Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rockets create heat generating dynamo that flames up temps,

This afternoon I, Gloria Poole, researched to find some answers to questions about the heat wave that hit Springfield Missouri this week. I have a scientific theory and I set out to see if I could prove it. So I began with these questions :

Question 1: Are heat waves mechanically produced somehow by crazy groups trying to control the climate?

Question 2: are heat waves generated by blast off of rockets that doesn't escape the atmosphere but lingers as an exhaust?

Question 3: is hydrogen rocket fuel heavier than air so it lingers above earth instead of dissipating in the stratosphere??

Question 4: how close in time are heat waves to rocket launches?

Question 5: what's the temperature of the hydrogen blast from the rocket at launch?

Question 6: how many rocket launches in 2022? Answer= hundreds or thousands, see :

A: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_spaceflight_launches_in_January–June_2022; w/ 15 rocket launches during last week of June 2022;

So I looked up lots of info and because I arrived at a conclusion I am curious to see if people who are brighter than I am and who know about Jet Propulsion and hydrogen more than I do [which I admit it not a high bar to vault] would add to this research so the answer is revealed? I am posting here the research I found and at the bottom my conclusion so great thinkers can know where I got my ideas.

On topic of question 1: are heat waves mechanically produced by crazy groups trying to manipulate the climate?

Quote : "Another possible explanation we need to consider is that the changes in higher-order moments of the temperature time series (i.e., weather) lead the hot days to be clustered closer together, increasing the proportion of compound days. Changes in higher-order moments would likely reflect more complex and local mechanisms, such as land-atmosphere interactions or circulation changes ..."

Altogether, in the present climate when a heat wave occurs, it likely requires a system with some memory (i.e., blocking high) to create an increase in temperature sufficiently large and long lasting."



On question 2, are heat waves generated by the hydrogen blast from rockets?

Quote: "When the propellant is ignited, the hydrogen reacts explosively with oxygen to form: water! Elementary!

2H2 + O2 = 2H2O +

This “green” reaction releases massive amounts of energy along with superheated water (steam). The hydrogen-oxygen reaction generates tremendous heat, causing the water vapor to expand and exit the engine nozzles at speeds of 10,000 miles per hour! All that fast-moving steam creates the thrust that propels the rocket from Earth."



Question : " What happens to hydrogen released into the atmosphere?

Quote: "In the upper atmosphere, hydrogen may moisten and cool the stratosphere, slowing down the recovery of the ozone layer. In the lower atmosphere, hydrogen may hasten the build-up of the greenhouse gases: methane and ozone and hence contribute to climate change.Oct 7, 2018"[google search]; 5 jul 2022;2:19p"

" This review has identified two global atmospheric disbenefits from a future hydrogen economy: stratospheric ozone depletion through its moistening of the stratosphere, and contribution to climate change through increasing the growth rates of methane and tropospheric ozone. ... * Although it is not a pollutant in its own right, hydrogen can take part in atmospheric chemical reactions * in the lower and upper atmospheres and these chemical reactions may lead to environmental damage. * In the upper atmosphere, hydrogen may moisten and cool the stratosphere, * slowing down the recovery of the ozone layer. In the lower atmosphere, hydrogen may hasten the build-up * of the greenhouse gases: methane and ozone and hence contribute to climate change. * Hydrogen therefore has the potential to cause global environmental impacts both * on the stratospheric ozone layer and on climate change .. * Because hydrogen is a homonuclear diatomic molecule, it possesses no dipole moment, * it does not absorb infrared radiation and therefore is not a direct greenhouse gas. This review has identified two global atmospheric dis-benefits from a future hydrogen economy: stratospheric ozone depletion through its moistening of the stratosphere, and contribution to climate change through increasing the growth rates of methane and tropospheric ozone. These two dis-benefits stem from the consequences of the main atmospheric removal process for hydrogen (H2), namely the reaction of hydrogen with hydroxyl (OH) radicals in reaction (1): ... The main sink identified for hydrogen is oxidation by OH radicals in reaction (2): OH+H2 →H2O+H (1). Crutzen (1974) then went on to link the tropospheric chemistry of methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ozone, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and organic compounds through their reactions with OH radicals. He showed how there is a steady state distribution of tropospheric OH radicals that provides efficient sinks for a range of trace gases. He showed how the life cycles of methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and ozone were intimately coupled together to maintain a steady state of OH radicals. In doing so, he laid the foundations for all subsequent descriptions of tropospheric chemistry and our understanding of the build-up of the two most important greenhouse gases after carbon dioxide: methane and tropospheric ozone. "

