I read an article in the Columbia tribune today and this is my second post [entry on blog] on the subject matter. The first blog is listed at bottom of this article if you are interested.
I thought on this some more and in fact, I have thought on this for nearly 20 years. The article in the Columbia Tribune covers the prolife defense and it is probably the first article in the nation to do that. There was not one word about it in the NY Times or in the BBC news today. I encourage you to read the Columbia Tribune article.
But here is what I want to add to those comments. In I Samuel 17 of the Old Testament Bible,is the Biblical account of how the then shepherd boy, a virtual unknown to anybody, but known to GOD, defeated the giant Goliath who was defying and mocking GOD. I quote from verses 45-46 of chapter 17 the words of David the shepherd boy who became King, to the mighty ungodly Goliath," thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but I come to thee in The Name of THE LORD of HOSTs, THE GOD of the armies of Israel [the believers in One GOD] whom thou hast defied. This day will THE LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will the give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day to the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that THERE IS A GOD in Israel."
Now compare that to the event in which Scott Roeder killed a mass murderer of the innocents that GOD created. He killed a mass murderer who mocked God by using the church that publicly declared itself to be teaching the gospel of GOD including supposedly the words, 'thou shalt not kill'while he was daily killing with premeditation and cruelty the innocents GOD HIMSELF created in the womb. And consider the church calling itself Christian while allowing, indeed nominating a mass murderer to serve as an usher in that church! It is abomination to GOD most certainly, and to all righteous people. It was intended to give what PR folks would call respectability to a heinous lifestyle of killing innocents to use the church as a shield. And the sword of that evil man abortionists who killed many many innocents over decades was the surgical curette, and the spear was the surgical dilators that force open the normally closed sterile womb to pry out and destroy the innocent there.And Scott Roeder HERO killed that mass murderer. As did shepherd boy David killed the giant Golaith who openly mocked GOD with words and deeds, so Scott Roeder killed the evil giant of abortion-on-demand and he closed all by himself after years of protesting by others,the ungodly and horrible abortion killing center. I say praise GOD for Scott Roeder and when there are more Scott Roeders then abortion on demand will end! And the innocents in the womb will have the governments' protection and the right to be born alive. And then and only then will GOD bless America again. Until then there will be one skirmish after another in the abortion war, the war to end the Abortion Holocaust of nearly 100 MILLION dead innocents in the US alone and probably ten times that number around the world that began when evil people in the US began exporting the false doctrine of abortion on demand, and when evil people began to buy influence and power with the US Supreme Court and the Congress.
GOD is not mocked according to the Scripture. The fact that that horrible man abortionists was methodically KILLING innocents and then ushering in a CHURCH called by GOD's own name [Christian churches are after all named after JESUS< THE CHRIST with Christ meaning a title of being anointed by GOD], to mock and defy the words and intent and meaning of GOD's words, is abomination to me and I easily see why Scott Roeder did what he did, and I pray there comes a day and time when the US military turns its force against the killing centers of abortionists' and bombs them out of existence! And kills the mass murderers who defy the Temple of GOD and the NAME of GOD and the Commandments of GOD.
I am not sorry Scott Roeder killed that evil Tiller the Killer. And I wish he'd also killed that other infamous evil Carhardt too [unsure of spelling his name] but who is located in Nebraska and who kills third trimester babies for money. A hired assassin is an abortionist nothing glorious or honorable about what they do. And Scott Roeder with Bible in hand probably according to the article dispatched him to hell. And thank GOD!
Read the article in the Columbia Tribune today : http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ABORTION_SHOOTING_TRIAL?SITE=MOCOD&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
This article in the Columbia Tribune written by Maria Sudekum Fisher presents the prolife point of view that Defense Attorneys are presenting and that is that killing a mass murderer [abortionist] is not unjustified, and that reasonable people could and would act in like manner. Does not a Police officer trained to kill shoot to kill IF his life is threatened? Why should the lives of MANY innocent human babies be considered less worthy of life than a Police Officer's?
This quote from that article:
"Roeder's attorneys are expected to try to build a case for a conviction of voluntary manslaughter, which is defined in Kansas as "an unreasonable but honest belief that circumstances existed that justified deadly force." Roeder said in a court filing that he believed the killing would save "preborn babies" from abortion." [end quote]
Read the article.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @8:43:11 AM
Other post on this at my blog in my former name: http://gloriapoolepappas.blogspot.com/ for today's entry.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri which is my real born with name, and you may not use my name in any way, but you may quote me as long as you quote me word for word and attibute it to me. I stand by my words always.
Update at 4:47 PM today with example of a David against Goliath: after reading the GOOD news that Tim Tebow Heisman trophy winner is doing a prolife ad on Super Bowl game, along with his mother who did NOT abort him and thank GOD but who was advised too abort him. Isn't the world much better off with him in it? . He is the sort of man America needs--one with the courage of his convictions to defy the evil of abortion and to make public his opposition to it. And thanks to Focus on the Family for sponsoring the ad on the Super Bowl!
Update on 27-Jan-2010 after reading the Lifenews.com article about ex_President Bush receiving a prolife award. This is GOOD news too because Pres Bush is/was more prolife than most of the Presidents since the ungodly and evil decision of Roe v Wade usurped lawful authority of the Congress and the people, he is being recognized for these deeds:
opposing embryonic stem cell research,
executive order banning use of federal money to pay for abortions;
signing conscience clause legislation allowing health care providers to 'opt out" of medical killing;
declaring Jan 18, 2009 as "National Sanctity of Life Day";
and the statement he made that, 'the most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent."
His award is to be presented in February in California and it is named the "Cardinal John J O'Connor Pro-Life Award" .
Prolifers know that the reason President Bush is so reviled by the current administration is because President Bush is prolife and the current administration is prodeath. The current administration is/was laying plans to destroy the nation while calling it 'health care reform' much as Nazi 'reform' to Germany did, but they called their premeditated destruction, 'protecting the motherland' and 'nationalism", 'and the 'best treatment for their condition [they 'provided death by gassing'] while killing off their political opponents.
Gloria Poole, Missouri, 27-Jan-2010 @ 11:30 AM
I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist. I am also a graduate of University of Georgia and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. I moved to Republic MO on 31Jul 2023. I am a white,unmarried,Christian, woman.
Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria
I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...

; Hey y'all farmers, poets, authors, artists, prolife people, good people of the world! I am reminding citizens and visitors to America ...
2 sketches painted today by me Gloria Poole,RN, artist, author, photographer, of/in Missouri ;UpdateThis is my second attempt to paint grapes and leaves, as the leaves change color and the grapes are that deep dark purple color. I posted th...
I, Gloria Poole , [RN,artist, photographer, cartoonist, illustrator, author] drew this a few nights ago during the nite when I was restles...