Friday, July 27, 2012

Save The Baby Humans-vote Prolife;Update

The news reports that there are only 100 days left in the run up to November campaign. I am praying that somehow by the grace of GOD that Obama is removed from office in that election. He is the worst President in the history of this nation because as did Herod in the Bible, he has laid a plan to depopulate America with taxpayer money. They called it 'tribute money' in the Bible. It brought the end of the Roman era then and it will bring the end of the U S as we know it, unless Obama is defeated in November.

I ask you, as a born again believer in The Living Lord Jesus, that you remember the words of JESUS as you stand at the voting booth. JESUS said, 'even so, it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." Matthew 18:14, KJV. I am certain that includes the little ones in the womb also.

How you vote, what you do, the words you speak, matter. JESUS also said, 'for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matthew 12:37,KJV. There are pages and pages of references to your words in the Bible. Some of them you should look up are : Job 6:25, Psalms 19:14; Psalms 55:21; & John 8:47, KJV. Please be listed in God's book of life by choosing GOD and choosing to obey GOD instead of wicked politicians like Obama.

Please remember tat tiny humans in the womb have no voice but the one given to them by their mothers, fathers & GOD-fearing people. Please help save the human race. Please save the baby humans in the womb by 1) voting prolife; 2) supporting financially prolife causes; 3) by writing on blogs, twitter, letters to Editors in support of human life and opposing the heinous sin of abortion. 4) by marching and protesting for the civil rights of the preborn humans--which is this generations' civil rights issue. 5) by running for political office if you are prolife, have a backbone of steel to take on the Goliath of the Abortion Industry, and courage from GOD HIMSELF.

The future of America depends on the voters of America, the good people to vote their consciences and not be deceived by all the talk of the economy. The removal of blessings from a nation is about the first volley in God's arsenal to cause a nation to see things His way. The economy is the symptoms of the disease of a Godless nation led by an unbeliever who gets bribes, dividends, kickbacks, stolen cash from a variety of evil sources including 'speaker's fees' from Planned Parenthood, for the purpose of implementing evil to destroy America.

Please pray and ask GOD what you should do to help this cause. And please vote prolife in the coming elections. It matters. Your vote matters very much to the unborn/preborn.

Gloria Poole,RN; at my apt in Missouri; 27- July-2012; 6:41pm. Updated on 7-Aug-2012 @ 5:51 pm to add this: I also updated my site at : today. And just so you know I do NOT have a Facebook account or a Pinterest account and NEVER did. I also do not have any affiliation with the University of Missouri, and neither Facebook, or Mizzou should not be putting tracking cookies on my computers.

Spring has sprung boating time sketch by #Gloria

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