Sunday, July 18, 2021

Missouri blue bird oil painting painted by me Gloria

I, Gloria Poole, painted this last evening very quickly on canvas board in oils and signed it, dated it, photographed it several times and uploaded it. Copyright Notice: All art on this blog or any blog or twitter account of mine or that was mine before i.d. thieves attempted to hijack them, is copyrighted in U.S., E.U., and U.K law; and I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, photographer, mother, white woman, U.S. citizen, twice-divorced, own all rights to copy or reproduce my works I create in any method, with any medium, tool, method,technique, whether or not I publicly display it in any fashion. For the record, this photo is a close-up of the bird and my signature in this particular oil painting. It is not the entire painting. There is not supposed to be wi-fi on my big digital camera but it became obvious this morning that an unauthorized person at secret location was trying to hack it. I had to rephotograph some of the four most recent oil paintings I painted in past few days many times to overcome attempt by hackers to prevent image! I have asked the U.S. F.B.I. to help me get control of my name, my art I create, my online accounts and my professional identity and my bank accounts.

I have other blogs also and I am planning to also update some of them with my photos of the other 3 oil paintings I painted this past week.

Posted today 18th July20121 at 8:25am, by me Gloria Poole, only owner of this account, this computer, this router, and this apartment [since I am the only tenant of it and the only one who has ever paid the rent on it since I moved here on 1st Oct 2018]. I am posting that for a particular reason [ because criminals attempt to trick law enforcement into thinking they own my bank accounts]. Update by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, white woman, twice-divorced, U S citizen, mother, blogger, writer, cartoonist, photographer etc, on 14th Aug 2021, at 7:48am to add this: I painted 2 new oil paintings yesterday and I think they are finished. But I painted til late, then went to bed, decided to look at them with fresh eyes this morning to see if I like, or need to do-over? I might post my pics of them later. Also, I have updated other blogs of mine also. I have not googled my name recently but if you scroll back to previous posts you will see some of that info [to other blogs of mine}. The archives are accessible by link, or at least I think so. Google has changed so radically in past year [because of govt lawsuits against them for monopoly?] that it feels at times as if they are the Mississippie River flowing at surge levels !

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...