Monday, January 18, 2021

Civil War#2 upon U.S.?

I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist,writer, citizen journo, occasional photographer, am updating this blog back to back because this news seems urgent to me. These not-United States are at the precipice of civil war, I fear. I am not certain it can be avoided. All I can do as a citizen is sort of as the patriot of the American Revolution did, [hang a lantern in the watch tower to warn the townof the approaching of foreign military in Boston] so think of my efforts as warning of impending war if U.S. leadership is not wise in God's ways. And I do not think Biden is--I think he is ungodly and believes killing of human babies is a so-called right, as evidenced by his words and votes in US Senate for decades. Any person who thinks killing human BABIES is ok, won't bat an eye at killing humans in any method and is evil.

; These news quotes and the sources of them are compiled by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of /in Springfield Missouri: [ as usual since I live here alone, and am divorced twice]:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.


: “On Wednesday, they took Pelosi’s laptop… she's frantic. There were some people in there that were special forces mixed with Antifa, and they took her laptop, and they have that data,” retired Air Force lieutenant general Thomas McInerney said in a video included in this January 9 Facebook post."...

Asked about the laptop claim, Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, referred AFP to a January 8 tweet in which he wrote: “A laptop from a conference room was stolen. It was a laptop that was only used for presentations.”


More on that Pelosi laptop:

" The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating whether a Pennsylvania woman stole a laptop from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's office during last week's Capitol siege to sell it to Russia, a new affidavit said. ...The tipster said they saw Williams inside the Capitol Building and claimed that friends showed them a video of Williams stealing either a laptop or hard drive from Pelosi's office.  "[Witness 1] stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service," the affidavit said. "According to [Witness 1], the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it."

Business Insider ; 16Janu2021; 7:49am

FBI , Secret Service take note:

"Capitol Police officials are taking no chances this time around. They briefed House Democrats late Monday about a series of potential threats including plans for the “largest armed protest ever to take place on American soil” and an alleged plot to either block Democrats from reaching the Capitol or kill them outright so that Republicans could take over the government."...

On Tuesday, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin said the investigation’s scale was “unprecedented” for the Department of Justice, saying that he had empowered a “strike force” to pursue serious felony charges for sedition and conspiracy....."

17Janu2021; 9:35pm

And more on that :

"Even prior to the Jan. 6 insurrection, the FBI, as early as Dec. 29, had been apprised by confidential informants that, starting on Jan. 17, a “militant antigovernment movement” called the Boogaloo promised “armed, anti-government actions leading to a civil war.” The National Counterterrorism Center and Department of Homeland Security this week issued a bulletin that “domestic violent extremists” and “boogaloo adherents” intending to trigger a race war “may exploit the aftermath of the Capitol breach by conducting attacks to destabilize and force a climactic conflict in the United States.”...

described the trappings of the Boogaloo Boys: that they wore Hawaiian shirts under their body armor as a mark of solidarity at protests and marches; that they flew a variant of a Nazi war flag that symbolized a mythic nation called Kekistan; that they had taken on as mascot, maybe sort of as a joke, an internet meme called Pepe the Frog in honor of the Egyptian god of chaos and darkness, the frog-humanoid Kek. This is a movement that deliberately makes itself look comical in order to attract meme-poisoned teenagers with an “aesthetic of violence,” while outwardly downplaying the threat it poses....

However online and mimetic and ideologically incoherent the Boogaloo may be, says Schwilk, they are at the same time functioning as a kind of big tent of the extreme right with members who might also be Proud Boy street thugs, or Three Percent militia, or retired cops turned Oath Keeper, or white power fanatics (think Aryan Nations), or hard-right Christian militants (think Patriot Prayer), or QAnon crazies, or simply MAGA meatheads with guns....

When the second civil war explodes, as they imagine that it will, many members of all these groups–call them the Trumpenvolk–expect to coalesce while “the enemies of the right,” as Schwilk explains, are “exterminated by death squads clad in Hawaiian shirts.”...

17 Janu 2021; 9:36pm

"He noted that a National Security Council strategy document identified the Nordic Front, a neo-Nazi group spreading throughout Nordic countries, as a threat to the United States. “If the Nordic Front is a threat to the U.S., that means they have some connection to activities here. There are also [right-wing] extremist groups in Canada designated as terrorist organizations by our ‘Five Eyes’ allies, but they still operate with impunity here in the United States. That has to stop.”...

And now the ‘Battle of Capitol Hill’ has become symbolically important and central to right-wing mythology, and it will lead to more organizing and escalating threats from this movement, which we’re already seeing.”...

Credible threats to Biden’s inauguration ceremony on Jan. 20 have prompted the National Guard to deploy more soldiers to protect the U.S. Capitol building than are currently deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Even before the riot last week, the FBI reported having more than 1,000 active domestic terrorism investigations underway in all 50 states, the preponderance of them involving racially motivated, white supremacist terror.....

In that sense, what happened in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 was a beginning, not an end. In the minds of Trump’s hard-core supporters it was the beginning of a revolution.”


"The US Postal Service will remove some mailboxes and halt collection in several major cities as a safety measure ahead of next week's presidential inauguration"...

At least 14 post offices in DC will also be closed on Inauguration Day, the Postal Service said in a statement.

17Janu 2021; 10pm

This news video is very difficult to watch of events at Capitol:

Can you identify anyone in video? Call 1 800 Call FBI.

17 Janu 2021

"Department of Homeland Security acting deputy secretary Ken Cuccinelli assured "60 Minutes" that the 25,000 National Guard troops deployed to the nation's capital "have a statutory mission we're going to perform under all circumstances" even if Mr. Trump orders them to stand down.