* https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/760538/Hydrogen_atmospheric_impact_report.pdf;


Question: " Is the stratosphere warmed by the ozone layer?

The stratosphere increases in warmth with elevation because ozone gases in the upper layers absorb intense ultraviolet radiation from the sun.May 19, 2022"

Question: Why does the stratosphere cool when the troposphere warms?

Quote: "These aerosols are reflective and increase the albedo of the planet. This reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface and therefore cause a cooling in the troposphere. However, they also absorb some radiation, and so in the lower stratosphere, they actually cause a warming"

[google search] 5Jul2022;2:32pm

" Because molecular hydrogen freely moves up and mixes with stratospheric air, the result would be the creation of additional water at high altitudes and, consequently, an increased dampening of the stratosphere. This in turn would result in cooling of the lower stratosphere and disturbance of ozone chemistry, which depends on a chain of chemical reactions involving hydrochloric acid and chlorine nitrate on water ice....

Uncertainty remains about the effects on the atmosphere because scientists still have a limited understanding of the hydrogen cycle. At present, it seems likely such emissions could accumulate in the air. Such a build-up would have several consequences, chief of which would be a moistening and cooling of the upper atmosphere and, indirectly, destruction of ozone. In this respect, hydrogen would be similar to the chlorofluorocarbons (once the standard substance used for air conditioning and refrigeration), which were intended to be contained within their devices, but which in practice leaked into the atmosphere and attacked the stratospheric ozone layer....

But if the atmosphere is the big player, the stratospheric cooling and destruction of ozone modeled in this Science paper are more likely to occur."


5July2022; 2:39pm

Now, this next article clinched the idea in my mind that a rocket launch does indeed create a heeat generating dynamo that raises the temperature of the atmospheric air perhaps for hundreds of miles around it.

Quote:'What made Faraday’s device work were three key ingredients: a magnetic field (created by the two magnets), a conductor (the copper disc), and motion. Combining those three, he had discovered that moving a conductive material within a stationary magnetic field – or moving a magnetic field around a stationary conductor – will start an electric current flowing.

Eventually, scientists discovered each of those three ingredients operating on Earth at a much larger scale.... the Earth itself was a giant magnet.

Astronomers began mapping Earth’s magnetic field, and by 1701, English astronomer Edmond Halley, charting the Atlantic with his compass, produced the first map of Earth’s magnetic field....

Since we now know Earth’s magnetic pole shifts over time, these lines are not stable – scientists update the World Magnetic Model every five years.

As of 2019, the magnetic north is moving towards Siberia at a rate of about 34 miles (55 km) per year....

n 1820, Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted had observed that running an electric current through a conductive wire deflected the needle of a nearby compass, effectively “wiggling” the magnetic field it sensed. Faraday’s dynamo machine, constructed 11 years later, showed how a wiggling magnetic field could induce a current. Magnetic fields, motion, and electricity – the three went together. If that was right, then the wiggling compass needles on Earth might mean that somehow, an electric current was running overhead. But where that current was coming from, and the conductor it was traveling through, was far from clear.

In 1882, English scientist Balfour Stewart penned an Encyclopedia Brittanica entry that correctly identified the source, though it was conjecture at the time. A part of the upper atmosphere itself, he wrote, might be conductive – the air above us could become electrified....

As World War I created a need for long-distance radio communication, experimenters discovered that radio signals could travel between continents – around the curvature of the Earth – by somehow bouncing off of the sky.

