Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sketch by me Gloria of threat made to USA, by N Korea

This is my version I drew and painted of the threat made to the USA as a nation by North Korean in power, that was in the news, and my opinion of where the threat originates. I read the news and watch news videos almost daily, sometimes 2-3 times a day, depending on what morning news was. I don't like it when other countries threaten the United States! I am a U.S. citizen by birth in state of Georgia, and a 'patriot" through and through. My message to North Korea is don't mess with the United States! Socialist Biden may be President but this nation is made of true patriots in most instances who love this country and who have an attitude "that U.S. will kick your butt if you mess with us".

Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, photographer, author, writer, citizen journo, create all art /sketches/drawings/paintings that I post to my blogs; and I sign them,photograph them, upload them, and I own all rights to my content under copyright laws of USA and of E.U. You viewers may not download/copy/reprint/print/reproduce/save to your drives any content I create. Gloria Poole a.k.a.Gloria on art I create; and on web as gloriapoole; gloria0817; gpoole817; Ms Gloria Poole; "Poole,Gloria"; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN;gloriapoole-RN-artist; and also as some names such as words that WORK,LLP; Tapestry of LIFE, LLP; Life Media & Publishing, LLP; Springfield Missouri; 21st March 2021 at 8:51am.

You may see more art I have created on other blogs of mine and each is different since I create them one by one and use them for different purposes:

And read words I wrote on these blogs of mine:; my public health blog

Also, I am law -abiding always! I was taught as a child to respect authority, obey the law, or answer to my daddy. The persecution of me by those prodeathers who would be in federal prison if the laws applied to criminals, have not changed my attitude. Mainly because The Holy Bible says to obey the ordinances in the New Testament. It is not a crime to state/publish/voice my opinions on any topic. Nor is it a crime to protest the government in peaceful ways. [First Amendment liberties] . Nor is it a crime to create art to make known my opinions. I am a U.S. citizen and I have First Amendment liberties the exact same way every other U.S. citizen has. Being prolife does not " undo" my citizenship status nor my Constitutional protections. Being prolife is GOD's way and anyone who doesn't know that, does not know GOD HIMSELF, who created all human life in the womb according to Jeremiah 1:5, KJV.

Posted today 21st March 2021 [first day of spring, hallelujah JESUS!] at 9:01am , using my own equipment I bought, and in my own private apartment in Springfield Missouri, and with my own internet that comes into my apartment. I am NOT an employee of anyone! IF anyone says otherwise tell them to produce proof that they paid me anything, because employees get paid. The criminal i.d. thief trying to hijack my name, my art I create, and who broke into my apartment and stole from me at least 300bux of art supplies since Springfield Missouri musuem announced their watercolor contest are merely thieves--they are not my bosses, nor my friends, nor my "partners", nor my roommates, nor my anything! This sentence previous for documentation for the record and for the FBI, and Springfield Police Dept.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...