Saturday, December 7, 2024

Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria

I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The Living LORD JESUS. Copyright Notice: all rights reserved to all content I create anywhere for any reason with any method, technique, tool, brush,pen,paint,ink,graphite,graphics, words, belongs solely to me Gloria Poole
/ gloriapoole; [Registered Nurse, artist, white, unmarried, Christian woman, twice-divorcd, writer, cartoonist, author, cartoonist. 7Dec2024;7:32am; Republic Missouri.

I drew, panted, signed, photographed, uploaded this deign in my sketch book. Copyright and info as above. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole; Republic MO

photo-by-gloriapoole to wish all a MERRY CHRISTMAS; Copyright a above. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole

I drew and painted this, signed it, photographed it, uploaded it, and Copyright as above.

I drew, painted , signed, photographed, uploaded as copyright as above. Gloria Poole / gloriapoole; Republic MO;

i drew, painted, signed, photographed, uploaded, and copyright as above this also. Gloria Poole / gloriapoole; Republic MO; 7 Dec2024; 7:38am

I painted this with acrylic paint on canvas, signed it, photographed it, uploaded it, and Copyright it as above. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole; 7Dec2024;7:39am

I drew, painted, signed, photographed, uploaded this traditional Chrismas image also. Copyright as above. Gloria Poole / gloriapoole; Republic MO 7 Dec 2024; 7:41am,

A simple #cartoon I drew, painted, signed, photographed, uploaded trying to improve my technique and cartoon skills. I drew it on paper in my sketch book which i often do when tinkering with ideas. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole ; Republic MO /cartoonist.gloria/ photo-by-gloriapoole/ Ms Gloria Poole /Poole,Gloria / gpoole817/ gloria0817. Copyright as in first image above.

I posted a variety of my art as a way of encouraging the world that the gift giving that occurs at Christmas is because the 3 wise men in The Holy bible gifted the newborn KING of KINGS LORD of LORDS with gold, frankincense and myrrh as a way of saying thanks to GOD THE FATHER for the birth of The Messiah, foretold in the Old Testament. You can read for yourselves The truth of Christmas in Luke chapter 2, KJV.

Also, I have other blogs which I update when cyber-criminals and thieves are not hackng into them. You can see the list of them on previous posts here on this blog.

I just listened to the #AmericanHealthSummit2024 video sent to me by #MikeBloomberg; @MikeBloomberg. I have mixed feelings about his opinions expressed in it. I have to tell that "health care" left me years ago when medical doctors began sedating trauma injured patients into medical comas, then declaring them the legal term "brain dead" [when they were warm with beating hearts, alive, organs functioning] then keeping them on ventilators just long enough to contact their families and pressure them to sign forms allowing the internal vital organs to be removed from them, and then killing them with injections of Potassium Chloride to remove their necessary life-giving organs. I, Gloria Poole, RN, vehemently OPPOSE abortion, euthanasia, so-called "mercy-killing" homicide by doctors and so-called right to suicide . I spent years acquiring the knowledge necessary to be licensed as a Registered Nurse [in state of #Georgia first but also in #Missouri] and I worked in acute care hospitals for 26(+) years in a variety of settings and positions for the purpose/mission of healing the sick, participating in restoring health and life to people.. In my capacity as #RegisteredNurse, Admnistrative Supervisor ,RN3, O. R. Circulator, I observed at times the ungodly killing of the sick, injured, unwanted #prebornhumans, trauma,elderly, patients being medically assassinated and at times voiced opinion and tried to stop it. The kill the unwanted philosophy is so entrenched in our society that hospitals prefer to hire #nurses who go along to stay employed and it turns my stomach still. I cannot ever participate in any form of medical killing and prefer not to work in #nursing now because certain patients are as likely to die in hospitals as they are to recover.

On the topic ov #vaccines, I always thought vaccines were the right thing to do until I dated a lawyer years ago and he told me he had learned the callousness of those who calculate the effectiveness of vaccines, and it appalled him some, since their thinking is' if xyz numbers [variable] die from the vaccine itself so what as long as more than xyz survived the vaccine'. But here's the thing: the presence of a vaccine that can be given does not prove nor disprove how many people living were actually exposed to the disease being vaccinated against. It's possible they never were in conatct with live viruses. And another thing I object to and did object to at the time, was administering LIVE VIRUS in the form of a vaccine, which I was told to do as a RN once but refused because it was to an infant. Also,my 3rd reason for questioning vaccines is there are so-called scientists who advocate for more dead babies so they can continue their ungodly research. Scientists are way more likely to be atheists than any other group. In Psalms 1:1, KJV, it is written, 'blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the [assembly] way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." King David warned people not to take the advice of the ungodly.

For those who want to hear the #MikeBloomberg video at the Summit it is located at :

One of my blogs I write as Registered Nurse is for #publichealth and I write it as a woman who puts GOD first in everything, and as one who knows that science was used to justify the so-called medical killing of 6 millon people in Nazi Germany as they were forced into a medical "research study" to study their brains, sizes of their heads, their faces, and body strength and their responses to drugs. The results of those "studies" was death to every participant. As an International result the Nuremberg International Code for Human Research was established and agreed upon by most civilized nations per history. I learned what I know on the topic of the medial research in Nazi Germany from the book "The Nazi doctors " by Dr Robert J Lifton, M D. I encourage all to read it and read the hand-writing on the wall in the U S as some of the so-called medical studies done with aborted babies is no differnet from the "studies' done on Jews and Christians in the Nazi era, per hisotry. I was not yet born when those events happened and have no personal recall of any events there. I only know what I myself researched to find out. I do know the International Code for Human Research SHOULD PREVENT any abortions because unborn/preborn humans cannot give consent to be mutilated and murdered. The United States needs to sign onto the Nuremberg Code of International law regarding human research which basically states all human research requires prior consent of person expermineted on, and that neither death nor dismemberment nor disfiguration can be the intended result of research. This is not a Christmas topic but the Bloomberg Philanthropies Summit was this month and they picked the timing of it, I didn't. I am publishing my comments here because it s timely as Pres Trump is selecting his Cabinet members and so are state #Legislatures and #Congress has new people and tasks to accomplish. /s/ Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse; Republic Missouri 7 dec 2024; 9:26am as an addendum to this post I posted to begin with at 7:41am.

#art #world #Gloria #gloriapoole #UGA #universityofGA #Nurses #Nurse #Prolife #personhood #drawings #paintings #farmers #healthcare #whitepeoplehavecivillibertiestoo #TodaysFarmer #Georgia #Missouri @MoLeg @Congress @therealDonaldTrump #Trump @ElonMusk @VivekRamaswamy @Google

Posted today 7 Dec 2024, at 7:41am by me Gloria Poole /gloriapoole /gpoole817/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole,Gloria/ gloria0817 /cartoonist.gloria/ from my own apartment in Republic Missouri with my own computer and my own internet provider. As a way of giving a Christmas gift to the world. For the record, I am a white woman , twice-divorced, mother, g-mama, writer, cartoonist, blogger, #publichealth promoter, #ProlifeAdvocate also, and a U S citizen by birth in the state of Georgia.

Merry #Christmas to you #World from me #Gloria

I drew and painted, and signed and photographed and uploaded this as a Christmas image to wish all a very Merry Christmas celebration of The...