Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy Independence Day US citizens! From me Gloria in Springfield

I, Gloria Poole,[ Registered Nurse/artist/writer/cartoonist/blogger/mother/g-mama/white divorced-twice woman] watched private fireworks last nite and videotaped most of it. I considered adding some of the videos to this post. Then I thought about how about 10,000 photos I PHOTOGRAPHED with my big digital camera were ripped right off my computer last year by criminal hackers, and decided not to post my original videos.

However, there is so much "media"a.k.a. content on the subject of July 4th that is available so I am posting some of my favorites here:

July 4th: 4th July 8/ 7central on PBS;

A Capitol Fourth will be all virtual this year. You can watch on PBS' YouTube page at:; Main PBS:

July 4th 2021 fireworks:;

8 hrs of patriotic music for US:

Battle Hymn of the Republic by West Point Band and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir:

"öur God is marching on..."

Explanation of National Anthem, and singing of if, w/ video with historical reference:

" Blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord": Psalms 33:12 One of my favorite scriptures.

God bless the USA:[ Lee Greenwood} w/ great video:

Toby Keith: "Courtesy of the red, white and blue" is absolutely the greatest US military song ever:


Posted July 4th 2021 at 9:48am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, photographer, blogger, writer, cartoonist, author, from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri using my own not-shared willingly [criminals routinely break into it however] computer/internet/router(s)/ and devices. To document intrusion into my computers/devices/routers/tablets/smartphones by criminal stalkers. Thank goodness Missouri has passed a law to include cyber-stalking in the law enforcment rules. Including below the changes to Missouri law and requested changes:

JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri's attorney general is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the state's law banning abortions at or after eight weeks of pregnancy...

"A pre-natal diagnosis of Down syndrome should not be a death sentence," Schmitt said in a statement. "It's my hope that the Supreme Court will grant our petition for writ of certiorari and hear this critically important case."

[My comment: being in the womb should not be a death sentence for any human!]


Open records in Missouri case:

In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that state agencies could not charge lawyers fees for time they spend reviewing public records that are requested under the Sunshine Law. The decision, a reversal of a lower court ruling, is a victory for advocates of transparency and public records access."...

mong the most noteworthy points of the highest court's decision was relating to fees for legal review of documents — which are commonly included in estimates for records requests. Time spent for legal review "is not 'research time' required for fulfilling records requests," wrote Judge Patricia Breckenridge in the ruling, and requests can be completed without legal review time — a decision likely to drive down costs for many requests.


"The state's definition of 'stalking' was updated to include social media and other technology under Senate Bill 71. The legislation also allows parties to appeal decisions on child placement and extends the length of court protection orders in certain circumstances."


"Insurance providers will be included in future civil disputes under House Bill 345, which only allows people to take legal action against those providers when that action is provided in written form. Senate Bill 106 updates the state's laws surrounding licensing and regulating financial institutions.

Parson will sign a number of other bills into law this week, including a tax on out-of-state internet sales (coined the "Wayfair tax")."...

Prior to this week, Parson has signed several significant pieces of legislation - including the Second Amendment Preservation Act, a gun law that has prompted a fight with the Biden Administration; and a law curbing the ability of local health authorities to enforce public orders."


Repeat: posted by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse {R.N.}, artist, photographer, blogger, writer, author, cartoonist, mother, g-mama, on 4th July 2021 at 9:55am, from my own "private"apartment using my own equiment I bought including computers/tablets/routers/laptops/chromebook/smartphones/cell phones/home phone/ and ethernet internet into my apartment.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...