Normally I create art of a more serious nature, for instance the 'ethnic paintings" series I painted over several years that includes about 20 paintings in oils and probably about 40 sketches in varied mediums.
Copyright belongs to me Gloria Poole; aka: gloriapoole, gloria0817, gpoole817, gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloriapoole1749; gloria.poole; gloria_poole; gloria-poole;probably other variations of my real born-with name of Gloria Poole since I have had an online presence since about 1993.
I am the white, Christian, single, woman/mother/RN/artist/writer/blogger/poet/prolifer who was born in Georgia and I currently live in Missouri. But I lived in other states, and in the UK briefly. I have painted/ sketched/ drawn cartoons, sketches, oil paintings since early 1990's on a semi-regular basis; but I actually had some formal training in drawing and mixing oil paints, and also some observation with a professional portrait artist in Atlanta Georgia yrs ago.
Gloria Poole @ my apt in Missouri; 9_June-2013 @ 11:29am.