The only viable explanation for their success was a reflective – that is, conductive – layer of the atmosphere.... In 1927, English physicist Edward Appleton studied those radio signals to confirm that there was indeed an electrically conductive layer of the atmosphere.

(He called it the “E-layer,” for “electrically conductive”.) Over the following decades, several more sublayers of what became known as the ionosphere – where Earth’s atmosphere contains substantial populations of charged particles, ions and electrons – would be discovered and characterized. The second component of Earth’s atmospheric dynamo, the conductive ionosphere, had been found....

The discovery of the final component of the atmospheric dynamo, the source of motion, would have to wait for the space age, when rockets, balloons, and early satellites could measure atmospheric winds. In 1970, systematizing two decades of data, space physicists Sydney Chapman and Richard Lindzen developed the theory of atmospheric tides, the key to the ionosphere’s pulsing currents.

The idea was that as the Sun beats down on Earth, its heat radiates back upwards. In response, the entire atmosphere expands. A high-flying observer would experience this expansion as strong gusts of wind.

When those winds reach the base of the ionosphere, where the Sun’s radiation separates neutral particles into electrically charged ions and electrons, they push them along too. As a result, the ionosphere – a conductor – moves against Earth’s magnetic field, swishing to and fro with the wind.

“With these key ingredients together, the force of the wind pushing on those ions and electrons in the presence of Earth's magnetic field, we can get a current flowing in the Earth's upper atmosphere,” said England. “That's what we call the dynamo.”

“We’ve come a long way since Faraday’s time,” Pfaff said. “After two centuries of research, it is exciting to journey into space and observe dynamos that are part of our natural environment."


Credits: E. Halley/Princeton Library Historic Maps Collection;


Question: what part does the sun play in the heat generating dynamo?

Quote : " MaGIXS is a specialized scientific instrument designed to peer at the Sun in X-ray light that is invisible to the human eye. Focusing in on the Sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, MaGIXS will scan an active region – where solar eruptions such as flares and coronal mass ejection often form – to measure its X-ray emissions in high resolution. The data will help scientists understand how active regions form and become heated to multi-million degree temperatures."



My first conclusion :

I thnk the rocket in motion creates the same effect as the spinning coil in this diagram:


Question : define a dynamo:

Quote: "A dynamo is an electrical generator that creates direct current using a commutator. Simply put, a device that makes direct current electric power using electromagnetism. It is basically a DC generator, i.e. an electrical machine which converts mechanical power into direct current electrical power."

So I also think the hydrogen blast from rocket could be captured in some way to contain/ prevent the heat wave caused by the atmospheric dynamo.

My conclusion: Rockets create a heat generating dynamo: by supplying the source of motion across the magnetic field and the conductive ionasphere. Problem solved to so-called climate change. So what to do about it?

Capture the hydrogen blast from rockets to prevent cooling the statosphere; limit rocket launches to unpopulated areas to prevent heat wave over humans, Channel the atmospheric dynamo generated heat into a storage battery for cities.

I am very curious about all of this and think the problem of heat waves with temps in the 100s can be solved, so I am posting my ideas and how I arrived at them for others to read. If you have ideas on these questions and conclusions please email me at .

I have also updated other blogs of mine recently with different content, including:






















and possibly others which I have written in my paper books but which are not on my mind this minute.

Selfie of me Gloria Poole earlier this year 2022. Copyright Notice. I own all rights to all content/art/words/sketches/cartoons/poems/articles/blog posts/paintings/drawings/photographs I create for any reason in any place I have lived whether or not i display it publicly.

My hand written copyright Notice. All rights reserved to me Gloria Poole; gloriapoole; Gloria; gloriapoole.RN; gloria0817; gpoole817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria"; Springfield Missouri; 5th July2022;8:17pm

Posted by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse/artist/photographer/cartoonist/white/unmarried/ twice-divorced/woman/writer/author/cartoonist/mother of 2 grown daughters and g-mama to 8 of various ages from 4 to 22. I am writing this on my own computer in my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, via the wired interent that comes into my apartment and my own router and my own skills and research.

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