Also, many other websites with my paintings' images [my own photos of my paintings I paint] stored in repository form including and, and and The repository format serves me well, sort of like a shelf filled with books would in a library. At these sites, click or double-click depending upon how you have your browser set, to open the photos in a size approx 5 x 7 on your screen but remember that the paintings are larger than that, and are in oils usually but some of the time in acrylics, watercolors, powdered pastels, goauche, tempera. I experiment with different artists' methods intermittently as I sketch relentlessly and have for years and years.
Also I would appreciate it if you would read my entry for today at this website of mine:
Thank you.
/s/ Gloria Poole, Denver CO 80203/80206, 23-April-2009 8:32 AM, M.T. or by telephone at 303-8371261 ext 2707. You must enter the extension number and follow the prompts.