This is a correction to previous posts based upon:; about March for Life in Washington DC; with quote: "The annual March for Life Rally is from noon-1pm on January 22, 2014 and as customary, will be on the National Mall. We are planning an exciting line-up of speakers. We will also have a warm up event/concert in the hour leading up to the Rally. More information will be provided as we get closer to the event." This paragraph amends the following paragraph, which I am leaving in place to document an attack on the prlofe news sources:
This is a reminder that the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC will be held on January 18th, 2014; or on Jan 21st or on Jan 22nd; depending upon which newsletter you read. The says Jan 22nd. The "washingtonmarchforlife" site says Jan 21st. The #prolife newsletter said Jan 18th. It is important that whoever is organizing that event correct the misinformation on the web that lists THREE different days for the same March. I am sure that confusion is caused by the prodeathers breaking into the online hosting accounts of #prolife people. . Life News had a nose count of 650,000 planned attendees. That's a good event, but it is not enough. Prolifers have to unite all of the #prolife organizations across the U S. and coalesce into a force to be reckoned with at the Congressional level; and amongst the donors that pay the mega-bucks to finance a federal election such as the Gates Foundation, the Soros "open __________" ngo but remember that Gates Foundation and Soros are NOT prolife! Do all possible to undermine the shadow government of Planned Parenthood killing ngo. I ask all that can go to DC [physically and financially] to do so, and stand and be counted for the rights of the preborn humans to be born alive. Saving the baby humans from deliberate, premeditated slaughter is a cause near and dear to GOD's heart.
Also, remember, there are other things you can also do to make a difference in the battle for the lives of the tiny humans. You can:
1) write letters to your local newspaper to the Letters to the Editor section & defend the right to life.
2) Make posters and banners and put them in your front yard, on your blogs, on websites, on windshields.
3) Write songs, poems, prose, make videos for the right to life of the preborn humans.
4) Publish the first, and 14th Amendments of the U S Constitution since they give the right to petition the government for redress of grievances and the right to life , liberty and equal treatment as other humans ["persons"] in the law.
5) Write on blogs, and tweet info often on the right to life, the issues, and events in #prolife community.
6) Have only #prolife medical doctors for your family & make it known.
7). Stop buying Microsoft products to stop the flow of $$$ to the Gates annihilation-of-humans' plan.
8). Create clay models of the stages of human development for the #prolife cause and as science projects for schools.
9. Start a #prolife chapter at your school, volunteer to be the leader; organize it, develop leadership skills.
10. Enter the National Right to Life essay contest [deadline Jan 22, 2014] and write your reasons for being prolife. {For high school & middle school].
11. Paint , draw, sketch prolife symbols, and living and happy human babies to encourage women to have living babies and not dead ones.
12. Contribute $$$$$ to the #prolife news organizations including Life News & LifeSite News.
13. Ask your Pastor, rabbi, or Imam to defend his refusal to discuss the issue from the pulpit.
14. Abandon the not-for-profit status of your organization, so IRS cannot hassle you or persecute you.
15. P.U.S.H * for the Congress to call a Constitutional amendment for personhood status of the humans in the womb to be declared legal "persons" [since they are real persons from fertilization] so they are automatically protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
16. Pray, pray, pray for GOD HIMSELF to end abortion as a so-called "right" as declared by wicked Supreme Court who tried to defy GOD. GOD wrote in stone, "thou shalt not kill". Exodus 20:13,kjv.
17. Ask for a hearing of your local school board, go to it, ask them to remove Planned Parenthood fake instructors who are brain-washers, from all classrooms and clinics & to ban Planned Parenthood literature from campuses.
18. Enroll in anatomy & physiology, genetics, human development, obstetrics, neonatology courses in Universities to educate yourself.
19. Write books promoting the right to life as the next civil rights issue.
20. Petition the news agencies to send photographers to abortuaries to photograph the babies they kill and to publish the stats, and the photos.
21. Petition the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to stop funding "secretive" embryo research.
22. Follow the known #Prolife tweeters and retweet their tweets to get the word out of events and resources. Some of those including me are: @prolife; @nrtl; @ProlifeNurse; @personhoodUSA; @personhoodMS; @personhood1; @Lifenews; @lifesitenews.
23. Businesses and TV stations should stop supporting Planned Parenthood and the leaders of the radical femi-nazis who think that slaughtering innocents somehow "empowers them". It's as sickening as the idea that gassing the Jews "empowered" Hitler.
24. Be a sidewalk counselor at abortuaries to try to persuade women not to kill their babies.
25. Hand out brochures at your local mall, at festivals, parades, picnics to all who would take them, with photos of tiny humans in amniotic sac, in one piece [not butchered].
These are some of my ideas but I am sure there are others.