"We all swore an oath to the Constitution," Cuccinelli said when asked if troops would serve the president or the Constitution. "That is first and foremost. And we take homeland security very, very seriously. We deal with a lot of curveballs of all kinds. And yet, we march forward to keep the American people as safe as we possibly can."

Last week, the FBI sent a bulletin to all 50 state governments warning that extremists were planning violence at Capitols across the country starting on January 16"

17 janu 2021; 9pm

Steven Sund was Chief of Capitol Hill Police until Pelosi demanded his resignation / "Steven Sund: They came with body armor, they came with helmets, they came with respirators.  They came with baseball bats, they came with pipes. They came with bear spray. They came with their own explosives. They came with climbing gear. They came well-prepared and coordinated. This was no less than a coordinated, violent attack on the United States Capitol....

Three days before the siege, an internal report by Sund's own intelligence unit, obtained by the Washington Post and confirmed by 60 Minutes, warned the rally of angry Trump supporters, white supremacists and militia members January 6th could erupt in violence, their rage focused on Congress. ...Because cell phones were so ubiquitous, authorities have a cache of digital evidence, about 140,000 pictures and videos so far. Many of the people who rampaged through the Capitol revealed themselves, posting their actions on social media. Now facing federal criminal charges:...

Oren Segal: What we saw on January 6th in D.C., in some ways, may have been the most predictable terrorist incident in modern American history. "

17 Janu 2021; 9:09pm

"Among the agency's leadership who remains is Ken Cuccinelli. The Acting Deputy DHS Secretary, also unconfirmed by the Senate, told Pelley the deployment of National Guard troops around the capital is a preemptive and preventative security measure.

"A lot of what you see, Scott, is confidence building," Cuccinelli said.  "Secret Service's plan was already very resilient for any threat like January 6th and many times it."

17 Janu 2021; 9:11pm

Some of the good things Pres Trump accomplished : "the Trump administration’s National Defense Strategy stands out as one of the most important defense policy shifts of the last generation, reorienting the American military to confront rising and increasingly aggressive powers Russia and China."...Already it has led to a reordering of the Pentagon budget and new investments supported by a bipartisan majority in Congress, including billions of dollars to beef up the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific....

Despite pressure from Democrats, unions and worker advocates, OSHA refused to set rules for worker safety during the pandemic. Republicans defended the decision by saying the burden on companies struggling to stay afloat amid the recession would be too great. In the absence of a standard, employers have only had to comply with a mix of optional guidelines, able to pick and choose what precautions they take....

his administration, led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, a devout Christian, found ways to expand federal support for religious schools and organizations at the Education Department. The move: DeVos tweaked a wide range of federal education policies, large and small, to bolster faith-based organizations. She changed regulations, for example, to make it easier for members of religious orders to access federal financial aid and expanded federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness to cover clergy members. And she created new protections for faith-based campus organizations at public universities...At the K-12 education level, DeVos stopped enforcing a policy that had prohibited religious organizations from providing publicly funded services—such as tutoring, technology and counseling—in private schools. And she opened up federal grants for charter schools to religiously affiliated organizations. [bad news Biden plans to undo support of religion] ...

Read article.It is about 30 good things Pres Trump accomplished for U.S.

18Janu 2021;7:32am

"Insurrection was in the air, and these citizen soldiers had been called up to secure the seat of government.

The date was April 27, 1861. The writer was surgeon of the 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia.Lincoln said that if the city had been as unprotected then as it was a week before it would have been taken.”...

“I have faith to believe that all our steps are ordered for the best,” he wrote. “Let our prayers mingle now as heretofore and all the blessing of a holy calm will descend, to strengthen us.”

17janu 2021; 8:50pm

Former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley in email to me: "STAND FOR AMERICA PAC is a political action committee laser-focused on the 2022 midterms and electing a conservative force to the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to serve as a bulwark against the liberal agendas of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi.

  Nothing is more important than defending our shared values.

  Because you and I know the Democrats describe their agenda as a “return to normalcy…”

  But there is nothing “normal” about an agenda focused on socialism, defunding the police, the Green New Deal, and Medicare for All."

17 Janu 2021; 8:15pm

Black activist who tried to say he broke into Capitol to film it was charged w/ crime:

17Janu 2021; 8:14pm

"Fortress Washington | Ahead of Biden’s inauguration, downtown Washington increasingly looks like it’s preparing for war. A huge swath of the area is blocked off, patrolled by uniformed National Guard forces as part of a buildup not seen since the Civil War. And the capital is getting even more fortified as federal, state and local officials brace for a worst-case scenario of violence tied to the Jan. 20 swearing-in ceremony."

17Janu 2021; 7:47am

I.T. news that is relevant to all of this news: "Last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol prompted Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Snap Inc. to ban the accounts of U.S. president Donald Trump for inciting violence and spreading false information about the country’s November election. This week, European leaders slammed the companies’ decision to expel the president, arguing that elected officials should be the only entities with the power to regulate speech.    On Sunday, EU Digital Commissioner Thierry Breton wrote in a Politico op-ed that “these last few days have made it more obvious than ever that we cannot just stand by idly and rely on these platforms’ good will.” On Monday, the French finance minister called big tech “one of the threats” to democracy, while a French junior minister told Bloomberg TV he was “shocked” by the decisions. And a spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the companies’ moves were “problematic,” adding that free speech should be only be limited within a “framework defined by the legislature—not according to a corporate decision.”...One idea Europe does seem to be able to agree on is that tech giants have too much power—that ethos turns up again and again in EU policy". Bloomberg; 18Janu 2021; 8:36am

Posted today 18th Janu 2021 at 8:56am by me Gloria Poole, from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, via my own equipment .Many of my electronic devices were hacked in run up to federal election last Nov 2020 and though they work, I could not connect them to my present connection. I have more than one method thank GOD!

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...