards [words] , drawing tools, paints, graphics, inks, graphite on any medium of canvas, sketch books, paper, bristol board, digital ink, cardboard, wood, masonite, or watercolor paper specifically. A criminal broke into my apartment and stole some of my sketch books and I recently discovered it. He or she is not authorized to have possession of anything of mine nor to sell my created works not to represent himself or herself as in any way representing me. I have no agent, am not married since 2007 nor do I have any "guardian" and the man who pretends to be my "guardian" is a common thief/con-man. Eventually there will be justice for #Republicans also. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/ gloriapoole.RN/gpoole817/gloria0817/"Ms Gloria Poole"/"Poole,Gloria"/#Gloria; Republic Missouri; 19Jun2024;6:47am

Also I thank the good people who have followed me on line since about 2004 and I especially thank the 6000+ viewers last month.

I Gloria Poole, gloriapoole, posted this today 19Jun2024; 6:48am from my own unshared apartment in Republic Missouri with my own computer, my own private isp and my own created, drawing/painting/ #cartoon I drew 2 days ago and painted and signed and photographed and sent to myself in various ways. I have two cartoon sites and my reason for posting this to this particular blog today is to make the connection in people's minds to the agents who publish, write, report,interview,display created content, associate ME with my own created content. This particular image is one I photographed with the "AI" on the flash signal of camera so it is darker than the other photographs for that reason. I photographed it with several smartphones of mine and sent it to upload. The sketch book I drew it in very quickly when bored is not watercolor paper. The criminal who broke in stole about 5 new, unused sketch books also that I bought that included bristol board, watercolor, all media, and there is no #art #supply store in #RepublicMissouri. So I drew on what I had that day. The enemy who breaks into my apartment uses a variety of disguises and fake i.d.s I think, to trick the people who own the apartment complex I live in, but for certain the person is my enemy. All believers in THE LIVING LORD please pray that the enemy of mine who has harmed me greatly many many times gets arrested and locked away forever since he tried to kill me four times in the past and caused me massive, permanent, physical injuries.

Also I have updated other blogs of mine recently including these:,,

And other blogs of mine which I have had for years but not updated in past month are:, contains the childrenss story I wrote and illustrated years ago for my little grandchildren and put on web so all children could read it/ see it on tablets entitled, "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that give picnics" and copyrighted it with the Library of Congress at the time on paper., where I write my opinions, ideas, articles, and suggestions for these United States, where I also write including my ideas for ending mass murders in public schools.

Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 19June2024;7:20am

#art #TapestryofLIFE #wordsthatWORK #watercolor #Cartoons #Cartooning #cartoonist #farmers #farming #publishing #Gloria #gloriapoole #gloria_poole #turtle #sea #oceans #sketches #artist #Missouri #RepMO #VoteProlife #EndRoeVWadeForeverEverywhere

Gloria Poole,gloriapoole, Registered Nurse, artist, Republic Missouri; 19Jun2024;6:55am from my own not shared apartment. I am the only lease-holder and the only occupant of this entire apartment. I am unmarried since 2007 and I do not "share" willingly my apartment with liars, thieves and reprobates. When a nation has no respect for GOD it is difficult for honest, righteous people . When murderers are promoted in video games, on TV, in public office, and given a wink-wink by law enforcment the nation descends into chaos and anarchy and of course we citizens of the U S are seeing that almost daily as there are constant skirmishes in the civil war of mass marueders on civilians. A nation that demands the fake "right" to kill one's own offspring is a corrupt and dying civilization and the U S will come to an end IF that situation is not corrected legally by Congress. /s/ Gloria Poole,RN,artist; Republic MO; 19June2024 at 7:26am to add that last paragraph as my testimony to do what I can stop the premeditated murders of innocent preborn humans,

Hello world from me Gloria Poole of Republic MO

Tapestry I sewed wih needlepoint and signed on back with paint. Gloria Poole, [Registerd Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photorapher, cartoo...