Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Health care how too & other news of interest to Springfield Missouri

Compiled by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist,Springfield Missouri and posted to share with all , especially family & friends in far away places:

How to use a defibrillator: [video]

or at :https://emp.bbc.com/emp/SMPj/2.36.3/iframe.html

On web 23 Nov 2020; 8:15pm

Turn around, don't drown video how to escape a vehicle that went into water:


On web 24 Nov 2020; 8:16am

FDA allows use of Regeneron: quote:"The Food and Drug Administration authorized use of the Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. drug to try to prevent hospitalization and worsening disease from developing in patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms. The drug is given as a one-time treatment through an IV. The FDA allowed its use in adults and children 12 and over who weigh at least 88 pounds (40 kilograms) and who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 because of age or certain other medical conditions." https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-coronavirus-pandemic-ac8e324554359c867638488e9109bd89 NY Gov about his daughter:"

The governor, who has been urging New Yorkers to limit their travel this Thanksgiving, recalled that his daughter cried during their phone call. "When your child cries it kills you," he said. "You feel pain worse than they feel pain."


Missouri Dome goes purple to raise awareness of foster children:


22 Nov 2020.5:09pm

Starry sky Christmas tree in Springfield, Missouri


22 Nov 2020; 5:12pm

Google's end-to-end encryption for RCS & Messages:


22 Nov 2020; 5:20pm

Sad story: manor house in same family for 600 years being sold:


22 Nov 2020; 5:45pm

About Pres Trump:

"I do love that he's pro-life and pro-God, and for me that's very important."


22 Nov 2020; 5:49pm

Royal "pudding" [similar to Southern fruit cake] for Christmas:


but use crisco instead of suet;

22 Nov 2020; 6:17pm

Giving apps permission to access ur phone also gives them permission to access ur photos u photographed with it:

quote: "According to experts, the worst thing you're keeping on your phone is photos of items that contain your personal information. Read on to hear from experts on why this is so dangerous, and for more storage spaces you should be careful with, discover The No. 1 Worst Thing to Keep in Your Wallet.

"People believe their data and privacy are only at risk in the event they lose their phone or it gets stolen. However, hackers can easily gain access and view the contents of your phone remotely," says Antti Alatalo, a tech expert and founder of Smart Watches 4 U.

Kristen Bolig, a security expert and founder of SecurityNerd, says that people see their phones as a "convenient" place to store photos of IDs, passports, and other private documents in case they need a backup plan if they forget or lose these items when needed. But as Alatalo points out, hackers don't need to physically touch your phone to get access to this private information....

"also warns iPhone users that their photos are accessible to any iPhone app they give permission to. When first downloading an app, it asks for these permissions and many people hit the "Allow" button without thinking about it. However, users can easily change this in their privacy settings and Lynch encourages them to, especially if they're keeping personal information within their photos. "Ask yourself: 'Do I really want certain apps having access to all of my photos?' Most of the time, the answer will be no," Lynch says. "And it's important to keep in mind that giving an app access to things like your photos also gives the app access to the metadata of the photos—such as depth and location information."

The best way to prevent yourself from getting your personal information stolen is to not keep it on your phone. But if you're someone who is going to no matter what, there are ways you can make this practice safer. Gabe Turner, a digital security expert and chief editor of Security.org, says if you're keeping sensitive photos on your phone, you should use an encrypted storage app. And no matter what, he recommends "creating a long passcode to your phone and turning on two or multi-factor authentication" for various apps."...

Unfortunately, if you can access Siri when your phone is locked, so can other people."...

Turner says someone can easily hack your phone if you're connected to public wi-fi. "If you're connected directly and not to a Virtual Private Network (VPN), then people can see your web activity and private IP address, which makes you more susceptible to hacking. And they can access your photos," he says...Alatalo warns smartphone users not to open any text messages they don't recognize, especially if they are storing private information on their phone. After all, these texts could actually be "malicious malware that automatically downloads when you click on the message.


21 Nov 2020; 11:23am

Reading emails on your smartphone is risky:

"Call 2020 the Year of the Phish. “Phishing” is when cyber criminals try to extract your confidential information by sending a phony email or SMS text (in which case it’s called “smishing”) that appears to be from a trusted source. It has long been their most successful “threat action,” and now the bad guys are targeting your mobile devices.

According to a new report by Lookout, a mobile security platform, 88 percent of US consumer phishing attacks in 2020 have targeted mobile devices...Also, as Threatpost editor-in-chief Tom Spring explains, manufacturers’ safeguards are not quite where they need to be. “The type of protections that exist on Mac and Windows operating systems aren’t as mature in the mobile space,” he tells Yahoo Life. “They’re getting there but criminals are taking advantage of new opportunities as they crop up.”

If your internet connection suddenly gets slower, if you’re data consumption spikes, or if your battery life starts to sag, you may have been infected with a malicious app. So say the good folks at Norton Security Online, which offers an array of rock-solid protections against phishing, smishing, viruses, and malware."


Royal twins of Monaco , 6yrs old, in photos:


21 Nov 2020; 11:34am

Also happy thanksgiving to all! I am blessed to be a part of very large family and I know I am blessed to be alive. A year ago, I thought I would not survive a serious infection in my jaw that had been broken, was not treated, got infected, spread , and almost caused me septicemia. I survived after treatment by a good dentist here in Springfield, Missouri. I have not forgotten what it felt like to think I was going to die without any sort of appropriate medical attention. I can understand what covid patients feel though I have escaped that malady so far. Pray,pray,pray is my answer to every problem. I pray until I have clear direction from GOD. Remember that thanksgiving is giving thanks for your blessings: count them one by one and you will be amazed at the goodness of GOD.

Posted by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of and in Springfield Missouri in m own apartment. Today is 24th Nov 2020 at 9:02am.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...