Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Celebrate the New Year be happy from Gloria Poole,RN,artist,Springfield Missouri

This is a photo of me Gloria Poole,RN,artist in red blouse of/in Springfield Missouri, and the man behind me is married to my daughter Leigh.This photo was photographed by my 11 yr old grandson photographed using a smartphone of mine, at my request. This photo is from 19thDec2021 and is my most recent on web.
Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice below.

Before I forget, a public thank you to new friends this year, and to all of my loyal through the years viewers of art I create. I wish y'all a blessed and safe and happy 2022!

My hand-written copyright notice. Copyright. Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole ,Springfield Missouri 29Dec2021, see hand-written notice below.

Reviewing the past is the auld lang syne of the annual new year's events, so I am re-posting art I created in the past to remind all of you of it. This review includes an oil painting I painted, clip art I created, and a photograph I photographed at the Columbia Missouri botanical gardens. Enjoy this review.

As a fun review of art I have created in the past at different places and displayed publicly ["The Angel with guitar" oil painting that I painted,which is huge, and I displayed it in a Museum in Georgia] and some of what I named "clip art" that I created with a graphics program on various devices of mine, including a panda, and a really fun one that is "kid on trampoline". Scroll all the way down to see it--you'll recongize it if you know what a trampolne is.

This is my very first ever effort to create a sense of motion with a cartoon:

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

photo-by-gloriapoole; Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria"; "photo-by-gloriapoole; Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gpoole817; gloria0817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria" Springfield Missouri; 29Dec2021. See my hand-written copyright notice above.

I have recently updated my

and other blogs in past month of

And other blogs of mine updated in autumn 2021 include:

Each blog is different because I create them one by one at different times, different days for different reasons. Some promote the christian commandment that "thou shalt not kill"as written in Exodus 20:13,KJV, which of course includes humans in the womb. Some promote my name Gloria Poole / gloriapoole; and art I create or photos I photograph. One of my blogs teach public health principles. One of my blogs promotes/helps publicize family friendly entertainment as a public service. Some are general purpose discussing investments, public laws, the U S Constitution; my ideas on what America needs to continue as a mighty nation. I linked my blogs in the past but I quit doing that because it caused enormous problems by making it too easy for criminal hackers. For the record, I have telephones. Because I don't publicly post the numbers some people assume I don't have them. I don't post them because when I did, it opened a flood gate of spam/phishing/hacking into every online account of mine. I also have a home phone with a 417 area code.

Posted today 29Dec2021 at 7:52am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist , in my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, with my own computer/router/keyboard,skills, and content. Also for the record I OWN the big digital camera I use at times to take photos and I own EVERY memory card in any device of mine and I am lawfully allowed to post my OWN created content. First Amendment liberties of U S Constitution gives me thos rights to publish my religious, political, artistic, actions in almost any form.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...