Friday, April 9, 2021

AI sketch drawn by me Gloria Poole,RN,of Springfield Missouri

This is a sketch intended to question A.I., artificial intelligence. I think AI has the potential to destroy the western civilization [first then all civilizations ] if not regulated tightly. I am not the only person who thinks that, so google quotes about A.I. or put your thinking cap on. When mechanical methods use a predeteremined algorithym to decide who gets what, who matters, who can speak on any topic, who "deserves"life, it is a perilous situation. If you doubt that, read history books about how Nazi Germany under Hitler's reign used punch cards on computers to determine who was gassed to death and who was sent to concentration camps. I read about that in books, including The Nazi Doctors by Robert J Lfton, M.D. Also, when numbers are manipulated [statistics] to "prove">a predetermined outcome it is propaganda, not truth.
This is a selfie of me that I photographed with an electronic device of mine in Nov 2020. I wrote more on this as added my selfie i.e. underneath the selfie; but false AI [or criminal stalkers at remote] moved it to below copyright notice. So read it please. The criminal who breaks into my internet is a murderer who lives in a secret place unknown to me who uses stolen credentials from me to access my accounts. It is almost impossible for women to be safe on internet because internet is sexist and misogynist.

The photo of me with long brown hair that AI rearranged to make it look as if this paragraph was about my copyright notice is my selfie I photographed with an electronic device that I own and is a selfie of me in Nov 2020, just so you viewers can see how I look now. It's not great but because I am prolife there is an enormous effort by the AI censorship teams to prevent me from taking accurate selfies and or posting them. the enemies of GOD try to trick the world into thinking I don't exist! Some devices of mine when I take selfies turn me red and some add decades to my face using A.I> in their effort to prevent me from being allowed to be on internet. Some devices of mine simply prevent selfies. Other devices of mine stop the camera from working for any thing I try to photograph in effort to censor prolife writers. So, this selfie, unsmiling, no make-up, not prearranged background [but in my own apartment in Springfield Missour] happened to work that day so it is what it is.

Also, on the topic of the use of computer code to manipulate civilizations, here is a quote from Bloomberg“I do wonder whether at this point, Bitcoin should also be thought [of] in part as a Chinese financial weapon against the U.S.,” Thiel said at a Tuesday event. " Update few minutes later to add in this warning to all U S citizens who have paid into the Social Security network via wages withheld by employers of the US: Biden robbing Medicare and Social Security?

Read article :;

sent to me via email ; or that's when I read it on 9Apr 2021; 7:05am.

Also I am creating art almost daily and documenting it with my photography. I am also trying to stop i.d. thieves from stealing my name, my professional identity as a long-time, career Registered Nurse [now "retired"by trauma cause to me on purpose but on State of Missouri Board of Nursing registry still] and a white woman who works at improving my art-making skills almost daily. See COPYRIGHT NOTICE I wrote and photographed and uploaded to this blog of mine. I have other blogs also and I update them one by one.

Posted today 9th April 2021 at 7:31am by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri [and for most of my career in the state of GA] from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, which is still not shared with anyone, using my own equipment/computers/modems/etc!

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...