Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Speaking up for nurses, by Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Springfield Missouri

I have this lil plaque on my wall. I am posting a pic of it here because I recently read some very shocking statistics that THOUSANDS of nurses have been threatened, attacked,assaulted, in the past year, as part of a so-called "social protest" against covid vaccines/mask/quarantines. Nurses are not to blame for the pandemic! Or the government's response to it. Nurses generally speaking [and I am a Registered Nurse for most of my life because I graduated in that career at age 21] are the best friend a sick/injured/melancholy person could have. I am making this a little "social protest" against violence against nurses.

Also thanks to the U S Marshals Service for their help recently. God bless you all!

Selfie, me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse [R.N.] , artist , writer, blogger, mother, grandmother, divorced-twice,single-again, U S citizen, white woman, prolife activist, republican, christian, on a smartphone of mine, this year 2022. I am posting it here because I was sending it to my 2 grown daughters and a criminal stalker ripped it right off my smartphone so I had to resend it. Since I think some one NOT me is also using MY SELFIE, I realized the way to fight back is to post my selfie, that particular one stolen by a criminal who hacked a smartphone of mine] on a blog known to be mine. So here it is. It coulda/shoulda smiled! I get anxious about smartphones the more I research how they spy,control, manipulate, trick consumers. It is what it is, and I am the woman GOD has made me! Copyright. Gloria Poole / gloriapoole /gloriapoole.RN; Springfield Missouri; 9Feb2022; 4:48pm, see my handwritten- copyright ntoice below.

Another lil social protest of my own displayed by the drawing I drew. I think the entire concept that humans control the climate is nonsense. The Holy Bible says clearly that GOD controls the heavens in many scriptures through out the Bible. Those who worry about "the sky falling" or the glaciers melting just don't know God's ways. Think about it. When the glaciers melt, it raises the water table of the ocean, something ONLY God can do. The ocean is the water supply and salt supply for planet earth. Humans cannot survive without water or salt [NaCl in chemical notation].

My hand-written copyright. Specific copyright for me Gloria Poole / gloriapoole/ gpoole817/ gloria0817/ gloriapoole.RN; on Apple iMac, laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, Canon Camera, feature phones; chromebook; memory cards; Mass storage; cameras; phone memory; of all art; paintings; sketches; words; photography; "clip art"; poems, prose, essays, articles, drawings; created content of mine using any tool/brushs/pen/pencil/ink(s)/medium/ on any canvas, paper,board, bristol, digital gadget, camera. Copyright all content, words/art/paintings/sketches/drawings/poems/prose/essays/photos I created at any place I lived at any time for any reason with any method/technique/medium. Copyright. 4Feb2022;11:39am; Gloria Poole /gloriapoole ; gloriapoole.RN; Springfield Missouri.

I have also updated other blogs of mine including,P>

and others also, and each is unique one of a kind because I create posts one by one usually for a reason. Some of my blogs cover the news and events of the prolife cause which the entire world needs to get on-board with, to save the human race from premeditated annihilation. Some are about art I create or words I write. Some are about publishing bits of scripture to point people to The Living GOD.

Posted today 9Feb 2022 at 5pm, by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist, Springfield Missouri, from my own apartment using my own computer/router/keyboard,mouse,skills, and content I created.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...