Saturday, December 12, 2020

Remember Jesus this Christmas from Gloria Poole,RN,in Springfield,Missouri

This is what I labeled my "clip art"that I drew with a mouse prior to today [years ago in fact. ] I am adding it here today because one of the photos I wanted to add was stolen off my computer. In fact all of my 2019 and 2020 photos that I photographed and uploaded to MY Apple iMac computer in my not shared apartment in Springfield Missouri, which is unplugged and offline for days at the time, seem to have been stolen off it by cyber-criminals. And I am adding that clip art drawing I created today because I mailed Christmas cards to some people and I wrote a message in them and signed them and this is acknowledgement of that. However, there is a fake "Gloria Poole"who is stealing my content. I am the real Gloria Poole and have a paper trail all the way back to my birth in Georgia, through two universities and a 26 year long career as Registered Nurse and another 20 year "career"as a creator of content. Stopping criminal stalker-thieves is going to take GOD HIMSELF to accomplish because the enemies of God have a lot of power since evil Biden was voted in by dimwits.

I wrote that paragraph to get to this one: Christmas celebration begins in 12 days. It is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus as told in the book of Matthew, and Luke in the Holy Bible. If you have never read those books in the New Testament [a testimony of the life of Jesus, The Messiah] I urge you too. I am Christian, white, woman, and divorced twice, and mother and grandmother of children from 2yrs -22 yrs! And I love them all. I have 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh who are also college educated and professionals. I am also very proud of them.I create art in a variety of ways and I posted much of it online and Google indexed much of it for me. Then cyber-thugs started stealng it by ripping it off my devices and computers by hacking into them, and it became less fulfilling to me to post it on web. Having my original art I created and photographed and my original photos stolen by i.d. thieves is not my idea of "good internet".

The 10th of December was also the first day of Hanukkuk, which the Holy Bible talks about as a perpetual feast holy day. I am aware of those celebrations and know some of their traditions first hand.

To sum up this post Merry Christmas to all everywhere, and happy Hanukkuk to Jewish friends.

Update today 21st December 2020 at 8:16am by me Gloria Poole, to remind everyone that at sunset today go outside and find the "Bethlehem star"or "Christmas star" which is really 2 planets Jupiter and Saturn coming within ten degrees of each other but from earth it looks as if it is one gigantic "star".

Also to remind readers that I have other blogs which I update also including: , which was hacked by criminals who stole much of the content of it; but I have it copyrighted with The Library of Congress on paper.,

and others also. Each is different. I have never conformed my blogs to each other. They are for specific purposes and I write/create each separately; one by one.

I have survived a massive cyber-attack on me and my name by the democrats who attack on web those who are prolife, republican and US citizens. Some of my electronic devics were treacherously installed with malware that pretended to be " automatic updates". One of the hacks of this Apple iMac of mine was to insert an underline along with the quote mark and criminal stalkers altered the keyboard space bar to be the enter key. I am slowly overcoming the cyberattack on me. The criminals who attacked my name with pron are going to be arrested, God willing!

This post and all content that was ever on this blog or any blog of mine is created and posted, and signed, uploaded, etc, by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, of Springfield Missouri [but before that I lived 10 years in Columbia Missouri and before that in other states including my home, native state of Georgia]. Today is 12th December 2020, at 7:55am

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...