Sunday, February 9, 2020

I am white, Christian, woman in Springfield,Missouri

I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, blogger, tweeter, mother and g-mama, cartoonist, illustrator and author am posting this photograph I photographed in January 2020, because the criminals who break into my internet are either atheists or GOD-haters. I am Christian and I am not ashamed of that fact. I photographed this in Springfield, Missouri at a local church because I like their altar. It shows some of the symbols of Christians--a dove for peace and to represent the Holy Spirit, and 2 letters from original version of New Testament which mean alpha and omega--the beginning of life and the end of life as JESUS spoke in book of Revelation, King James Holy Bible. Also you will the Holy Bible on display and the artistic symbol on the podium representing the particular protestant faith. I am cautious in identifying that church because psycho exhusband and his accomplices are terrorists and I try to protect people I like from them. The FBI knows who he is and where he is. So christians pray he gets arrested and soon for my sake!

Criminals have attacked my internet, my laptop, my twitter accounts relentlessly since the fake impeachment of Trump began because I am also REPUBLICAN and prolife and often tweet on republican and prolife causes.

Trying to prevent I.D, thieves from stealing my very name is becoming a 24/7/365 task that is wearying to me because there is no organization in US that protects white professional women who are attacked by their ex-husbands relentlessly because he is evil and hates Christians and especially women. He and his accomplices stole identifying documents from my apt during the time I visited Nebraska after Christmas 2019 and their purpose was to annihilate me but thanks be to GOD they have failed.

I am on twitter as most readers of mine know. I criticized Mike Bloomberg and twitter locked 3 of my accounts. So the moral of the story is that Bloomberg MIGHT own twitter. So that's a problem for all republicans. I won't recant what I tweeted since it was in response to an article in Washington Post and since I am a US citizen born in state of Georgia with First Amendment civil liberties, and because what I tweeted is the truth.

My twitter accounts are:

Christians in U.S. should wake up and realize our civil liberties are being squelched by BIG TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY and computer manufacturers who seem to hate women in general. They are totally misogynist in every way and Microsoft is racist assuming all computers bought in America are bought by black men. I bought this laptop in Springfield Missouri about a year ago with a bank card issued to me and only to me so it can be traced by FBI. This is my apt and only my apt in Springfield, Missouri where I moved in Sept 2018 and this internet comes into my apt and comes with my apt.

The criminal stalker who breaks into my computer and internet and into my apt to steal from me is going to get caught and prosecuted in GOD's timing and in GOD's way.

Also, I recently updated my prolife blog

And I updated my entertainment blog in Jan 2020.

It'a difficult to accomplish much on web because of criminal stalker-hackers who try to hack my washing machine, my sewing machine, my surge protector for computer. The internet of things is an awful thing. My appliances are not web-enabled thank GOD but the criminals try in effort to harass me and prevent me from using my own name on web.

Posted by me Gloria Poole, R.N. artist, writer, author, photographer,cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, tweeter, prolife advocate, white, christian, single-again, woman on 9th Feb 2020 at 9pm, central time.

Dogwood tree near me photo-by-gloriapoole Republic Missouri

I, Gloria Poole,gloriaoole, photograhed this blooming Dogwood tree that's very near my apartment on walkabout about a week ago. Copyrigh...