Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thank GOD for GOOGLE & Picasa

Today, I uploaded some of my photos of art I created, and of genre photos and of photos of me to my Picasa albums. It is necessary to write about it here because I also found an album amongst mine that was not created by me and that should not be included in my albums with my name on it. More on that later*.

You may see my albums that I began in yr 2008 [or 2007] at these sites:





https://picasweb.google.com ... also has a total of five albums I created . https://picasaweb.google.com/115334933480582884622

And RSS feed of one of those is:


I updated my Picasa albums listed in my name written as gloriapoole today but haven't yet updated the Picasa album(s) I created on https://picasaweb.com/gloria0817. But will soon.

* footnote:

CAUTION: WARNING! Also if you see an album named "scrapbook" amongst those do NOT open it. Scrapbook is not an album I created and it has content and user names on it I had never seen before,or heard of, and have no idea how or when it got included with my albums; except to say it was a criminal hacker's effort. I do NOT vouch for the users who broke into my account nor for photos or origins or user names in the album= scrapbook. I am adding this paragraph as a warning about it, and for law enforcement since they can track the hackers with the photos that were added by cyber-criminals to my albums.

Gloria Poole, RN and artist; @ my apt in Missouri; 2:20pm; 11-June 2013. Gloria Poole is my real born with name and I was born in the state of Georgia and also educated there several times! I am the white, Christian, single woman [divorced twice] who is a mother and grandmother,blogger, writer, poet, republican, prolifer, R.N. and artist, photographer and whose photo you see on this blog .

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

I drew this, painted it, signed it, put year and my town on it and photographed it on my drawing board [see metal clips to left] with sever...