Wednesday, April 6, 2022

U S get a grip select PROLIFE JUSTICES, by Gloria Poole,RN in Springfield MO

Good morning to all!

I have followed the news as usual even though I had not logged into this account for about a week. The U S Congress is setting up full Senate vote on appointee Kentanji Brown Jackson to SCOTUS, but I am asking they do NOT confirm her. There have been several indications she is a judge who rules for killing ngo falsely named "Planned Parenthood" which does not plan for any one to be a parent, and which is the 21st Century U S version of the Nazi gas ovens, annihilating the future generations of millions of families. There have also been some words spoken by her which indicated that she thinks there is no place for GOD in the public realm. The one thing these so-called " United" States doesn't need is any more atheist Judges!

WE, the people of The United States, need and demand GOD-fearing judges and Judges and people in high office. Those who think they are their own god, and honor no power higher than themselves have produced a nation with these historical events:

1) mass murders regularly in schools, shopping centers, churches, synagogues; 2) approximately 40 TRILLION in debt if the current 6 TRILLION budget of a man who probably never balanced a budget in his life, gets approved by Congress.

3) U S on cusp of world war 3 because the opposing forces do not fear senile Biden nor his women as heads of military.

4) Schools that are so heinous to GOD He has almost closed them with the covid virus.

5) School students who think and act as if the world "owes them" and who respect no authority nor their parents nor grandparents.

6) Probably 98% of U S population in fear and panic.

7) MILLIONS of tiny innocent human beings methodically slaughtered in killing centers annually on the sacrificial altar of the devil.

8) categories of neutered men mascarading as women so they can participate in women sports to defeat women

9) gender confusion and chaos . God's words are very clear "male and female HE created them"in Genesis chapter one, KJV.

These United States need to return to God's ways and His commandments and allow Him to heal our land.

The scriptures which state clearly that abortion is wrong and a sin against GOD are

1. "thou shalt not kill"Exodus 20:13, KJV

2. "Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish". Words of Jesus.

For the record I have other blogs and each is different since I update them one by one. You can see each of them. I do not personally 'track" those who view my blogs in any way but that is not to say that the platform doesn't keep analytics nor that the U S government doesn't. I have often asked the FBI for help because of threats and ujuries to me caused on purpose by an evil man.

My other blogs are:; which suffered massive cyber attack by i.d. thieves and rpped off that site most of the illustrated story I created and posted and copyrighted.

and other salso which I have written down in paper notes but cannot think of at the moment.

Posted today 6th April 2022 at 9:46am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, in my own apartment in Springfield Missouri, with my own computer/router/wired internet into my apartment and skills.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...