Also, I am continuing to paint on my ethnic series that I began in year 2007. You can see the most recent oil painting I painted in that series at: and I named it, "English Tea Party". Also, I have sketched a new sketch for that series also, and will add it to a blog somewhere soon probably. You can also see art I created on these blogs of mine:; [Midwifery lesson with my oil painting of midwife delivery baby];
Also, I have other #prolife blogs and they are: ;[It's about ending abortion];
Copyright: I Gloria Poole, RN artist, own all rights to all art I have created; whether or not I display it anywhere; including on this blog and on any public display anywhere or blog or website or twitter page, for any reason, on any platform, with any medium on any surface; with any tool. I am also known on art I create as Gloria signed by me in script with paint or inks on oil paintings, and as Gloria Poole on some sketches; and on the web as: gloriapoole; gloria0817; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gpoole817; gloriapoole1749; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN;Gloria Poole; Ms Gloria Poole; Poole,Gloria; and other variations of my real, born with and legal name of Gloria Poole. I am white, Christian, a woman, single [divorced from men twice] and the natural/ biological mother of 2 daughters who are Jennifer & Leigh. I also have a Registered Nurse license in Missouri and draw, sketch, paint as artist in all mediums. I was born in the state of Georgia & am a U S citizen. I am republican and prolife always. Also, the photo of me in my front room in yr 2011 that you see in the "about me" column is not my most recent photo. The photo of me in my front room in spring 2013 is at the top of the blog page and I am wearing a red/ white/ black sweater also sitting in front of a different batch of paintings that I painted. And also, some of my blogs have my photo from Jan 2010 in which I was wearing a grey wool ladies winter hat and a pashmina scarf around my neck. All three of those photos are of me Gloria Poole.
Gloria Poole, RN artist, at my apt in Missouri, which is my only residence; 4-Jan-2014 at 2:31pm.Updated by me Gloria on 5-Jan-2014 at 1:59pm.
Updated again by me on 7-Jan-2014 at 2:49pm with:
I Gloria Poole
, RN artist logged back into this post of mine to add some very important information for republicans and #prolife people, including me in those 2 categories:
From news sent to my inbox on 7- Jan-2014:
Quote from the Washington Times: "In an unprecedented show of opposition to abortion, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is delaying the start of the party’s annual winter meeting so he
and other committee members can join the March for Life on the Mall, The Washington Times has learned.
Mr. Priebus, a plain-spoken Greek Orthodox lawyer from Wisconsin, will join members of his party’s national committee and thousands of other abortion opponents in the annual right-to-life march scheduled for Jan. 22, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that declared abortion a constitutional right.
I realize that the date given in this article is not the same date as what I read earlier. I think that annual March is always on a Saturday to allow more to attend. So that would be the 18th which is what was published by a prolife news letter earlier. So verify the date of annual march on the National Right to Life website, which is I logged back in a 4th time because I looked at the National Right to Life website and it is a hopeless morass with no mention whatsoever of the March. I think it was captured by enemy forces. It does not surprise me that the confusion exists. One of the BIG LIES of the killing ngo named wrongly, Planned Parenthood, [since they do not plan for anyone to be a parent], is that the premeditated slaughter of the preborn is "settled law". It is no more "settled" than slavery was. It will be overturned one way or the other, I am sure of that, because GOD IS and HE is not mocked. Read Genesis 9:6, Galatians 6:7; Exodus chapter 20; Matthew 18: 14 in The King James Holy Bible for the scriptures that convince me that the U S will undo the Roe decision either peacefully or via civil war, brought about by GOD. Read the Bible and don't be fooled by atheists murderers on the payroll of Planned Parenthood killing machinery.
Read more:
Follow The Washington Times which is more prolife than the Washington Post at: @washtimes on Twitter" .
Also, I quote Wall St Journal: : "When Chief Justice John Roberts announces, on the morning of Jan. 15, that the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCullen v. Coakley , the stage will be set for the court to address one aspect of the searing national debate about abortion. The case isn't about the scope of legal protection for that procedure, but about what limits may be placed on speech on public streets near medical facilities in which abortions are performed. McCullen v. Coakley presents the court with an opportunity to reconsider what may well be its most indefensible First Amendment ruling so far this century."
Read entire article at:
Updated by me Gloria Poole, RN artist on 7-January-2014 at 2:46pm with info in last 2 paragraphs this post.
Updated by me Gloria Poole, RN artist at my apt in Missouri on 11-January-2014 at 8:41am, to leave this post on top for a while yet, til many see the time and date and info about March for LIFE, and the ways they can get involved. Also, note for the record that I am white, a woman, single [divorced twice] and the natural [biological] mother of two daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh, and the grand-mother of course to their minor children born to them with their husbands; and a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist in oils, acrylics, watercolors, powdered pastels, inks, goauche, pencils, charcoal, tempera; and a citizen journalist, blogger, pet, writer, photographer for the glory of GOD; and for advancing the prolife cause, and of course for my own name and reputation as an artist and RN.
Updated info: on 12-January 2014: I am aware that the prodeathers tried to use the death of my mother MJBP to try to wipe me off the web because of my prolife blogging and tweeting. I know they attempted to prevent my words and photos that I took in an effort,to censor me illegally for labeling that old Hillary a jezebel, which is defined in the book of Revelations; and she qualifies for that label according to Bible. And also because I posted medical photos of tiny eight weeks in the womb human beings on a blog of mine at You should view those photos so the attempt by the prodeathers to squelch my protest against premeditated slaughter of innocents-in-wombs would be in vain.
Also, according to #Google stats, I have viewers in U.S., France, Austria, Russia, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Germany, Moldova, and Romania. So, I am grateful to be reaching around the world with the prolife message and with art I create, So, thanks to those viewers. You can email me at gloriapoole at gmail dot com. Or contact me via my landline wired telephone in Missouri. The photo you see at the top of this blog is me Gloria Poole and is a selfie that I photographed in spring 2013. The messy drawing board to the right of me is not solveable because I paint on it too at times and have paint on it and solvent does not remove it because of its' surface. So, I showed you viewers a work space of mine where I often draw sketches and a portion of my apartment in Missouri.
Updated with new background and some additions to the content by me Gloria Poole , on 12-January-2014 at 11:24am.
*Footnote: P=Pray U=until S=something H=happens.