Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Morning by Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Springfield Missouri

Sunday Morning

written by me Gloria Poole

a/k/a gloria0817; and gpoole817; and gloriapoole and gloria.poole and gloria_poole; on 11 Aug 2019:

Seven a.m.

Sunday morning

on my balcony.

From here

the stillness is palpable.

The quiet hangs

in the air

like a curtain.

No traffic

on the artery.

And the heliport beacon

flashes two at a time

in the morning fog.

A black bird

soars from its perch

on the edge of

a tall building

and spreads its wings

into elegant flight.

A lone car

sits in the parking lot

across the street

by the crepe myrtle

silhouetted by pink and green.

No human in sight

on the walking path

by the majestic trees

clothed in green

With branches reaching

to the heavens

like up-raised hands

of praise.

The city's night lights

are off

and look forlorn

against the blue-grey clouds.

Ah! I breathe in deeply

and feel the tension go.

I am safe

in this little niche corner

of the world

for the time being.

A yellow cab van

comes tentatively

down the artery

toward me

then past,

to their waiting human.

A butterfly fluttered by

and a jet

roars overhead

headed to outskirts

where airport is.

The copse of trees

to my left

are so impressive

that I study them

Every time

I sit on my balcony.

Two of them are pines,

the long leaf kind.

And they are side by side


like a married couple.

The branches of one

interspersed among the branches

of the other

and vice versa.

Ever green.

And the other two trees

tightly knit are different

and voluptuously full of leaves,

fuller at the top

blocking out the sky.

And I wonder,

"could I plant my peach trees there?"

Would the matronly looking tree

watch over them?

Or would the four sets

of roots starve them?

The top branches of the pines

have finger-like needles

on foot long skinny

stems of wood,

like hands with fingers spread

making a visual

against the brightening sky.

The storm cloud shaped like

a Pillsbury dough boy

of a dark grey

moves over the trees

and morphs before my eyes.

Someone's air conditioner

sounds like a jet

on the tarmac

revving up for take-off.

And I think,

"that air conditioner

is struggling to cool

the humid air."

The storm cloud

changes shape again

and now looks like

a rectangular box

with clothes thrown in,

with lumpy edges.

Traffic is beginning.

The hour has changed.

Now the storm cloud

looks like

a woman's wedding dress

With cap sleeves,

full bodice,

a bustle

and a long flowing skirt.

Then it dissolves.

The ribbon of the sidewalk

spanning the green

carpet of grass

curves to the left,

then back right

and then vanishes.

A car drives to the dumpster

and its trunk pops open

and a person exits

and removes two plastic bags

and puts them in

and then drives off.

And I think ,

"do people five hundred yards

from a dumpster

drive to it?"

It seems so.

Someone drives the artery

without a muffler,

and its raucous

this time of day.

A sound that diverts

my attention.

Now the dark clouds

are arranged

in front of me,

like eleven tree shapes

in a row!

I counted them.

"The heavens declare the glory of GOD"

The Holy Bible says,

and it's true.

The delicate blues, silver and greys

that are drops of water

arranged by GOD's own hand

always fascinate me.

The three flags

on the huge building

next to where

the black bird flew

are still,

just there

on their poles:

The U.S., the Missouri

and the family crest.

And I am reminded

of an image

I saw long ago.

Of The Queen's flag


from the turret,

to announce,

she's in residence.

The quiet is gone.

Cars, trucks and motorcycles

buzz by.

So does an ambulance.

The loud,loud

air conditioner

is back ON!

The spell is broken.

I, Gloria Poole/gloriapoole wrote this on 11 August 2019 but am reposting it just because I like it and it's Sunday morning at 11 minutes after midnite.

You may contact me via my 417 home tel in Missouri;  or via my smart phone nums if you know them; or by sending me email or creating new email to gloriapoole at, or by U S mail to my apartment in Springfield, Missouri. Also, I am the white, Christian, twice-divorced, Southern Baptist Christian woman whose real name is Gloria Poole , RN , artist; of Springfield,  Missouri but born in state of Georgia. 

I have also updated other blogs of mine including,P>,P>

and other blogs of mine also. Each is one of a kind. I changed the template for this blog on my previous post but it was not helpful to me it seems.

Posted on 20Feb2022 at 12:22am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, writer, white, twice-divorced, white, woman, christian, republican, U S citizen by birth from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri using my own iMac, my own router and my own skills and content I wrote. Also please see story I wrote and illustrated :

Here's a 2022 selfie of me :

Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; Springfield Missouri; 20Feb2022; 12:34am.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...