Friday, December 8, 2023

Merry Christmas World! Have a blessed safe celebration

I, Gloria Poole, drew this, painted it with watercolor, signed it, dated it, put my town of residence of Republic Missouri on it, photographed it and uploaded it. Copyright. All rights reserved to me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole;Republic.Missouri. 8December2023; 10:26am

My photo my Christmas tree in my apartment in Republic Missouri, for 2023. photo-by-gloriapoole; Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic Missouri; 8December2023; 10:27am

Copyright I wrote, signed, dated, put my town on, and photographed and uploaded. Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole/ gloriapoole.RN/gloria0817/gpoole817/"Poole,Gloria"/ "Ms Gloria Poole"/ gloriapoole-RN; Republic Missouri 8 December 2023; 11:13am

Also, I have updated all my blogs since moving to Republic Missouri on 31 Jul2023. Each blog is unique --some are for posting art; some are for posting my testimony of my faith in The LIVING LORD JESUS who is my Saviour, Redeemer, friend. Some are for influencing public policy to remind people of medical fact that humans reproduce humans and only humans and that those in the womb are human and innocent and defenseless. If any government cannot protect human babies, of what use is it? It's like the ancient Roman empire that ran babies through with swords at the whim of King Herod--i.e. evil through and through.

#ElonMusk is prolife and thank God!:

"There is an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids:

they are effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age," he wrote. "That's messed up."

Quote Elon Musk;;


We, the good people of the United States must stop the killing of innocents in the womb if we want God to stop the mass murders on the streets and in businesses. The Bible says that plainly in several books of the prophets.

I want to take a moment to remind someone that killing of innocent babies is not a "right"but a wrong--just as wrong as killing innocent Jews or innocent Muslims or innocent Asians or innocent white people or innocent red people or innocent Russians or innocent Ukrainians or any ethnic group anywhere who individually have not committed crimes for which they have been found guilty in a bona-fide Court of Law; ; with this quote :

“I always believe that tomorrow will be better than today. But I’m also a realist, and I know that believing and hoping won’t make it so. Doing is what matters.”  Mike Bloomberg #MikeBloomberg in email to me/

30 Nov 2023; 9pm

I also want to remind those countries in wars against people for ideological reasons that there are certain rules to civilization and genocide is forbidden in civilized nations. I also want to remind the #Jews and the #Arabs that they have the same common ancestor of Abraham! Why are they killing each other? And I want to remind the President of Russia Putin who decalres himself Christian that Jesus might disagree with him on that and that he needs to get right with God.

And 1 more thing: I urge all U S citizens to watch a video produced by the U S House of Representatives on 30th Nov 2023 because it is about the civil liberties of the citizens of these United States and it reveals some very unconstitutional actions being done by the current administration. That video is located : and its the U S house subcommittee hearing on the weaponization of the U S federal government. It contains shocking revelations that all citizens must know. I am a U S citizen by birth in state of Georgia and I care very much that this nation continues and is not depopulated nor destroyed by invaders from the wouthwest border.

My other blogs are:,

and possibly others which are not on my mind at the moment.

You can email me at gloriapoole [at]gmail; or gloria.poole10 [at] or at other emails of mine or send me U S Mail to my apartment in Republic, Missouri.

Posted today 8th December 2023 at 10:31am by me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/ gloriapoole.RN/ gloria0817/ gpoole817, white, unmarried woman,[twice-divorced], Registered Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, photographer, mother and g-mama , U S citizen of Republic Missouri.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...