Friday, December 17, 2021

Merry Christmas to all, from me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Springfield Missouri

Photo-by-gloriapoole; I photographed this photo yesterday as I was setting up my table for my Christmas dinner last night. I had the most fun this year picking the menu, picking 5 new foods from web or cookbooks to try from different places in world,and some traditional recipes, and cooking them. Some of them were not exactly to specs! I almost burned one of them. A certain 3 year old told me ït's all right if you almost burned it, it still tasted good"! I was astonished. And grateful. The other photos on this page include one of me taking photos with camera and being reflected in mirror on my wall, and one of me that someone else photographed using my camera; and my copyright notice. All of these are in my apartment in Springfield Missouri

photo-by-gloriapoole. Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole.RN/ press.gloriapoole/ webmaam.gloriapoole/ gloria.poole10/ gpoole817; gloria0817; gloria.poole0817/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole,Gloria/gloriapoole/ artist-gloriapoole/ gloriapoole-paintings/photo-by-gloriapoole. See my handwritten notice below.

photo-by-gloriapoole. Gloria Poole. Copyright.

photo-by-gloriapoole Gloria Poole. Copyright.

photo-by-gloriapoole. Gloria Poole. Copyright.

photo-by-gloriapoole. Gloria Poole. Copyright .

I am updating some of my blogs now that my Christmas dinner is over. It takes a really long time to plan a dinner party. At least it does for me. I "tinker" with ideas and recipes and test them first usually. My daddy loved to have big celebrations with a feast and I grew up in that environment and it's fun to me. I hope all have a wonderful Christmas. Please remember that Christmas means a celebration of the Messiah who came to earth in the same form we humans do, to make Himself real to humans and who as an adult died on cross as the sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the world and then rose to heaven where He is alive forevermore. I read my Holy Bible and all of that info I just summarized is written in Holy Bible in great detail in Luke chapter two and in book of Revelations [about being alive in heaven] and as a continuing record of God's relationship with humans whom He created. Keep ever in your mind that GOD created you each and every one, and formed you in the womb [Jeremiah 1:5, KJV] and knows you by name and what you do and say is recorded in God's book [according to Revelations. I prefer the King James Holy Bible.

Oter blogs of mine are :

and others also. See other blogs. Each blog post is unique. I do not conform them to each other. And some have purpose pf promoting public health, and some have purpose of promoting art I create and or photos I photograph; and some have purpose of commenting on politics and the prolife cause of ending the heinous crime agains thumanity of "legal"abortion. I put legal in quoyes for 2 reasons: it wasn't legal because it does NOT exist in the U S Constitution nor the amendments; and 2) I believe humans cannot make lawful what GOD has condemned as sin against Him.

Posted by me,Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse/artist/writer/blogger/photographer/white/christian/unmarried woman/U S citizen by birht, today 17Dec2021 at 9:26am; from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri using my own computer/router/equipemtn and my own content [photos, camera, art, words] and my own typing on keyboard skills.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...