Thursday, September 8, 2022

Elon speaks truth to power and rebuttal to Mike Bloomberg

First things first:

Elon Musk speaks truth to power:

" "Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming," the global CEO tweeted on August 26. As if to show that he is serious he added: "Mark these words.”;


& " USA birth rate has been below min sustainable levels for ~50 years"

For the record, when I made note of this in the news, there was a MASSIVE cyberattack against every phone own, and a break-in to my apartment! But with the grace of God I am overcoming those and back to doing what I do.

Also, my comments following are a rebuttal to remarks made by Mike Bloomberg in an email to me [and probably millions of others] :

Quote: "Republicans have traditionally billed themselves as defenders of the free market and opponents of government constraints on business.

But in red states around the country, elected officials are working to punish private companies for even considering the risks of climate change in their business decisions. "

And he summed up his words with the idea that Republicans don't seem to understand capitalism.

The words of Mike Bloomberg Aug 6th 2022

This sort of infuriated me because I am Republican and I have a business degree from The University of Georgia. I do not pretend to be an expert in business but I worked in businesses in high school and in college while getting degrees. Here's what I believe about Republicans and about capitalism so the world doesn t just see one side of the picture:

I. Republicans :

believe in the U S Constitution and the words in it that U S is a REPUBLIC;

believe that heads of household should have authority over their households;

generally speaking acknowledge that GOD is and has the ultimate authority over all the earth;

believe that individuals make better decisions for themselves than BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT;

believe that citizens have the Constitutional right to be armed and to use those weapons to defend their lives, families and property;

believe that producing living babies is the legacy of all humans and the only way to continue any nation

believe that all humans created by GOD in the womb have the right to be born alive;

believe that we humans will all face God on His Judgement Day and give an account of our actions and words on earth;

believe that Congress is a representative form of government not an edict producing club;

believe that the U S has 3 separate and distinct legislatuve authorities: President, Congress and Supreme Court;

believe that government should be just and elected by the people;

beleive that the U S President is not a king, not a dictator, not a tyrannical regime unto itself.

believe that GOD has all power and authority and creates all the world and everyone and every animal or organism, species in it and the weather.

II. Capitalism: Capitalism is the producing of capital ,i.e. money from products and services.

Capitalism is not under the control of the U S government.

Capitalsm has a need to produce profit in order to hire people and pay them.

Capitalism is good for all nations.

The Free Market [unfettered by government] regulates itself when consumers buy or don't buy what they sell.

Capitalism has no duty to government except to pay taxes.

Capitalism has driven every innovation because when there is an unmet need someone will see that they can make a lving producing it, and a new product or service is created.

The U S Chamber of Commerce is a lobbying group of businesses to influence politics that affect businesses.

The U S Small Business Development Center helps create start-ups and gives free advice and practical helps.

The Better Business Bureau records and helps solve consumer complaints against businesses.

The U S Federal Trade Commission regulates interstate and international commerce.

Commerce means the buying and selling of good and services.

Capitalism was written about in the Bible when Jesus talked with and met the commercial fisherment on the shore and helped them succeed.

Capitalists are the movers and shakers that create commercial enterprises, create the product(s), hire the employees, make the decisions on running the company so it makes a profit and can continue. It meets its moral goals when it provides jobs to people who must trade hours of their lives for a pay check.

Both Elon Musk and Mike Bloomberg are welcome to reply to this via email to me which they both know . Of course, other people are also allowed to email me. I try to at least read the subject lines and many times the entire email of the dozens of pages of email . I log in intermittently and do not have internet on my smartphones. [I am not fond of constant "notifications" or attempts to take over my life by electronic anythings!]. So those wanting to contact me must call me , email me or send me U S mail to my apartment in Springfield Missouri which seems to be on the web somewhere snce I have gotten several things I did not sign up for and had no knowledge of until they arrived.

I have other blogs which I update periodically including these:,

and other blogs also. All are moral content that may be read or viewed by anyone in any nation of any age.

Posted today 8th Sept 2022 at 5:34am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, Springfield Missouri from my own apartment using my own computer/router/skills and brain!

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

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